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Melania Trump sues Daily Mail and US blogger for $150m over sex worker claims


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@Post 85 Boon Mee:


"On topic:  Sad the left wing press in their Democrat masters stoop as low as they have to slime, 

a fine woman such as Donald Trump's wife."  :blink:


Of course, one of the many erroneous statements (as if it's a fact), 

from a poster who has no direct knowledge of the integrity of Bloviator's third wife.

(The woman who married a guy who cheated on his 2 previous wives.) :whistling:


The same woman who has lied about her education and Visa.



Dunning Kruger.

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Security risk.

Blackmail exposure from all sorts of parties in the know.

Intelligence services from US and elsewhere will be working overtime on this one.

All sorts of leverage potential could be unlocked here.

Who knows where it might lead?


Sex scandal levers are stock-in-trade for the intelligence services.

How do you think Thatcher controlled her cabinet for so long except by having files documenting their paedophilia.

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10 minutes ago, iReason said:

@Post 85 Boon Mee:


"On topic:  Sad the left wing press in their Democrat masters stoop as low as they have to slime, 

a fine woman such as Donald Trump's wife."  :blink:


Of course, one of the many erroneous statements (as if it's a fact), 

from a poster who has no direct knowledge of the integrity of Bloviator's third wife.

(The woman who married a guy who cheated on his 2 previous wives.) :whistling:


The same woman who has lied about her education and Visa.



Dunning Kruger.




iReason was apparently of the Puritan Faith. 


Somehow he has determined Melania is to be blamed for Trumps previous divorces. 

As if it is a sin to divorce.

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Daily Mail sure chickened out of that story quick.  Nice going Melania.   Don't let these stupid tabloids get you down.  


The real issue here was an attempt for the Daily Mail to come up with a quick nonsense story on Melania, to offset the Weiner fiasco. Huma Abedin sure knows how to pick a pervert for a husband.  However, Hillary is no better....as her husband enjoyed his frolics in the oval office with his staff......on taxpayer time.   The Melania story was just another lie the democrats thought up.  Story retracted.   The Weiner and Bill the tomcat sexcapades happened while serving in Office. Their wives actually enabled these men to get away with their sordid ways.


The "double standard" still makes it possible for men (even president bill) to abuse their positions in government to obtain sexual favors...while women who use their feminine charms to get ahead are chastised.  


Nice try...no dice. Nothing to see here!

Edited by slipperylobster
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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:




iReason was apparently of the Puritan Faith. 


Somehow he has determined Melania is to be blamed for Trumps previous divorces. 

As if it is a sin to divorce.


Not unsurprising,  for a person that claims to hold "republican values" in such high esteem,  you seem to forget what a single divorce cost Nelson Rockefeller in 1964. You also seem to forget the controversy about Reagan being the first divorced  person elected president. The hypocrisy of the republican party, since 1980, is there for all to see.


Melania was a eastern European model brought to the US by (after living in Milan for some years without visible means of support ) by an Italian agency that was several levels below legit.  She somehow survived in the US without any significant modelling contracts for several years. Evidence is she was paid for very short work doing "sexy" photos before she had a visa that allowed her to work. How did she  become part of,what we used to call the "jet set" , with no visible means of support?  I do not think she was part of any organized "escort service", but to deny what she was doing and how she survived before attaching herself to Trump is disgenous. 


I mean, come on. How many guys you have met in Thailand that claim they came to Thailand  as a tourist and they met their Thai wives at the "salon", or she was working at a mall, or she was a country girl who spoke perfect English on the Internet?  We all go "OK", and just let go because we likely live in a glass house ourselves. 


But to to blindly defend Trump when we all know what really happened is just ludicrous and extreme hypocrisy. 


The  fact that what was once called the "moral majority" supports Trump is just another hypocrisy for the right wing and is on full display here. 


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Perhaps this lawsuit is a DEFLECTION against the Slovenian elephant in the room.

How Melania got U.S. citizenship.

Something's rotten and it's not in Denmark.




That speech came more than three weeks after Trump's campaign promised to answer questions about a more personal component of the immigration issue. In early August, Trump pledged that his wife, Melania, a native of Slovenia, would hold a news conference explaining how she managed to navigate the onerous process of getting a green card. He made the pledge after a number of outlets raised questions about the timeline of her entry into the country.


The promised news conference, though, hasn't yet happened.




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Not being a Brit and not a 'Daily Mail' fanatic that so many TVF members are, I'd not even heard of all this until the stories of libel started burbling up.

