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Dog attack on three year old - who should be responsible for dogs outside shops?


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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 10:22 PM, balo said:

The 3 year old kid should never been left unattended by the mother. She probably did something to irritate the dog, maybe step on it's tail or something. So I blame the parents also.


But of course there's no excuse , any dog that attack humans should be be set to sleep .  I have only seen friendly "7 eleven dogs" here, most of them are just waiting for food. 


The article didn't say the girl was left "unattended".  It SAYS this little girl, a 3yo, stepped out of a shop while her parents were momentarily distracted.  While I'm a big advocate of parental responsibility, we're talking about this little girl being attacked as soon as she stepped outside a shop.  Who knows what "momentary distraction" (of the parents) the article was talking about (I can think of plenty that are quite reasonable), but this business about the girl stepping on the dog's tail or in some other manner provoking the dogs is rank speculation and truly disgusting.  AND it's just total spin to be accusing the parents of leaving the girl "unattended".    Just what I'd expect from a soi dog lover.  'A disgusting sense of priorities.



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On 8/26/2016 at 0:37 PM, Alive said:


I saw that too in my area but I don't agree with dogs for meat. The answer has already been found and proven effective and it amazes me that so many people are unwilling to accept it. The developed world doesn't have the problems you see in Thailand. They have the solution and the cruelty and suffering of street dogs is gone. Animal control by local governments is the answer. And educating society about the issues rather than wasting media time for other unnecessary promotions. Thai media needs to stop the bs and cover the issues that really affect this nation and its people. The dog issue is important and could be ended in short time with some wise, rational leadership.

I agree. The developed world doesn't allow monks or superstition to dictate policy. Seems to me that the Wats have more power than any silly Thai "acting" government. 

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On 8/28/2016 at 2:04 AM, Moonmoon said:

if anyone wants a vet to neutered or spayed your dog for 500 baht kindly pm me. this government vet who provides a cheap service is in Samut Prakan. Thepparak Road. He is in a rundown back soi kinda place but he is very experienced.


And in Pattaya the gov vet charges 350 for a male and 500 for a female. In fire station/hospital area on 3rd road. Porta cabins on the exit slipway to 3rd road. Very good people.



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There's lies and then there's Thai lies. Just this afternoon I was out in my housing estate visiting a mate when I noticed a neighbor of his with her gate open. I know she has a dog and that she likes to let the dog out for self exercise and defecation. I watched and sure enough a the dog soon appeared and ran through the gate and the owner shut the gate behind it. I went over and reprimanded her, not for the first time, for having her dog out on the street unleashed. Very soon a nearby lady who looks after 14 dogs, yes 14 of them in under 200 square meters appeared. She said that the dog can be on the street. No I said it cannot I said. Pattaya city decreed that all owned dogs can only be on the street when properly leashed to its owner and that all 'mess' made by the dog must be cleaned up by the owner. That dog is a street dog she said and the law does not apply. It is collared and behind a closed gate with the permission of the house owner who feeds it so it is owned and subject to the law. You are just twisting the law to make your case for the dog to be out there. You, the 14 dog lady,  do not allow your dogs out unattended, the poodle mix nearby does not go out without its owner, the husky, the golden, my Labrador etc all do not go out without their owners. Why does this lady think she can let it out? She is new on the estate and should not only follow the law but the principals of the people who have lived here longer than she. The 14 dog lady then comes out with that long worn out excuse "She is Thai and can do as she likes in her country, you Farang can move". I was the first resident of the estate 30 years ago and have the same rights to protection of the law as any Thai citizen. Who wants to live knee deep in dog shit? Who wants to be chased by a dog while cycling through the estate? If that lady is right then let us all let our dogs out to roam and do as they please, fight, defecate, fornicate. Of 108 houses I reckon there would be more than 100 dogs. It would be chaos. Kids would be unable to play in the street safely, their footballs would roll in the shit only to be picked up by some poor unsuspecting mite who may then rub his/her eyes which can result in blindness. Everyone knows that it is unhealthy to have dogs running around uncontrolled. Those that defend it do so with lies and stupidity.


What this government should have done rather than the 'bike for dad' campaign was have an 'adopt a dog and walk it, leashed, everyday' campaign. I'm sure his majesty would be pleased knowing his love for dogs.



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On 8/28/2016 at 3:55 AM, ClutchClark said:

My computer is working slow but do a google search of "fog meat thailand".


thai don't do things to improve their country unless there is a financial incentive. (Look at the trash problwm).


your friends that ar eunhappy with the way things are also appear to be fairly well off if one owns a taxi company and yet he is satisfied to just complain. 


