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Good steak & wine?


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If you have access to a frying pan then DIY it as steak is easy to cook.

Down to friendship & get a proper imported steak, then off to tesco & snag a bottle of thier 'finest' range Malbecs.

Make sure that the steak is up to room temp before you fry, pat any condensation off the steak, season & into a fairly hot pan with some oil & butter.

Lower the heat slightly & don't move the steak at all.

After a few mins do the same to the otherside including patting it dry (you don't want to steam it).

Make sure that you have a hot plate ready & you should be on your first glass of wine.

When the steak is just a less cooked than you like it then transfer to that hot plate & splash some wine into the pan to deglase it pouring thus sauce over your steak.

Do not attempt to eat the steak for at least 5 mins.

Have some crusty bread ready for mopping up duties after you've demolished that steak & kick yourself for not buying another bottle of red.


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I had bistecca alla fiorentina at Toscanas some time back and it was without question the best steak I have ever had anywhere.  Of course the problem is that especially steak can change from day to day in terms of quality but I would go there first for a repeat before anywhere else.

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2 hours ago, SidJames said:

If you have access to a frying pan then DIY it as steak is easy to cook.

Down to friendship & get a proper imported steak, then off to tesco & snag a bottle of thier 'finest' range Malbecs.

Make sure that the steak is up to room temp before you fry, pat any condensation off the steak, season & into a fairly hot pan with some oil & butter.

Lower the heat slightly & don't move the steak at all.

After a few mins do the same to the otherside including patting it dry (you don't want to steam it).

Make sure that you have a hot plate ready & you should be on your first glass of wine.

When the steak is just a less cooked than you like it then transfer to that hot plate & splash some wine into the pan to deglase it pouring thus sauce over your steak.

Do not attempt to eat the steak for at least 5 mins.

Have some crusty bread ready for mopping up duties after you've demolished that steak & kick yourself for not buying another bottle of red.


Wot, no chips??

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15 hours ago, pegman said:

Beefeater. 2nd Rd & Soi Diana Inn behind Kiss Resturant. The place sells a ton of steak in high season.

Is it open at the moment as it looked all closed up when I walked past it late last Saturday night - IE all chairs piled up inside?

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12 hours ago, pegman said:

They go quiet during low season sometimes. Owner may go to home country.

Was open last night but at 9.15pm on a Tuesday inside was full with 15 minute wait for a table! Plenty of seats outside.

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