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Trump, interrupted, heckled in visit to Flint church


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Trump, interrupted, heckled in visit to Flint church



FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Donald Trump was cut off, chastised and then heckled after he attacked rival Hillary Clinton during what was supposed to be a speech on helping where the government had failed the people of Flint, Michigan.


"Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we've done in Flint, not give a political speech," said the Rev. Faith Green Timmons, the pastor of the Bethel United Methodist Church.


The Republican nominee quickly stopped, then said "Ok, that's good, Then I'm going to go back to Flint" and its water crisis that had sickened its citizens.


But the interruption seemed to embolden those in the sparse crowd. One woman shouted that Trump had used discriminatory housing practices in his buildings, causing the celebrity businessman to respond, "Never, you're wrong. Never would."


Trump abruptly ended his speech, which had lasted six minutes. More heckling followed him out.


The visit was part of the campaign's effort to persuade voters that the celebrity businessman can appear empathetic and presidential in a crisis. Trump also has his eye on a good showing in the industrial Midwest, though polls have him down in Michigan, which last went Republican in 1988.


The trip was the Republican presidential nominee's first visit to the poverty-stricken city since lead was detected in its water supply in April 2014. More than 100,000 had their water contaminated after the city left Detroit's water supply and started using improperly treated Flint River water.


Trump did address the crisis, saying at the church "We will get it fixed and it will be fixed and effectively and Flint will come back. Most importantly, we'll bring jobs back."


He also bemoaned that previously "cars were made in Flint and you couldn't drink the water in Mexico. Now cars are made in Mexico and you can't drink the water in Flint."


Trump visited the traditionally African American church in the impoverished city to pay tribute to the city's resiliency. But then, he attacked Clinton, saying "everything she touched didn't work out." Timmons then stepped up and interrupted him.


Others began to heckle the GOP presidential nominee. The pastor stepped in and silenced them too, saying that Trump "is our guest" who should be honored.


But when Trump abruptly ended his speech, a few more in the crowd yelled at him as he walked off stage.


One black woman, Reneta Richard, yelled at him "What do you mean, 'African-Americans have nothing to lose?'" repeating back to Trump his recent call for African-Americans to turn their back on Democrats and vote for him.


The reverend had said in a statement distributed to reporters that the visit "in no way" represented an endorsement of Trump's candidacy.


"What we pray is that it conveys a fine example of a faithful, intelligent, historically African-American congregating at work, serving and volunteering among the people of Flint as we work through this crisis of national impact," read the statement. "We cannot let this story drift from national attention for any reason."


But later at a rally in Ohio, Trump insisted he was undeterred by the tough reception and would be "willing to campaign anywhere, even if voters openly oppose me somewhere."


"Some people in those communities aren't planning on voting for me and that's ok — I will be the president for all Americans," Trump said in front of rowdy crowd of about 5,000 people in Canton. "I'm running to bring hope to Flint."


The visit to Flint, where most residents are African-American, comes as Trump has increased his outreach to minorities, arguing that Democratic policies have left inner cities impoverished and dangerous.


Critics say Trump paints an overly bleak picture of life in urban African-American communities, where crime has fallen and the life expectancy has risen in recent decades. Some black leaders have also suggested that Trump's outreach to minorities is mostly about proving to undecided white voters that he's not racist.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-15
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13 minutes ago, webfact said:

But the interruption seemed to embolden those in the sparse crowd


Sparse crowd. Yeah, as would be expected by Trump visiting an African-American Methodist Church in Flint, Michigan. I think there were more secret service and reporters around than the actual audience.


15 minutes ago, webfact said:

Trump abruptly ended his speech, which had lasted six minutes. More heckling followed him out.


Cut off, chastised and heckled. Not his normal audience of sycophants. Got to get out of there fast!

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Now as of a few minutes ago if you look at the front page of FoxNews you'll just sent a short 1 min 30 sec video of the actual incident but no article; look on CNN and they have extensive coverage (video and article) on their home page.    

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2 hours ago, Pinot said:

Trump continues to waste his campaigning time...as if a minority voter is ever going to vote for him. 


Well, Trump is only doing 6 minute "hit-and-runs" which by the way is what his campaign told him is the norm for the areas in which minorities live. The campaign also mentioned something about driving by as well. 

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9 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Well, Trump is only doing 6 minute "hit-and-runs" which by the way is what his campaign told him is the norm for the areas in which minorities live. The campaign also mentioned something about driving by as well. 


No doubt the Reverend was using Trump to further the communities agenda for clean drinking water...as he said "to keep the issue alive"....so I see no harm in Trump using the event as a political stop. 


Interesting last paragraph that says crime is actually down in black inner-city neighborhoods. Maybe compared to the 1970's...Lol.

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3 hours ago, Pinot said:

Trump continues to waste his campaigning time...as if a minority voter is ever going to vote for him. 

Agreed...Blacks simply vote Democratic in the USA...for a group that touts "diversity" at every opportunity, there is very little diversity in their thoughts, preferences, and attitudes...


I suppose these efforts are a blunt attempt to sway liberal Whites...or those who feel a bit of guilt at supporting him...

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6 hours ago, Pib said:

Now as of a few minutes ago if you look at the front page of FoxNews you'll just sent a short 1 min 30 sec video of the actual incident but no article; look on CNN and they have extensive coverage (video and article) on their home page.    

