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Trump says Putin 'a leader far more than our president'


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We all know that Putin uses Trump and Trump loves and fears Putin. The further this stupid game of Trump becoming the US president goes on, the more Putin gains power over the uneducated folks in the USA. 

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:


Not sure how much Russian Trump understands or how much English Putin understands but I would like to see the two of them riding side by side topless!  I am sure the gay community would love it to bits.





Start a poll.  There is enough of them on TVF to elect a congressman.  You should get a good indication.

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19 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Would rather have two leaders who understand each other than some power mad Clinton ready to go to nuclear war with Russia over Latvia or Estonia. 


Thought the fringe right were also opposed to another Munich.


No need now however to get nuclear over it. Trump is after all the guy with the nuclear brain that's short and shorted a few electrons.

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15 minutes ago, Usernames said:


Start a poll.  There is enough of them on TVF to elect a congressman.  You should get a good indication.


Great idea!  Unfortunately unlike you I wouldn't know which members are actually gay.  Maybe you could make a list so that I know whether a poll is viable?

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Let's take a look at the Pew Center poll of 16 countries and what their populations think of the Trump vs Clinton contest for the presidency.


Of course they don't vote, however, they know the Potus is, as the Pew analysis notes, effectively the president of the world so everyone is invested and affected by our vote.


Here are the approval rating of HR Clinton, Donald Trump, Barack Obama in each of the 16 countries. It's conclusive: Obama and Clinton excel while Trump bombs.






Excellent piece by the Pew center without getting all lengthy or involved.

Edited by Publicus
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US elections simplified: 

The choice to vote is between


1) Hillary Clinton and her cronies

2) Vladimir Putin and his subjects


I must say I'm impressed how far this farce has been allowed to go. Perhaps it's time to say no to politically correct speeches and say what really needs to be said?

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I think there are a few Americans who detest Trump and wouldn't vote for him, but secretly harbor a sick curiosity of how he would handle it if he actually did get elected.


If you want a character reference for Putin, ask this guy.  Er, oh wait...





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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Now you are getting it! :lol:


From the Pew findings of the view in the 16 countries of the 2004 reelection of GW Bush and his Dick Cheney as the contrast to the highly favorable view of the 2012 reelection of Barack Obama....


The outcome of the 2004 American election had the opposite effect. A 2005 Pew Research Center survey found that after the reelection of George W. Bush in not one of 15 countries surveyed did a majority or plurality report that Bush’s reelection led them to holding a more favorable view of the United States. In Germany, France and Canada, roughly three in four respondents said the election’s outcome caused them to have a less positive opinion of Uncle Sam. This may reflect waning support for the Iraq war among those nations that had joined the US invasion and growing opposition to the US-led war on terrorism.




Rule number one in life for everything is not to defeat yourself, which is what we did in 2004. We did the opposite in 2008 and in 2012 as the world reversed itself due to their highly favorable response to our support of Barack Obama. Same for that support and continuing approval coming very soon in 2016 in respect of HR Clinton v The Ignoramus.

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12 minutes ago, Publicus said:


 A 2005 Pew Research Center survey found that after the reelection of George W. Bush in not one of 15 countries surveyed did a majority or plurality report that Bush’s reelection led them to holding a more favorable view of the United States.


Who cares? As you pointed out earlier, they are not allowed to vote. ;)

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Who cares? As you pointed out earlier, they are not allowed to vote. ;)


This is another vital matter of national security and prosperity the fringe rightwing in their reactionary extremism cannot get. They miss the entire point of why the US has allies and treaty partners and friends. And it explains why youse guyz will vote for The Ignoramus who also has no clue.

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Trump's playing the Putin strongman card in an effort to paint Obama, and by association, Clinton as weak. Trump is so dangerous and ill-considered that he yesterday even politicized the security briefing, being called reckless by Republican former CIA Director Hayden and others. Simply astounding and depressing about the dumbing of America that this jackass gets away with this stuff and still is within a margin of error of winning the most important position in the world. Astounding.



“I’ve never seen anything like that,” said former CIA Director Michael Hayden, who has over four decades in the intelligence business and led the agency under George W. Bush, adding, "That's just awful."

“I mean a candidate used the intelligence professionals who were briefing him in an absolutely nonpolitical setting, he imputed to them views that were politically useful to him in the moment," he said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/trump-intelligence-briefing-readout-227904#ixzz4JhlYD6DL 
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I'm confused. Wasn't it the Republicans and right wing who has been, for generations, anti-Russian, anti-authoritarian, pro-democracy, mom and apple pie etc.etc.? Now, the Democrats are the hawks and the GOP are the doves? I'm really confused.  Thankfully, Paul Ryan, and other, real Republicans, have clarified this, as reported in the Republican WSJ:


Paul Ryan, Other Republicans Take Distance From Donald Trump After Russia Comments


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3 hours ago, keemapoot said:

I'm confused. Wasn't it the Republicans and right wing who has been, for generations, anti-Russian, anti-authoritarian, pro-democracy, mom and apple pie etc.etc.? Now, the Democrats are the hawks and the GOP are the doves? I'm really confused.  Thankfully, Paul Ryan, and other, real Republicans, have clarified this, as reported in the Republican WSJ:



Something else going on right (sic) now.  Cruz, Ryan and Rubio are positioning themselves for the 2020 run, whomever the incumbent may be.  They're all already distancing themselves from Cheeto Jesus.



