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Suddenly it's Trump sounding soft on illegal immigration


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Trump is soft on Illegals. He's going to let them stay. This will just encourage more illegals to come and we will be overrun with them. He's flip flopping. He's backsliding as we say in Church. His one big employment program - the Deportation Force - will be no more. So, not only will he let the illegals AND their illegal children stay hence taking jobs from honest Americans, he'll further increase unemployment by ditching the Deportation Force. Is there nothing, absolutely nothing, that he will say or then retract by saying the complete opposite? This fool will next be suggesting that we legalize marriage to quadrupeds.

Edited by Neurath
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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Here's a nice duet of Donald Trump and Barbara Streisand that touches on immigration issues and other thoughtful positions of Trump:




Now that was really creative and funny...thanks.


But I am offended by the use of Orange Face. Its quite insensitive.

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38 minutes ago, bassman said:


Such as Hillary is against the TPP globalization scam.  Just like when she was against the Colombian free trade agreement when running against Barrack in 2008.  She was the CFTA's biggest supporter as SoS, as well as a big supporter of TPP calling it the gold standard of trade agreements.  Now she is against TPP, what a flip flopping con artist she is.  Her actions as president (if elected) are already bought and paid for by the open border, export your job and import cheap labor elites such as George Soros and Goldman Sachs.  Especially with Slick Willie announcing a deadline for big business and foreign bad guys to get their payments in before election day and the books close, a close out sale is now on.



Did you mention how she used to support her husbands get tough on crime policies and now has flip-flopped completely to win the black voters?

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Why wouldn't he "slam" him? Turn about is fair play.

Trump should.

As the saying goes, "It takes one to know one."

"Only a person with identical character traits would be able to recognize those traits in someone else. Often used as a curt rejoinder to deflect an accusation; you're only saying that about me because it's true of you. Originated in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century." From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996).

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5 hours ago, pomchop said:


Turn off fox news and do two minutes of research and you'll find page after page of very specific policies and plans laid out by HRC.



He makes lots of unfounded and false claims. My favorite recent one was that the United States provides the UN with most of its funding.

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You silly people ... Trump starts using political maneuvers and you think he is caving... You wish .... If the Trump Presidential Administration enforced every law on the books now that could deter illegal immigration - then in a matter of three years Trumps goal of reducing the number of illegal aliens and preventing more illegals from entering the USA would begin to be realized.   There are laws now that require employers to verify citizenship - Obama refuses to enforce them, there are base regulations on handing out the various forms of welfare that (if actually enforced) would cut much of the underpinning out of Illegals staying in the USA,  there are laws against using stolen social security numbers for any reason - that - if enforced would make life more difficult for illegals to stay in the USA, there are laws and regulations about deportation that IF Enforced would reduce the number of illegals in the USA - especially those who are hard core criminals.  Just forcing the Internal Revenue Service to actually enforce tax laws relative to the use of social security numbers would paralyze employment ability for illegal aliens.  There is a very comprehensive FENCE law that has been ignored by the Obama Admin, that when implemented will reduce the number of illegal aliens entering the USA...  In short there is a host of laws and regulations that can be brought to bear that would reduce the wave of illegal aliens to a trickle and INCREASE the flow outwards as living in the USA would become near intolerable for illegal aliens.  Illegals working at any sort of job (when employers are fined and prosecuted - under current law) would cause many to move out of America and many more not to come... Taking away the large assortment of welfare benefits and tax law abuse will reduce the number of illegal aliens in the USA and stop one of the lures for more to come and jump into the welfare pot.. 

Most of you lefties do not believe that there are any laws that could bring about Trumps promise -- BUT YOU ARE WRONG !

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

He makes lots of unfounded and false claims. My favorite recent one was that the United States provides the UN with most of its funding.


Once again, he was right and you are wrong. The US pays more than 185 other countries combined.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Once again, he was right and you are wrong. The US pays more than 185 other countries combined.

The US does pay a "lion's share" of the UN general and peacekeeping budgets but not a majority of UN funding.

For the 2016-2017 fiscal period the US mandatory assessment in accordance to Article 17 of the UN Charter for the UN's regular budget is 20% and for peacekeeping budget is 25%.  The US does also make discretionary or voluntary contributions that serve US humantarium and national security objectives.



