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Expats Who Moan About Thailand Should Either Shut Up Or Leave


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Expats Who Moan About Thailand Should Either Shut Up Or Leave


Quite right!  I did leave and now live in the UK where I moan about things here.  Truth is that I found with age comes less tolerance hence the increase in the whinging.  I spent some great years in Thailand and enjoyed my time there enormously.  That is what makes it so hard to see it deteriorate so much (oops! there I go again)

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Crazy idea... why doesnt the thai government use the money rounded up from there money making schemes targeting farangs and offer to buy out houses and land of farang/mixed families so they can leave if they hate them so much which is the case unless your an ignorant person. Ill be on that boat! I dont want my son to grow up with the same garbage to deal with daily that my wife and i have faced just for being nice, giving, helpful and show any sort of motivation and smarts. Maybe theres a whole bunch of farangs that would like to leave but when aged and youve been ripped off all too much seemingly legally and theres probably no family or home to go to anymore it puts your family in a very unfair miserable situation. Maybe the scary amount of suicides could actually be real, or a percentage of...

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Common Sense automatically removed when you hand over your arrival card and look at the camera bang common sense gone..

Leave us with the moaning please .

Its a pleasant passtime cheaper than sponsering thai families and the entourage.

Or even breeding parasites or leeches.

Its not moaning really is it....oH wheres your common sense gone..probably into the system with your Dollars you didnt need anyway..

They haven't managed to remove our sense of Humour as they dont know what it is.

Yes I am  still here and lucky I have a choice I could leave ..

most Thais can't.

They will always live in a 3rd world country 

There will always be Geordie or a Texan hanging out their Daughter or Nieces

A Scandi or a Ozzy hanging out their sons and nephews Good Enough For Them .

No moaning only an opinion.

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I'd tell the author to stop moaning about the moaners and not to worry too much. Stay calm, no need for inflated blood  pressure. Criticism, constructive criticism is fine. Any person anywhere in the world should be able to do so about any country in the world regardless.


I discuss with others what I like or dislike about various nations: NL, UK, Germany, USA, Thailand etc. If done with the best of intentions, no harm done. If an other disagrees for whatever reason including "you don't live there (permanently / at all)", fine. But by sharing views with the best of intentioms there is no reason to get worked up or offended.


Now I fully understand that you don't want anything to do with those who foam at the mouth, throw insults around and show deep anger in their eyes. Ignore those, walk away. Those walking tomatoes will either burst one day and harm themselves or pack up and leave. Not worth your time.


So spent your time and engage into debates with people. You may learn something, they may learn something. And if you had enough talking, take a break or a nap, smile, don't worry, be happy.

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Pretty pathetic to have a fellow American talking about his right to free speech in the U.S., and then arguing that people who don't like some aspects of life in Thailand should get out rather than speak their minds.


If I was in America, I'd complain about some aspects of life there too, but nobody would be suggesting that I ought to leave rather than complain.


No one especially likes perpetual whiners. But there certainly are aspects of life in Thailand for anyone, Thai or non-Thai, that deserve complaining. Everyone living here has a stake in calling attention to those shortcomings and hopefully creating public pressure to make things better over time.



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What an egotistical maniac . What do i complain about ? mm police allowing children to ride motorbikes and kill themselves . Massive amount  of child rape and sexual assault .Scams , driving so bad lots of people are killed and injured everyday ,men coming here to pay for sex with young poor girls . The fact that the people i really like in my village are downtrodden and kept poor and uneducated by the hi so in bkk. ALL THESE THINGS NEED COMPLAINING ABOUT .
 USA insular , mostly stupid and uneducated and loud.Like to carry guns  shoot people . Stupid man . Every country has its faults and as  an american president once said . If no one complains nothing will change

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Victor Meldrew syndrome
I'm perfectly happy complaining, because it's cleansing and perfectly happy arguing with people on the Internet.

Thus, because arguing is my favourite pastime - I'm a neurotic moaning faced Bastard and many TV members will back me up on this one !!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Is the OP really serious? The Op talks of 'free speech' yet criticizes those when it's used. There is not a country in the world that doesn't have it's own unique characteristics/problems. I love Thailand too but that doesn't mean I like everything about it. Is the OP suggesting expats shouldn't complain about life threatening situations (Thailand being the 2nd on the list for road deaths for example). The OP needs to get things in perspective...and I suggest quickly because expats with years of experience here balance the good with the bad within their own personal preferences. My preferences might not be those of another expat. The OP needs to look at reality and not just the negatives of existence...it  seems to me that the OP is doing just what OP says about other expats...complaining. So if the OP doesn't like the fact that some expats live in, yet complain some things in Thailand, perhaps the OP ought to leave...probably won't even understand that!

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The 'moaning the moaners' posters seem to be getting very emotional.


It might be less stressful to just moan about Thailand.




Maybe both sides can compromise. No gushing/moaning about Thailand, until you lived here 3+ years.


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For many of us Thailand is our home. And as our home we have the right to say whatever we feel about it especially if it is to improve it. It should not be seen as destructive criticism but constructive criticism. It has nothing to do with our nationalities. Home is where our hearts are, not where our passports come from.


