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Israel set to sign record US military aid deal -media


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Israel set to sign record US military aid deal -media




JERUSALEM: -- At least $38 billion (33 billion euros) of US military aid is set to pour into Israel over a decade, according to media reports.


The 10-year deal is expected to be signed this week. It would be the biggest pledge of US military support made to any country – up from around $30 billion under the current military aid agreement, which expires at the end of 2018.


But according to sources quoted by Reuters news agency, the new pact involves major concessions by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


The aid talks took nearly 10 months and highlighted continuing tension between Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama over the nuclear deal he championed last year with Iran, Israel’s archenemy.


The concessions reportedly include Israel agreeing not to seek more funds from the US Congress, as it usually does. It would also agree to spend all the money on US-made equipment, rather than use part of it to boost its own defence industry.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-14
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So, Israel gets this cash, and has to spend it on American military hardware.  :)

You notice that places like Taiwan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc, well, they don't get money given to them. They buy American military hardware with their own money.   :)

Washington, you're very generous to Israel, and that's up to you, it's your freedom of choice.
Why are you so generous to Israel ?  :)



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4 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

So, Israel gets this cash, and has to spend it on American military hardware. 



Nothing new. They have always done this. It benefits Israel and it helps the American arms industry. A win win situation for everyone.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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30 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

So, Israel gets this cash, and has to spend it on American military hardware.  :)

You notice that places like Taiwan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc, well, they don't get money given to them. They buy American military hardware with their own money.   :)

Washington, you're very generous to Israel, and that's up to you, it's your freedom of choice.
Why are you so generous to Israel ?  :)




Simple really, the US knows that among all the sea of lunatic and unstable Arabs/Muslims countries in the

region, the only country that is a 100% real democracy is Israel,

The US and Israel has long and solid relationship starching back for many years,

and the US knows that when it comes to trusting in an allay and a true friend, Israel

is the only country that they can do it with.... 

Edited by ezzra
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^^ Not surprising since Israel is bought, but they hardly do it out of the goodness of their heart. They are pawns. It is just one big money-spinner to assist Washington's agenda in that region. If they were for humanitarianism, that money would go to those in need; the poor, oppressed Palestinians. 

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32 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nothing new. They have always done this. It benefits Israel and it helps the American arms industry. A win win situation for everyone.

Yes Israel have always benefit from US, as a liberal country with healthcare for all citizen US should learn from Israel and take care of the health care situation in the US. Maybe it's time that Israel take care of them self after all they are not a 3rd world country 

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11 minutes ago, ezzra said:


Simple really, the US knows that among all the sea of lunatic and unstable Arabs/Muslims countries in the

region, the only country that is a 100% real democracy is Israel,

The US and Israel has long and solid relationship starching back for many years,

and the US knows that when it comes to trusting in an allay and a true friend, Israel

is the only country that they can do it with.... 

Just because Israel have 100%democracy and a solid relationship doesn't mean that US need to give money, US can't afford take care of its own citizen so it's not necessary to fund Israels military.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nothing new. They have always done this. It benefits Israel and it helps the American arms industry. A win win situation for everyone.


So US taxpayers give money to a foreign nation to buy products from private US arms manufacturers. :blink:

It's a win win situation sure, but not for EVERYONE.

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Really between US and Israel, but not sure that I'd agree everyone is a winner. OK, Israel is a winner as can spend their own money on whatever they choose do to benefit its citizens, welfare, infrastructure etc. US arms manufacturers are indeed winners and no doubt the lobbyists pushing the deal, would expect some politicians in for a bite as well, so OK the US very rich get even richer.


Was reading about all these tent cities forming over the US, and that infrastructure is in dire need of repairs, and then there is the massive debt and hidden unemployment. So how does all that money that could have been put to domestic use benefit the average American?

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nothing new. They have always done this. It benefits Israel and it helps the American arms industry. A win win situation for everyone.


To be fair, a lot of Israeli companies are leading edge in military related technologies, have excellent innovative R&D and creativity and provide much to the US.


The US, and the Western allies get benefit from this, as well as Israeli intelligence.

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The American people are the losers- can you even imagine what $38 Billion would do to help the American Middle class and poor with such things as health care; education and job training.  Israel is a modern first World country with it's own arms industry. Time for America to get out of the Middle East and use these funds to help the people who are taxed so this money is even available- Americans.

