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I really like Thailand!


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On 9/21/2016 at 4:19 AM, mcfish said:

Agreed and wish the sad <deleted> would just buy an air ticket back home. I would like to hear from them.. You all know who you are! what keeps you here so miserably?

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Misery never lacks company - that's why they gather here - they are just negative bores and losers

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20 hours ago, ravip said:

But that's the ' Thai way'  of assaulting foreigners, isn't it?


Leave the guy alone he is on a Thai ecstasy trip. He is trying to stir up the grousers. He is part and parcel of what makes the world unique. He throws out a bunch of words and we should all become believers in his thinking process come on?? Time and generations passing change all of us. Maybe his change has yet to materialize. 

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living anywhere for an extended amount of time you will find something to complain about.


moving some place new and experiencing things is always fun but that feeling will eventually go away.


Thailand has problems just like any other country... if you want to be happy  no matter where you live... stay away from local and state politics...


one of the best things about Thailand you have live fairly happy on the high or the low.


Edited by speckio
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17 hours ago, DeaconJohn said:



17 hours ago, NickJ said:

I just wish that the people who live here and hate it...could just go home. And be banned for life being able to post about there mistakes. 

Nar mate.I love reading about the strife people get themselves into.Makes me realize i am not that stupid and must be doing something right.I rekon that people that came her in the 70's and 80's as backpackers and live here now have a better tolerance of Thailand and all her foibles.We came here to see the country and surrounding countries,not like many recently retired/divorced johnny come latelys,who are too set in their old ways and refuse to learn the lingo.They depend on their wives for anything Thai and only talk to others from back home.

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On September 21, 2559 BE at 11:26 AM, joeyg said:

Indeed.  I can afford to live anywhere I want.  I choose Thailand for many reasons.  Going to Immigration every 90 days is a pleasure.  I look forward to chat with some of the gals I've gotten to know there as they "stamp" me in.  I say hello and chat with everyone, who can communicate, including cops on the street.


I like people.  I especially like Thai people. And believe me I've traveled extensively.  It's all about sanuke!  If it ain't sanuke it ain't happinin'.  For me anyway.


@ Ar Price is not the issue. Why bring that up? I just said for me I like it and am glad to be here.


Sanuke - that must be a nuclear explosion of fun, sanook... 


Yes, I enjoy myself here in the same way... and I assume from your other post that you speak some Thai... as you learn more and move further out of tourist centers, if you have not already, you will find people friendlier and quite willing to engage in chat... 

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6 hours ago, kenk24 said:


Sanuke - that must be a nuclear explosion of fun, sanook... 


Yes, I enjoy myself here in the same way... and I assume from your other post that you speak some Thai... as you learn more and move further out of tourist centers, if you have not already, you will find people friendlier and quite willing to engage in chat... 

You nailed it, ken.

Get away from the tourist traps and everything is different.

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8 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


You like living in Thailand. Okay. Good for you.  Outside of knowing what your financial status is, your use of the   descriptive phrase "I can live anywhere I want"  is rather useless and adds nothing. There are people who live in a  cardboard box  under a bridge in the USA and there are  wanderers in the UK who live out of their caravans. So what?  It's all relative and it's about quality of life. Some people are happy in a little room and sleeping on  polyester blend sheets that they might wash once a week. They are delighted to eat disgusting greasy noodles and brag about the  40 baht cost.   There are some very, very wealthy people who have vacation homes in Thailand. This doesn't mean anything either. 


I find it odd that some people will use this expression but the reality is that they have relatively little.  Where do these people get these  hundreds of millions of baht? I can't believe that so many retired  truck drivers,  handymen, factory workers, IT workers etc. were being paid in excess of 3 million baht per annum and have liquid savings in excess of 30 million baht.  


My impression is that there are a lot of simpletons walking about. Thailand works for them because they have never really experienced a  high quality life. Fine. Good for them if they can get in a few years before they die. Let them be happy.   I won't begrudge anyone a chance at happiness.  However, I don't need to be told that if I disagree, I should leave or be labeled a malcontent.  My concerns are legitimate and  based upon reality.


It's wonderful that you like Thai people. Can you even communicate with them and does your interaction with them extend beyond the usual service industry personnel? I would call you delusional if you embrace the locals willy nilly and you will pay for it. Spare  me the sanook lecture. It brings to mind these  white people who  dress up as monks and walk around with their condescending smiles. they read a book and  spent some time at some sketchy wat and  transform into holy men. I have zero patience when those who worship before idols come preach to me in between their for profit  activities of retailing   magical amulets and potions or exploiting the fears of the uneducated.


