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Death of land official shrouded in mystery: Report


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very interesting and obviously there are those that didnt want the truth to come out, had a friend that died of a ruptured liver, he was badly beaten by the cops in jail(Australia) many years ago. Anyone that doesnt realize there are some very high ranking people involved in this are kidding themselves, there is one family involved in the south that stands out from the others, while the man is well known, its his wife & son operating in the background that have more power over what really happens. Doubt we will see much happen over this, too many fingers in the pie but they do need to investigate all the land released so they can be taken back as well as seizing all the millions that was paid  for approving the releases of land, again I doubt we will see either carried out though, the law and Thailand simply dont mix well

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There was a bit in a paper that I cannot mention that they didn't observe him in his cell because of 'human rights'. Sadly, the only people who find this story ridiculous are mostly foreigners. Most Thais are just too apathetic. 


Like a poster said before 'there's no mystery'. It's pretty obvious what's happened here. The end result? Nothing.  


Good look with becoming a democracy in a country with no law and order, Thailand. 

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34 minutes ago, smedly said:

either produce it or remove it, TVF is not about your rumours and false accusations

Produce what exactly smedly???  What false accusation have I made? 

The history of land dealings involving Suthep are public and common knowledge.  And I have not attempted to link him to this case at all, you seem to be trying to say I am, so in your own words "either produce it or remove it, TVF is not about your rumours and false accusations".

Simply noticing land deals and contravercy's in the same area's as Suthep's land deals is nothing more than observation.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Do you have evidence of that? Repeating hearsay can constitute defamation. 


Here you go and don't pretend you didn't know before. Your rhetoric is cheap.

The interesting facts you can find under scandals and corruption.

Edited by hanuman2543
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2 hours ago, smedly said:

so you are saying Suthep was involved in this, that is a pretty serious accusation you are making there, I hope you have the means and the evidence to follow it through as they will be knocking on your door soon enough


Now on topic


I wonder what is going to happen to all this land that was illegally transferred and also the very large amount of money this family has amassed through this highly illegal activity. I'd be willing to wager a similar operation exists at a few other tourist hotspots and is yet to be exposed 

Seems you read things that aren't  actually there, no where does he actually accuse Suthep, although it is well known about Suthep and "shady" Phuket land deals.

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56 minutes ago, Rorri said:

Seems you read things that aren't  actually there, no where does he actually accuse Suthep, although it is well known about Suthep and "shady" Phuket land deals.


By the sheer number of people requesting "evidence" or cheering on the (false) assumption that none exists, is would appear it isn't quite as well known as most people think!


It's as though the very scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate didn't actually happen, and the hundreds of thousands of supporters that Suthep incited to march on Bangkok weren't doing it for the very purpose of defending his reputation...


Edit: Source: Southern Thai Politics: A Preliminary Overview; Duncan McCargo, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds (http://www.polis.leeds.ac.uk/assets/files/research/working-papers/wp3mccargo.pdf)



The Democrats’ electoral grip on the region was greatly strengthened after the no- confidence debate of May 1995. This debate, which centred on a land reform scandal involving leading Southern Democrats – especially former deputy agriculture minister Suthep Theuksuban – came almost to resemble a regional dispute, pitting the South against the rest of the country. Democrat politicians were accused of abusing land reform provisions designed to assigned poor farmers, to benefit wealthy supporters and even their own relatives in Phuket and other provinces.


A campaign against alleged abuses of power by southern Democrats was led by the top-selling daily newspaper Thai Rath, which “locked” the scandal onto its front page for over six months (see McCargo 2000: 15–17; Pasuk and Baker 1997: 33–5). The campaign was replete with rhetoric suggesting that the stubbornness and selfishness of southern politicians had led them to act against the national interest, illicitly channelling benefits to their own inside circle, and then failing properly to address their wrongdoing. While prime minister Chuan Leekpai was never accused of personal impropriety over the land reform issue, his attempts to use his own reputation for integrity to shield less squeaky-clean colleagues had the effect of sullying his image, culminating in the downfall of his first administration in May 1995. Criticism of the southern Democrat leadership over the scandal provoked a strong reaction in some parts of the region, and contributed to the party’s landslide success there in the subsequent July 1995 general election.