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I think those who oppose the proposed agreement, ought to write their representatives in Washington DC. This will probably have little effect when it comes to states where companies involved are based, though. Regardless of the relative nothingness of the sums involved (in relation to overall USA or Pentagon budgets), it can certainly irk some that tax payer dollars are spent abroad, especially on what is obviously a controversial issue.


And indeed, there is a certain gap involved between presenting Israel as a technologically advanced, economically sound country, and not asking it to pay its own way. IMO, the current aid agreement might be the last, at least with regards to format and scale. The civilian use counterpart of the military aid was already phased out years ago, owing to an acknowledgement by both sides that Israel could fend for itself, economically. With regard to the military aid - there are certain trends related to military technological advances which could effect future warfare. Israel is, relatively speaking, in a good position to embrace such possible changes, which may lead to a lesser dependency on US military aid. 


As for the current aid offer, it is a wonder Netanyahu isn't politically flogged in Israel. The talks dealing with this new aid package were supposed to have been finalized months ago. This was right after the signing of the agreement with Iran, and the US administration was in a very giving mood. Netanyahu chose to delay, whether due to sullen feelings over the Iran deal, or because he thought a better aid package was possible. As it is, the new package sounds larger, but with the caveats of buying 100% US, and no supplementary funds in the future - it is not quite an improvement (from an Israeli point of view).


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13 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The American people are the losers- can you even imagine what $38 Billion would do to help the American Middle class and poor with such things as health care; education and job training.  Israel is a modern first World country with it's own arms industry. Time for America to get out of the Middle East and use these funds to help the people who are taxed so this money is even available- Americans.


In comparison to US military spending, this is peanuts. Especially as its spread over a decade, rather than a lump sum. Also, as the aid is conditional on buying US products from US firms, there's bound to be beneficial effects for at least some of them middle class American workers.




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Try and explain that this is a drop in the bucket when a person goes to the hospital for a routine matter and is charged $5000 or goes for  chemotherapy and get a bill for $1million. 

Try and explain this to university graduates who owe the federal government $200,000 for a four year education and it takes 20 years to pay it back.

The whole concept of $38 Billion being a drop in the bucket may be true when one considers the defense budget is $630 Billion the largest in the World. However, in reality it is a grotesque example of the out of control military industrial complex that keeps wanting more and more of hard working American's tax dollars. This is completely unsustainable and needs to be stopped now by re-ordering  America's priorities and for the American government to start taking care of the American people.

I have no quarrel with Israel; the Palestinians or anyone else and if America started to get out of the Middle East you might even see peace be established, The real reason American governments pay this absurd aid is simple- it provides protection for the wealthy owners in the American oil industry so they don't loose their investments in the Middle East.

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I agree with Morch. This agreement has tight strings for Israel. I also agree if you oppose U.S. Israel policy then get politically involved and work to change it. The Israel lobby is strong. Anyone stopping you from lobbying? I didn't think so. Over time U.S. support for Israel will diminish. Why? Three reasons. Success of Israel demonization propaganda. Growth of Latinos. Israel support becoming more partisan.

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There is nothing stopping any citizen from lobbying their  Representative or Senator but the problem is that most do not care what the consistents think especially on foreign affairs.

I am not an advocate of the US completely withdrawing from the rest of the World but I am really tired of seeing Americans suffer economically while the citizens of other countries sit on the beach and enjoy themselves because their countries governments have decided that their citizens interests are more important than that of Israel, Egypt, Saudia Arabia- the list goes on and on. Other countries have managed to give their citizens 'free' healthcare and a university education without indenturing their students for 20 years.  The gross shift in wealth from the 99% to the 1% has taken place over the last 20 years and needs to be reversed. Huge defense budgets cannot be sustained while members of the US Congress refuse to give Senior citizens a cost of living raise and actually want to privatize Social Security.

There is an imbalance here and an anger that has taken place in American society that has spawned the coming of Donald Trump. While I deplore his policies; his rhetoric  and  his persona- I understand why he exists. America can do better than continually bend to the will of the wealthy; keep sending tax dollars to advanced countries and letting our most vulnerable people languish in insecurity.

