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'Crushed': Some Hispanic leaders feel misled by Trump


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'Crushed': Some Hispanic leaders feel misled by Trump



CINCINNATI (AP) — "Crushed." ''Disappointed." ''Confused."


Some Hispanic leaders who have been advising Donald Trump say they feel betrayed after his long-awaited immigration speech that definitively ruled out a pathway to legal status for people living in the country illegally.


Trump stopped short of calling for the mass deportation of millions of people who have not committed crimes beyond their immigration offenses. But he also ruled out what he dismissed as "amnesty," saying those who want to live legally in the U.S. will need to leave and head to the back of the line in their home countries.


"People will know that you can't just smuggle in, hunker down and wait to be legalized," Trump declared in his hard-line speech Wednesday night. "Those days are over."


The language caught off guard a group of Hispanic faith and business leaders who have been advising him, often in the face of criticism from their own communities. In closed-door meetings, phone calls and in public statements, Trump and his aides had given many the impression that he was prepared to soften his stance on immigration as he tries to court more moderate, general election voters and boost his standing with Hispanics and other minorities.


Now, some feel Trump misled them.


"There's several of us who have gone out on a limb, if you will, to try to at least be at the table of reason with him, and that's left us confused and disappointed," said Tony Suarez, the executive vice president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. He's been among those pushing Trump to moderate his stance.


As recently as Monday, he said, the GOP presidential nominee had signaled on a conference call with faith leaders that they could expect to see a gentler, more compassionate Trump in the speech. Trump, Suarez said, was asked explicitly whether they would see a softening or any "hope" for at least some of the people currently living in the shadows.


"He said, 'Yes,' and he thought we would be very pleased on Wednesday," said Suarez. "The impression given on the call was not what we heard last night."


Alfonso Aguilar, president of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, had prominently endorsed Trump after initially opposing his candidacy. He, too, said Trump had signaled a willingness to moderate some of his immigration plans, including limiting his call for deportations to those convicted of crimes.


"At this point, I just don't see how I can support him. So I'm withdrawing my support," Aguilar said. "I was expecting something very different last night. I'm not naive, I knew who I was dealing with. I knew this could happen. It was a risk.


"From a political perspective, this is the end of Donald Trump. I really think now he's definitely going to lose."


Trump's campaign, however, insisted the billionaire businessman had never wavered.


"Mr. Trump has been consistent in advocating for an end to illegal immigration and he will continue to reach out and work with voters from all communities to defeat Crooked Hillary Clinton this fall," said Jason Miller, the campaign's senior communications adviser.


Those speaking out against Trump also included Jacob Monty, a Houston-based attorney and member of the candidate's National Hispanic Advisory Council. In a Facebook post, Monty said he was finished supporting Trump after hearing the speech.


"I gave Donald TRUMP a Plan that would improve border security, remove hardened criminal aliens and most importantly give work authority to the millions of honest, hardworking immigrants in the US. He rejected that tonight and so I must reject him," he wrote, adding that Trump had at one point been moving toward a "compassionate immigration plan."


"Tonight he was not a Republican but a populist, modern-day Father Coughlin who demonized immigrants," he continued, referring to an anti-Semitic priest who gained prominence as a radio personality in the 1930s. "He must want to lose. He can do that without me."


Mark Gonzalez, founder of the Hispanic Action Network, had also expected Trump to go in a different direction.


"We didn't see compassion last night so we're extremely disappointed," he said. "We were anticipating something a lot more favorable."


"He definitely didn't help himself with the Latino community last night."


Suarez, who had never endorsed Trump personally, said he would now be focusing his attention on Congress and on electing lawmakers who are more amenable to immigration reform.


"We're disappointed and it's only raised more questions than answers," he said of Trump's speech. "We tried," he said. "You don't always win. We tried."


But Pastor Mario Bramnick, president of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition and another member of the advisory council, said he would be sticking with Trump because he believes the GOP nominee still has "a real desire to help the undocumented."


