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Poll urges using Section 44 to resolve chronic traffic problems


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17 hours ago, rkidlad said:

You simply cannot ask or tell people to do something. Most people are selfish and only see themselves in a very small picture. This is true anywhere in the world. As a government, it's your responsibility to 'make' people do things they don't like for the greater good. As long as there's no real law and order here, there'll be no real social development. 


The buck always stops with the people in power who make decisions. Unfortunately, they're often not held accountable and believe themselves to be above their people. 

AMEN... Spot on. Bingo. EXACTLY. 

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These pollsters had better be careful as they appear to have changed radically from their previous mission of proving just how successful and popular the PM is to something bordering on crtiticism.

Now they're saying just how ill disciplined and irresponsible Thai motorists are which means state institutions like the BIB and courts etc aren't doing their jobs,  so whose fault is that, who could do something about it without using Art 44 but isn't ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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One thing IMO that could help would be stopping the 'paid' escort service by the police for anyone that is willing to pay or anyone that thinks they are entitled. This off course includes minor polititians, and any mid to high ranking police or army officer.

The holdups that these wannabes cause is totally un-necessary.

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Why no doing like in Tokyo ?


You can own a vehicle only if you own a parking lot for it ;

One of my nephews is living since a long time in Japan; he is a lecturer in foreign languages in a Tokyo University .

when working in a little town he had a car;

now living in Tokyo he sold his car because he doesn't own a parking lot for it .

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10 hours ago, jerojero said:

Maybe Sec 44 to compel police to enforce all traffic laws would help.


Or use Sec 44 to put large numbers of soldiers on the streets to stop offenders, and doing mobile patrols, eveyrwhere, to stop and ticket all offenders. In other words doing the work the BIB should already be doing. 


I hope this happens and it embarrasses the BIB into action.


Actually I support the idea of replacing the first 4 levels (4?) of all police with army folks in a new structure aligned to well proven international police structures and methodologies, and eventually replacing the army with highly capable sincere and honest people. But current police cannot rejoin.

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20 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

But only a few days ago Deputy PM Prawit issued instructions to the various authorities that Bangkok's traffic problems had to be fixed. They were given one month to get things improved. Then we also had the police running around like children with silly traffic flags.

So only 29 more days to go and the traffic problems will be all but gone. No need for Section 44.



Hmmmm; a bit like Chalerm a few years back stating he would fix all the problems in the South within three months.  Talking is what Thai's are best at but they offer little else when it comes to solutions.

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One day someone will come up with the brilliant idea's of actually teaching people to drive properly, making them take written and practical tests, placing all details of Vehicle Tax Payments, Insurance, Vehicle Test Certificates and Driving Licences on one computer, equipping Police vehicles with Detectors for wrongdoers, fitting  Camera's at all Traffic Light Junctions geared to catching Red Light Jumpers and Speed Camera's at regular road intervals.


The very thought of doing so many good things to improve the lives of people in Thailand will be very tiring to any Thai Official that is far too busy running other business on the side, out playing Golf or sitting around a table eating with those who look up to him as some kind of God, because that's what they've been taught to do all their miserable lives.

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4 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

Why no doing like in Tokyo ?


You can own a vehicle only if you own a parking lot for it ;

One of my nephews is living since a long time in Japan; he is a lecturer in foreign languages in a Tokyo University .

when working in a little town he had a car;

now living in Tokyo he sold his car because he doesn't own a parking lot for it .


Before they do anything drastic they need to ensure there is a quick, clean and effective public transport system so people have a viable alternative. I live and work and BKK and have a car, i choose not to drive to work though as it is far more convenient to take public transport. I would like to think many others would also be like that if they live close by public transport.


I would hope that despite their love of their cars it would come a time when they would prefer to use public transport than sit in traffic for 4 hours a day.

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Enforce traffic laws will not do it. Take away all the police men in the light control boxes. They only control one light and have no idea about traffic flow. Time all the traffic lights on a pulse system instead of a convoy system then keep the BIB little fingers off the light controls. No more five minute red lights and good light timing and traffic will be reduced, simple

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On 9/17/2016 at 6:46 PM, NoBrainer said:

How about trying the EVEN/ODD system, that is used on other large cities.


Draw a ring around the CBD areas, and make it EVEN/ODD and maybe 200 Baht to enter.


Stiff fines for anyone caught driving inside the zone on the wrong day.


Would definitely lessen the congestion, and would be a financial boon for the Government.


Generated funds could be used to build new roads (while stuffing the pockets of participating players in the infrastructure expansion), a Win Win for everyone.



didnt work in italy they  just bought another car

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So on average 90+% of those surveyed where whinging about other drivers lack of traffic disciplines, only observing the rules when traffic police are insight and drivers playing Line , smoking, and using mobile phones while driving. But when it come to the question the question of invoking Section 44 [ harsher penalties] to deal with traffic violations,  only 50.09% agree. What is wrong with this picture?

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On 9/17/2016 at 3:20 PM, useronthenet said:

Main problem is that there is no Police force in Thailand adequately enforcing the law, thus drivers will break the law.

That's it in a nutshell. People routinely double park and block in other cars, while eating up a traffic lane. There virtually zero chance they will ever see any repercussion for this, so they keep doing it. Then everyone else does it because that's the standard. Another one that annoys the heck out of me is people who think they need 2 lanes to make a U-Turn, or people who skip in front of an entire line of people waiting to U-Turn to get in front of them all. Or the simplest of things, taking your turns when at an intersection rather than just forcing your way through no matter what. These are things that are already illegal, but if nobody enforces them then it doesn't really matter.


I think part of the problem is that many people never went to any sort of driver education or driving school, and many others bought their licenses without passing the rather easy driving test. They've been giving lip service to improving that for a while.

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