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Hairdresser on trial for refusing hijab-wearing client in Norway


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45 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

But not these people

In Norway freedom of religion is protected by the constitution. But the nation does have some challenges with respect to diversity of religions.

- The monarch is the constitutional head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway

- Students must take a course on religion and ethics focusing on Christianity

- Norway had the highest levels of anti-Semitism among Scandinavian countries

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The only reason why Norwegians are members of the church in the first place,is that if they want to get married in the church they have no choice.Its all about tradition.Not about religion.

The school is not about focusing on Christianity anymore Srikcir.Now the students kan choose,but its just changed resently.So not far of.Our biggest problems is the week laws and the inforcements of them.Jail for life meens 1/3 of 21 years.So 7 years and out again.Unless you are so lucky as our famous terrorist.He will never see the sun again.


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17 hours ago, ezzra said:

You said Norway and you said a new Muslim country in formation, there are so many of them there, everywhere in Norway and still many more are being ushered in with open arms on a daily bases, in couple of decades or so, Norway will have Sharia laws and majority in The Storting,  the supreme legislature of Norway......

Enjoy Norway......

A couple of decades?? It will only take a few years, no more. You are forgetting that muslims multiply like rabbits. That government is crazy and highly irresponsible. They have the world's largest number of children per family. The lady is brave and deserves support. But how?

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As a Norwegian myself I am worried about the muslim invasion that is happening right now in Oslo , some parts of the city you will not think you're in Norway anymore. A lot of illegal immigrants are hiding and the crime rate has gone up in the last 2 years.   

If I had to move back I would choose a quiet small town , and try to get back to the Norway I once knew.  But I am afraid it is too late. 




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I am in support of this hair dresser.  I don't believe that Norway is a Muslim

country, at least not yet. Democracy should not mean that a country has to bow

down to an immigrant to that country.  I have seen for myself how demanding some of the

Islamic Muslims can be, as well as not trying to actually fit in to another country, most of the time they

do get to the other country, then try to shove their ways onto the people around them. In Canada, there is

a Muslim father who does not want his child to take music, as he says it is against his Islam religion.

  He is another person who should get put on a plane and sent back to his Muslim country, if he cannot fit

in.  Yes some immigrants do do labour jobs, blah blah blah, but that does not give them any reason to

shove their beliefs and values down the throats of the people of Norway or any other country.iot

  Oh I know that my comments are politically incorrect, but I am getting tired of a lot of Muslim people

who go to far with their religion.


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Racists! There was a country that allowed almost unlimited immigration from people of all colors and faiths. It became the greatest economic engine the world has ever known. These immigrants brought hope and innovation and fresh ideas which transformed this nation.
They became the middle class. They became taxpayers, started businesses and became the leaders of the free world. They called this place The United States of America. Not always right, not always fair, but we try. It is still a sanctuary. And we strive to be better. We realize the future is in the hands of these refugees. They can become outcasts, drain your taxes and be enemy or they can become the taxpayers starting businesses and funding your pension. Think it out.
You people think scared and small. Shame on you.

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On 9/8/2016 at 9:29 PM, maoro2013 said:

Anyway, it is the business owners prerogative to refuse to serve customer.  The hijab wearing person has turned into a PC issue.


No it is not.  In much of the civilized world, It is illegal to discriminate against people based race, ethnicity, gender or religion.  If a hindu came in with a sari and the  head scarf, and was refused service, it would be wrong. If a Mennonite came in with her bonnet and was refused service, it would be wrong. If someone wants to wear a piece of cloth on her/his head, good for him or her. It's their personal right to wear it, just as it is for the old fat guys of TVF to wear their ill fitting polyester blend  elasticized stretch slacks.  This was just plain old bigotry.


Look, I don't like the Islamic set of beliefs. However, I subscribe to a set of beliefs that allow for people to dress as they want. If I want to ban a simple head scarf, I am giving up my right to personal expression and freedom. IT's not going to fly with me.

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2 hours ago, Amavel said:

Racists! There was a country that allowed almost unlimited immigration from people of all colors and faiths. It became the greatest economic engine the world has ever known. These immigrants brought hope and innovation and fresh ideas which transformed this nation.
They became the middle class. They became taxpayers, started businesses and became the leaders of the free world. They called this place The United States of America. Not always right, not always fair, but we try. It is still a sanctuary. And we strive to be better. We realize the future is in the hands of these refugees. They can become outcasts, drain your taxes and be enemy or they can become the taxpayers starting businesses and funding your pension. Think it out.
You people think scared and small. Shame on you.

Yea but the U.S dont have wellfare-system that even reach the Norwegian one to the knee.We dont have anything against people that work and pay tax.Its the shit freeloaders we dont want.Specialy when they get better and more benefits then people that have payd tax a full lifetime.Take away their benefits and they would never come to a place so far of their own culture.Just look at Sweden now.Their imigration budjet is bigger then their own wellfare.That is scary.They are on the brakingpoint.

