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Have you ever had a perfect day with a Thai girl / woman


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My extraordinarily exotic GF and I are no longer really together. Things began to fizzle out about a year ago. 


But she really is a former model with two degrees. She has a foreign surname and her cousin is one of Thailand's leading experts in tropical diseases. I met her on ThaiFriendly.


Five years ago we shared what I consider to be a  perfect day. We went to the zoo in BKK.





How about you -- ever shared a TRULY perfect day with a Thai girl here in the realm? 

Edited by Fabricus
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Always baffles me as to why people see the need to "qualify" their partner/GF/wife etc.


Why is it necessary to emphasize education and working status/profession and who her relatives are???? . People generally wouldnt even think of mentioning this in other countries (US/UK as examples).


absolutely no relevance to the subject nor topic being discussed, which I believe is supposed to be about relationships between two people.

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31 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Always baffles me as to why people see the need to "qualify" their partner/GF/wife etc.


Why is it necessary to emphasize education and working status/profession and who her relatives are???? . People generally wouldnt even think of mentioning this in other countries (US/UK as examples).


absolutely no relevance to the subject nor topic being discussed, which I believe is supposed to be about relationships between two people.


I agree entirely with your sentiment but am not sure you are correct. I think you will find that the folks on here who have the perfect hi so (don't want a penny from me) gf in Thailand also had the perfect company director, solicitor, stock broker gf in the UK or US in years gone by.


I confess to never having had a full day romantic outing with one girl but did have a great day out bamboo rafting with a group of crazy, fun loving Thai ladies.

Edited by rogeroc
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5 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Always baffles me as to why people see the need to "qualify" their partner/GF/wife etc.


Why is it necessary to emphasize education and working status/profession and who her relatives are???? . People generally wouldnt even think of mentioning this in other countries (US/UK as examples).


absolutely no relevance to the subject nor topic being discussed, which I believe is supposed to be about relationships between two people.




Think of it as a nod to someone who had the initiative and ambition to set  up a Thailand-based IT business.


I'm basically promoting the other guy's website.


What I wrote is true, however. The other guy's site can and does work.



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5 hours ago, JJGreen said:

What made the day at the zoo so perfect?


It was just spot on. What more can I say?


We clicked. Everything was good. It was a magic moment. I guess it was the point where we realized we had a future.


And then we did have a future. The future lasted about 4 or so years.


I'm cool with that.  


But it's time to go back to BKK now. I have things to do and stuff that needs resolving. 

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53 minutes ago, Fabricus said:


It was just spot on. What more can I say?


We clicked. Everything was good. It was a magic moment. I guess it was the point where we realized we had a future.


And then we did have a future. The future lasted about 4 or so years.


I'm cool with that.  


But it's time to go back to BKK now. I have things to do and stuff that needs resolving. 


53 minutes ago, Fabricus said:


It was just spot on. What more can I say?


We clicked. Everything was good. It was a magic moment. I guess it was the point where we realized we had a future.


And then we did have a future. The future lasted about 4 or so years.


I'm cool with that.  


But it's time to go back to BKK now. I have things to do and stuff that needs resolving. 


Soi Cowboy?

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My extraordinarily exotic GF and I are no longer really together. Things began to fizzle out about a year ago. 


But she really is a former model with two degrees. She has a foreign surname and her cousin is one of Thailand's leading experts in tropical diseases. I met her on ThaiFriendly.


Can't imagine why you guys aren't together anymore...

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Many, both here and overseas.  I will never forget the day we went skydiving in Hawaii or the many hikes in places like the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Arches, Glacier, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Mt. Rainier and so many others.  Nearly everyday I spend with my wife is perfect.:wub:

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1 hour ago, transam said:



Whow !!  Memories that was one of my UK wives chosen song for us.


Sorry Chaz  :D  have to mention she really was a Chief Executive with 4 degrees a PhD she kept her foreign surname and her brother is a Greek Godfather we shared what I consider to be a perfect day when l met her in Thai Pub, she wasn't a bar girl.  :w00t:


Edited by Kwasaki
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Yep - almost daily......


I guess it depends on the person looking to "claim" perfection......


On this board that could mean anything from a quick/or free piece of @$$ - to someone in a happy & lengthy union......


Some look for grievances/trouble/signs/drama & don't feel happy until they find something to find fault/complain, or bitch about......Guess that makes them semi-happy but rules out perfect.....


Me - if I have a day I find nothing to complain about - that makes it a perfect day......And I've been/am blessed with many - pretty much on a daily basis.....


After all, the world we see & how we perceive it is really a reflection/mirror image of ourselves.....


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To A Louse

On Seeing One On A Lady's Bonnet, At Church
Type: Poem
Ha! whaur ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie? 
Your impudence protects you sairly; 
canna say but ye strunt rarely, 
Owre gauze and lace; 
Tho', faith! I fear ye dine but sparely 
On sic a place. 

Ye ugly, creepin, blastit wonner, 
Detested, shunn'd by saunt an' sinner, 
How daur ye set your fit upon her- 
Sae fine a lady? 
Gae somewhere else and seek your dinner 
On some poor body. 

Swith! in some beggar's haffet squattle; 
There ye may creep, and sprawl, and sprattle, 
Wi' ither kindred, jumping cattle, 
In shoals and nations; 
Whaur horn nor bane ne'er daur unsettle 
Your thick plantations. 

Now haud you there, ye're out o' sight, 
Below the fatt'rels, snug and tight; 
Na, faith ye yet! ye'll no be right, 
Till ye've got on it- 
The verra tapmost, tow'rin height 
O' Miss' bonnet. 

