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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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Just now, stander said:

Questions on "presidential look," on taxes, on Birtherism. Nothing on emails, on immigration, on Benghazi.


The emails have been investigated and closed. It was still discussed, he brought it up, she admitted it was her fault and she shouldn't have done it.

Benghazi? Christ on a bike, what more do you think you could wring out of that one?

Immigration? Not sure that was a topic in this one, but I'm sure it will come up in the next two.


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Just now, Chicog said:

I particularly liked the "my father gave me a very small loan".


Whoa the fact checkers will go to town on that one.





And so it starts....




Trump initially disclosed the loan at a debate last year, saying it was $1 million — not "very much compared to what I've built," CNN reported. He echoed the statement this past spring. "Believe me, I started off with $1 million," Trump said at the time. "I built a company that's worth more than $10 billion. And I say it not in a bragging way, but that's the kind of thinking we need."

But a Wall Street Journal investigation published earlier this week uncovered a document showing that, in 1985, Trump owed his dad and his dad's companies roughly $14 million. A spokesman for the Trump campaign told the Journal Trump had previously been talking about a 1975 loan that was, indeed, just $1 million.

Separately, a Washington Post fact-check has rated Trump's "small loan" claim with four Pinocchios, which means his statements were not only false but considered "whoppers."




Oops and I forgot the other $3.5 million...




Clinton is right on this one. The Wall Street Journal tracked down a 1985 casino-license disclosure that showed Trump’s father lent him $14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars. Trump’s spokesman told the Journal he was referring to Trump's very first loan, a decade earlier. But it’s clear Trump’s $1 million claim understates his father’s assistance. In the 1990s, New Jersey regulators dinged Trump after his father bought $3.5 million in chips at one of his casinos.

We’re also unable to verify the value of Trump’s company because it’s privately held and he hasn’t released his tax returns.



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9 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Whoa Fox saying she "controlled the ball".

Which is true, but I didn't expect to hear them saying it.




They are much more honest than you are capable of acknowledging. Hillary is a polished politician and he is not. She was more convincing.

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Just now, tuktuktuk said:

I never watch debates. Trump aced it. Didn't expect that. HRC looked like a deer in the headlights. It's hard to solve our nation's problems by increasing taxes on business. Create jobs by giving more money to the government?  Who's going to believe that?


She said Trickle Down economics doesn't work and that she wants to tax the wealthy more.

At no point did she mention increasing taxes on business. And I haven't seen anything on her website that mentions this.


Unless I missed something, I'm four hours behind you and a tad sleepy.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


They are much more honest than you are capable of acknowledging. Hillary is a polished politician and he is not. She was more convincing.


I'm afraid you're wrong, remember I have it on in the office every day.

And you clearly haven't watched Hannity recently.


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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I'm afraid you're wrong, remember I have it on in the office every day.

And you clearly haven't watched Hannity recently.


I do not watch Hannity AT ALL. I  am not surprised that you do. He is not representative of the rest of the network. :whistling:

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Hillary clearly won the 1st debate.  After the first 20 minutes Donald was on the defensive and couldn't stay on topic being addressed at the time.   Hillary baited him so many times and he took the bait each time and then just splashed around tying to get off the hook.

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6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

See the post above yours. Even UG admits she was more convincing, as did Fox News.

I think I've posted enough for you all to know I really don't like Hillary but she won the debate hands down.  Trump looked silly.  He could have nailed her a number of times but he was not prepared and looked really like a mobster by not releasing his taxes.  


The first debate will be the only one with a big audience and Hillary has sewed up the election today.  

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Just now, Scotwight said:

I think I've posted enough for you all to know I really don't like Hillary but she won the debate hands down.  Trump looked silly.  He could have nailed her a number of times but he was not prepared and looked really like a mobster by not releasing his taxes.  


The first debate will be the only one with a big audience and Hillary has sewed up the election today.  

Amen to that brother!!!!   The lessor of two evils, Hillary, clearly won the 1st debate.

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1 minute ago, Scotwight said:

I think I've posted enough for you all to know I really don't like Hillary but she won the debate hands down.  Trump looked silly.  He could have nailed her a number of times but he was not prepared and looked really like a mobster by not releasing his taxes.  


The first debate will be the only one with a big audience and Hillary has sewed up the election today.  

I think you're correct about the first part. Last sentence I can only hope. Again, not because I like her, but because the alternative is worse.

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It was Trump tonight who needed the diaper.  


For more reasons than only body functions.


Trump wilted during the second half of the debate endurance test. His body language showed exhaustion. So did his tired manner. Maybe next debate (if he shows) he can take some Geritol before walking on stage to the podium. 


Clinton meanwhile is now addressing a live rally down the road from the debate site at Hofstra University on Long Island.


Who wants a Potus with tired blood. Make Geritol great again.

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2 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

I think I've posted enough for you all to know I really don't like Hillary but she won the debate hands down.  Trump looked silly.  He could have nailed her a number of times but he was not prepared and looked really like a mobster by not releasing his taxes.  


The first debate will be the only one with a big audience and Hillary has sewed up the election today.  


Fair assessment.  I didn't get to see the whole thing, but did see snippets.  If Trump would just stop lying....

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35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


That narcissistic  psychopath near the nuclear codes is horrifying.

Do "conservatives" want war with Iran?
That moron trump defended his idiotic statement that he would blow an Iranian ship out of the water just for taunting Americans. He said, doing so wouldn't start a war. Are conservatives so stupid they "believe him" that blowing an Iranian ship out of the water wouldn't start a war? Unlike you, I have more respect for conservatives than that. He's a NUTCASE. How he got this far is a national tragedy already. 


What do you know about the POTUS' capability to launch a nuclear attack?


Do you think it's a simple matter of being "near" some nuclear "codes"?


We're already at some kind of strange war with Iran, in case you haven't noticed. When they go nuke, maybe that will get your attention.


Trump got this far because about half of the American public is fed up with people of your ilk. The other half would voe for an ATM machine as long as they thought it would perpetuated their government benefits.

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Just now, Publicus said:


It was Trump tonight who needed the diaper.  




Actually, I thought he needed a Kleenex. What was up with all the sniffling? Maybe he can take Hillary's allergy excuse?


I loved the Trump word salad on some of the answers where he must have changed direction so often that he himself got lost on his point (if he even had one to begin with).

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I look forward to Hillary's presidency.  Her poll numbers have been rising, even before the debate, and will probably continue to do so.  Her policy proposals, outlined in a 300 page book, are the most progressive platform ever put forward by a likely president.  If the Dems take the Senate also, they will make a liberal Court for the next generation that will overturn Citizens United and stop the disenfranchisement of blacks and others by the Sons of the Confederacy in Southern legislatures.  Expect to see a higher national minimum wage, 10 million more insured Americans, pro-union legislation, serious treatment of global warming and much more. 


Trump couldn't read a 300 page book, much less write one. 

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Trump getting the support of so many Republicans comes simply from his being the Party's nominee. I'd noted this before, that Republican 'somewhat' conservative voters are simply voting based on partisanship.


One network had a focus group in Ohio that included four Trump fans, three Clinton supporters and three undecideds.


A white haired lady with a gruff voice said after the debate: "I'm voting for the conservative party. If it's a jackass that's leading the parade, so be it."


This is the Republican Party of 2016. The Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

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5 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Actually, I thought he needed a Kleenex. What was up with all the sniffling? Maybe he can take Hillary's allergy excuse?


The old Colombian marching powder will do that, I heard that people are saying that, believe me.



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