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California police show videos of fatal shooting of black man


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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I never once suggested whites do not suffer poverty. You suggested it because you need to accuse me of racism to inflate your ego. Its the only paradigm you are comfortable with--evil whitey. 


The amount of tax dollars funneled to black communities far exceeds those directed to asian and hispanic and the asians and hispanics have assimilated well even though english is not their primary language.


No victim mentality.


They adapt.


Go find someone else to call racist. Fabricate your strawman somewhere else. I am done with you.


Latinos? Assimilated? Are you shitting me?

You just make it up as you go along, don't you?


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1 minute ago, YeahSiam said:


Latinos? Assimilated? Are you shitting me?

You just make it up as you go along, don't you?



Where I live Latinos find jobs, they work hard, they don't do drugs, they don't denigrate their women like rap songs do, they have great family values and dont father 7 kids with different baby mamas, they take care of their houses which they paid for not welfare.


Same with Asian and Indian families one generation in the US.


They do not rely on a victim mentality.


But keep bringing up slavery that was abolished 100 years ago. Thats how you contribute to the problem.


Now I am puting you on ignore. You have to resort to name calling in your posts and you lack common decency. When you want to communicate in a respectful mature manner then let me know. 

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7 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

usually there is no time to assess if the first shot stopped the potential aggressor

this would be enough time for him to shoot 4 times


I am surprised that you have to explain such an obvious thing.


But thanks for doing so.

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12 hours ago, mercman24 said:

why the need the shoot the guy 4 times, trigger happy s.o.b.

Have you ever stared death in the face like that, you only get one chance if your wrong your dead. Spit second decision. police are trained to make sure they kill him dead now so he can not shoot you. Its not as easy to disable a crazy man as you think.

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12 hours ago, mercman24 said:

why the need the shoot the guy 4 times, trigger happy s.o.b.

Have you ever stared death in the face like that, you only get one chance if your wrong your dead. Spit second decision. police are trained to make sure they kill him dead now so he can not shoot you. Its not as easy to disable a crazy man as you think.

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12 hours ago, impulse said:

My issue is that the police have the discretion to share the videos that they choose, and tight hole the ones they don't want to share.


That's kind of like letting the team coaches decide which of the instant replays the fans and the umpires get to see.  But with life and death consequences.


This time, it came down in favor of the cops.  But release of the videos should be controlled by someone that isn't going to be named in any lawsuits or criminal proceedings.

In case you haven't noticed the black folks in America can't handle the truth,  Most of the people[ black or white] shot by police brought it on themselves. Yes some are shot by a crazy cop. When a white guy gets shot by a crazy cop, us whites realize that it was a crazy cop, we don't start looting stores and throwing stones at the good cops. If they show the film of a cop wrongly shooting a black man, the blacks start burning cars, looting stores, beating whites, stoning police, etc. etc.  Beside all that if you don't follow the orders of the police then you are breaking the law, all things that happen after that are your fault. It is really easy to understand unless you don't want to.

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11 hours ago, Saraburi121 said:

Evidently you have never been in a life or death situation.  Fight or flight.  It is always easy to second guess from news reports inflamed by race what happened. 


First it was "he had his hands up".  (Some cop-hater from the crowd is now always going to say this... It's practically mandatory.)  The video showed he didn't.  So now it's "why did he need to fire 4 times?"...   It'll always be something.  Obama helped light the fuse, and now the genie's out of the bottle.


The investigation is going to show what we already know. Olango, in defiance of police commands, grabbed the e-vape thing from his pocket and, dropping to a shooter crouch immediately aimed it at the officer.  The officer had no way of knowing it was harmless and that Olango was acting out some kind of childish, prankish taunt ... now so loved by black exceptionalists.  If it HAD been a gun, the officer would've been just a finger-twitch away from being shot himself.  Under such circumstances, I suspect the approved police procedure is NOT to fire once and standby to see what happens...  


So in the end there'll be no charges and the feds will spin the story into a community relations debacle on the part of the police.  And so goaded into outrage by Obama and his goons, all hell will break loose in El Cajon and possibly greater San Diego, thanks ever so to the master statesman.



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I used to not like the law enforcement community in the U.S., but now I feel really sorry for them.


When BLM is yelling at them and disrupting society, do they think the police are going to be more comfortable when they pull a black person over for a traffic violation?


BLM is making the situation worse. Much worse.

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12 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I am continually amazed how few of you young people actually understand a thing.


I think you're confusing young with open minded.  I haven't been called young since my 40th birthday, about 20 years ago.


But unlike some of my contemporaries, my steel trap mind hasn't slammed shut.  Probably because I don't have daily exposure to Fox News.  I get my news from CNN, AlJazeera, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others, getting more than one atrophied point of view.

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12 hours ago, YeahSiam said:


The bone-headedness in your posts never cease to amaze.


Violence is part of human consciousness. White people caused two bloody world wars for God's sake.

You're an old white male who's probably never had to cope with the type of challenges the African American community have to deal with.

The net is full of rigid views from people like you who hark back to a bygone age where one just laced up one's boots and went out into the world to make a fortune.

The world doesn't work that way any more Mr. Van Winkle and, frankly, for most disadvantaged black people in the US, it never did.


Though the ingrained, institutionalized discrimination backed up by the law that prevented many American blacks advancing socially and economically before the civil rights movement has been made illegal, vestiges of it remain and for you to pretend that an entire community's problems are all of their own making shows just how far you're prepared to go in your churlish attempts to rewrite history in nigh on every thread dealing with race on this forum.