Trump's more conciliatory tone during his surprise visit to Mexico Wednesday, coupled with his private comments and some language in the speech, give Bramnick hope that Trump will one day unveil a plan "that's going to secure the border and that's going to be just and equitable to help the undocumented."


Associated Press writer Steve Peoples contributed to this report from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-02
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It seems reasonable. They were willing to support him when they thought they could sway him on Amnesty.


Trump made some compromises most certainly but his own agenda includes no Amnesty so these Hispanic Leaders have withdrawn support. 


Amnesty creates an incentive for illegals to enter the US as described. It should not be part of the overhaul that many Americans are clamoring for.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Stand by....Donald will alter his position daily between now and election day. Right now he pandering to the white vote in the rust belt states (mostly whites) as he knows getting any significant amount of  Hispanic/Latino votes just isn't going to materialize...just as getting an significant black votes is not going to materialize.  So, refocus on the white vote in key swing states if he has any hope of squeaking out a win.

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23 minutes ago, Pib said:

Stand by....Donald will alter his position daily between now and election day. Right now he pandering to the white vote in the rust belt states (mostly whites) as he knows getting any significant amount of  Hispanic/Latino votes just isn't going to materialize...just as getting an significant black votes is not going to materialize.  So, refocus on the white vote in key swing states if he has any hope of squeaking out a win.


I think his media dudes Ailes and Bannon got in his ear and told him what mattered.  "Donald, you're not going to be President.  But our far right Trump News network can't have you alienating our customers....eh, core base of far right racist nutbags.  So let's forget about them Mexicans and start kissing up to our core of crazies!" 

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Now we know the real reason that Trump went to Mexico. I was to get some of that famous Spanish Fly to harden up his position. No more "softening" worries. He came back with a stick it to them illegal immigrates message that lasted 90 minutes. My what staying power the old Trumpster had.

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"Now, some feel Trump misled them."  


Ya think? :cheesy:


"He definitely didn't help himself with the Latino community last night."


The Clueless Bloviator who is flailing away in his usual incoherent manner, once again,

has shot himself in the foot.   :thumbsup:


Lovin' it.


Dunning Kruger.

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Heck, Donald is even causing Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity (a.k.a., Republican media prophets in their own minds) to go after each other.


Conservative media friendships and alliances are breaking apart as Donald Trump's run for president roils the Republican Party.

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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

It seems reasonable. They were willing to support him when they thought they could sway him on Amnesty.


Trump made some compromises most certainly but his own agenda includes no Amnesty so these Hispanic Leaders have withdrawn support. 


Amnesty creates an incentive for illegals to enter the US as described. It should not be part of the overhaul that many Americans are clamoring for.

That is not the issue.


The issue is that he has been very unclear on this topic, and given at least the impression he would not be as hard on this as he has now come out. He has mislead them, that is the issue.

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9 minutes ago, stevenl said:

That is not the issue.


The issue is that he has been very unclear on this topic, and given at least the impression he would not be as hard on this as he has now come out. He has mislead them, that is the issue.


That would appear to be the issue for a dozen hispanic leaders but it is certainly not the issue for millions of Americans who Trump is representing when he states he will toughen illegal immigration and eliminating the Amnesty Program for illegals.


Edited by ClutchClark
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26 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


That would appear to be the issue for a dozen hispanic leaders but it is certainly not the issue for millions of Americans who Trump is representing when he states he will toughen illegal immigration and eliminating the Amnesty Program for illegals.


And I thought I was reading this thread, " 'Crushed': Some Hispanic leaders feel misled by Trump "


I must be wrong and have posted in the wrong thread, maybe you can point me to the thread where Hispanic leaders say they feel mislead?

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

That would appear to be the issue for a dozen hispanic leaders but it is certainly not the issue for millions of Americans who Trump is representing when he states he will toughen illegal immigration and eliminating the Amnesty Program for illegals.

Yea sure, it's just those 15 of 30 Latin community leaders, as individuals, who are sick of Trump and quit Trump's Committee on Hispanic Affairs (or whatever it's called).  It couldn't be anyone other than those 15 folks, could it?


