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Can my girlfriend successfully take an insurance policy on my head without my consent?


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I have been with my Thai girlfriend for about 3 years. A fellow country man died here through an accident and had some money to be gotten from the bank through his insurance and I was discussing with my girlfriend on how a power of attorney was needed from the family for the money to be collected from the bank. The late guy applied for the insurance through his bank. My girlfriend was so angry to hear that if there was a power of attorney someone will get the money and send to the late man's family as I told her. There was some sort of argument between us and it went to a point where she said if I die she will be the one to get the money. So I asked why she will be the one to get the money if I die and she said because she is the one paying. I was dumbfounded and asked her if she has taken an insurance policy on my head and waiting for me to die and she collects money or if she has done that in order to kill me and gets money. She changed and said I didn't understand her and that she has not but was about to ask me to take an insurance policy (whichever I want as there are many types). That was over. After some time she asked my to bring my bankbook and ATM card to her as she needed to change it because the government has said that all ATM cards should be changed to the chip cards. That it was mandatory for everyone and that if I didn't do that I will pay a very heavy penalty. I told her we didn't live in the same province and that if there is any change to be made on my account, I will do it with my bank where I live to avoid paying any charges if I do any changes in a different province and that I will find out from my bank. She was so angry with me. The next day, I went to my bank and asked them if there was any law asking for all ATM cards to be changed to the cards with the chips? They said no and that it was up to me to change if I wanted to and explained to me that the cards with the chips are more secured. After a month or so, my girlfriend brought some papers in Thai that she told me were about insurance and that she will take me to my bank where she lives to take an insurance for me and that I will choose which insurance policy I want. I said yes and told her to wait.  Her intention as I am sure was for her to take me to the bank, we go through the process and she will fill herself as the beneficiary. I was a bit so disturbed and went to my bank and told them that I asked my girlfriend to take an insurance policy for me and I wanted to find out if she paid for it. They checked and told me I didn't have any insurance. But this was in my bank in my province and not in her province. I don't know if she can or has taken any insurance on my head. How can one find out this and be very sure? At one time she told me she was discussing with the bank manager and he told her that I have an insurance already (this was before I got my insurance anyway).  I was furious and asked why she could be discussing insurance issues about me with a bank manager without my knowledge and she said she was informed that if one has an ATM card, the person automatically has an insurance. I said that it was  a lie. Why go to the bank to talk about insurance on my head without telling me? She said the manager came to their work place. I really would like to get your help on how to find out whether she has taken an insurance on my head please. Many guys have died from funny accidents here that I know and I am very worried.

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An unnecessary  long OP Statement, since the basic question is simple :

Can my girlfriend successfully take an insurance policy on my head without my consent? (or Thai Wife)

A very legit question. I find. Answer can only be a clear YES or NO and nothing in between.



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Why would you need your wife to do such simple things for you as to change your ATM card, are you disabled in any way? It all sounds so suspicious and controlling. I am all in favour of not leaving problems and a penny-less wife behind if something happened to me, but never be worth more dead than alive.



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Generally speaking, in order for your anyone to obtain a life insurance policy on someone else, they need what's called an insurable interest. That interest could be easily established by a wife, parent or adult child but not a girl friend. This can be verified by contacting a TH life insurance company.

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7 minutes ago, marquis22 said:

Yes she can. Mine did and when I spiked my foot and had to be treated at hospital the insurance policy covered it. I did not know she took it out till I went to the hospital.


That wasn't life insurance but rather an accident policy. Different rules.

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7 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Signatures are often forged here, so anything is possible.  As one member stated, trust is lost, so end the relationship.

Of course you are correct.

I wasn't addressing the issue of forgery and fraud, just the general legal basis for obtaining a life insuranse policy on someone else.

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I've never seen an accident policy that doesn't include death benefits.

There was a space for the name of the beneficiary on my accident policy, no restrictions on the name.


The insurance company want a copy of your passport. So if she has access to your passport, then the answer is YES.

Edited by MissAndry
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3 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

I've never seen an accident policy that doesn't include death benefits.

There was a space for the name of the beneficiary on my accident policy, no restrictions on the name.

You may be right that death benefits are part of every TH accident policy.

However, when you are placing life insurance on your own life, you must name either your estate or a specific beneficiary. Obviously, you have an insurable interest in your life.


The OP was asking about someone else placing a life insurance policy on him. Different facts.


I am not commenting on insurable interests in TH policies only as it applies in most other countries of the world. We all know TH has its own set of rules. All these issues can easily be addressed if the OP contacts a reputable TH insurance company.

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^^^ I have no idea what your post is about, I've had 2 Thai insurance policies,

1 from Kasikorn Bank, accident insurance with 1M death in country 2M death outside country, they wanted a passport copy.

1 from AXA online holiday insurance, completed online, no documentation of any kind required. It had death benefits too.




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11 hours ago, swissie said:

An unnecessary  long OP Statement, since the basic question is simple :

Can my girlfriend successfully take an insurance policy on my head without my consent? (or Thai Wife)

A very legit question. I find. Answer can only be a clear YES or NO and nothing in between.




Good on ye..I didn't read the long OP but went to the replies straight away. I had assumed it would be "Yes" but was interested in seeing the answer. Like you say ...gave up after going trolling through stuff not relevant to the question.

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If she has a copy of your passport then pretty much "anything goes" after that.   Your forged signature will be accepted. She will become your "wife" and have an insurable interest. 


"Legal" will not matter and "right and wrong"  will get lost along the way.


As I read that longish OP,  you live in one province and she lives in another?   How much of a GF can she be really?  And as others have said trust is no more so what are you doing carrying on with this?



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6 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

^^^ I have no idea what your post is about, I've had 2 Thai insurance policies,

1 from Kasikorn Bank, accident insurance with 1M death in country 2M death outside country, they wanted a passport copy.

1 from AXA online holiday insurance, completed online, no documentation of any kind required. It had death benefits too.

Not sure if you're referring to my posts but of course, you can place life insurance and accident insurance on your own life. Not what I'm commenting on.




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Just now, Headgame said:

Not sure if you're referring to my posts but of course, you can place life insurance and accident insurance on your own life. Not what I'm commenting on.


How would AXA know who was typing the application into the computer?

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Seems to be fairly common here on family members. My wife's family have taken one out on my elderly father in law who is a 'negative contributor' to the family. I have had to take up the annual payments since they cannot afford them
but i will get my money back on his demise which is well worth it on the basis i can ask them every year if he is going to die soon and see the uncomfortable looks on their faces when i remind them that they were the ones gambling on it.

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Has anyone considered that the poor girl is just concerned for her own future should her partner die? Has the OP made any provision for her? And if so, has he explained it to her?


No need always to assume the worst about Thai girlfriends.  Many are decent, honest people.  And the fact that she's been open about taking out the insurance suggests she doesn't have any ulterior motive.

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


10 minutes ?



you did not read the part that said  "at the worst of times"   dont forget a lot of the readers/posters on this site come from butt <deleted>*k nowhere , watching the rice grow up daily, it may take them 10 min just get to the local market to even look for NEXT

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An insurance policy on someone else's life is only legal if that person has an 'insurable interest'  such as a wife. If you are not married and she is not totally dependent upon your money then she would have great difficulty in getting any money if you were deceased. It is one of the twelve basic principles of insurance known internationally which Thailand has agreed to observe.

Edited by DGS1244
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25 minutes ago, Orac said:

My wife's family have taken one out on my elderly father in law who is a 'negative contributor' to the family. I have had to take up the annual payments since they cannot afford them but i will get my money back on his demise .....


The optimism of some farangs here never fails to amaze me.

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