Edited by Odin Norway
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The only injustice in all of this is the Norwegian government taking away the freedom of the shop owner by denying her free choice on how to run her business...that free choice was given to the consumers allowing them to complain as much as they want.


Still a societal imbalance...



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22 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


I think you will find that was covered earlier in the thread - the Muslim woman did not make any such request.


In addition, as I posted earlier, the hairdresser is a member of two anti Muslim movements. The woman was politically motivated by illegally refusing service based on religion and ramped up the anti Muslim rhetoric by declining to pay the fine.

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19 hours ago, Scott said:

I have a very good historical perspective about immigration.   Economic migrants are not considered refugees and such large influxes of people saw to it that limits were put on the number of people allowed, where they could come from and other restrictions.  But that's not really the topic.  And it's not on-topic to discuss which groups assimilated best/quickest or where.  


The situation in much of Europe is having too many people coming in to properly assimilate. 


I think you will find that many scholarly research papers of assimilation issues in Europe have found the problems are due to boundaries  (both bright and blurred ) by the culture/religious and legal institutions of the receiving countries, not the immigrants or their numbers. 


I do not think the current issues are due to "too many people coming in to properly assimilate " and I think you would struggle to substantiate that claim. In the first place you have to separate the problems into categories of long term first generation/second generation immigrants  and recent arrivals.  You would also need to separate by the economic class of both. Especially since recent arrivals are very wildly separated by those with some or significant assets and those that came with literally nothing.  


I dont think pure numbers of recent arrivals  is the main problem with assimilation , though it does impact social services in receiving countries.  Assimilation issues, I belive are due to boundaries the receiving countries.  It seems to me your "too many" is just a justification for limits. 







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On 9/9/2016 at 0:34 PM, RuamRudy said:


Maybe they want to lead a simple, peaceful life in a modern and progressive democracy?


Well....if they want that, they should put the time and effort into changing their own societies by staying in their own countries.

Western societies have paid in time and blood for the freedoms everyone now takes for granted. Why shouldn't Muslims do the same in their countries? 

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You can say what you want and link to any  reason you want.

The hole problem and nothing else is the Scandinavian sosial-system.Its just the same in Denmark and Sweden.Full rights just after you cross the border.They get everything they need and more.I have no problem to understand the younger ones today when they say:Why work when we can get by okey sitting at home doing nothing.Some jobs are less payd then living on the system,so why bother then.That is so wrong.Nothing is expected of them.Not even top payd workers get the same benefits if they should be so unlucky to loose their jobs.Thats what is starting to piss normal people off,and I just have to agree with them.After my over 20 years of work paying millions in tax and only used the system for a few months.Seeing people that get houses,cars and everything just handed to them is shit unfair.

Change the hole wellfare-systen and the immigration will sort itself out.

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6 hours ago, Amavel said:

Racists! There was a country that allowed almost unlimited immigration from people of all colors and faiths. It became the greatest economic engine the world has ever known. These immigrants brought hope and innovation and fresh ideas which transformed this nation.
They became the middle class. They became taxpayers, started businesses and became the leaders of the free world. They called this place The United States of America. Not always right, not always fair, but we try. It is still a sanctuary. And we strive to be better. We realize the future is in the hands of these refugees. They can become outcasts, drain your taxes and be enemy or they can become the taxpayers starting businesses and funding your pension. Think it out.
You people think scared and small. Shame on you.

What a load of PC rubbish and atypical loony left mentality.

Firstly the loony mentality - if anyone disagrees with your loony left views on any issue to do with race/religion, you call them a racist. Atypical loony left - FACT

PC Rubbish - those that made USA great ALL became AMERICANS - they assimilated and adopted - and became a part of the American culture.  They were given bugger all handouts and had to make their own way - and most did.  Most Muslim refugees are not interested in assimilation, and refuse to adopt - values, principles, laws, and behavioural norms.  And they all want the handouts.  Absolute PC rubbish to compare the influx of 'compatible' people (culture and religion) that made USA great, with the current swarm of Muslim immigrants invading Europe.  FACT

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Sounds good, so maybe I need to move to Norway,

2 hours ago, Odin Norway said:

You can say what you want and link to any  reason you want.

The hole problem and nothing else is the Scandinavian sosial-system.Its just the same in Denmark and Sweden.Full rights just after you cross the border.They get everything they need and more.I have no problem to understand the younger ones today when they say:Why work when we can get by okey sitting at home doing nothing.Some jobs are less payd then living on the system,so why bother then.That is so wrong.Nothing is expected of them.Not even top payd workers get the same benefits if they should be so unlucky to loose their jobs.Thats what is starting to piss normal people off,and I just have to agree with them.After my over 20 years of work paying millions in tax and only used the system for a few months.Seeing people that get houses,cars and everything just handed to them is shit unfair.

Change the hole wellfare-systen and the immigration will sort itself out.

before Brexit takes effect.

Edited by nausea
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3 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


Well....if they want that, they should put the time and effort into changing their own societies by staying in their own countries.

Western societies have paid in time and blood for the freedoms everyone now takes for granted. Why shouldn't Muslims do the same in their countries? 


