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Can my girlfriend successfully take an insurance policy on my head without my consent?


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Great story. Hope it has a happy ending.

But not sure if it will be for you or her ?

Let us know the out come if you live.

If not, what would you like us to say when we read about you on Thai Visa.

Maybe you liked music and and playing sports ?

Or maybe it will be 100 posts of I told you so !

Good luck to you both; sorry, I me good luck to you :)


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1 hour ago, Headgame said:

Generally speaking, in order for your anyone to obtain a life insurance policy on someone else, they need what's called an insurable interest. That interest could be easily established by a wife, parent or adult child but not a girl friend. This can be verified by contacting a TH life insurance company.

Agree. Generally you cannot randomly take out insurance on assets or people with whom you have no legitimate, legal connection. If you were married and she relied on your income for her support or support of your children, your death would be a legitimate financial hardship. You can insure a business partner for the same reason, a potential personal adverse financial result if he were to die.

Edited by Suradit69
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I owned a Private Investigation Agency and an Insurance Adjustment Company for 30 years that I founded.  We were recommended by the A.M. Best Co. for 12 years for all lines.


I've seen it all!


My advice is trust no one today especially with a worldwide economic retreat.


This is especially true to women or any love partner who has financial responsibilities to their families who have no social security.


The red flags are financial debts from illness, accidents, loss of a job, borrowed money; ties to criminal activity, alcohol or drug addiction in the family.


Anything is possible in securing Life Insurance.  If a company does not require an agent to be present for a signature all she has to do is hold up the application up to a window and trace your signature.  If an agent is involved, she can bribe him or even an Insurance Underwriter to follow her instructions or work a deal for a share of the insurance settlement.


She could even be sleeping with the agent or Underwriter and he/she suggested it.


She could also be threatened to commit fraud by a member of her family or ex-lover in organized crime.


I've always told clients if you suspect something is not right with a partner, your first thought is generally correct.


You need to check her out and perhaps have a hidden, voice activated recorder in the house/car/bedroom where she makes telephone calls and monitor her conversations.  Do check the local law regarding that and follow your suspicions.  If your suspicions are correct, file a Police report immediately and take a vacation out of town.  If she is charged, you may even consider leaving the country for a while.


You might consider hiring an off duty Police Detective to check her criminal history, develop a profile and a data base for prior insurance claims if there is one here and do surveillance. If you feel your relationship will end, have the investigator speak with her friends and even her and that that would put a stop to a potential fraudulent claim moving forward.


Your life could depend upon it. :w00t:


Good luck.




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56 minutes ago, Oxx said:

Has anyone considered that the poor girl is just concerned for her own future should her partner die? Has the OP made any provision for her? And if so, has he explained it to her?


No need always to assume the worst about Thai girlfriends.  Many are decent, honest people.  And the fact that she's been open about taking out the insurance suggests she doesn't have any ulterior motive.

what about the future for her BROTHER.

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Hey, if Walmart can do it, why not your girlfriend?








Yeah, I know these weren't in Thailand...  Just food for thought on the OP.  Dead Peasant's insurance.

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39 minutes ago, Kabula said:

I owned a Private Investigation Agency and an Insurance Adjustment Company for 30 years that I founded.  We were recommended by the A.M. Best Co. for 12 years for all lines.


I've seen it all!


My advice is trust no one today especially with a worldwide economic retreat.


This is especially true to women or any love partner who has financial responsibilities to their families who have no social security.


The red flags are financial debts from illness, accidents, loss of a job, borrowed money; ties to criminal activity, alcohol or drug addiction in the family.


Anything is possible in securing Life Insurance.  If a company does not require an agent to be present for a signature all she has to do is hold up the application up to a window and trace your signature.  If an agent is involved, she can bribe him or even an Insurance Underwriter to follow her instructions or work a deal for a share of the insurance settlement.


She could even be sleeping with the agent or Underwriter and he/she suggested it.


She could also be threatened to commit fraud by a member of her family or ex-lover in organized crime.


I've always told clients if you suspect something is not right with a partner, your first thought is generally correct.


You need to check her out and perhaps have a hidden, voice activated recorder in the house/car/bedroom where she makes telephone calls and monitor her conversations.  Do check the local law regarding that and follow your suspicions.  If your suspicions are correct, file a Police report immediately and take a vacation out of town.  If she is charged, you may even consider leaving the country for a while.


