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Duterte tells Obama not to question him about killings 


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14 hours ago, bannork said:

Go on Barack, ask him how many he murdered today.

Then ask him how many have died from illegal drug over doses, how many murders are related to drug cartels in the last 5 years, how many Police Officers have died from illegal drugs and the number of illegal drug crimes have been committed this year alone.


History in Columbia has shown us most everyone in the illegal drug business end up dead anyway.  And that includes most honest Police and  politicians.

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He's definitely a nut but he was elected ... 

I wouldn't make any predictions. 


So was Marcos in 65 and 69.


The problem if you use a vigilante squad to take out the baddies, what do you do with them when the "vigilante justice" times are over? Throw a goodbye partyPut them on a pension? Tell them to get a job at a McDonalds or Jolly Bee ?? These types don't like that kind of work and will feel entitled to .... basically do the same thing they did for Dute-punisher. That is what happend to Marcos. After years cleaning up the PI he was then thought of as THEE PROBLEM. What goes around comes around

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16 hours ago, DipStick said:

They now have this idiot, who is not a politician, nor is he diplomatic or well educated he is a poorly educated dictator. 


I think that is typical for the region, including Thailand, People who are not educated in high positions they have no idea about politics other than what is in it for them. Corruption rules one way or another!

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The one thing the wildman Duterte has not done is to blame the USA for the drug problems of the Philippines that are endemic and severe.


Duterte does in fact blame China....


Duterte also alleged that many of the drug suspects killed are Chinese nationals.


"Itong mga namatay dito na unclaimed, sino mag-claim niyan?(Those who die and the bodies are unclaimed, who will claim them?) Most of them really are Chinese," he said.


So far, however, there has been no report of Chinese nationals killed in police-led anti-drug operations.


Duterte said he would ask China why so many of their citizens are dealing drugs in the Philippines.


"That’s why, that’s my lamentations. Sabihin ko sa China one day: Bakit ganito ang sitwasyon? (I'll tell China one day: Why is this the situation?) Why is it that your... but most of the guys that come here do drugs, pati sa loob na (they are even inside)," he said.


In his first week in power, Duterte publicly named 3 Chinese drug lords running illegal drug trade operations in the Philippines.




Reality is -- and it should be no surprise -- Duterte doesn't like anyone, anywhere.


Whether or not there is a factual basis to it, Duterte continues to blame CIA for what Duterte continues to believe was an unsuccessful bombing assassination attempt against him. This was supposedly almost 20 years ago, soon after Duterte had been elected mayor of Davao, which is the major city in the southern Phils where Maoist guerillas have long been active.


The Communist Party of the Philippines and its New People's Army has always endorsed Duterte in Davao. Duterte in fact raised eyebrows in Manila when he appointed four CPP members to his cabinet, all four at the direct recommendation by name of the CPP leader. 


NPA are a core element of Duterte's war on drugs and drug lords in conducting the commonly arbitrary and summary executions on the spot. Many Filipinos don't much care who kills the bad guyz as long as they get killed.


President Obama had also given advance word to Duterte he'd be put on the spot face to face about slurring the US Ambassador for being openly gay, for praising the rape of an Australian missionary during a prison riot and for other impolitic and crackpot remarks and statements. (Methinks Obama wanted to get in some practice for campaigning against Trump the next few months!) 

Edited by Publicus
Spacing of quote.
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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Obama and his controllers certainly deserve some abuse, but I can't see this being a wise move for Mr Duterte. America wrote the book on regime change and destabilising nations. Do the Philippines really want to go down that path?

He is not a subtle guy thats for sure. The US's track record of interfering in other countries is laid bare for all to see. I can still remember some of their "invasions" Drug dealers are a brutal bunch. In Mexico they just cut the heads off of people that get in their way. They also killed and burnt the bodies of about 48 students. Their brutality is known far and wide. Maybe its time to take the gloves off and dish it out to them in return. Yes innocent people will be killed just like the innocent people that succumb to drugs. Its a trade off. The old methods of fighting drugs is obviously not working so its maybe time to kick their game up a notch much like this guy is doing. 

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

This Duterte dude is absolutely nuts... 