Hmm ...


But especially the blood of others, huh.


If some Africans now want to settle in Europe, it is also because of the ancient links forged at the time of joyful colonies, with regular levies to supply the slave market.


So before you embark on large lyrical bloodshed might be a bit should revise history.


All this for an haircut refused by a racist and probably limited hairdresser.

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:


In addition, as I posted earlier, the hairdresser is a member of two anti Muslim movements. The woman was politically motivated by illegally refusing service based on religion and ramped up the anti Muslim rhetoric by declining to pay the fine.

It's her shop/ business. In a sane society she would have the right to serve whomever she wants to. It's only when the looney left starts demanding that people have no rights to live their life as they want that it all becomes stupid. Everyone should have the right to live their life as THEY choose, so long as they don't HURT another person. THAT is freedom.

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14 minutes ago, happy Joe said:


Hmm ...


But especially the blood of others, huh.


If some Africans now want to settle in Europe, it is also because of the ancient links forged at the time of joyful colonies, with regular levies to supply the slave market.


So before you embark on large lyrical bloodshed might be a bit should revise history.


All this for an haircut refused by a racist and probably limited hairdresser.

Soooooooo, how far back do you want to go- the Crusades when Europeans attacked Muslims, or even further when Muslims invaded and occupied Palestine? If you want to talk about slavery, Saudi and Yemen,  both Muslim countries, didn't abolish slavery till 1962, the UAE and Oman later.

It's NOW and we need to deal with NOW, not 100s of years ago.


BTW, in sharia states, NOW, men refuse to serve women in shops- is that OK?


All this for an haircut refused by a racist

Islam isn't a race.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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49 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

What a load of PC rubbish and atypical loony left mentality.

Firstly the loony mentality - if anyone disagrees with your loony left views on any issue to do with race/religion, you call them a racist. Atypical loony left - FACT

PC Rubbish - those that made USA great ALL became AMERICANS - they assimilated and adopted - and became a part of the American culture.  They were given bugger all handouts and had to make their own way - and most did.  Most Muslim refugees are not interested in assimilation, and refuse to adopt - values, principles, laws, and behavioural norms.  And they all want the handouts.  Absolute PC rubbish to compare the influx of 'compatible' people (culture and religion) that made USA great, with the current swarm of Muslim immigrants invading Europe.  FACT

Yes, western countries behave been too lenient regarding integration requirements in the past. But still most immigrants, irrespective of religion, have integrated very well.


Your facts are your opinions.

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24 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Yes, western countries behave been too lenient regarding integration requirements in the past. But still most immigrants, irrespective of religion, have integrated very well.


Your facts are your opinions.

Well obviously the Italians, Greeks, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai's etc have integrated quite well but it appears there's a 'sticking point' w/respect to some other groups who demand Sharia Law that don't integrate as well as the aforementioned, eh? :whistling:

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57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's her shop/ business. In a sane society she would have the right to serve whomever she wants to. It's only when the looney left starts demanding that people have no rights to live their life as they want that it all becomes stupid. Everyone should have the right to live their life as THEY choose, so long as they don't HURT another person. THAT is freedom.


To be blunt complete rubbish, what you propose is not 'freedom'; it's the very opposite of 'freedom' to empower discrimination.  According to you it's fine to discriminate against someone because of the colour of their skin, a nun, a Jew etc etc. - nonsense.

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10 minutes ago, simple1 said:


To be blunt complete rubbish, what you propose is not 'freedom'; it's the very opposite of 'freedom' to empower discrimination.  According to you it's fine to discriminate against someone because of the colour of their skin, a nun, a Jew etc etc. - nonsense.


Not far of what most of us experience far out in the bush in Thailand then.Even if  I can express myself in thai the most common answer I get is``mai mi``.Thats also a nice way to say get out or I dont realy feel like helping you out.Many times I have gone in and found what I need myself instead.Then the faces change the collor a bit to.

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10 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

I wonder why the hijab wearing woman decided to visit the salon in question? How many other salons had she visited in the past, was it several or was she fishing for the exact reaction she got?

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Never shy to allege conspiracy if the meme doesn't fit into your world view. From the Snopes review of this incident...


Bayan told TV2 that even though she felt insulted, she planned to let the matter rest until she found out that Hodne had posted some "sensitive" information about her on Facebook. At that point, she complained to police:


At least to me the hairdresser, with her political allegiances, is acting out an anti Muslim  political game for media attention.

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Never shy to allege conspiracy if the meme doesn't fit into your world view. From the Snopes review of this incident...


Bayan told TV2 that even though she felt insulted, she planned to let the matter rest until she found out that Hodne had posted some "sensitive" information about her on Facebook. At that point, she complained to police:


At least to me the hairdresser, with her political allegiances, is acting out an anti Muslim  political game for media attention.

Equally the Muslim woman might have previously learned off the hairdressers political allegiances. The chronology of events is difficult to prove either way. P.s There is a difference between a conspiracy theory and a possibility, especially when Muslim grievance mongering is by no means rare.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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