My sooth! right bauld ye set your nose out, 
As plump an' grey as ony groset: 
O for some rank, mercurial rozet, 
Or fell, red smeddum, 
I'd gie you sic a hearty dose o't, 
Wad dress your droddum. 

I wad na been surpris'd to spy 
You on an auld wife's flainen toy; 
Or aiblins some bit dubbie boy, 
On's wyliecoat; 
But Miss' fine Lunardi! fye! 
How daur ye do't? 

O Jeany, dinna toss your head, 
An' set your beauties a' abread! 
Ye little ken what cursed speed 
The blastie's makin: 
Thae winks an' finger-ends, I dread, 
Are notice takin. 

O wad some Power the giftie gie us 
To see oursels as ithers see us! 
It wad frae mony a blunder free us, 
An' foolish notion: 
What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us, 
An' ev'n devotion!
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I've had plenty of perfect days with family and friends around the globe (thus including Thailand). 

Ofcourse I had the most perfect days with my beloved darling. The fun trips we had in Thailand and the Netherlands and other countries, our weddingday, her 30th birthday (much more fun then my 30th birthday a few years later). Those were perfect days for both her and me. I remember them fondly Sadly due to tragidy I do not get the pleasure of having more such fantastic days. But I treasure every memory and I know that I made her the happiest girl on earth up to the last day of her life.  


If there is a decline in happy days, be it with your partner, friends or family, that is a clue that you have got some work to do. 


Edit: what made them perfect? Those days were simply much fun, very special and treasured memories.  Thinking of it, most days were near perfect or atleast great. Like pgrahmm wrote, any day without negatives is a perfect day not? Though some may still be more perfect than others. Be positive, stay positive. I still am even though I wish I could go back in time an relive those treasured memories over and over again. 

Edited by Donutz
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On 26 August 2016 at 7:56 PM, CharlieH said:

Always baffles me as to why people see the need to "qualify" their partner/GF/wife etc.


Why is it necessary to emphasize education and working status/profession and who her relatives are???? . People generally wouldnt even think of mentioning this in other countries (US/UK as examples).


absolutely no relevance to the subject nor topic being discussed, which I believe is supposed to be about relationships between two people.



Why qualify? some of the dead wood date bar girls thats why, then go about measuring the quality of woman with the low lifes they dated, its not a level playing field charlie some of us have  standards and others...well just dont....

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20 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

Why qualify? some of the dead wood date bar girls thats why, then go about measuring the quality of woman with the low lifes they dated, its not a level playing field charlie some of us have  standards and others...well just dont....


anyone who thinks they can accurately call a good girl from a hooker in thailand all the time is a brave man….from what I have observed they are adept at switching between one and the other depending on their situation.


but hey…if you think you got a good girl, good for you….leave the bad ones to deadwood like us…..we love 'em. :gigglem:

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On 26/8/2559 at 4:56 PM, CharlieH said:

Always baffles me as to why people see the need to "qualify" their partner/GF/wife etc.


Why is it necessary to emphasize education and working status/profession and who her relatives are???? . People generally wouldnt even think of mentioning this in other countries (US/UK as examples).


absolutely no relevance to the subject nor topic being discussed, which I believe is supposed to be about relationships between two people.


I do relate to your opinion --on that CharlieH . My wife came from a family of 12 in a quite poor Issan area, Sis-a-ket, born in the 60s....she is now in her 50s..... I met her when a friend invited me for a meal in a BKK French restaurant where she worked---just was amazed how she could speak 5 languages after leaving school at 12----Thai/Lao/Khemer/French/English ---when I had been in  Thailand for over 6 months studering Thai, & after many $$$ spent, whenever  I spoke everyone  collapsed in laughter.

The amount of French (you had to speak some, to progress at that restaurant) & English were quite light.....but she didn't panic like I did whenever, after I asked for something in Thai and had  been given an answer I hadn't prepared for.

Maybe her English had come from the odd boyfriend---I don't know, that's her history not mine..


So I had fallen for a women that had 3 children---was over the hill (in her mid 30s) Husband had a min-noi and decided that was the better option so had kicked them all out...(I did get to meet & verify that with him. )


So how lucky was I huh....??

I think I Know on a scale of 1-10 where most Thai-visa readers would rate me.


That was 16 years ago--has there been bumps in the road---sure , but as Frank used to sing--there's been  a few...but just too few to mention.



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Not a Doctors daughter !!!  not a university degree in sight  !!!

Has had a failed marriage before  !!!!

She chose to hang on to her children instead of dumping them,  & you help out with that even though they are are not yours.


What are you ???  some sort of normal working class Joe.??


Nice post mate, good luck, although it  seems you already have it.

(now just wait for the brickbats)

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I think it was likely her 50th birthday.


Or possibly her 40th? Or 30th? Maybe it wasn't her birthday after all.......................:rolleyes:


From my end, it would have been an easier question as to how many non-perfect days I remember. As with the perfect days, there have been a few, but with far less of a number count.......................;)


No mamby-pamby sugar coating here.

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On 8/26/2016 at 4:56 PM, CharlieH said:

Always baffles me as to why people see the need to "qualify" their partner/GF/wife etc.


Why is it necessary to emphasize education and working status/profession and who her relatives are???? . People generally wouldnt even think of mentioning this in other countries (US/UK as examples).


absolutely no relevance to the subject nor topic being discussed, which I believe is supposed to be about relationships between two people.

Perhaps because in their home countries they would never consider being in a relationship with an uneducated peasant, whereas here many many men do just that.

Those of us who don't therefore prefer to make it clear that we don't date peasants.


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