[Recounting Secretary of State John Kerry's visit to the country, Duterte, speaking Tagalog, said that he was feuding with US Ambassador Philip Goldberg.
"I was with (incoming defense chief General) Delfin Lorenzana. We talked to Kerry, he was actually OK because I had a fight with his ambassador. I told him: 'your ambassador is a gay son of a bitch.'" "I was annoyed at him, for interfering in the elections, giving statements here and there. He wasn't supposed to do that." He also called Kerry "crazy" and suggested that he "offend" him more to get more aid.
"Kerry came here, we had a meal, and he left me and Delfin $33 million. I said, OK, maybe we should offend them more, so this crazy will just give more money, just to make peace. So, it's all about the money."]
Obama is handling this like an adult, as he always does.  No need to punish an entire country of peoples because their leader is a complete looney.  For comparison, Trump would probably lose it and try to get back at the guy by punishing all Filipinos.  Big difference.  


I'm not a Trump supporter but I'd wager that Trump and this guy would probably get along pretty well.

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5 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm not a Trump supporter but I'd wager that Trump and this guy would probably get along pretty well.


Probably...but are you suggesting that this is a good thing?  Trump would get along with Duterte, Putin, Kim Jong Un, and other dictators because Trump would let these tyrants do whatever they wanted with impunity. 

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3 hours ago, Rancid said:

Dear oh dear, and the the Philippines was on track to being a US vassal state all over again, then this guy pops up. So what will it be then? The ever popular air accident, colour revolution, I mean this kind of impertinence can't be allowed. The Philippines is an important piece in the new encircle China program, doubt some local politician will be allowed to ruin remilitarising the Asian front and all the profits that entails.


Never fear. They all have their price, and it is remarkably insignificant to those who will pay it.

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7 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Agreed. Obama has already made light of it, knowing he is just another loose screw Trump type. I don't see it doing anything to US-Fils relations.

It's already impacted relations.

The planned meeting between the two current presidents didn't happen and now will never happen. 

We'll see how it goes when there is a new U.S. president. 

Edited by Jingthing
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The US President will rise above this statement.   There is more to lose than to gain in any kind of response.   Duterte, however, will find himself shunned in a number of ways and these could impact on the ability of the Philippines to effectively achieve some of the assistance that they might want.  


The relationship will be very business like.  I think he can rule out an invite to a state dinner or a stay at the White House.   Obama would probably be willing to meet him for a beer in a seedy bar in D.C. though.  

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Like Trump, Duterte will get away with his daily mouth farts.  The biggest losers are the people who get shot and killed daily in the Fil's - with no due process and little more than a police report.  The 2nd biggest losers are the murdered peoples' families.  


If Duterte had some knowledge about drugs (comparative harm, etc) he might be less of a mass murderer.  Or maybe he just gets a mafia-boss rush from using his power to snuff people out.

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Kurt Campbell and Kristy Kennedy will pick this up from this point forward.


Duterte has blown his wad in any further dealings with President Obama, especially after Obama called Duterte to personally congratulate him on his election victory in June.


Campbell was AsstSecState for East Asia and Pacific with HRC as SecState and Kristy Kennedy is a former ambassador to the Philippines who we recall from her most recent (extended) time as ambassador to Thailand. She has since been in Washington as State Department Counsel.


Duterte has already lost his crony guy as foreign secretary, Perfecto Yasay, who's become hard line against CCP in Beijing over everything, but the PCA ruling in particular, to include the drugs Triads that are so powerful in the Phils. Kennedy had flown to the Phils to spend a day with Yasay after he had become FM. 


No concerns here as relations between the Pentagon and the Phils military high command remain solid. 

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One must wonder how Donald Trump would have handled this situation, or maybe Trump can align himself politically with the PI's outspoken President.


Me thinks we are entering a new world of political incorrectness, a world filled with outbursts of profanity and arrogance.

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23 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

mark my words: He's close to his grave. You can't spit to everyone. Someone gonna silence him soon

Well, the queue is extensive but his protectors are legion.  I live in the Philippines and I am yet to meet anyone who will state that he dislikes or opposes Dutertes actions.

Personally,  I am in favour of the man and his actions.  Oh he has foul mouthed the people he is alledged to but so do many but will not do so publicly. Whats not to like about the man?  He is honest and he has balls and the people love him.

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12 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Okay, so now what ?  How about Washington invades the Philipinnes, set up a new government in the Philipinnes ???
A government that is willing to be a Washington puppet ??

well it worked last time....... it will work again, as long as the US pays for everything.

