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The week that was in Thailand news: “Carry On Thailand” – a comedy or a scary movie?


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The week that was in Thailand news: “Carry On Thailand” – a comedy or a scary movie?




Whenever officials in Thailand tell me that everything is safe and my security is assured, I start to worry. I wish they would just leave me in my rose tinted bubble of denial. I knew I was taking my life into my hands when I came here just out of short pants but I don’t need to be reminded of the bleeding obvious every five minutes – it’s not good for my mental health, what’s left of it!

Danger seemed to lurk everywhere this week with bodies under the bed, ATMs spewing out our hard earned, accidents, rape, dog attacks, cons and swindles to name but a few. Even a child came home from school covered in blood.

Just another week in the Land of Smiles I hear you say – fair enough, but I keep seeing the authorities telling me all is “hunky-dory” as one reporter termed it and it gets me nervous…..

Top news story of the week was the lady boy found under a hotel bed in Pattaya apparently put there by two youths who met him on Facebook. If that wasn’t bad enough the guests who checked in after they left will have the memory of spending the night with the corpse oozing under the mattress.

The teenagers were soon rounded up and the charge should be a doozy – leaving a lady boy under the bed clothes in the hours of darkness and scaring the bejesus out of the maid who found her.

Don’t get me wrong – I find no humor in violent death but if you didn’t at least begin to appreciate why some might enjoy a ghoulish giggle you would probably have to find somewhere else to live. This was also true of another two deaths involving motorcycles.

The first was a man who was seen riding his bike one handed looking at his phone in the other. When he looked up to pay attention to the boring old road he found himself embedded in the back of a truck parked on the hard shoulder. The picture was scary and the reporter pulled no punches in describing the victim’s injuries.

But did we need to be told that he was playing Pokemon Go? It is becoming as if everything on Thaivisa has to have some link to the crazy game.

A few days later we were treated to the picture of a Thai vegetable seller who clearly had run out of glue to sniff who was shown attached to his bike’s petrol tank breathing in the gasoline. A vacuum had been created and he had passed out and passed on.

I read the story to the end expecting the reporter to quote police saying that he was probably looking for a Pikachu or two in the depths of the tank.

ATMs were really the stars of this week, though, with the machines featuring in several high profile stories that cranked up the nerves for those of us “lucky” enough to have Thai baht in the bank.

The car detailer who had lost nearly a million baht after a gang managed to get a copy of his Sim card just by asking True was eventually reimbursed by Kasikorn bank. True – who could consider a name change to Lie – just offered him a phone and a few free calls but at least the government want to know what they have been up to.

The gang who tricked the man were arrested by Ayuthaya police but my nerves jangled afresh when they said this was the ninth time they had done such a crime.

This case and the fraud of the week – the eastern European gang who persuaded GSB ATMs to spew out millions in cash for them before disappearing back over the border – had the banks scurrying for cover and issuing press releases.

Out came all the assurances from the guardians of our savings that OUR bank has state-of-the-art security and OUR upgraded international measures mean it could never happen to US. First Krung Thai and then SCB assured a rightly concerned public that their money was totally safe with them.

So the sight of a bunch of bank keys left in a purple ATM in Samui after the staff who filled up the machine forget to take them home caused a collective shaking of the head from most of us who think that stuffing our dosh under the mattress is probably safer. So long as there isn’t a body there taking up all the room; after a week like this I will always check in the future.

Several cases reminded us this week of the dangers lurking in Thailand both of a violent as well as financial nature with attacks on children sickening those of us with little ones and concerning those of us with Thai financial interests – more little ones in my case I might add.

The attacks concerned two varieties of dog – one a mutt lingering about outside a convenience store, the other a maths teacher. The latter thought he was within his rights to assault a boy for talking in class.

It was heart-wrenching to see the three year old girl who was mauled by a soi dog outside the store while dad went to get the car and mum was paying at the counter. Some self-righteous forum members blamed the parents but then they always do. Few thought that the huge corporations who take money for our milk at these shops should do something like call up the dog catchers that every local authority has to protect their customers.

But it was wrong that the dog probably received a worse fate than the teacher at the school who cut the boy’s face sending him home covered in blood. The school told the parents that they would do nothing as “sir” was going to retire soon. Oh, that’s alright then.

