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In leaked emails, Powell calls Trump a 'national disgrace'


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I love how not one of the Trump supporters touches any of the bullet points I made about why he would be such a disaster and instead take the Donald Trump tactic of attacking Hillary instead. 


Trump is dangerous, not only to America but to the world. A lose cannon would be in the most powerful political position in the world. By electing him, America would send the message that bigotry is acceptable. Hillary is unlikely to be a great president, but she isn't any more dangerous than previous politicians. Trump is a ticking time bomb.

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5 hours ago, Credo said:

Powell is a man of great integrity and he was a soldier who served his country with pride and dignity.   He served his President well, if it is was misguided.   As a former soldier he did as his C-in-C asked him to do.


We are now getting a candid look at his feelings on a number of issues.  


Whether one agrees with him or not is secondary.   He is a man of great honor.     


Yes, well. Having honor does not necessarily endow one with good political judgment or even good judgment of character. If you can survive the verbosity, here's his endorsement of Obama in the 2008 election as well as his views of McCain and Palin.


In his description of Obama: "He has a definitive way of doing business that would serve us well".


Obama certainly has displayed over the past eight years a "definitive way of doing business", that's for sure. Powell discounted McCain has not impressing him with economic expertise, but doesn't explain why he thought Obama's economic knowledge was superior. We can see by the current economic indicators the results of Obama's deep knowledge of economics.


Was his endorsement of Obama a specious way of lodging his protest that the Republican party had gone too far to the right or was there another motive?



Edited by MaxYakov
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53 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


Yes, well. Having honor does not necessarily endow one with good political judgment or even good judgment of character. If you can survive the verbosity, here's his endorsement of Obama in the 2008 election as well as his views of McCain and Palin.


In his description of Obama: "He has a definitive way of doing business that would serve us well".


Obama certainly has displayed over the past eight years a "definitive way of doing business", that's for sure. Powell discounted McCain has not impressing him with economic expertise, but doesn't explain why he thought Obama's economic knowledge was superior. We can see by the current economic indicators the results of Obama's deep knowledge of economics.


Was his endorsement of Obama a specious way of lodging his protest that the Republican party had gone too far to the right or was there another motive?



Yes, of course there was another motive, he is one of those pesty liberals. See an earlier post here: " Pretty much continues a trend we see here of Trump supporters. Renowned national newspapers with an exclusive history of supporting Republican candidates have rejected Trump (another one in New Hampshire today) - and they are labeled lefties, Republican 4 star generals, chief of staff, George W's Secretary of State, etc., being labeled liberals. A skewed and warped view indeed. "

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1 hour ago, Chang4u said:


It is not that I missed that part.  It just seems quite ridiculous and without merit.  

Who told you he does not want to be president?

Is this a secret soon to be released by wikileaks? 


sources and links would certainly be a benefit.


Right now...he is pole vaulting ahead of the "resting in bed/absent from duty" candidate.



If you look at his behavior it goes against all known logic.....he constantly says things that make him look like a buffoon. One of the shark tank millionaires was quoted as saying, "Trump doesn't want to be president, he just wants to make the Trump business name high profile, and this will increase his fortune by ten percent."

The 'Yahoos' who support him is not enough to get him elected president. He needs a broader base to win. Anybody with half a brain won't vote for his hate filled vitriol aimed at women, Mexicans, Muslims, and anybody else who is on his list that day.

Only somebody with less than half a brain would believe he can force Mexico into paying for the border wall......this wall will never happen mainly because it will cost a fortune in materials and another fortune in labor. And in parts of Texas the border is on people's land and they don't want a huge wall running across their land. 

Pretty much everything Trump says is disingenuous and just aimed to shock. He will probably self destruct in the debates.....if he even shows up for them. Throughout his so called campaign he has repeatedly lied pretty much about everything, and then he lies about his lies. I think he used the play book of Goebbels, if you tell a lie repeatedly eventually the masses will believe it is true. Very sad.

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8 hours ago, Alive said:

Politicians and leaders are all the same. They are greedy people who trash talk others in private. That's why they are always in the media. They smile when they are lying most of the time. Powell is no different. I'm sure Trump thinks Powell has his faults.

The enormous elephant in any room Powell occupies is, of course, the speech he gave to the UN to justify the Iraq war. Either he knew it was a load of lies, or he should have done. Unfortunately, he only reinforces my perception, and that of many, that politicians are lower than used car salesmen on the scale of humanity.

One should always remember about people without sin, and casting stones etc.

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1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

I love how not one of the Trump supporters touches any of the bullet points I made about why he would be such a disaster and instead take the Donald Trump tactic of attacking Hillary instead.


Trump is dangerous, not only to America but to the world. A lose cannon would be in the most powerful political position in the world. By electing him, America would send the message that bigotry is acceptable. Hillary is unlikely to be a great president, but she isn't any more dangerous than previous politicians. Trump is a ticking time bomb.