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Once again, he was right and you are wrong. The US pays more than 185 other countries combined.

Got a problem with math much? Or even English for that matter?   He didn't say that the US provides more funding than 185 other countries.  What he said was that the USA provides most of the funding to the UN.  . Do you understand the difference now?  In fact, according to the latest figures I could find, the USA provides about 22 percent of the funding to the UN. Together, Japan, Germany and the UK provide 23 percent of the funding to the UN. Their aggregate populations and GDP are less than the USA and yet they provide more funding to the UN.  What's really depressing though is that others actually liked your statement.

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Trump has certainly angered Palin with his flaccid stance on immigration.


She has made it quite clear she like Donalds old hardness.


But most of us knew Donald would have to backtrack as the election gets nearer. Watch how much he backtracks on other hardline promises once he is in the WH. 


It was only talk.


He is not a true believer like crazy sarah.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Once again, he was right and you are wrong. The US pays more than 185 other countries combined.


I advise getting off the UN subject it is far more complex than that. The US decided that it would not contribute Military forces to the UN and that its contributions would be purely monetary (including the costs of the huge UN presence in NYC), other countries do not contribute as much cash but contribute huge military effort. I have to admit that challenging Trump on that statement is way to difficult as technically or literally he is correct in terms of cash, but not interns of the cost of military contribution.

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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Once again, he was right and you are wrong. The US pays more than 185 other countries combined.


All UN member contributions are assessed by an agreed formula. Congress passed legislation that limits US contribution to 22% of the total UN organisational budget, The US funds a greater proportion for peace keeping operations at 28.3% and voluntary contributions to agencies such as UNHCR.




EDIT: Sorry Scott didn't see your post

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A hard-right political commentator (Ann Coulter) just wrote a book about Trump, full of gushing praise.  She now says; if Trump is softening his stance on kicking all illegal immigrants out, then she'll have to cancel her book promotion tour.   Additionally, Trump is now saying he will follow Obama's lead on immigration.  


Message to Trump:  Watch out. If you're going to lean toward being reasonable & decent, you're going to alienate a lot of your hard-core fans.

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41 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

A hard-right political commentator (Ann Coulter) just wrote a book about Trump, full of gushing praise.  She now says; if Trump is softening his stance on kicking all illegal immigrants out, then she'll have to cancel her book promotion tour.   Additionally, Trump is now saying he will follow Obama's lead on immigration.  


Message to Trump:  Watch out. If you're going to lean toward being reasonable & decent, you're going to alienate a lot of your hard-core fans.

Well perhaps but this will make it even more complicated to run against him. Who's the "real" trump? 

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Well perhaps but this will make it even more complicated to run against him. Who's the "real" trump? 


Right.  Carson said it succinctly when trying to say the nicest thing he could about The Divider:

"There are two Trumps."


Maybe there are actually five Trumps:


>>>>   the Trump who means what he says, but speaks foolishly

>>>>  the Trump who says things he doesn't believe in, in order to try and garner votes

>>>>  the Trump who takes back what he says when he realizes (or is told by his handlers that) he was wrong

>>>>  the Trump who says he was kidding when his handlers tell him to take back what he said and/or when he sees the public freaking out over his most recent mistakes.

>>>>  The Trump who tries to be a stand-up comedian, yet proves he's a crashing failure at being funny or witty.


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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Right.  Carson said it succinctly when trying to say the nicest thing he could about The Divider:

"There are two Trumps."


Maybe there are actually five Trumps:


>>>>   the Trump who means what he says, but speaks foolishly

>>>>  the Trump who says things he doesn't believe in, in order to try and garner votes

>>>>  the Trump who takes back what he says when he realizes (or is told by his handlers that) he was wrong

>>>>  the Trump who says he was kidding when his handlers tell him to take back what he said and/or when he sees the public freaking out over his most recent mistakes.

>>>>  The Trump who tries to be a stand-up comedian, yet proves he's a crashing failure at being funny or witty.



Maybe it's the Trump that denies the very existence of what he stands for. Also from what he says you would think the Dems have been in power for a hundred years. The problem is that he believes the crap that he spouts. Hot off the press only 40 views ;)  Oh and all the members of the Alt-right, this is not biased reporting, it is simply what Trump says himself.



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