Seeing some commentators – both Thai and foreign – line up behind the teacher as the boy “must have been naughty” made my blood boil. In a thirty year teaching career I thought it best to nurture rather than torture and raising my voice was as serious as it got. Fortunately most Thaivisa members sided with the child though the comments about going to the school to murder the teacher might not set the best example to today’s youth…

Meanwhile, most of us are happy to see roads built to ease the traffic chaos – but not a retired British copper who having spent 23 million baht on a beautiful mansion discovered that the highways department were going to build one right through his swimming pool.

The compulsory purchase order offered him a paltry 9 million while the aggrieved ex-cop contacted Thaivisa to put the record straight and get the site to take down the disparaging comments about him and his Thai wife who just wanted a happy retirement in the country they love.

They called for justice just like the two women who won the lottery back in April only to be told by their “friend” in the syndicate that she was taking all the winnings. It is a common story around the world but sometimes I think you are better off never winning the lottery in the first place especially with all the “friends” lost and “friends” gained by big winners. And I had to chuckle when it was revealed that the draw for the winning tickets took place on April 1st. Som Nam Na or “serves you right” was a popular cry on the forum.

“Lie” of the week was the 17 year old Bangkok student who created a furor after saying that she was abducted by three men in a Fortuner on her way to school in Nonthaburi. It emerged that she had made up the story and was in fact being given a lift by an IT teacher in a Pajero who has found himself in hot water. CCTV caught the girl out.

While “farang behaving badly” award of the week went to the young westerner scaling the sacred phallic symbol of Hin Ta on Samui. I was a tad disappointed in the headline chosen for such a fine photo preferring the idea of one poster who suggested “dick on a dick”.

But a Thai man didn’t even manage to get out that particular appendage in a rape attack on a woman up north. He climbed on top of the startled 51 year old woman in her bed but she had the gumption to fight back – when the attacker put his tongue inside her mouth she bit it clean off leading the police to an easy arrest at the hospital where the rapist was obliged to go to seek treatment.

Not surprisingly, he had no comment to make.

Finally the police and local authorities were out in force nationwide assuring us all was well in the Land of Smiles – it looked like they were making the latest movie “Carry On Thailand”.

First came the cops pictured with incongruous yellow balloons on their bikes out to make arrests of drivers creating cartoon carnage playing Pokemon Go. Then came the street party down in Hua Hin’s “Walking Street” of Soi Bintabaht.

Following the street attack there on the Owen family at Songkran when a grandmother was kicked in the face and the vicious fisticuffs handed out to another British tourist in Bangkok by bouncers the other week, we were all supposed to be reassured by the Thai culture on show at the party.

Even if it did feature Thai boxing.


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-08-27
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I have always advocated changing the silly motto Amazing Thailand to "Inexplicable Thailand". When friends tell me they are coming here for the first time, I always warn them they are not going to be visiting a foreign country. I always tell them to prepare to visit a distant planet, and to set aside their incessant desire and need to approach situations and circumstances from a standpoint of common sense and reason. 


There are so many aspects of this place, and it's people that are nearly impossible for most of us Westerners to truly understand. Frankly, that is part of the charm for me. 

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Few thought that the huge corporations who take money for our milk at these shops should do something like call up the dog catchers that every local authority has to protect their customers.


is there a service like this? we have about a dozen dogs around the beach where my business is located. they are breeding like crazy. no one wants to have anything to do with them. any ideas?

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49 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:
Few thought that the huge corporations who take money for our milk at these shops should do something like call up the dog catchers that every local authority has to protect their customers.


is there a service like this? we have about a dozen dogs around the beach where my business is located. they are breeding like crazy. no one wants to have anything to do with them. any ideas?

Yes, take a look at this website:-


To quote:-

Stray dogs are very common in Asia and Africa and are often kept by slum households as pets. They rely on garbage as their main source of food and you will often find that humans in the rural and urban parts contribute to their increasing population by feeding them. With over 500 tons of garbage in these areas that go uncollected every day, the stray dog population is very much supported. 

Need stray dog removal in your hometown? If you want free dog service from your local county animal services, do a Google search for your local city or town animal control services, or call your local sheriff's office.

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After reading this WHOLE article I have come to realize I am lucky to have survived the week. Must be the lucky amulet I bought last week. Oh well another week is starting and I am sure that it will surpass all the excitement of the week just passed. Life is truly a miracle but more so to just arrive at my present old fart status. I feel truly blessed. I must review my collection of the "Carry On" movies. Thank God I am still able to do so carry on that is Lord willing and the creek don't rise. 

