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In what year do you hit old age?


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On 25/08/2016 at 6:52 PM, pgrahmm said:

I didn't hit old age at any age - guess you could say it hit me one day earlier this year....

Have always been active..... Could/can outrun my 9 & 15 y/o in sprints....Played volleyball & basketball with them as well as tossing the frisbee around on the run.....

Also played ball & vball with the younger & college based guys....Not with all the tools as before but enough to compete & lead the team in hitting.....Would also BP a couple of times a week taking 100-128+ rounds of swings - a good full body & core workout.......


Then, earlier this year at a local mineral spa the steps were steep & slick with no rail + mineral water = down I went.....


Thought I'd whacked out my back & right groin muscle (like aftershock earthquakes of pain at any time - tremors - never knew when + like a right side sciatica).....Slow healing so got checked out.....Torn hip labrum.....Have some prepaid trips planned so can't do much until after.....


But very limiting - down to cycling now for non impact exercises - can't BP because it flexes the hip.....First real long term pain experience.....


Was a healty vital 68 up until that moment & probably will get there again - but for the moment feeling "older" for the first time ever.....And don't like it....


Mom made it to a pretty vibrant 89 before she took a fall & most made it to their 90's....Step Dad to 84 but he had Alzheimer's in his family line - none in mine....


So hopefully still a long bit of mischievous years await once I get this thing taken care of.....


But, actually am pretty fortunate so far - had/have  been able to do anything I wanted.....And just stubborn enough to do it again....

So - for me more of a event than an age, but no doubt the life of sports activities helped get this far.....But with the wear & tear sometimes you wonder whether you're actually building it up - or tearing it down.....

 Hate to use you as an example but this illustrates my point. In all these age related threads you get older guys writing essays about their resting heart rate, and bf% how much they bench and how many million kms they swim run and cycle every week. Firstly I say congratulations and there is also an argument for chronological vs metabolic and biological ages. You may be fitter than a 30 year old that scoffs burgers and quaffs beer all day but your still old. Why so defensive about it? Accept your reality. It is as I said very easily quantifiable. Take the average life expectancy of your specific group and halve it thats middle age. Everything after that is sliding into old age. You might not think like that, you might not feel that, you may not even believe that but that is just denial.The rest is all bs my dear old nan lived to 95 drank smoked and never exercised her whole life my best mate died at 25 from a heart attack one of the fittest guys ive ever known. We all know stories like that. Has nothing to do with a very basic question like what is old.

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The OP asked a very factual question about when does old age start and there are quite a few Internet artciles that suggest this is 15 years before you die so old age probably starts between 60 and 65, however fit or fat you are. The start of middle age seems less clear, most suggestions being between 35 and 40. Personally as you rarely see any professional sportsmen still playing at 35 plus i would think 35 is more realistic. With regard to those who say they are fitter at 60 than they were at 30 i think that is almost certainly because thet were unfit at 30 !

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On 8/23/2016 at 5:55 PM, ThaiPauly said:

Something I saw in another forum made me unsure of the answer.


How old does one have to be to be considered "Old"? At what age do we pass from "middle age" to old age"?


I just watch Mick Jagger on stage and think to myself if he can do it , I can do it.

I'm only 50 ,   he is now 73 and has a 29 year old girlfriend who is pregnant, belive it or not!  


So I will just follow Mick Jagger all the way , if he's still rocking, he did not hit old age.  


And I like to dance and move around so I guess that's the key to success if you want to feel young at any age. No wheelchair for me thanks. 





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On 8/24/2016 at 6:08 PM, Rod Gold said:

When sex becomes more conversation and less action


I've been told you can have sex when you're 80. I guess there's only one way to find out. 

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20 hours ago, baneko said:

When you start wearing white socks and sandals....


 I'd say if you wear one red and one yellow sock...then you're really old. Or in the middle of a political crisis in Thailand? 

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On 8/23/2016 at 7:12 PM, partington said:

This isn't even a difficult question. It's age 60. At 60 you are old and that's all there is to it.  


(EDIT: I am 60)


Absolutely correct.

Governments, companies and institutions usually use 60 years old as the start of the "old" demographic.

Early middle-age starts at 40 and late middle-age ends at 59.


Absolutely no patience with all the wishful thinkers that bang on about "old as you feel", 70 is the new 60" etc. 

All new-age guff.

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On 8/24/2016 at 9:03 AM, williet98248 said:

I felt that I was middle aged to about 68-69.  From then I feel like I am fighting a losing action.  I am in great shape for age 74; I don't drink or smoke, eat properly, bike 100 kms a week and weight training as well.  But it is just a holding action against the physical and mental deteriorations of old age. 


Sorry, but, what you are able to do has nothing to do with when old age starts, neither has looks. It's strictly years. Both a fit and an unfit person are considered entering old age at 60.

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On 8/24/2016 at 9:20 AM, bra said:

Well I am in my mid 70s and have not hit old age yet. Still work, travel, walk 2 hours a day  and enjoy life with a much younger wife. However if God had meant us to live this long why didn't he/she give us better teeth, eyes, backs and bladders??


Got some shocking news for you.

You are not only old, but firmly in the "old zone".


Anyone that is in the mid-seventies and don't think they have entered old-age is delusional (dementia?).

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13 minutes ago, transam said:

So how old are you..?


Have you given up on life because of your perceived age of those around you..?


Two more years and I'll start my old age.

Given up on life? What has that got to do with classifying when old age starts?