Regardless of which side of the issue a person is wedded, Trump loses face bigly.  The reason:  He's flip flopping more than an orca performing at Sea World.   If Trump and I each had 7 year old boys and mine wanted to go play at Trump's house, I'd say no.  Trump might be home, and he's an awful influence for kids and anyone else.   I teach my kids to be reliable.  


There's a quaint saying among farang that still should hold true in today's world; "a man is as good as his word."   Trump is as good as his lies.

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4 hours ago, Berkshire said:


I think his media dudes Ailes and Bannon got in his ear and told him what mattered.  "Donald, you're not going to be President.  But our far right Trump News network can't have you alienating our customers....eh, core base of far right racist nutbags.  So let's forget about them Mexicans and start kissing up to our core of crazies!" 

At the risk of sounding as crazy as the wingnuts , Im beginning to think there is some truth in what you say. Trump cares only about the bottom line so lf there is a dollar to be made then that would be his priority.

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18 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

At the risk of sounding as crazy as the wingnuts , Im beginning to think there is some truth in what you say. Trump cares only about the bottom line so lf there is a dollar to be made then that would be his priority.


You don't sound crazy at all !


I hope the first thing Clinton does with her massive majority in congress and the senate will be to change the tax laws on property ownership that allow Trump to show that he makes hundreds of millions in losses each year when it is actually a scam to avoid paying taxes.

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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

It seems reasonable. They were willing to support him when they thought they could sway him on Amnesty.


Trump made some compromises most certainly but his own agenda includes no Amnesty so these Hispanic Leaders have withdrawn support. 


Amnesty creates an incentive for illegals to enter the US as described. It should not be part of the overhaul that many Americans are clamoring for.


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Once again his fragile ego has been bruised, this time by the Mexican President telling him that they will not be paying for his wall, so he forgets everything he's been told the previous week and comes out and pisses off all the Hispanics again.

The man is a fool.



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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I want Johnston/Weld to win. Just give hime 15% support for the debates and he will do the rest. 


Good….I can see many people disgusted by crooked hillary voting Johnston/Weld.


Hopefully this will give trump an advantage…a slim one… but still…every vote counts on this one.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here, just bend over and drop your trousers, this won't hurt much......




Yes Nieto does not look to happy. Trump is just being Trump inflate their ego's give them a false hope and then produce a big needle. True Trump at his very best. Trump the business man is shining through again. Trump the politician does not exist. its the "Art of the Deal" all over again.  He has Shylarked so many people in the past and his bag of tricks and lies is never empty. 

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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Once again his fragile ego has been bruised, this time by the Mexican President telling him that they will not be paying for his wall, so he forgets everything he's been told the previous week and comes out and pisses off all the Hispanics again.

The man is a fool.



Yes a dangerous fool. Do not sell this guy short. 

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes a dangerous fool. Do not sell this guy short. 

He is a fool that likely can not get much of his policy implemented. The congressional and court challenges and constitutionality issues will easily tie him up for 4 years. The problem is that Hilary is as crooked as the day is long. So we have a choice between a fool who doesn't understand the issues or how the government operates and a shyster who does but has shown no willingness to do anything but maintain the status quo.


Woe is me.

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6 hours ago, Pib said:

An interactive chart/video showing immigration to the U.S. over the last two hundred years...shows flows from countries around the world to the U.S.  Really and awesome (and short) interactive display IMO.




Into the U.S. during the last two hundred years............and around the planet for the last two hundred thousand years.  Oh no, I'm wrong:


"Historical migration of human populations begins with the movement of Homo erectus out of Africa across Eurasia about 1.75 million years ago."


Whatever, the world is carrying on as normal.


Edited by Enoon
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Why aren't we having this conversation in Thailand?  Illegal mean just as it implies.  Do they all need to be put in jail to understand they have acted against the laws of the US?


Oh, that's right, Rule of Law has become obsolete under the present US administration.  It is now selective prosecution that rules the land.



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