You are off topic. The topic is Powell and the e mails, not about Trump supporters or your opinion of Trump. There are plenty of other threads to convey such.

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3 hours ago, Chang4u said:

You are off topic. The topic is Powell and the e mails, not about Trump supporters or your opinion of Trump. There are plenty of other threads to convey such.


NOTE: This quote was meant for thaibeachlovers not at Chang4U but I misquoted originally (clicked on wrong post) and then when I edited it it didn't allow me to edit the name.


My post was about why Powell was spot on in his criticism of Trump. Considering that is the reason he is critical of him it is very much on topic. And there is a reason why none of the guys in here supporting Trump will respond to it. They will just pretend it doesn't exist, or they will make a post like yours attempting trying to make it go away without actually addressing anything. 

Edited by jcsmith
to fix incorrect quote
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3 hours ago, Mansell said:

If you look at his behavior it goes against all known logic.....he constantly says things that make him look like a buffoon. One of the shark tank millionaires was quoted as saying, "Trump doesn't want to be president, he just wants to make the Trump business name high profile, and this will increase his fortune by ten percent."

The 'Yahoos' who support him is not enough to get him elected president. He needs a broader base to win. Anybody with half a brain won't vote for his hate filled vitriol aimed at women, Mexicans, Muslims, and anybody else who is on his list that day.

Only somebody with less than half a brain would believe he can force Mexico into paying for the border wall......this wall will never happen mainly because it will cost a fortune in materials and another fortune in labor. And in parts of Texas the border is on people's land and they don't want a huge wall running across their land. 

Pretty much everything Trump says is disingenuous and just aimed to shock. He will probably self destruct in the debates.....if he even shows up for them. Throughout his so called campaign he has repeatedly lied pretty much about everything, and then he lies about his lies. I think he used the play book of Goebbels, if you tell a lie repeatedly eventually the masses will believe it is true. Very sad.


Actually, he has been quite sensitive to everyone....even Hillary (during times of her waning popularity and health).

I don't seen him insulting any group...to the degree that he and his supporters are guilty of being "yahoos" (your term).  In fact, quite the opposite.  He has been reaching out to many groups that you mentioned.


He has been on the offensive...very much so, much to the oppositions chagrin.

If Hillary could mount some kind of comeback, she might be able to reverse her deplorable lack of popularity.

Trump seems superior..in that regard,  as the polling shows.

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2 hours ago, jcsmith said:

NOTE: This quote was meant for thaibeachlovers not at Chang4U but I misquoted originally (clicked on wrong post) and then when I edited it it didn't allow me to edit the name.


My post was about why Powell was spot on in his criticism of Trump. Considering that is the reason he is critical of him it is very much on topic. And there is a reason why none of the guys in here supporting Trump will respond to it. They will just pretend it doesn't exist, or they will make a post like yours attempting trying to make it go away without actually addressing anything. 


Simply edit out the quote with my name. 

below the post is the   + Quote Edit   options

simply click on edit then backspace delete over that portion...or highlight and delete.

I do not like being misquoted....and I never do this to anyone else...as it is a distinct violation of forum rules and grounds for restricting your posting capabilities.


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40 minutes ago, Chang4u said:


Simply edit out the quote with my name. 

below the post is the   + Quote Edit   options

simply click on edit then backspace delete over that portion...or highlight and delete.

I do not like being misquoted....and I never do this to anyone else...as it is a distinct violation of forum rules and grounds for restricting your posting capabilities.



It doesn't allow me to. Nor to delete the post so I could have requoted, which is why I noted it when I originally edited the quote after realizing originally I quoted the wrong post before you posted this in. It allowed me to edit the post but not the quoter name. So please stop with the melodrama. 

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He is eminently likeable but really it is he that is the international pariah: stumbling, fumbling idiocy over Iraq and the weapons of mass destruction. He wasn't just implementing policy , he was making it: so he can't hide behind George W's skirts on that matter.

As for the article: it significantly understates the level of criticism of The Clintons. Highly selective in that regard. 

He is right about one thing: such a terrible choice November 8th. Better if the both drop out and leave it to the VP candidates

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Well, don't ever expect to see Trump's tax returns. It seems Trump's son has said they would be too distracting. Yeah, can't have the American public distracted by any truth or semblance of reality, can we? 


Trump's new reason not to release tax returns




"Because he's got a 12,000-page tax return that would create ... financial auditors out of every person in the country asking questions that would detract from (his father's) main message,"  Donald Trump, Jr. told the Tribune-Review...



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11 hours ago, Chang4u said:


Trump is a Buffoon who is leap frogging ahead in the polls. He is doing great in Ohio as well.

That is the kind of Buffoon we need in office.