Who refers to  female immigration officers as "gals"? This is not 1955 Tupelo, Mississippi.  So they go easy on you at immigration. Ok. They don't bother me either. What's your point? Has it occurred to you that one of the reasons why Thailand is a  hub of human trafficking and was the transit point for some heavy duty  terrorists because of the lax attitudes to border security?


I get it. You do not value habeas corpus nor judicial due process. Nor do you believe in basic human rights  such as the right to  discuss and contest constitutional changes. Fine. Some of us do.

I lived in Southern California for 30 years before coming here.  Had a very, very, nice life.  I am "financially secure."  Rather than responding Point for Point to your post, you can't be serious?  I mean really.  No offense but are you constipated?  And I've been trying to adhere to Bhudda's teachings since 1974.  Only marginally successful.  However I keep try.  Think "Castor Oil."

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7 minutes ago, JingerBen said:

You nailed it, ken.

Get away from the tourist traps and everything is different.

I have spent quite a bit of time in Issan at friends family farms and loved it.  Especially Yasothan.  I can get a little boring after a month or so though.  Clean air and shooting stars seemed to make it all worthwhile though...


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9 hours ago, amykat said:


JAFO, you often make posts that I agree with. But sometimes in your zeal to love Thailand, you seem to throw the US under the bus.  I don't mind whatever political views you have that I might disagree with, obviously we all have that right.  This post sounds more reasonable. The other post made all Americans looks quite foolish and ridiculous and was not a true picture of reality.   Certainly not for the area you or I are from.  People are generally very friendly, kind, relaxed, well-off, well-traveled, educated, etc.  Oh, and have good manners!!  From what you have described about yourself I think we have come from similar backgrounds so I think I can't be too off about this.


Honestly I am not trying to "Love" Thailand Amykat. I definitely like being here along with my options and a host of other things. I know to many it may appear that I post like I am trying to convince myself. That is not it at all. I post what I do because I am genuinely happy person and I will continue to offer another side of life here to the ones that hate it. Funny how we don't refute others saying they hate it. So if they hate its OK and they are not trying to convince themselves of it? But like it here and live a easy wonderful life that just can't be possible, one must be delusional and full of crap. As I have said many many times on this site in other posts, Thailand isn't perfect nor is the US but life here is simply far better. Its really as simple as that. Its not complicated. I do not have a hidden agenda.


But to your point about pushing the US under the bus, I admit I had grown completely tired of the entitled people. It wasn't California specifically. I traveled a lot for business. I met rude pushy obnoxious people every single day. A good number would stomp on their friends if it meant they could get ahead of them. Sure I had my circle of friends that didn't behave like that (Most of the time) but good friends are hard to find. Yes there are good people in the US. Yes not all are bad. 


Below is a small clip from Lewis Black. The first 2- 3 minutes are true and funny. I was at this show and couldn't stop laughing. 


 Life is good no matter how you can make it work. The great thing is having choices. For that I am very thankful.



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11 hours ago, amykat said:

" People are generally very friendly, kind, relaxed, well-off, well-traveled, educated, etc. "



You're kidding right?  That accounts for tiny percentage of the population.  


It's easy to be magnanimous when one is well fed, has a roof over their head and are able to easily satisfy other material needs.


As for Californians, specifically northern ones in SF Bay area, there are far too many entitled, arrogant and self absorbed people there who care only about themselves and have little regard for others.  Traffic is a mess and road rage occurs quite often from the city to the eastbay, down both I-80 and I-5 corridors.

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I like the people, the food, the natural terrain, and the amount of freedom that I have.

I've traveled extensively and have considered several other places to settle down. For me pound for pound and dollar for dollar Thailand can't be beat. Plus my crush actress Michelle Rodriguez has roots in Thiland!! The other day I saw this post


Can you believe it!! She decided to celebrate it in Thainland !!

I love the place!!

Honestly the catalyst for this post is the overwhelming volume of members here that incessantly mock and put down Thailand to no end. It is an interesting phenomenon and I honestly don't understand it.