During the scandal, both sides sought to exploit regional tensions for their own advantage. When Suthep Theuksuban addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before the no-confidence debate, he was totally unrepentant about his role in the scandal, calling on his southern supporters to march on Bangkok in their hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation (Siam Post, 19 April 1995). News of this speech provoked uproar in the capital, confirming the views of many Bangkokians that Chuan’s inner circle contained some over-excitable rabble-rousers. A week earlier, a column by Thai Rath’s Chalam Khiao had accused the Chuan administration of deliberately seeking to divide the country, “inciting and fomenting friction among southern people” (Thai Rath, 11 April 1995); Suthep’s outburst appeared to support this view. 


Edited by jamesbrock
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As much as I hate the idea of agreeing with the Shin fan club, I must. Suthep is an odious human being. The only actions that I can recall that gained any respect from me were the repudiation of his former pal Thaksin and the fact that he kept getting up on that stage every night instead of heading for the hills. Then again, he had a lot reasons to do it, he might have found himself in the same situation Tarit is in.

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3 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


By the sheer number of people requesting "evidence" or cheering on the (false) assumption that none exists, is would appear it isn't quite as well known as most people think!


It's as though the very scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate didn't actually happen, and the hundreds of thousands of supporters that Suthep incited to march on Bangkok weren't doing it for the very purpose of defending his reputation...


Edit: Source: Southern Thai Politics: A Preliminary Overview; Duncan McCargo, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds (http://www.polis.leeds.ac.uk/assets/files/research/working-papers/wp3mccargo.pdf)



" By the sheer number of people requesting "evidence" or cheering on the (false) assumption that none exists, is would appear it isn't quite as well known as most people think! "

so, you think that TV readers are a good sample of all those in Thailand, and many overseas,... I think NOT.

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49 minutes ago, Rorri said:

" By the sheer number of people requesting "evidence" or cheering on the (false) assumption that none exists, is would appear it isn't quite as well known as most people think! "

so, you think that TV readers are a good sample of all those in Thailand, and many overseas,... I think NOT.


I think I don't understand your question/statement... :blink:

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On 02/09/2016 at 8:41 AM, aussieinthailand said:

Ehh hello, is this the hospital? 

Yes it is,  how can we help?

Umm we have our prisoner he and he just like fainted, can you come?

We will be right there.

So first he fainted, then he necked himself with a bit of his shirt, then he necked himself with his socks.

But died of a ruptured liver and asphyxiation...


You gott'a take  a fair kicking to rupture your liver...   to many connections (evidence) linking to people,  he's gotta go.

So funky dodgy land deals huh?  And in Phuket, Sounds like o'l  Suthep's got a copy cat fan, his old stomping ground for flim flam land deals,  according to fellow poly's he's (Suthep) the most corrupt ploy ever. 

And his mate the junta leader wont touch him,  Why is that? junta fan club? djjamie, Halloween, etc, Why?  He got to much dirt on him maybe?   What,, what's that?  The junta leader did a bit of a (*&^%$%^)  land deal just before the land tax laws were changed and paid how much in taxes?  You people p*ss n moan, tax dodger,, oh  the red's,  PTP,  Thaksin,, Well guy's it's your hero as well but you'll leave that little nugget well and truly alone huh?

Aww sorry some people here think o'l Suthep's  a hero for whipping up a few 100,000 protesters and paid thugs and brought the country to it's knees...

DSI have a few questions to answer,  Kind'a reminds me of the famous,   Lucy,,, choo got some esspliainin to do.... 


When is someone going to have a look at the blocks of land on Phuket which Suthep gave to his  hi-so mates rather than to poor farmers.

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On 02/09/2016 at 1:48 PM, Father Fintan Stack said:

Do the people defending Suthep and frothing over Thaksin understand how utterly ridiculous and clueless they appear?


From Wiki:

As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation. The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[13] In subsequent elections, Thai Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.
Wikileaks diplomatic cables from the US embassy revealed that many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior.



Suthep will never be called to account for his corrupt thieving of Sor Por Kor land . During the Army coup Suthep admitted that he was advising Gen Prayuth on a daily basis, so one can be assured that he is protected by his mate in Bangkok.

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On 02/09/2016 at 1:48 PM, Father Fintan Stack said:

Do the people defending Suthep and frothing over Thaksin understand how utterly ridiculous and clueless they appear?


From Wiki:

As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation. The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[13] In subsequent elections, Thai Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.
Wikileaks diplomatic cables from the US embassy revealed that many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior.



There is also a question of govt land which was attached to the Suthep family property on Koh Samui, which was never investigated.


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