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Mother and father want action after school allows their daughter to leave with a rapist


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13 minutes ago, scorecard said:


and one family has insisted that the school principal sign a document to guarantee that there will never be any incident like 'mug throwing', and more.


Get real mate. No Director is going to read much less sign such a document. Please don't mislead the members into thinking corporal punishment has been abolished in Government schools. The mug throwing is just an effect of teachers who think they can motivate with violence and show their disdain for naughty students releasing their own frustrations on same. 

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2 hours ago, z42 said:

Just awful. I have no words. This rapist should NEVER be let out of jail. The premeditation, the targeting of underage girls, and the lack of any remorse.

Shame Thai prisons don't resemble the latim american ones as this lad's sentence would last only minutes


Don't estimate Thai prisons. Just put him in a prison with real men and let them know what he did.

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Why did the school not try to call the parents,admitted the man was an x pupil,but,of no relation to the girl,perhaps the kid knew him ,STILL no way should he have been able to remove her from school NO WAY.In another country,he would get life in prison,the school would have to take full blame,the teacher that released the child would get maybe 5 to 10 years jail and never teach again,that is if he ever came out alive from prison.The rapist probably wouldnt last very long one way or another he would not come out alive from prison,that is a cert.This country has a long way to go to get in touch with the real world,perhaps when the corrruption stops,and the likes of RED BULL and the rest of the Life Takers with Mercedes cars and fortunes behind them to corruply buy their freedom,by joining the Monks and pretending to be goody goodys,and making fake excuses about being high on yaba,or alcohal,and pretending to have lost face, then maybe this country will progress,only problem the ones who take the backhanders will have to find another way to buy the big house and land,all on a small SALARY,amazing what people can buy on maybe 20000 bk per month.Its to be hoped this young child will grow up to forget this awful insident,for an adult its not easy to even think about it so what about her and her distrought parents.

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Once again, another school fails in its due processes. Do not schools have written policies and processes that are meticulously followed  regarding a whole range of issues from this incident to mug throwing? As a retired Principal, I am always amazed at the lack of supervision when I see students on a field trip, sitting on the top of crowded buses going home, etc etc and just like the number of deaths on roads, nothing ever seems to happen to improve the safety of children. When I once raised all my concerns with a Thai friend, the reply was, 'Don't worry this Thailand.' This seems to be the answer and solution to all the ills in this country. 

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14 minutes ago, fullcave said:

Negligence in the Thai schools is legendary... Just look at the way they load them into the back of pick-ups like cattle to a slaughter..   

At least the cattle are loaded and then a door/gate is closed and they are secure, unlike the songtaews which have kids hanging off the back end in some areas.

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What incompetence and stupidity on the part of the school......

Mind you a lot of parents would be inconvenienced and have to go get their own kids if they had strickter policies. Beggars belief that anyone off the street could take a child without showing any ID.

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3 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

The school has a legal obligation to protect children in their care.


The school my 7 year old goes to here allows vehicles to enter the school grounds, kids running around everywhere, near hit and misses daily while vehicles parked and kids running in and out of the parked vehicles, if your driving a ute which is elevated, hard to see, so its crawl in and crawl out, an incident waiting to happen unfortunately, suffice to say, picking up my daughter the other day, I found her talking to a total stranger, she knows she cannot move from the pick up spot which is at the very rear of the school, near the office, although she had moved a couple of times with her friends till I found her, but doesn't anymore, (don't go there), needless to say when I approached her the other day, she came to me, and I said who are you talking too, a man, she replies, yes she is still alive, as I had to hand the matter over to mum (Thai) who is sterner then me, and I think the whole village and the neighbouring villages heard her, with my daughter replying, but why muma, God love her innocence, we have been down that path 1,000 times, some thicker than others.


When will Thai schools start acting like western schools. When I used to pick up my daughter back at her school in Carlton, Sydney, Australia, no vehicles allowed in, and the parent had to go to the teacher to collect the child in the playground, and if the teacher didn't recognise you, (relief teacher) as mum used to do the pick-ups till she fell pregnant again, the teacher had to confirm with the kid, is this your dad ?


Thailand is so easy for girls to get raped or go missing, sure walking alone in the village or with a friend, but ah, hello, I think its time the parents started to realise Thailand is no different to the rest of the world, men are men, so sicker than others, parents have a moral responsibility to not leave their daughter/s alone, and schools have a duty of care to be the parent, when the parent is absent.


Our sons (13) are not allowed in their sisters room, that is how strict/bent, if you like, we are.


Death by firing squad, the sooner the better, that or release him in the village for the tribe to carry out their own slaughter.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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3 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

The school has a legal obligation to protect children in their care.


Does that include not allowing unlicensed students to leave or arrive at school on motorcycles without helmets. It doesn't seem so.



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Thai schools need to rethink their security, but also reconsider the way they sexualise the young girls in their charge.


 Several times every year my local school holds events which involved dressing up junior school kids in fancy costumes. 


The boys wear traditional Thai stuff,  but the girls - some only five or six years old - are plastered in makeup, given false eyelashes, and clad in the sort of outfits that one generally only observes on dancing girls in dodgy beer bars.