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2 hours ago, rosst said:

Well, the queue is extensive but his protectors are legion.  I live in the Philippines and I am yet to meet anyone who will state that he dislikes or opposes Dutertes actions.

Personally,  I am in favour of the man and his actions.  Oh he has foul mouthed the people he is alledged to but so do many but will not do so publicly. Whats not to like about the man?  He is honest and he has balls and the people love him.

The fact that he is promoting and condoning murder in the streets?

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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He's definitely a nut but he was elected ... 

I wouldn't make any predictions. 


From my POV, I hope Obama DOES say something. Don't  be bullied. 

Are you kidding me?  Obama will kiss his ass, bow to him, and/or kiss his ring.  

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On September 5, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Jingthing said:

The trump of Asean ... :whistling:


Not  being entirely flip about this. (Oops.)

I randomly happened onto some "alt-right" sites directly from the trump twitter page.

That led me to an alt-right meme page, named after Right Wing Death Squads.

They don't pussyfoot around.

These people loved Duterte, loved trump, and loved Nazis too. 

I reckon if trump wins, they'll be makin' "deals" ...

Geez, you can't just leave Trump and Nazis out of the picture, can you? Every damn post seems to have Trump and a comparison to Nazis worked into it somehow.  Try thinking outside your little box sometime.

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1 hour ago, 212Roger said:

Are you kidding me?  Obama will kiss his ass, bow to him, and/or kiss his ring.  

Canceling meetings ... basically putting him on IGNORE. So you're wrong.

He didn't take the bait. 

Makes Duterte look small.

That drives bullies like Duterte mad. 

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15 hours ago, Publicus said:

Kurt Campbell and Kristy Kennedy will pick this up from this point forward.


Duterte has blown his wad in any further dealings with President Obama, especially after Obama called Duterte to personally congratulate him on his election victory in June.


Campbell was AsstSecState for East Asia and Pacific with HRC as SecState and Kristy Kennedy is a former ambassador to the Philippines who we recall from her most recent (extended) time as ambassador to Thailand. She has since been in Washington as State Department Counsel.


Duterte has already lost his crony guy as foreign secretary, Perfecto Yasay, who's become hard line against CCP in Beijing over everything, but the PCA ruling in particular, to include the drugs Triads that are so powerful in the Phils. Kennedy had flown to the Phils to spend a day with Yasay after he had become FM. 


No concerns here as relations between the Pentagon and the Phils military high command remain solid. 

Who are Campbell and Kennedy?

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10 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Who are Campbell and Kennedy?


Kristie Kenney is the name correction I need to make -- typed Kennedy by mistake.


If you still don't know re-read the post or Google 'em. 


Kurt Campbell who is head of the Asia Group in California is also senior adviser for East Asia Pacific in the Clinton campaign while Kenney is as I'd stated, State Department Counsel and, I'd add, also has the rank of Career Ambassador in the Foreign Service.


Both of 'em know the players in the Philippines and they are working the Duterte administration in informal ways. They've had a strong influence on Duterte's novice Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay who's seen the light and demands Beijing recognise the PCA ruling as the basis of any bilateral negotiations over SCS aka West Philippine Sea. Which CCP refuse to do.


The consequence is that things went south last week between Manila and Beijing so maybe Xi Jinping is next in line for a tongue lashing by Duterte. CCP said no to Duterte's request to show good negotiations faith by allowing Phils fishermen back to Scarborough Shoal in the Phils EEZ. So far all Duterte has said about this one is that it will get "bloody."

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Publicus is right, things did go south between China and Duterte last week. He can make all the noise he wants, China will take what it wants. It will get bloody in the South China Sea, while the Philippines will shed blood, it will be little blood. They do not have the ability to fight. They depend on the US and in spite of the madman's mouth, the US is going to be forced to fight. That artificial island building is a long plan to conquer SE Asia and close the area off to those that will not pay tribute to China. The US will have no choice to but to fight and the Chinese navy and air force will lay at the bottom of the sea, along with a number of US ships and planes.


Obama did the right thing by refusing to meet with Duterte and he walked back his bad mouthing. Obama should have walked out of the meeting in China after the purposeful insult by the Chinese. Maybe he finally learned he and the US has no respect.

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