You might consider hiring an off duty Police Detective to check her criminal history, develop a profile and a data base for prior insurance claims if there is one here and do surveillance. If you feel your relationship will end, have the investigator speak with her friends and even her and that that would put a stop to a potential fraudulent claim moving forward.


Your life could depend upon it. :w00t:


Good luck.





Wow.. I bet you have some great stories... there is probably an interesting book in there. 

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1 hour ago, MissAndry said:


How would AXA know who was typing the application into the computer?

Of course you're right but you're referencing a potential fraud if the applicant actually has no insurable interest.


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The answer to your question is no .

There has to be an insurable interest to take an insurance on a third party eg if you took a joint mortgage  but she can not insure you without your knowledge or consent .

If you are worried she would try then best to find a new girl friend that you trust

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29 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

I wouldn't care if she could or she couldn't. The mere fact that I need to ask the question tells me to get out while I can.



If a person is interested in killing you to collect life insurance, how how will breaking up with that person, help you??

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If she has access to your passport & bank book, then with an easily forged letter she would already be able to empty your account....


Life insurance can be left to whoever you chose. Again, if such an application was forged then it could be left to anybody. 


As other's have said watch your step...

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3 hours ago, marquis22 said:

Yes she can. Mine did and when I spiked my foot and had to be treated at hospital the insurance policy covered it. I did not know she took it out till I went to the hospital.


My wife who works in life insurance wanted to take out an insurance policy on me about three years ago, she had to take me to the hospital

for a full check up. I was OK with that as long as I was not paying for it. According to the hospital I was in full perfect health.


The insurance company she works for then said I was unsuitable for life insurance, it was not about my age, as they knew that before

I had the medical. The exact same thing happened to a friend of mine. So what was that all about? I know, this is Thailand.

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As a young man,it took me ages to understand the difference between insurance and assurance.It was explained to me that insurance is paid against something that might or could happen.

Assurance is paid against some thing that is definitely going to happen.

I hate to say this, but the second explanation could definitely  apply

to you.Sorry brother but your g/f is suspect. I would be on the first mode out of transport from where ever  you are,and as far away from her as possible.

Of course, to find out more,check her phone,or put a GPS on her car.

Good luck ,Oh! and sleep with one eye open.

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I really do find this thread ironical and comical.

For one, the guy does not have the faintest clue about how both Thai women and Insurance companies work.


Ironical..  On top of the list of all things on this earth i would NEVER trust:

1. Insurance companies.

2. Hmmm ( goes without mention)

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If a guy's caddie can get him to sign over a few $$ million in stock just days before his SUV hits a tree, I'm sure your GF can take out a policy and get all the right signatures to collect on it when you expire.  And you may not have a clue.

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Why would you need your wife to do such simple things for you as to change your ATM card, are you disabled in any way? It all sounds so suspicious and controlling. I am all in favour of not leaving problems and a penny-less wife behind if something happened to me, but never be worth more dead than alive.



For a start it is not his wife and he didn't need her to do anything.She offered to do it for him and he declined.Yellow flag.Then he went to his bank and they said it was bs,red flag.

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3 hours ago, wanderluster said:

you did not read the part that said  "at the worst of times"   dont forget a lot of the readers/posters on this site come from butt <deleted>*k nowhere , watching the rice grow up daily, it may take them 10 min just get to the local market to even look for NEXT

10mins,try 30 if i survive the 24 getting there and the rice is coming along very nicely.

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2 hours ago, whatproblem said:

Yes you can ,I took one out on my friends wife ,she is a alcoholic and I did it for their children ,my ex is the beneficiary but I will give the money to the ladies children,all I needed was her ID card for a hour

Technically not legal, no recognised 'insurable interest'

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17 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

My wife toois out juint a funeral insurance for me and and I am not worried :) 

Different Issue entirely.  She can't profit handsomely from funeral Insurance.


In Australia the person on whose life the policy Is taken must sign the application/proposal.


I think It would be the same In any cou ntry.


With her attitude, I'd be bailing as fast as I could.

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...you better watch out buddy.....


...and it would be nice if some foreigners would begin to press their embassies to take responsibility for their citizens...


...too much of a free-for-all in this godless land.....

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