Sometimes these people need to comprehend the notion of letting sleeping dogs lie!


But now I know, Oh Yeah, all my suspicions of Mail Order Bride are confirmed LOL

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15 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Only on a Thai forum would you have guys snootily condemning a woman for accepting money for sex. But then these same guys snootily look down on the women they go with also. Apart from the one who is 'different' of course.

This wasn't money for sex, it was Mail Order, whole different stratosphere of 'pay-for-sex'....get with the program for Gods sake LOL

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19 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

This wasn't money for sex, it was Mail Order, whole different stratosphere of 'pay-for-sex'....get with the program for Gods sake LOL


Any way you slice it, Trump is total class, and always has been. Biff Tannen for President.

Image result for biff back to the future

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8 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Any way you slice it, Trump is total class, and always has been. Biff Tannen for President.

Image result for biff back to the future

We all have our own 'Biff' from HS.

The memory of walking into a Wendy's and seeing my 'Biff' minus a few teeth taking my order,  is still to this day one of my treasured  memories

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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Only on a Thai forum would you have guys snootily condemning a woman for accepting money for sex. But then these same guys snootily look down on the women they go with also. Apart from the one who is 'different' of course.

It is not the guys here condemning her, it is the knowing that there is more.


His base would not like it if they realised her past.

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23 minutes ago, stevenl said:

It is not the guys here condemning her, it is the knowing that there is more.


His base would not like it if they realised her past.


Correct. And, that bothersome issue of the judgmental loony Christian evangelical right too. Those bible thumpers will be in a real quandary over how to support a President whose wife is a woman of ill repute. ;)


Conservatives, they can talk themselves into anything.

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53 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Correct. And, that bothersome issue of the judgmental loony Christian evangelical right too. Those bible thumpers will be in a real quandary over how to support a President whose wife is a woman of ill repute. ;)


Conservatives, they can talk themselves into anything.


Those evangelicals you are now "channeling" have much bigger topics of importance than Mrs Trump.


They are more interested in topics of LGBT, abortion, (perceived or otherwise) discrimination against their church and their religion, creationism, etc..


And they know that Clinton and the Dems are not their friends. 



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3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Those evangelicals you are now "channeling" have much bigger topics of importance than Mrs Trump.


They are more interested in topics of LGBT, abortion, (perceived or otherwise) discrimination against their church and their religion, creationism, etc..


And they know that Clinton and the Dems are not their friends. 




Yup, Trump is truly one of them. He is a dyed in the wool fundamental Christian who will pursue those issues for the thumpers. I agree any other Republican would be on their side, but not this guy, who is not even a Republican, much less a church-goer.

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6 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Yup, Trump is truly one of them. He is a dyed in the wool fundamental Christian who will pursue those issues for the thumpers. I agree any other Republican would be on their side, but not this guy, who is not even a Republican, much less a church-goer.


Are you saying that a politician now has to be "one of" the various groups they represent?


Does hillary need to become a member of the LGBTI community to support their cause?

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Just now, ClutchClark said:


Are you saying that a politician now has to be "one of" the various groups they represent?


Does hillary need to become a member of the LGBTI community to support their cause?


I'm saying a candidate for President needs to believe in the cause and platform of his party. Trump does not, as pointed out many times by Paul Ryan.

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4 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


I'm saying a candidate for President needs to believe in the cause and platform of his party. Trump does not, as pointed out many times by Paul Ryan.


And some would argue that since Trump won the primaries that he is supported by the voters of the Republican Party.  


Some people see apaul Ryan as part of the problem--the Republican voter feels disenfranchised by the mainstream politician. Ryan represents exactly what many voters appear to be against--career politicians. 


Personally, I like Ryan, but he obviously does not represent the majority of republican voters or a fellow career politician would have won the primaries.

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I am appalled.

Here, we clearly have a siliconed enhanced bimbo,

and a husband of said BIMBO who refuses to give the Pledge of Allegience. (Shocking. Just Shocking)


And the husband clearly likes to see his BIMBO attached to handcuffs in his pimp airline.


This is very disturbing.

What is this world coming to?


I am very sickened that such a person has rision in such a great nation.

What has happened to my 'murica?


Does our choice depend on some sort of pimp pad airline in the skies?


Do we have "fans" who prefer to ignore every ignorant, ludicrous blather the Bloviator spews because their penis declares the Bloviator's 3rd wife as "hot"?



I feel for my nation...