Edited by Rupert Pupkin
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1 hour ago, JAFO said:


Honestly I am not trying to "Love" Thailand Amykat. I definitely like being here along with my options and a host of other things. I know to many it may appear that I post like I am trying to convince myself. That is not it at all. I post what I do because I am genuinely happy person and I will continue to offer another side of life here to the ones that hate it. Funny how we don't refute others saying they hate it. So if they hate its OK and they are not trying to convince themselves of it? But like it here and live a easy wonderful life that just can't be possible, one must be delusional and full of crap. As I have said many many times on this site in other posts, Thailand isn't perfect nor is the US but life here is simply far better. Its really as simple as that. Its not complicated. I do not have a hidden agenda.


But to your point about pushing the US under the bus, I admit I had grown completely tired of the entitled people. It wasn't California specifically. I traveled a lot for business. I met rude pushy obnoxious people every single day. A good number would stomp on their friends if it meant they could get ahead of them. Sure I had my circle of friends that didn't behave like that (Most of the time) but good friends are hard to find. Yes there are good people in the US. Yes not all are bad. 


Below is a small clip from Lewis Black. The first 2- 3 minutes are true and funny. I was at this show and couldn't stop laughing. 


 Life is good no matter how you can make it work. The great thing is having choices. For that I am very thankful.



Very well said JAFO.

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26 minutes ago, nemrut said:


You're kidding right?  That accounts for tiny percentage of the population.  


It's easy to be magnanimous when one is well fed, has a roof over their head and are able to easily satisfy other material needs.


As for Californians, specifically northern ones in SF Bay area, there are far too many entitled, arrogant and self absorbed people there who care only about themselves and have little regard for others.  Traffic is a mess and road rage occurs quite often from the city to the eastbay, down both I-80 and I-5 corridors.

Yep.  So Cal is pretty weird too.  The running joke was after 30 years their my favorite thing was the weather...


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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Hey, at least your honest about it and don't try to play it all up like ur a born again Thai. 

Strange indeed...  Please don't try to hijack the thread.

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1 hour ago, how241 said:

After 8 years here, I still Love it here in Pattaya .

Of course Disneyland is fantastic but eventually you grow up. Thats when you realise the rides are getting old, once you have been on them a thousand times they all start looking the same and are pretty boring.  Still good for all those Peter pans that never got to go on too many rides when they were young though.

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15 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

Some people would find something to complain about in heaven. 

There is  no heaven so there is  nothing to complain about except  peoples  willingness to believe there is a heaven, so there Ive managed to complain about it ........sort of

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14 hours ago, The manic said:

You tell him!  The problem with this forum and this poster is like many bores here - he projects his own mediocrity on to us- thinking his life experiences are somehow more relevant than ours - we who enjoy Thailand.  Its sad really.

its gets "boring" when you  tell everyone how boring they are over and over in a thread......:saai:

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4 hours ago, rijb said:

Sounds like two threads. 


1.  I really like Thailand   :coffee1:

2.  I really don't like California  :violin:


Kind of funny but when one think s about it I guess they are related


So many who really love their new spot in fact really hated their old spot


No different than the folks who pigeon hole  say a whole race of women....As  they

cry the tune of how badly they were done wrong by X race of women so now Y race is so much better :) 


If they came from what they perceived as hell on earth then the present Shambhala looks great


Some folks myself included came from paradise & found another paradise

It is extremely difficult for folks like us as we love both places :rolleyes:

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On 9/21/2016 at 5:49 PM, bwpage3 said:

For every nice person, there are 10 that are not so nice. Read the news.


Were those Thai people that nearly stomped that elderly couple in Hua Hin to death nice?

To state your last paragraph, no, these Thai people were not nice, but that sort of thing is not just related to Thailand, in fact I would say Thailand is one of the least countries that would happen in.

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On 9/21/2016 at 5:55 PM, SoiBiker said:

You mean the elderly couple that hit them first?

It doesn't matter, it should have been easy to prevent the elderly couple from hitting them without stamping on them. An old woman in her sixties, and a guy so drunk and incapable?

All any average guy would have to do is hold his hands out to prevent getting hit, and one hit on the drunk guy would be enough to put him down.

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19 hours ago, joeyg said:

Wow you're right!  I just watched it it was actually the old woman that started smacking people first!  The Thai guy actually tried to use some restraint and calm her down.  She just kept smacking him!


Wow good find.


And before that some other white guy hit another tourist that wasn't doing anything.  I was going to post it here but I was afraid it would violate the rules.

An old woman, and the Thai guy "tried" to use some restraint??????

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