It is a shame that nobody else in can take him down,   they are either medically incapacitated, or unnamed, as of yet.


You are kind of stuck with the Buffoon (to quote you).  Perhaps, after ObamaCare is Trashed, Trump will get some kind of permanent Medical Programs for your preferred candidate.  


We are not seeing the death throes of the Republican party, thank Buddha :clap2:

(I think you have him confused with the other candidate,  that was a scary medical episode)





"It is a shame that nobody else in can take him down,  they are either medically incapacitated, or unnamed, as of yet."


You write pretty. 

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16 hours ago, Credo said:

Powell is a man of great integrity and he was a soldier who served his country with pride and dignity.   He served his President well, if it is was misguided.   As a former soldier he did as his C-in-C asked him to do.


We are now getting a candid look at his feelings on a number of issues.  


Whether one agrees with him or not is secondary.   He is a man of great honor.     


Powell is squirming on the emails at DepState which is what he's been doing for a long time. That's why the hackers went after him, and it is why Powell is playing this as the career politician in the military he'd always been.  


Powell was what's known in Washington to include at the Pentagon as a 'political general'. This is in contrast to being a 'general's general' such as George Patton was a general's general (Omar Bradley was known as a 'soldier's general'). General 'Stormin' Norman Swartzkoff whom Powell commanded in Gulf War I as chairman of the Joint Chiefs was a general's general. Swartzkoff had to follow the orders of a political general in Powell.


As a political general, the one-star Powell was brought into the White House during the Reagan administration where he started collecting a quick succession of stars as he continued to be advanced by Prez GHW Bush. (Gen. Alexander Haig is another instance of a political general, most notorious for his loyalty to Richard Nixon in the WH.) President Clinton inherited Powell before Powell had been soon to retire.


As the Bush-Cheney SecState Powell the political guy lied to the UN Security Council extraordinary session of foreign ministers on WMD in Iraq. Certain foreign ministers said afterward that Powell had lied about WMD and that the foreign ministers could see and that they knew at the time Powell was speaking that Powell himself knew he was lying. Words of Mass Deception from Powell.


Neither can Colin Powell be believed in his story of how he did his emails and concerning the things he's said against former SecState Clinton. Powell was a captain in Vietnam but after that he never was involved in a field command of large force combat ready troops or theatre forces such as Nato (even Alexander Haig commanded Nato, appointed by Pres. Ford).


Powell is coasting again, as he always does. A free ride every time for Powell. 

Edited by Publicus
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18 hours ago, webfact said:

In leaked emails, Powell calls Trump a 'national disgrace'



WASHINGTON (AP) — In a trove of newly leaked emails, former Secretary of State Colin Powell calls Donald Trump "a national disgrace" and suggests his own Republican Party is "crashing and burning."

Wasn't Colin Powell the one who shortly before the 2003 Iraq war gave the UN a lecture and presented us all with the irrefutable evidence (satellite pics, graphs, voice recordings etc) that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction?



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3 minutes ago, katana said:

Wasn't Colin Powell the one who shortly before the 2003 Iraq war gave the UN a lecture and presented us all with the irrefutable evidence (satellite pics, graphs, voice recordings etc) that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction?




Yes he was! He is complicit in the deaths of 6500 sons and daughters of the US, 1500 of the UK and around 100 000 permanently disabled. And we are in an argument over frigging emails!!!! It IS pathetic what is happening. I am ashamed of my US friends who are American that will turn a blind eye to this over their hate of HRC.

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8 minutes ago, surangw said:

looks like Powell blew his changes on getting appointed to sec. of defence 


Potus Hillary Clinton as CnC will probably notify him by email. ;)  Republicans in the congress maximus will then investigate just as they always do. 


It's not prohibited in law, but career generals/admirals don't get appointed SecDef.


Some big brass have become SecState, as with Powell being the most recent one, and Gen. Alexander Haig before him, but there's a constitutional instinct in Washington that keeps retired flag officers from being top dog at the Pentagon.


The law says not until at least five years after retirement for the position of SecDef, but that discouragement is in fact an effective prohibition of it occurring, as it is intended to be.


A few career generals have been elected Potus, the last one to date is Eisenhower who knew only snail mail. Records were kept on those too for all SecsState, cabinet, right up to the top in the Oval Office. 


So we've gone from the Nixon tapes to Trump's email offensive -- and offensive it is from over there on the far out rightwhinge. Powell sounds like a guy who completed only half of his computer classes so he's pleading for mercy while pointing his finger because of his own half-baked systems of emailings. 

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On 9/15/2016 at 4:18 AM, Usernames said:

And what else was in the Powell emails that TVF apparently missed covering?  How about this?







Powell was expected to endorse Hillary soon. I don't see how he can now and be taken seriously...except maybe by people ignorant of his email comments.

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