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Clinton is more pro Israel than Obama.

trump is also in favor of Israel support and is backed by right.wing Zionist Adelson. Ironically the weakest on Israel choices are both Jews. Sanders and Stein. Sanders is out but you could still vote for Stein. Which would of course help trump.

I don't agree that Israel support is any kind of zero sum game. In other words to assume that a billion less for Israel support would automatically go to social programs is pretty ridiculous.

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On the Latino thing it isn't really that Latinos are especially hostile to Israel. It's more like they have less of a tendency to feel connected to it than more long established demographics such as Anglo whites. Even younger American Jews are overall less connected to Israel than older ones. I hope to see strong support of Israel to continue. Got to focus on Latinos!

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You are correct- if they decided to give Israel some billions less it is doubtful it would be targeted to social programs or any relief for the struggling middle class and the hopeless poor.  As I have stated before in this current climate Hillary is the best choice but keep in mind the majority of her agenda is somewhat status quo and I do not see much relief for the 99%. The only real hope was Bernie Sanders because he articulated the problems and gave us the solutions. America is on a downward path to ultimate chaos unless there is real reform and there is a reversal of the massive shift of wealth to the already wealthy from the middle class and even the poor. As I mentioned before while other advanced countries like the UK, France and Japan have for years provided national healthcare- Ameerica cannot get it done and the Obama Care plan while better still allows insurance companies to charge huge premiums and millions not able to afford care. No civilized society can allow this to continue.

The tax code in the US is over 75,000 pages and so incomprehensible to the average person has to  either purchase a computer tax program or hire someone to do what should be a simple task. As Warren Buffett, a billionaire once stated- "when my secretary pays more taxes than I do- something is wrong."  I could go on and on  and give more and more examples but what is the use- nothing is going to be done to change a system that rewards the wealthy by in essence stealing from the middle class and poor. I do know this- that at some point Americans will force a change either through a peaceful revolution or one that is not- but a change is coming. The change won't be with Trump because he represents a fringe of Americans that truly do not understand what it takes to make America a great country again.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I agree with Morch. This agreement has tight strings for Israel. I also agree if you oppose U.S. Israel policy then get politically involved and work to change it. The Israel lobby is strong. Anyone stopping you from lobbying? I didn't think so. Over time U.S. support for Israel will diminish. Why? Three reasons. Success of Israel demonization propaganda. Growth of Latinos. Israel support becoming more partisan.



I believe that on this specific issue, much of the lobbying comes from arms manufacturers interest groups and respective political representatives from relevant states. Hence, advocating against it would require taking on both. Wouldn't place any bets on this one.


Long term, yes. Support will decrease, for lack of commitment/interest, Israeli policies (domestic & vs. the Palestinians), and the US going into winter mode.

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Good point about the military industrial complex. Hard to fight that.

Yes the trend is less pro Israel policy but hopefully that is slow and gradual and that Israel gets even stronger over time and who knows maybe some more peace. Being overly involved with only one friend isn't security and I'm sure Israelis get that.

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12 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

So, Israel gets this cash, and has to spend it on American military hardware.  :)

You notice that places like Taiwan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc, well, they don't get money given to them. They buy American military hardware with their own money.   :)

Washington, you're very generous to Israel, and that's up to you, it's your freedom of choice.
Why are you so generous to Israel ?  :)



So when the U.S goes to war with Iran, it has close allies to help. Oh and the Jesus thing.

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13 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


As stated in the OP, all the money goes to the U.S. arms industry. No one loses in the deal.


Geez, It's the American Taxpayer that looses on the deal.  The $30 billion is given to Israel and it took 10 months to negotiate a deal whereby Israel must buy from US manufactures instead of supporting its own arms industry and can't ask for more money from Congress.  It should have been a take it or leave it deal.  So instead of using the money for projects badly needed in the US, the hard working taxpayer is hit with another bill and ends up supplying more weapons to the middle east.  Absolutely brilliant. Israel has a very strong arms industry and a relatively good economy but the US is still pouring money out there. Israel receives about $3 Billion a year and that is double the next largest recipient, Egypt.  Then Afghanistan and Jordan.  The US is doing nothing but escalating the problem in the middle east.  


With all the people going hungry in the world,  and the US foreign aid bill being $30 Billion a year with 10% going to Israel to buy guns. One can only imagine how the other 90% is used.

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