Edited by elgordo38
haven't had morning coffee yet thinking processes slow
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18 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Yes, take a look at this website:-


To quote:-

Stray dogs are very common in Asia and Africa and are often kept by slum households as pets. They rely on garbage as their main source of food and you will often find that humans in the rural and urban parts contribute to their increasing population by feeding them. With over 500 tons of garbage in these areas that go uncollected every day, the stray dog population is very much supported. 

Need stray dog removal in your hometown? If you want free dog service from your local county animal services, do a Google search for your local city or town animal control services, or call your local sheriff's office.

kill them. nope one guy i know accidentally ran one over and the thais hate him for it.

remove the food source. the restaurant near by keeps feeding them scraps and wont stop.

call the sheriff. do we have them in thailand?

we did try tonys animal shelter but they said they were full. we took some down to the sattahip navy base. god knows what they do with them but they refused to take any more.

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heh heh


they would never be able to make an entire movie, to cover all the Thainess glitches represented in the OP...


... all locals would collectively class-action demand Royalties for their Trade sSecrets being let out of the bag,  into the public domain

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On 8/28/2016 at 11:55 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

Few thought that the huge corporations who take money for our milk at these shops should do something like call up the dog catchers that every local authority has to protect their customers.


is there a service like this? we have about a dozen dogs around the beach where my business is located. they are breeding like crazy. no one wants to have anything to do with them. any ideas?

Get a .22 rifle with 'hornet' cartridges and shoot them at night. Sniper style.

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wish it was that easy but we have 2 teams of security onsite and if word gets around i killed them i am in trouble. there is a big crack down on hurting dogs now. my girl told me just yesterday a dog had died and was buried and it was exhumed to see what had happened to it. not sure if it was done by the police or army.

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On 28/08/2016 at 11:55 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

Few thought that the huge corporations who take money for our milk at these shops should do something like call up the dog catchers that every local authority has to protect their customers.


is there a service like this? we have about a dozen dogs around the beach where my business is located. they are breeding like crazy. no one wants to have anything to do with them. any ideas?

Heaven forbid that anyone reading the article might think that there are actually dog laws, dog catchers, maximum number of dogs allowed per household.  They might even believe that Vets will put to sleep an old and dying dog.

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I found your article  interesting. Up to the point, "the vicious fisticuffs handed out to another British tourist in Bangkok by bouncers the other week, we were all supposed to be reassured by the Thai culture on show at the party."  When this story first broke a posted several videos of bouncers in the UK handing out much worse beatings with plenty of head and face kicking in, and smashing peoples face into the ground or walls.  The thread ended rather abruptly  Quite frankly the UK bouncers made the Thai's incident look like "a day in the park." :wai2:

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On 8/30/2016 at 6:12 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

wish it was that easy but we have 2 teams of security onsite and if word gets around i killed them i am in trouble. there is a big crack down on hurting dogs now. my girl told me just yesterday a dog had died and was buried and it was exhumed to see what had happened to it. not sure if it was done by the police or army.

Maybe seeing this instructional video might help... 


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On 8/30/2016 at 6:12 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

wish it was that easy but we have 2 teams of security onsite and if word gets around i killed them i am in trouble. there is a big crack down on hurting dogs now. my girl told me just yesterday a dog had died and was buried and it was exhumed to see what had happened to it. not sure if it was done by the police or army.

Indeed.  A BIG crackdown ... 


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31 minutes ago, masuk said:

Heaven forbid that anyone reading the article might think that there are actually dog laws, dog catchers, maximum number of dogs allowed per household.  They might even believe that Vets will put to sleep an old and dying dog.

would not be surprised if there are laws however if there are they are probably not enforced. word of the king telling people not to hurt or kill dogs will be listened to over and above the law anyway. stray dogs have been a real problem for me in the past. they fight and  for a while familys stopped coming to my facility due to the fear of kids getting bitten. some one at some stage did something about it as there are only a couple around now. we had over 25 at some stages.

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2 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

thanks but i am not going to watch that. some one showed me one of those decapitation videos going around a couple years ago and i am still not over it.

Interesting but I'm guessing you kill and eat "other" animals though?:wai2:

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43 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Interesting but I'm guessing you kill and eat "other" animals though?:wai2:

yes. i am from a farm and i sometimes kill and butcher my own meat. i always do this in the most humane way possible. we have dogs and i have alot of respect for them. 100% loyal. it would hurt me just as much to see a dog being tortured, probably almost as much as a human being tortured.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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Strange how articles like this just concentrate on Thailand, when in fact the biggest culprit is China. The west engages with this country in producing goods to make a vast profit at the expense of everything else, and to prop-up everything else including the dog trade. 




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