Ther are soi dog foundations working in Thailand and they are in continual need of donations so if this soi dog population really bothers you guys then pony up  ;-)


if the thai people did not feed these soi dogs then they  would not breed, every day thai;s heap this rice mix on the path for the dogs to eat and the more rice mix the more dogs come


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  • 1 year later...

I would call this problem as a Dog Terrorism, and there are many people who support this terrorism. It is government who responsible for this situation. They introduced laws in Thailand with 40 000 baht fine to kill stray dog, they ban dog  trade to Vietnam. Many people go and give food for stray dogs. As a result dogs grow, multiply numbers and attack people and motorbikes. Dog can bite people and escape unpunished and you cannot do anything about it. I have an impression what dogs vote for government here, but not people.


This dog problem can be solved in one month entirely in the whole country just by passing few laws.

1. Fine for killing stray dog is removed.

2. Police go street and collect dogs, if dog  is not claimed for 10 days it is disposed.

3 Intrนduce fine for feeding stray dogs.

4. Introduce fine for letting dog go outside house unleashed.

5. Let people carry guns and use them for self defense against dogs.


If government has no money for collecting and disposing stray dogs, it needs to let people do that themselves, by allowing to carry guns and shoot at dogs with no owners.

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On 8/26/2016 at 7:24 AM, futsukayoi said:


The trouble is so many of these dogs are "owned" Thai style with many foreign residents taking the same approach.  large fines or jail for these people who don't control their dogs or ditch them when they move or leave the country is the only solution but almost impossible to implement without massive changes in peoples attitudes and behavior.

Not owned no registration no government control. They are wild diseased pests.

Forget it there breeding like Flys. Must be controlled removed or destroyed simple

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On 8/26/2016 at 6:25 AM, The stuttering parrot said:

Why should there be a debate?

Its the local authorities job to get the dog catchers off their asses  and have the dogs rounded up.

I love dogs but there are stray mongrels all over Thailand that need to be removed.

Hope the girl gets over it as it could have been much worse.

The most sensible post I have read

Did I write it. City Hall should be thrown down the fire escape. The Lunatics are running the Asylum.

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My girlfriend has a nasty scar on her leg from a dog bite outside a store not far from our condo, happened before I met her. That dog is still out there nearly every day. I get tired of telling her on so many topics "in America we would not let this happen, or go on".

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On 31/08/2016 at 10:32 AM, Keesters said:


And in Pattaya the gov vet charges 350 for a male and 500 for a female. In fire station/hospital area on 3rd road. Porta cabins on the exit slipway to 3rd road. Very good people.



A good idea to sterilise the dogs but that doesn't deal with the biters.

I have two dogs and they only go outside the garden area if they are in a harness on a lead.

They defend our ( their ) property and if we have visitors they are happy to go into their caged area, not a cage, a 6×3 metre area. One is a pedigree and one is a mutt.

Street dogs with no collar should all be removed and kept for 3 days and if not claimed should be put down. If claimed the owner should pay for the 3 days and if they don't want to pay the dog should get a chance for another few days to be adopted by anyone who should be forced to pay 5000 baht for a dog licence prior to taking the dog.

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35 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Stray dogs are a protected species here but it cannot even be explained or discussed why this is, what a country!

Today two big black dogs come into our gated community. Security and our management do not care at all. One stray dog with 4 puppies were living in our community toilet, so I cannot go inside cause it growls. I have two small pom pom dogs, people have children and small dogs too, many our dogs were bitten by street dogs. 


I discussed this issue with my wife and only thing she can tell me if i do not like dogs, i should go my country. Bullshit i like dogs and have two. There is huge difference if dog small, manged properly and go outside only on handle. We have empty area near gated community there many wild dogs live and some people come here by motorbikes and give food for them. You know how i hate this situation. What should i do go complain to police or local authorities?


Edited by leonidpattayski
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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 4:24 AM, Keesters said:

I was the first resident of the estate 30 years ago and have the same rights to protection of the law as any Thai citizen.

Good luck but 'afraid not.  You're pi$$ing into the gale force wind of Thai culture, laws or no laws, as apologists will happily remind us must be venerated at all times.   As a foreigner, your "rights" rank somewhere slightly behind those of the soi dog (which can presumably at least claim native birth).





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10 hours ago, leonidpattayski said:

Today two big black dogs come into our gated community. Security and our management do not care at all. One stray dog with 4 puppies were living in our community toilet, so I cannot go inside cause it growls. I have two small pom pom dogs, people have children and small dogs too, many our dogs were bitten by street dogs. 


