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How to stay trim in Thailand ?


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How do you avoid piling on the lbs in this country when there is food everywhere, and it's all relatively good value?  Not only that, the entire culture seems to revolve around eating?  What I would like to know is any tips you have on not overdoing it on food (quantity or quality).  Not interested in hearing about exercise as I know all about that.  

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Try not to eat past early evening.
And REALLY manage your sugar intake,, ie not just 'oh i stopped in tea and coffee.' be aware of what your eating
Cut down or cut out dairy produce.
Manage your booze intake

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Yeah, I think sugar is a problem as they put it in and on everything here.  I certainly avoid it in coffees and try and keep smoothies to a minimum.  Dairy and booze not an issue these days.  Was thinking to try and not eat UNTIL early evening as a method!  Just some kind of method to reduce intake.  

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Pretty simple if you eat out a lot at thai restaurants, the food servings are small compared to the west, stay out of the supermarket junk food section and keep your booze intake to moderate,  I've spent long periods in Thailand and never gained more than a kilo...and thats usually towards the end of my stay because I'm getting into the junk food section of the supermarket.

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it is a big problem, isn't it?

from 100% active to totally idle...

i am struggling, too.

what i tried - and partially succeeded with is:

reduce meals to two a day with the last one before 17:00h. get the 'cook' to trim off fat.

NO sugar!!!

walk, exercise, avoid sitting, just stand and move as much as you can.

i'd imagine cutting down on beer would help but that is a 'no-no' for me.


if all else fails - just don't eat for a week or two. there are millions of people on this planet who have to do that rather than choose to do it.

it is not that difficult...


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4 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

Pretty simple if you eat out a lot at thai restaurants, the food servings are small compared to the west, stay out of the supermarket junk food section and keep your booze intake to moderate,  I've spent long periods in Thailand and never gained more than a kilo...and thats usually towards the end of my stay because I'm getting into the junk food section of the supermarket.


When i first came to CM 10 years ago i would agree with you that portion sizes were normally small, as such i would often eat 5 times a day. I don't think that is the case now. Every restaurant (almost any country you visit) seems to offer portions that are way too big and CM is no exception and i think this is a big problem. If you are dining with a friend share a dish or if not don't eat it all, ignoring perceived good manners to clear the plate. I think it is the Japanese who say never eat more than when you are 80 per cent full.


Ok slightly onto the exercise bit just ditch personal motorised transport.

Edited by rogeroc
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Go low carb. No rice, sugar, bread, potatoes, fruits except berries, etc. Here's why:




Do intermittent fasting. Several variations. Here's info on 5:2, which I've seen work well.




Maintenance is 6:1.

Edited by JSixpack
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I always seem to put on weight when I come to Thailand. Usually I eat a curry every single day. All that coconut cream and rice can't be good. Plus the smoothies with the sugar syrup.


I'm coming again in December and I'm going to make a few changes. Only buy smoothies that don't add the sugar syrup, or ask them not to add it, eat less rice, and less curries. More stir fries instead. 

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Limit yourself from eating food rich in carbohydrates as in Thailand people love to eat rice and noodles which are loaded in carbohydrates. Also, limit your intake of dessert as well because we do have lots of dessert that are so delicious and eating too much of them can absolutely gain you weight. 

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Biggest portion of Thai food is the boiled rice high in carbs. Avoid noodles and rice, sugar and to much fruit.

Use a carb calculator ,plenty on line and write down what you eat every day and plug it into the calculator. try to keep carbs around 40g per day and you will never put on weight


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Mostly people are saying low carbs.  I have done low carbs before, and it is effective while on low carbs, but usually cravings afterwards.  Also, since so much of Thai food is spicy, the rice and noodles makes it manageable. Strangely, I don't feel like eating salad in this hot climate, whereas in European summer I will eat salad all the time.  I prefer low calories but so hard in Thailand.. 

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I aint by no means telling you what to eat,  I was just saying not all carbs are bad  :thumbsup:

I eat what I want most of the time, I do a bit of walking and go swimming 3 to 4 times a week for 30 to 40 mins a time.  

You may have to try different things and find which suits you :)

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On 8/25/2016 at 2:45 PM, Gulfsailor said:

Avoid alcohol, sugary snacks (basically anything from 7/11) and white rice as much as possible, and you'll be fine. Came to Thailand nearly 12 years ago weighing 65 kg and it's still between 63 and 66 kg nowadays. 

Yeah but how tall are you? I came to Thailand 10 years ago, was about 84 Ks then, now I am 76Ks, but 6 ft tall.

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  • 7 months later...
On 8/31/2016 at 2:26 AM, rogeroc said:

Agreed if you don't have a motorbike or car the exercise willcome without thinking about it. Nobody really needs to run or go to the gym if they go everywhere on foot or bicycle.

Yes that's true, also, I don't understand people going to gyms when there is exercise parks all over Thailand, where else do you see these overmuscled freaks but in the gym.

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

Yes that's true, also, I don't understand people going to gyms when there is exercise parks all over Thailand, where else do you see these overmuscled freaks but in the gym.

Agree.  I have no motor bike, or car... so I push bike everywhere around my area.. bike to the markets to buy food, etc.  If I go into the city (Chiang Mai) I walk to all the places I need to go.. its not that big of a place. Exercise like this is great for body health, fitness, and prevents many diseases.  However cutting down on calories is the way to loose weight, not exercise... which can actually build muscle mass and make you heavier. 


OP, The Thai food in the normal portion size, together with regular moderate exercise will not make you fat.