I myself have spent more time here than in any other country including that of my birth/passport. More than half my lifetime. You expect me and others like me to keep quiet. Never.


When you've been around as long as I have I bet you'll change your POW. In the meantime I suggest you keep quiet. You have a lot to learn.


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1 minute ago, Keesters said:

For many of us Thailand is our home. And as our home we have the right to say whatever we feel about it especially if it is to improve it. It should not be seen as destructive criticism but constructive criticism. It has nothing to do with our nationalities. Home is where our hearts are, not where our passports come from.


I myself have spent more time here than in any other country including that of my birth/passport. More than half my lifetime. You expect me and others like me to keep quiet. Never.


When you've been around as long as I have I bet you'll change your POW. In the meantime young lady I suggest you keep quiet. You have a lot to learn.


Good post. People dont tend to realize that some people like myself also have spent so much time here also over half my life. It is home to us. We have been allowed to be here for so long but i feel a squeeze now that i have never felt before. Im now questioned and feel harrassed at immigration now and feel on a whim i could lose myfamily because someone got out of the wrong side of bed. I have seen and learnt more about this country than alot of thais i hte to say. Having a voice to piss and moan is deserved i think.

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I have lived here longer than most and I still like it here.  Whichever side of this argument you happen to be on and whatever you do or don’t do about it, the simple truth is Thailand will choose its own path.  I figure why waste energy screaming about things which you have no control over and cannot influence.  Besides, I find things much better than they were back in the 70s.


In my opinion the more people complain the more bitter and negative they become.  If you want to relieve stress, go get some exercise.:coffee1:

Edited by villagefarang
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So, if I understand this opinion piece correctly, if you are doing something voluntarily then you have no right to complain about unexpected consequences? I eat at a restaurant voluntarily but surely I can complain about a dodgy dish? The analogy of eating at someone's house is not correct. Thailand does not provide free holidays to tourists. Many complaints about Thailand are entirely legitimate. Expat white knights, who invariably attempt to justify the unjustifiable, do little more than ingratiate themselves on their new Thai companions. The rest of us see it for what it is.

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I live in Thailand for 7 consecutive years. Went home only once for 2 month.

I do like Thailand, I do like most Thais I come in touch with.

But for sure there are many things in Thailand that I don't like. Am I a grumpy old git to notice these things ?

For sure my Thai partner is complaining a lot more about his country than I do.

Wonder if the OP is ever reading the Thai News, wonder in what kind of Ivory tower he lives. Where does he get in touch with moaning expats ?  In bars with drunkards ?  My expat friends of different nations are hardly ever complaining about Thailand but sure all of them are aware of its shortcomings.

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people who complain a lot are generally sad... they only have complain to say...you will never see them say something good ......that's not why they are here..it is a forum...and they have anger in them......they don't go out shot at people..they just come here and write it while thinking they could perpetuate atrocity because all is wrong with the country or the people...with the law...the lady....with the weather...even with the food.... 


when you read them ....you feel so much better cause you know you are a lucky person ..a lucky human being cause the discovery of the land of smile is something absolutely amazing and you can just sit on your knee...and thanks the sky for being able to share precious moment of your life in Thailand with the local people.





This world.....will never ever be perfect.....when something seem to be wrong for you .....all you can do is try to make a change...if you can't make that change...all you can do is Shut up or leave. 



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Thailand would be much better without the moaners, indeed.

Yes, it would be so nice if they finally all decided to go home instead of complaining about everything here.

But without the moaners, this forum would suddenly feel very empty :)

Or maybe I am wrong... They would probably keep moaning from their own country.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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11 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

Do you honestly and truly believe everyone should keep stumm about how they're treated in Thailand a place were us so-called Farangs are seen as mere money-spinners. Can't buy a house, can't own our own businesses, have to report every 90 days irregardless of circumstances - the list goes on. Yeah' let's just bite our lip and be happy with our lot !!!!

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 Yes, I do think you should stop complaining. You should have known these conditions before you made the decision to stay here. They aren't secret. And if you are so angry after finding out about them, why don't you just leave and warn all your friends that Thailand is a horrible place for foreigners to live? Why is it so hard for you to leave? You burned your bridges, maybe? I've been living here a long time and don't have problems with the limitations/requirements you cite.

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I agree with the concept that we are guests here and as guests, it is inappropriate to complain about the laws or customs of another country, especially if we have chosen this as a place to live. But then, I am happy here, most of my friends are happy and enjoy their life here - - I mostly only see unhappy people on this website... I hope they do have the option to leave as I surely do... and if not happy here, I would leave but in my many years, have not considered that... 

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I reserve the right to complain about anything that I am not happy about, do you think I should praise Thai's for their horrible driving, should I say wow I really like all the pot holes in my road,  If nobody complained about things that bother them then nothing would ever get done to address these complaints. I don't complain often but when I do I wouldn't need someone telling me to go back where I came from.  Maybe you are just better than most.

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