I'm having a lot of fun (because I'm older, I have more money than when I was younger).


As I've said before, it's age related and nothing to do with fitness or, attitude.

If you are fit and healthy, you will be active in your old age.

If not, you will be sedentary in your old age.

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28 minutes ago, transam said:

So the OP asks when does old age start....?


At the start of your 61st orbit around the sun.........


On your 71st birthday, you are officially classified as a "coffin dodger" (biblical three score and ten and all that).

Edited by KarenBravo
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4 minutes ago, transam said:

I don't think so, for some it starts at 30/40, they have lost their young age plot....Nobody can say when old age starts unless they look at an individual and say ....YEP....His/her old age has started at the age they are...Of course I am looking at this from my perspective, yeh, an older guy that sings rock stuff and lifts weights at the gym a couple of times a week may be looked at as an old guy but....


In my 60's I noticed a lot in their mid forties that'd lost their zest/zeal for life & accepting their down side at too young an age.....


The calendar was on their side but they weren't doing their part.....Guessing 50% won't get to where we already are....

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You guys just don't seem to get it.

It's 60.....end of.


If you want to start chucking in level of activity, attitudes, happiness etc. then, obviously old age starts for everyone at a different time and some will never be old, but, die healthy at 95. In other words, old age can't be quantified.

But, this is the real world where for all sorts of reasons, the start of old age has to be quantified. Seems the consensus is 60 years old.

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On 8/23/2016 at 11:55 AM, ThaiPauly said:

Only nice replies please, and none of the "your as young as you feel crap" or" your only as young as the women you feel"



I agree with you KB and i refer back to the Ops last sentence as above. From what i have seen on the Internet and from many replies in this thread middle age starts between 35 and 40 and old age between 60 and 65. Why some have the need to believe they are still young when they are not i don't understand. It doesn't mean you cannot still be positive in mind and body (or even act younger) in your old age ! I get the impression some just love to tell us how super fit they are.

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It pretty subjective....They say 60 is the new 40.....If you look back to when people were old at 40 it makes sense.....There's a new vibrancy now at 60 that wasn't there before.....At one time 60 was old - not quite so any longer....


In sports the Masters age starts at 40......Seniors age group starts at 50 - but unlimited/open/major + players 50+ can handily beat lower skilled players in the 40's or younger.....


We're all different & we all reach milestones ar different times for different reasons.....That's why all the answers are different......


Much to the chagrin of the of the predictable nay sayers & mud slingers with nothing much else to do......


It's kind of a been there - done that thing......


Except for the ones that haven't yet.....


Some will - some won't, others can't , a few love to swat down others for their shared thoughts and experiences - the inexperienced try to educate the experienced = that's life......


There's really no right or wrong answers on this thread.....

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Patsy shall be 53 next month!!


I sometimes feel like i have been asleep for twenty years because i still feel like i am 30.


But, one prob.  I went dancing last month.  Did a bit of the twist, rock and roll etc.  The next day i could hardly move!!  A slight arthritic twinge in my knees, and neck and back!!  Hey, it was worth it - dancing barefoot on a lawn.


Still as skinny as i was when i was 20, can see alright, smoke like a chimney and you that know me know my drinking habits...


Healthy European woman.  I do eat healthy.  Lots of horse and veg!!

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39 minutes ago, balo said:

Plastic surgery might help to get over the old age thing. Just ask any Hollywood actor.  



Ever watch anyone with extensive plastic surgery......When tired, or after long hours their facial tissue looks like a poorly made jigsaw puzzle......


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True - the reality is there is NO escape from old age.....




It's a lot better than leaving before you get there.....


Alot of the younger guys here are thinking they're going to get there - or somehow are immune ........ 


Problem is only about 50% of you are going to make it.....


Enjoy it while you've got it......

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I like the sentiment but i doubt it somehow, i think with medical advance most will get to 60 plus (fit or fat) I seem to recall somewhere that being fit doesn't actually give you that many more years. I suspect it gives you a much better quality of life in old age though.

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90 should be a target for most of us , if we continue to live a lifestyle which is not too bad. 

I know it's often in the genes, in my family they normally passed away around 90 if no illness.  


My target is set for 90 , IF I can avoid being run over by a drunk baht bus driver. 










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6 minutes ago, balo said:

90 should be a target for most of us , if we continue to live a lifestyle which is not too bad. 

I know it's often in the genes, in my family they normally passed away around 90 if no illness.  


My target is set for 90 , IF I can avoid being run over by a drunk baht bus driver. 











Keep dreaming

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29 minutes ago, balo said:

90 should be a target for most of us , if we continue to live a lifestyle which is not too bad. 

I know it's often in the genes, in my family they normally passed away around 90 if no illness.  


My target is set for 90 , IF I can avoid being run over by a drunk baht bus driver. 





Maybe you should be thinking about returning to the Nordics if you hope to achieve that 

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Maybe you should be thinking about returning to the Nordics if you hope to achieve that 

Why ? I eat helthier food here than I did back home (mostly home made). I excercise more here than I did back home. I hate the cold winter, my body responds well to the climate. Only danger here is the traffic .
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On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 4:35 PM, KarenBravo said:


At the start of your 61st orbit around the sun.........


On your 71st birthday, you are officially classified as a "coffin dodger" (biblical three score and ten and all that).

Can you tell me where I can find this 'official classification' for the different ages and the epithet of 'Coffin Dodger'? 

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