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Briton accused of stealing Thai tourist's bag from temple


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No word on how they knew who he was? Facial recognition software seems a little advanced for LOS, I don't see another way though., unless there was a sign-in book and he was stupid enough to use his real name.

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Ah, while this guy is clearly guilty and should be punished appropriately under the law, I do have to laugh at the number of apologists who are all over this thread calling for ridiculous punishments and making somewhat odd claims about brits/westerners.


This idiot is a gift to some, gives a chance to vent bile. 


What is the legal punishment for theft of this sort?



Edited by Bluespunk
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17 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The Video appears to leave little doubt...  


What charges would a Thai receive ? He should receive the same. 



He the thieving scum bag should have his hands chopped off and deported. If thai hands off and prison. I hate thief's with a passion.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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2 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

He the thieving scum bag should have his hands chopped off and deported. I hate thief's with a passion.



Really, what do you even care. You have no connection to him, he didn't take anything of yours and he probably didn't get more than a  hundred bucks.  Barely qualifies as a petty criminal. A heavy fine and banned forever from the kingdom would seem fair enough to me.

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Just now, Rob13 said:



Really, what do you even care. You have no connection to him, he didn't take anything of yours and he probably didn't get more than a  hundred bucks.  Barely qualifies as a petty criminal. A heavy fine and banned forever from the kingdom would seem fair enough to me.

I think you should check the exchange rate.

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13 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, while this guy is clearly guilty and should be punished appropriately under the law, I do have to laugh at the number of apologists who are all over this thread calling for ridiculous punishments and making somewhat odd claims about brits/westerners.


This idiot is a gift to some, gives a chance to vent bile. 


What is the legal punishment for theft of 

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3 minutes ago, Rob13 said:



Really, what do you even care. You have no connection to him, he didn't take anything of yours and he probably didn't get more than a  hundred bucks.  Barely qualifies as a petty criminal. A heavy fine and banned forever from the kingdom would seem fair enough to me.

Really do you know he has not stole from me or mine??? I don't care if he got 20 bht he is still a thief a low life worse than dog shit and should as I said have his hands chopped off so he can't steal again. Another oh it's only a petty crime <deleted>

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Yes, it would be interesting to know how they were so on the ball especially in an airport the size of Suvaranabhumi!!! What did they do? Show his mugshot around MacDonalds?


I think there must be a tiny bit more to it, mainly because I have no confidence in the abilities of the Thai police.


Anyway, no doubt the good General will be doing some backslapping and ensuring his ' finest BIB '  are rewarded for their outstanding detective work.


Now, what percentage of the 100,000 baht the woman ' alleges ' was in her handbag will they be expecting as a reasonable reward??  She probably went upstairs to the office, saw that the image was blurred as to what was in the bag, thought of a number and quadrupled it..l.......

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Yes, it would be interesting to know how they were so on the ball especially in an airport the size of Suvaranabhumi!!! What did they do? Show his mugshot around MacDonalds?


I think there must be a tiny bit more to it, mainly because I have no confidence in the abilities of the Thai police.


Anyway, no doubt the good General will be doing some backslapping and ensuring his ' finest BIB '  are rewarded for their outstanding detective work.


Now, what percentage of the 100,000 baht the woman ' alleges ' was in her handbag will they be expecting as a reasonable reward??  She probably went upstairs to the office, saw that the image was blurred as to what was in the bag, thought of a number and quadrupled it..l.......

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Not guilty until all evidence is collected, witnesses interviewed, all video and still shots examined, charged, and wait to see how the matter proceeds. 


Millions that are currently incarcerated worldwide were not guilty and DNA evidence is currently supporting that while cold cases are currently being reopened and worked.

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6 minutes ago, Kabula said:

Not guilty until all evidence is collected, witnesses interviewed, all video and still shots examined, charged, and wait to see how the matter proceeds. 


Millions that are currently incarcerated worldwide were not guilty and DNA evidence is currently supporting that while cold cases are currently being reopened and worked.


Sweet Jesus....Amen.


The prisons are just full of innocent people, and they are filled with a vast majority more guilty. 


No one is suggesting this fat slob of an english purse thief be sent to death row so lets not back up the court system 100 years with your suggestion.

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1 hour ago, chuang said:

Strange they are still those on TV defending his action...even with the CCTV evidences...ops the recordings was a set-up..:cheesy:

birds of a feather...:w00t:

Well I've read through the thread and haven't read a single post defending his actions. There are several ( myself included) who question some of the more excited suggestions for punishment, and one wondering,  not unreasonably,  why a bag containing ThB 100, 000 worth was left untended.

None defending him, so don't get too carried away with allusions to "birds of a feather flocking together ", it simply isn't so.

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In 2000, a Brit stole a rented motorbike from me.  I didn't know him, never met him.  I had rented a bike, parked it.  He must have tried a key and it turned on.  Amazingly, I found it in another part of town.  I told cops.  Cops spoke to him (without me present) and kicked him out of town.  I would have done a lot worse to him.  If I hadn't found the bike, I'd be out Bt.33,000.


It's yet another proof of how pantywaist useless Thai cops are.   I found the bike.  I brought cops to the g.h. where the buttplug was hiding.  Cops let him off as if he'd just spit on the sidewalk.

Edited by boomerangutang
railing against Thai cops
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2 hours ago, williet98248 said:

He's a  thief.  Not a murderer or a rapist.  So if you get get caught running a red light you should be flogged?  How about blinded so you can't drive again.  Amazing the comments people make on this forum.  He might get 6 months in the can.  Not likely.  More likely a big fine, deportation and banned from re-entry for life.


No for running a red light he should be hobbled. Please use some logic.

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We have a bird called a Jay in CO. Part of the crow family. They are sneaky birds and when they steal some trickets they act the same way this guy did. 


His bodly language throughout this video is great. You can see every thought in his head from the moment he first turns around on the original bench.

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1 minute ago, evadgib said:

Can the Pom bashers post something confirming the bloke in the bid is a Pom and has stolen something? All I saw was a bloke recover a bag.


Go on...


Not trying to be a wiseguy but what is a Pom? Any history helpful.


I thought that about the vid as well since a defense would be he took it to return it to owner but they busted him at airport and he still had not returned it.

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4 hours ago, williet98248 said:

He's a  thief.  Not a murderer or a rapist.  So if you get get caught running a red light you should be flogged?  How about blinded so you can't drive again.  Amazing the comments people make on this forum.  He might get 6 months in the can.  Not likely.  More likely a big fine, deportation and banned from re-entry for life.

I rather think that he was being sarcastic, some people need a smiley

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