I am truly surprised Fox/Faux News issued anything they are always busy bashing Hillary. As I recall it was a Republican governor donkey who should have the tail pinned on his posterior for this debacle. Much like Thailand not he or anyone else was ever held responsible. 

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Yeah, so Trump can't handle a little embarrassment without making sure he has the last comment to make himself feel better. Go on, belittle the Pastor. I am sure that will make the minorities vote for you.


Donald Trump Calls Flint Pastor Who Interrupted Him a 'Nervous Mess'




"She was so nervous,” Trump said this morning on “Fox and Friends.” “She was a nervous mess, and so I figured something -- I figured something was up, really,"

The interruption didn't bother him, he said, adding that "everyone plays their games."



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Here we go again: :facepalm:


"We will get it fixed and it will be fixed and effectively and Flint will come back.

Most importantly, we'll bring jobs back."


"I'm running to bring hope to Flint."


Classic pandering and Bloviating.

Edited by iReason
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11 hours ago, hdkane said:

Agreed...Blacks simply vote Democratic in the USA...for a group that touts "diversity" at every opportunity, there is very little diversity in their thoughts, preferences, and attitudes...


Exactly.  Black folks dismissing a candidate just because the KKK supports him is pretty small-minded.  :cheesy:

This incident may be the first time anyone shut up Sideshow Don since he started campaigning.  I applaud the pastor for having the guts to confront him and the risk of him denouncing her in the national media, which is how he operates.  He let her off easy IMO, I was expecting a reference to black rage.



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21 hours ago, ClutchClark said:




Interesting last paragraph that says crime is actually down in black inner-city neighborhoods. Maybe compared to the 1970's...Lol.


The long-term trend is a decline, not only in the murder rates per population, but the total number of murders in the cities Obama mentioned, and nationwide. The same goes for violent crime. Trump was referring to a recent year-over-year increase in murders in some cities.



This was all settled in July, the facts are that violent crime and murder rates are on  long term decline from peaks in 90's.





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2 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


What exactly do you think the picture is saying?

Confused.  Scared.  Maybe her parents have been calling him The White Devil around the house, and now she's made to stand there as a political prop.   


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7 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Confused.  Scared.  Maybe her parents have been calling him The White Devil around the house, and now she's made to stand there as a political prop.   



Yep; could be. Could be anything one's imagination contrives.


If I had Donald Trump hovering over me and grasping me by the wrist, I would probably have a similar expression. :D


Primarily, though, only one word springs to my mind w/r the image:  Cherry-picked

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7 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Confused.  Scared.  Maybe her parents have been calling him The White Devil around the house, and now she's made to stand there as a political prop.   



When you dress a daugter with a tiara and a sash and bring her to a political event then be prepared she will likely be exploited as a political prop.



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17 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


When you dress a daugter with a tiara and a sash and bring her to a political event then be prepared she will likely be exploited as a political prop.

And then have it backfire.  If I was Trump's PR person,  I would want to bury this photo.   

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3 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


What exactly do you think the picture is saying?


Let's just say there is a big difference between meeting Trump and meeting Obama for Little Miss Flint. 


For Trump, the fear and uncertainty is plain in her face. Even the wrist grab by Trump seems strange. Never mind the creepy look from the guy behind Trump.


For Obama, you can see the excitement and adoration.




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On 9/15/2016 at 3:25 PM, hdkane said:

Agreed...Blacks simply vote Democratic in the USA...for a group that touts "diversity" at every opportunity, there is very little diversity in their thoughts, preferences, and attitudes...


I suppose these efforts are a blunt attempt to sway liberal Whites...or those who feel a bit of guilt at supporting him...



Democrat House staffers vs. Republican House staffers. Yeah, I see what you mean. Damn those Democrat hypocrites. (That's sarcasm, in case you're having trouble identifying such.)Image result for dnc staff vs rnc staff meme photo


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Gosh, in the Republican picture on the right there is not one black in their group and maybe just one or two of oriental ancestry.   Pretty similar to the GOP Convention where you only saw a few rent-a-person-of-color in the crowd.

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50 minutes ago, Pib said:


Gosh, in the Republican picture on the right there is not one black in their group and maybe just one or two of oriental ancestry.   Pretty similar to the GOP Convention where you only saw a few rent-a-person-of-color in the crowd.


Hmm, maybe just one black woman in the upper left?




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25 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Hmm, maybe just one black woman in the upper left?




Durn good eyes you got....you must have blew up the picture to 10 times normal size.  That woman must have been their one rent-a-person-of-color for their photo.  

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52 minutes ago, Pib said:

Durn good eyes you got....you must have blew up the picture to 10 times normal size.  That woman must have been their one rent-a-person-of-color for their photo.  


I figured since that there are a few black republicans, there might actually be one in the picture. I took it like a Where's Waldo puzzle and behold, found her.


If she was a rent-a-person-of-color you would think they would have placed her in the front row.


I looked into this photo a little bit and found the following: "One of the only studies to look at minority hiring in the Capitol found that only 7.1 percent of top Senate staffers were nonwhite"

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1 hour ago, Pib said:

Yea, but that picture is supposedly of House members/staffers, not Senate members/staffers.


For the House staff members I found the following: "Democrats' staff were more diverse than Republicans', but not by much. Democratic staffs were 91 percent white, compared with 95 percent for Republicans, according to the National Journal Survey."


It appears to be around the same 7 percent figure I mentioned previously.

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