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6 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Only on a Thai forum would you have guys snootily condemning a woman for accepting money for sex. But then these same guys snootily look down on the women they go with also. Apart from the one who is 'different' of course.



I don't think people are being 'snooty'. This family are running for highest office in the land and at the end of the day, make no mistake, it IS a family job, President, First Lady etc. In order to get to the White House they have to set themselves up as being beyond reproach. They clearly are not. Trump is a pathological liar and he has dragged this woman into a place she does not want to be. Her previous 'colleagues'  have given details showing she worked illegaly in the US back in 1995 and that she was with an organization providing escorts. The inaccuracies/lies about visas and university degrees do not help when Trump is making policy statements on illegal immigrants and taking jobs from Americans.


I find people on here pretty forgiving of most types of 'lifestyle' choice generally until the BS comes out, then you are fair game. I actually feel sorry for the woman. She netted a big fish to ensure security for herself and any children she might have (now just one I think). She will have a prenuptial agreement that won't give her a single cent if she leaves Trump and now has to paint herself as white as the Virgin Mary when she does not want to be in that spotlight. I do not see this as her doing, it is Trump who is despicable, or maybe I just cut too much slack for a woman I see did nothing more than what she needed to do to get out of the hole she was in and get to the front of the rat race. BUT when you are running for POTUS and all the fringe benefits, if you say something then if it is untrue or inaccurate you better be ready to account for your words.


Vote Johnson/Weld, make the nightmare stop.

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All the Trump fanboys and their uncontrolled lust for their perception of a 'beautiful' woman combined with sordid jealousy of a self-proclaimed billionaire who does at least have the funds to acquire such tail. The pretend outrage at others calling sweet Melania a sex worker. This just after their spirited defense of the poor dear after being accused of plagiarizing from a Black woman. An now all is right with the world. A law suit is threatened and the media outlet caves. Justice is served. The system works. The rich can use their money to enforce their will just as it should be.


But hang on. The Daily Mail did not 'break' the story of Melania's past as an escort. They reported this from another source. A Slovakian magazine called Suzy on its front page on 5 August. This was 15 days before the Daily Mail ran the story on 20 August. And what's more, Suzy magazine was not listed in the lawsuit. http://blog.matthewhunt.com/2016/09/daily-mail.html


If innuendo, supposition and down right lies are good enough to attack Clinton with, why not Trump and his 'Children of the Corn' weirdo kids and his alleged escort 3rd wife. All the puffed up, pompous, and made up rage on this thread just adds to the hypocrisy of the besotted Trump fanboys.

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Again, the facts about her immigration path are much more politically relevant right now than any gossip about her possible involvement in sex work. 


There are some very strong clues NOT REFUTED by the trump family as yet, that her path to citizenship was paved with ILLEGALITY.


In other words, in all fairness, is she a  case that the rabid xeophobic trumpist mobs should be yelling:






Truth in posting. I'm a third generation American. My first generation relatives LIED to immigration to get in. I'm not ashamed. If they hadn't  they would have died.


 But I'm not a nativist WHITE SUPREMACIST xenophobe like the trumpists either. 

Yes, Melania is very white, so ... never mind. 

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On 9/2/2016 at 3:32 PM, iReason said:

Melania Trump was a hooker?

A Gold Digger?

Who, was allegedly working illegally in the U.S. on a Tourist Visa without a work permit?


And now the third wife of a Presidential candidate who has been well documented as cheating on the first two?


This is Shocking. Truly disturbing.


What has happened to family values?


This certainly should be investigated and exposed.


It's just plain Un a 'murican.


And likely an Illegal Alien no less. Despicable.


Any reasonable person surely would want to get to the bottom of this.


Justice should be served.


How can we, as a country survive, if this tawdry behavior is tolerated?


What will be left to our children?


Who will be their role models?


We must stand up to this vulger immorality.


Yeah who cares?

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On 9/2/2016 at 8:41 PM, Neurath said:

I would think that it presents a golden opportunity for Trump and Melania. Become born again and repent the sins of prostitution. The belters would lap it up. Get her up on stage teary eyed to tell the story of how she initially went after the prince for his money, but upon finding god and becoming in him born again - whilst Donald was in her- she found her way, the way of the Lord, and bore him a man-child. Since that time of rebirth, she has prayed to the lord and talked in tongues daily - like she did on stage at the convention -  and thought of nothing but serving the lord above and the lord at home....Donald J Trump




That is cynical!

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