Watching these pre-pubescent girls bumping and grinding around on stage before an audience of approving adults is, to an old fuddy-duddy like me at least, a pretty sickening and concerning spectacle. It is part of a process which conditions Thai females to regard themselves as sex symbols at a vulnerable young age and reinforces sexist stereotypes of Thai women which has contributed towards the country's sky-high rape and sexual assault figures.


Events like Mothers Day, Parents Day, etc at my local school are potentially field days for pedophiles, as there are no checks on the adults who turn up while they are in progress and no way of ensuring that children leave with parents or trustworthy guardians.


Schools should issue parents and other people nominated to deliver and pick up children with identity cards and keep a list of parents' and nominated friends phone numbers call in suspicious circumstances. 

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When I was teaching in Thailand I had plans for a special outing, on a Saturday, my wife and I wanted to take a few of the exceptional English speaking students on.

I asked the school about getting written permission from the parents of the students so they could attend.

I was shocked when I was informed that it was not required..

" You can take students anywhere you want outside of school hours, but if during school hours you need a note"

It was only five students, so my wife and I informed the parents of the students on our own anyway.

All of the parents agreed and one even came by to watch the activity on Saturday.

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2 hours ago, Acharn said:

There's certainly plenty to question in this story. He didn't know the girl? Then how did he tell the teacher which child he wanted to take away? "Hi, I need to take a young girl to see her parents." "Which girl?" "Oh, I dunno, how about that one over there?" "Oh, sure, that makes sense."

I don't think so.


Correct, first thing that came also to my mind, " HE DID NOT KNOW THE GIRL".

Things are getting more screwy by the day in Thailand.

It is not LOL anymore. It has become TYC Take Your Changes.

As for LOS that always has been a foreigners misconcept about the Thais  the foreigner doesn't has a clue that there are 12-different Thai types of smiles and one thrown in to make it a Bakers Dozen.

Thais were such charming people when living in their villages in the mid-20th century, you always see them smile. This smile was to put the foreigner at ease not understanding what the foreigner said to hide their inferiority complex. However, since then havoc has been created in their lives by turning them loose in to a fast moving world for which they never were properly educated. To the extend that it has now become, no not a society, but a grouping of people which shows total contempt for the Laws, law enforcement organizations, and living in a large interacting society. Over the past six decades I have seen Thailand change, and not for the better.

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37 minutes ago, Pepper1959 said:

 When I once raised all my concerns with a Thai friend, the reply was, 'Don't worry this Thailand.' This seems to be the answer and solution to all the ills in this country. 


My wife used to say to me "It's the Thai way." And I'd reply, "Yes. that's the problem."

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What is wrong with letting a sex offender into a school and then exonerating the school of all blame if he/she commits a (sexual) offence (if the school allowed this in good faith)? Are they realy to blame? I appreciate that in this example he should have been vetted first before being allowed on the premises and the school was wrong in not carrying this out.

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France  had to collect my daughter from college  ,lucky i had passport  ,they let me in ,there mother did not have passport 100% thai ,they did not let her in ,security ,you can't even park  car near college or school  ,parks near school even have police in them   ,live in the 3 rd world get  3 world   ,live in the west  ,get western standards   ,but comes at price 


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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


The school my 7 year old goes to here allows vehicles to enter the school grounds, kids running around everywhere, near hit and misses daily while vehicles parked and kids running in and out of the parked vehicles, if your driving a ute which is elevated, hard to see, so its crawl in and crawl out, an incident waiting to happen unfortunately, suffice to say, picking up my daughter the other day, I found her talking to a total stranger, she knows she cannot move from the pick up spot which is at the very rear of the school, near the office, although she had moved a couple of times with her friends till I found her, but doesn't anymore, (don't go there), needless to say when I approached her the other day, she came to me, and I said who are you talking too, a man, she replies, yes she is still alive, as I had to hand the matter over to mum (Thai) who is sterner then me, and I think the whole village and the neighbouring villages heard her, with my daughter replying, but why muma, God love her innocence, we have been down that path 1,000 times, some thicker than others.


When will Thai schools start acting like western schools. When I used to pick up my daughter back at her school in Carlton, Sydney, Australia, no vehicles allowed in, and the parent had to go to the teacher to collect the child in the playground, and if the teacher didn't recognise you, (relief teacher) as mum used to do the pick-ups till she fell pregnant again, the teacher had to confirm with the kid, is this your dad ?


Thailand is so easy for girls to get raped or go missing, sure walking alone in the village or with a friend, but ah, hello, I think its time the parents started to realise Thailand is no different to the rest of the world, men are men, so sicker than others, parents have a moral responsibility to not leave their daughter/s alone, and schools have a duty of care to be the parent, when the parent is absent.


Our sons (13) are not allowed in their sisters room, that is how strict/bent, if you like, we are.


Death by firing squad, the sooner the better, that or release him in the village for the tribe to carry out their own slaughter.

I don't suppose you could get to the pickup zone before school finishes.

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4 hours ago, Acharn said:

There's certainly plenty to question in this story. He didn't know the girl? Then how did he tell the teacher which child he wanted to take away? "Hi, I need to take a young girl to see her parents." "Which girl?" "Oh, I dunno, how about that one over there?" "Oh, sure, that makes sense."

I don't think so.

Just because the victim didn't know the scumbag who raped her, it doesn't mean he didn't know who she was.


Predatory scum, including paedophiles as this, are known to stalk their victims. 

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