I discussed this issue with my wife and only thing she can tell me if i do not like dogs, i should go my country. Bullshit i like dogs and have two. There is huge difference if dog small, manged properly and go outside only on handle. We have empty area near gated community there many wild dogs live and some people come here by motorbikes and give food for them. You know how i hate this situation. What should i do go complain to police or local authorities?


If my wife told me 'You can go to your country' then I would.

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5 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Good luck but 'afraid not.  You're pi$$ing into the gale force wind of Thai culture, laws or no laws, as apologists will happily remind us must be venerated at all times.   As a foreigner, your "rights" rank somewhere slightly behind those of the soi dog (which can presumably at least claim native birth).


Sorry but you're the one who's wrong. I have successfully had street dogs removed from the estate, owned dogs on the loose returned to owners and warned not to let them out again and noisy dogs kept inside where you can't hear them. All depends on how you handle the matter. You it seems don't know how.

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12 hours ago, overherebc said:

A good idea to sterilise the dogs but that doesn't deal with the biters.

I have two dogs and they only go outside the garden area if they are in a harness on a lead.

They defend our ( their ) property and if we have visitors they are happy to go into their caged area, not a cage, a 6×3 metre area. One is a pedigree and one is a mutt.

Street dogs with no collar should all be removed and kept for 3 days and if not claimed should be put down. If claimed the owner should pay for the 3 days and if they don't want to pay the dog should get a chance for another few days to be adopted by anyone who should be forced to pay 5000 baht for a dog licence prior to taking the dog.

Your post has little to do with my post. Why quote it? Follow the conversation back and you'll see we were talking sterlisation not biters and how people treat their dogs.


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56 minutes ago, Keesters said:

Your post has little to do with my post. Why quote it? Follow the conversation back and you'll see we were talking sterlisation not biters and how people treat their dogs.


It is related. My point is that sterilisation won't stop a dog biting. Sterilisation is a good idea, I agree, but it still leaves dogs on the streets. How many generations before it would remove strays from the street?

I believe the answer is never. So many people here have little or no sense of responsibility when it comes to dogs.

One lady near me loves puppies so much she continually gets a new one because when they reach 6 months or so she just lets them out and replaces them with another one. The ones she lets out generally sh-t all over the place and either die or move when I've thrown enough rocks at them for crapping in front of my house etc.

Sterilisation is one answer but only a small part of the complete answer.

Culling of all street dogs is the best solution.

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The Sukhumvit Soi 11 Gang patiently waiting for traffic to cross Soi 11 at Sukhumvit. I feel sorry for the stray dogs I've seen in Bangkok, most of which seem absolutely traumatized to me and often starving. These seem to be in relatively good shape.





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On 8/26/2016 at 12:28 AM, Dagnabbit said:

If this girls father now goes and kills the dog - he'll end up in jail.


The dog needs to be destroyed - it's probably still outside the 7-11...


For sure, it is NOT the shops fault.

pretty sure the story said that the dog has been taken away and hence probably dead now. 

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41 minutes ago, overherebc said:

It is related. My point is that sterilisation won't stop a dog biting. Sterilisation is a good idea, I agree, but it still leaves dogs on the streets. How many generations before it would remove strays from the street?

I believe the answer is never. So many people here have little or no sense of responsibility when it comes to dogs.

One lady near me loves puppies so much she continually gets a new one because when they reach 6 months or so she just lets them out and replaces them with another one. The ones she lets out generally sh-t all over the place and either die or move when I've thrown enough rocks at them for crapping in front of my house etc.

Sterilisation is one answer but only a small part of the complete answer.

Culling of all street dogs is the best solution.

you can't cull them here. it's a buddhist country but you already know that. best thing is to deal with them and if one steps out of line then shoot it. you won't go to jail for that and his mates won't come near you either after that for a while. considering the amount of strays i think the girl getting bitten is a fairly rare occurence and the dog has probably been destroyed

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8 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

you can't cull them here. it's a buddhist country but you already know that. best thing is to deal with them and if one steps out of line then shoot it. you won't go to jail for that and his mates won't come near you either after that for a while. considering the amount of strays i think the girl getting bitten is a fairly rare occurence and the dog has probably been destroyed

Nothing will change until the son or daughter of someone with real wealth and power gets scarred for life.

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IMO its quite simple: 

1) The Dog is owned, with a Collar and and must be on a leash whenever in a public area - the Owner is fully responsible. 

2) The Dog is 'un-owned' has no collar, is considered a 'Soi-Dog' - The City / Authorities are fully responsible for their failure to make the street clear of stray dogs. 



It really is that simple. However, add a little laziness, lashings of 'can't give a t0$$' and a massive dollop of avoiding responsibility and accountability and we have children getting attached and everyone avoiding the root issues. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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