However, don't go eating the junk they sell in 7/11... that is a sure way to pile on the weight.  Also beer and other alcohol will add to your calorie intake significantly if you drink it every day... and in large amounts.  And, of course, eating cakes, sweets, and high calorie treats every day will make you gain weight... but a couple of slices of cake once a week is not going to make a difference.  Most people have to have some treats a few times a week.. otherwise dieting becomes so boring and people then give up and splurge out. 


Finally, this thing about not eating in the evening is a MYTH.  You can eat any time you want.  You won't get fat because you ate later in the evening.  Weight gain is about how many calories you consume.. not what time you eat food.





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35 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Agree.  I have no motor bike, or car... so I push bike everywhere around my area.. bike to the markets to buy food, etc.  If I go into the city (Chiang Mai) I walk to all the places I need to go.. its not that big of a place. Exercise like this is great for body health, fitness, and prevents many diseases.  However cutting down on calories is the way to loose weight, not exercise... which can actually build muscle mass and make you heavier. 


OP, The Thai food in the normal portion size, together with regular moderate exercise will not make you fat.


However, don't go eating the junk they sell in 7/11... that is a sure way to pile on the weight.  Also beer and other alcohol will add to your calorie intake significantly if you drink it every day... and in large amounts.  And, of course, eating cakes, sweets, and high calorie treats every day will make you gain weight... but a couple of slices of cake once a week is not going to make a difference.  Most people have to have some treats a few times a week.. otherwise dieting becomes so boring and people then give up and splurge out. 


Finally, this thing about not eating in the evening is a MYTH.  You can eat any time you want.  You won't get fat because you ate later in the evening.  Weight gain is about how many calories you consume.. not what time you eat food.





.  "which can actually build muscle mass and make you heavier".   Yes, that's true, muscle weighs more than fat, but it depends on what exercises you do, pumping heavy weights will build far more muscle than say, swimming, cycling. I keep a steady weight of between 76 and 77ks, I am 6ft tall, but I also enjoy a mug of tea with half cal sugar and biscuits around 7pm, though that is my last before bed about 11pm. To keep a steady normal weight for your height, you need a combination of exercise and diet.

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Most Falang here are fat.  Being fat/over eating is an addiction.  I think it is funny I meet guys here they brag and judge about no booze, but they are fat obese pigs stuffing their face.  Hey fat Trump is an example of this.  They are addicted to crappie food which is a much bigger heart killer and drain on a health system then any other addiction.

It is calories in and calories burned. Sitting at a computer all day and eating even healthy food probably will not help you lose weight. So get out and do something.

Also,  anyone who puts down someone for going to the gym and having some muscle, is probably jealous and lazy.

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9 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Most Falang here are fat.  Being fat/over eating is an addiction.  I think it is funny I meet guys here they brag and judge about no booze, but they are fat obese pigs stuffing their face.  Hey fat Trump is an example of this.  They are addicted to crappie food which is a much bigger heart killer and drain on a health system then any other addiction.

It is calories in and calories burned. Sitting at a computer all day and eating even healthy food probably will not help you lose weight. So get out and do something.


Good advice, get out and do something.

In my case not possible, i am too bloody fat, no alcohol, yes i sit/lie at my computer most of the day.

My excercise consists of 3 kg dumb bell 15 minutes in the morning, pushing myself around, feeding my chickens/turkeys/fish

Working my veg plot. Losing weight is problem for me.

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Avoid carbohydrates (rice, breads,etc.) and eat minimal fruits. If you don't drink beer the pounds will melt away at a rate of about 3-4 kg per month.


i did not say it would be easy.

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I eat once a day, early evening, have done for about 5 years. I was getting over weight for my height, about 90k..Not sure what I am now but this last year after remission from a joint disease l rekindled my long time loss of weight training, something l really enjoy to push myself beyond what l think is possible. Gave myself a goal to increase size of traps and triceps to begin with without the aid of additional protein stuff. I have done it, at near the end of my seventh decade, small miracle for me..


Must admit I got a lot of help from youtube to build using light weight techniques so maybe l could go to traditional stuff later, slowly getting there.

One guy I thought was really good on youtube was Damien Patrick, talks how it is and advises about technique over to heavy stuff.. 

One thing I learned was you are never to old to shape up, l did not want to look fat or skinny, find a happy medium, l am getting there and my friends have noticed...:stoner:

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Good advice, get out and do something.

In my case not possible, i am too bloody fat, no alcohol, yes i sit/lie at my computer most of the day.

My excercise consists of 3 kg dumb bell 15 minutes in the morning, pushing myself around, feeding my chickens/turkeys/fish

Working my veg plot. Losing weight is problem for me.

Heck, at least you are honest and sounds like trying to get a little exercise.  I know it is not easy I am lucky I guess high metabolism and pretty much on the move.

A friend in his 60's same as me told me the secret is to keep moving.  Try to do something everyday.  I find if I sit for even a day, lets say on a rainy day, I feel very tight in my joints and locked up the next day.



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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

Heck, at least you are honest and sounds like trying to get a little exercise.  I know it is not easy I am lucky I guess high metabolism and pretty much on the move.

A friend in his 60's same as me told me the secret is to keep moving.  Try to do something everyday.  I find if I sit for even a day, lets say on a rainy day, I feel very tight in my joints and locked up the next day.




The difference is you can move around, me being paraplegic its not so easy.

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10 minutes ago, colinneil said:

The difference is you can move around, me being paraplegic its not so easy.

In your case calorie intake is your key....Must be controlled.....BUT, if what you do is cooool for you then stay with it....:stoner:

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