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22 hours ago, Boatman37210 said:

Trump is a pathological liar. He is excellent at denying that he said or did something even when presented with irrefutable evidence. He has the ability to double talk his way out of most anything. While an interviewer knows what he is doing, many in an audience walk away believing his denial even in the face of the evidence.


Then there is his other response “I looked at it further and changed my mind”. Several times in some cases. Makes it very difficult for voters to know what they are getting. What he finally settles on before the election may not be what you would get after he entered office. Maybe after office he changes his mind again.


If you look back at history, there are people like Trump who have been able to achieve political success. They come along every so often, so maybe it is time again. What I do not understand is how individuals like that are able to convince a large group of people to go along for the ride. It has been said that people get the government they deserve. Usually those type leaders fail at some point and take their followers with them, but leave a path of destruction for everyone to suffer through.


I am not a Republican, but the party and its people deserve better than this. You are being conned by a excellent salesman. You have other candidates much more qualified.



Gosh! I thought you were talking about Hillary, except for your second paragraph.


I have no opinion on Putin except his interference in the election is touted as fact but there is no evidence at all. Until there is evidence it is a deflection away from what could be exposed with the introduction of an obfuscate red herring, no pun intended.


You comment that Trump will change his mind could be a good thing in my view that he might have that freedom and flexibility.  Hillary is beholden to so many donors and interest groups there's no way she can change her direction on any thing. Why do you think big banks have donated so much to Hillary and precious nothing to Trump? It's called buying influence. They know they have bought protection, but with Trump he just might make some reforms and their cushy positions might be under threat when they realize that the government will not automatically bail them out when they gamble with other people's money.


Every other paragraph is applicable to Hillary and voting for her means voting for the continued status quo and therefore decline of America economically, socially and militarily. Except of course for the personal enrichment Clinton and her ilk. 

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18 hours ago, dunroaming said:

The 80% approval rating is according to Putin.  Anyone arguing with that will be imprisoned or shot. Maybe you should read up a bit about Russia rather just believing the bullshit.


I'm not a supporter of Putin or his political system and I don't know the true stats, but every Russian I've met absolutely love him and no one was holding a gun to their heads.

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34 minutes ago, Linzz said:



I have no opinion on Putin except his interference in the election is touted as fact but there is no evidence at all. Until there is evidence it is a deflection away from what could be exposed with the introduction of an obfuscate red herring, no pun intended.



Actually there is evidence the DNC hack was done by two separate branches of Russian Intelligence both in the code left behind in the attacks and the  language in the meta data in the released documents. 


It's certainly not a unanimous opinion in the computer security world, but there is certainly evidence, it depends on how you analyze it







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1 hour ago, thaihome said:


Actually there is evidence the DNC hack was done by two separate branches of Russian Intelligence both in the code left behind in the attacks and the  language in the meta data in the released documents. 


It's certainly not a unanimous opinion in the computer security world, but there is certainly evidence, it depends on how you analyze it








Well you say there's evidence but a quick scan of both your references says there's no proof and as said the narrative falls apart for lack of evidence. Until there is solid proof then pronouncements of it being fact has to be purely politically motivated.(Which is what you said;  "how you analyse it")


I guess there is also a difference between evidence and proof

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8 hours ago, Linzz said:


I'm not a supporter of Putin or his political system and I don't know the true stats, but every Russian I've met absolutely love him and no one was holding a gun to their heads.


That's because there's nothing inside of 'em to damage or destroy.

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14 hours ago, keemapoot said:

I'm confused. Wasn't it the Republicans and right wing who has been, for generations, anti-Russian, anti-authoritarian, pro-democracy, mom and apple pie etc.etc.? Now, the Democrats are the hawks and the GOP are the doves? I'm really confused.  Thankfully, Paul Ryan, and other, real Republicans, have clarified this, as reported in the Republican WSJ:


Paul Ryan, Other Republicans Take Distance From Donald Trump After Russia Comments



Alignments have indeed changed.


The US right are now aligned with Putin and whomever Putin himself is aligned with.


Radical changes have been occurring in this respect for several years. The radical right does this in the name of patriotism and toward protecting and preserving the United States. Or, rather, in making America Great Again. That is, white is right combined with the conviction of the right that democracy sucks. 

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