I've noticed that you're always very active in threads that deal with race. I don't know for certain why that is but I suspect it's because it gives you an opportunity to spew forth your bigoted views in an environment where you're unlikely to be laid out on the ground with cartoon sparrows circling your cranium.


There's no denying that the black community in the US bears a sizeable portion of the blame for their plight but when people like you try to make out that the field upon which they play has always been level with their white counterparts, it's particularly disingenuous.

You are very correct the playing field has been very favorable to blacks and hasn't helped a bit. When I was in the Army [ 72 to 74] , the Army was ordered to promote blacks at a much faster rate than whites, While my friend was the best troop in our battalion he was a private E-3 after 1 1/2 years while worthless, lazy, blacks were made E-4 right out of basic training. The whites in our unit hung out in two's or three's while the blacks hung out in forties and fifties. I was in the chow line as soon as the mess hall opened every morning, but if the blacks showed up they all went to the front of the line, every day. They would refuse to do any hard work so we had to do all the digging and other hard work. All while they were getting more stripes on there uniforms, and more pay. When I got out I found if a black applied for the same job you did, then the company had no choice but to hire the black. This didn't matter as much because as soon as the black found out that the private sector was going to make him show up every day and WORK, they soon quit anyway. Later on they passed laws that you had to have a quota of blacks, a % based on population. This only applied to white owned companies, the black owned companies hired almost exclusively white workers gaining a huge advantage. Affirmative action is the dumbing down of our universities by making entrance scores much lower for blacks than whites. I worked a lot at our State university and saw very few blacks on the campus, They hung out near the dormitories selling dope and beating up white kids. The pizza companies would not send their deliveries to the University at night because the blacks would beat and rob them routinely. When these blacks are finally kicked out of the free housing and free schooling program there, then they have lived in our county long enough to get free schooling and housing through the county taxpayers at our community college that is now like a war zone. We had very few blacks in my town when I was growing up and it was a very nice sleepy town. Now it is about 30% black due to all the University drop outs staying around to deal drugs. We now have armed guards at all the elementary schools and the high school. The blacks at most US universities like to go "Polar Bear hunting", this is where four or five blacks ride around looking for a white victim walking somewhere, than one or more get out of the car and walk behind the white guy and then try to knock him out with one punch, they also call this the knock out game. I'm sure you have not heard of this as it never even makes the local news, and if it does they call it a fight.

              At our State university last year a mob of blacks went to a white fraternity party and drug three whites out to the street and beat them into serious condition. This was reported in our local newspaper as a fight on campus. The officials at all the big universities are paying the news to keep a lid on these activities as most people would not want to send their kid to a war zone like this.

            Now if you want to cry buffalo tears for the poor blacks thats up to you, but I would sure like to take you for a little fact finding tour, where you could walk down one of these used to be pristine streets at our local university, then when I picked you up at the hospital we could ask you what you did to aggravate those poor blacks like that.

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12 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Where I live Latinos find jobs, they work hard, they don't do drugs, they don't denigrate their women like rap songs do, they have great family values and dont father 7 kids with different baby mamas, they take care of their houses which they paid for not welfare.


Same with Asian and Indian families one generation in the US.


They do not rely on a victim mentality.


But keep bringing up slavery that was abolished 100 years ago. Thats how you contribute to the problem.


Now I am puting you on ignore. You have to resort to name calling in your posts and you lack common decency. When you want to communicate in a respectful mature manner then let me know. 

The only problem I have with the Latinos is they work for a lot less money and that is bringing the working class standard of living down, I don't fault them for that , they are only trying to improve their lives, I did the HVAC in a large Chicago elementary school. It was an old school in a 90% latino neighborhood, you would not believe how clean and kept all the homes were there. The Plumber on the job left $20,000 worth of copper pipe just outside the school for months and never had any stolen, I was stunned that it wasn't. These Latinos policed there own neighborhoods and would tolerate any crime. I had to work for a few months after the kids came back and they were so respectful it just made me smile every day. This is about five miles from the deadliest war zone in Chicago, the near west side. So yes Clutch I can verify that you are way right about this issue and Yeah Siam is sadly mistaken and has probably never been anywhere near these areas. And yes Yeah Siam I am very active about this issue and will be until people like you stop enabling blacks to rape, plunder and steal from what could be a great society.

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5 hours ago, hawker9000 said:


First it was "he had his hands up".  (Some cop-hater from the crowd is now always going to say this... It's practically mandatory.)  The video showed he didn't.  So now it's "why did he need to fire 4 times?"...   It'll always be something.  Obama helped light the fuse, and now the genie's out of the bottle.


The investigation is going to show what we already know. Olango, in defiance of police commands, grabbed the e-vape thing from his pocket and, dropping to a shooter crouch immediately aimed it at the officer.  The officer had no way of knowing it was harmless and that Olango was acting out some kind of childish, prankish taunt ... now so loved by black exceptionalists.  If it HAD been a gun, the officer would've been just a finger-twitch away from being shot himself.  Under such circumstances, I suspect the approved police procedure is NOT to fire once and standby to see what happens...  


So in the end there'll be no charges and the feds will spin the story into a community relations debacle on the part of the police.  And so goaded into outrage by Obama and his goons, all hell will break loose in El Cajon and possibly greater San Diego, thanks ever so to the master statesman.



I mostly agree with you but I can't blame this on Obama, If he said what he really thinks about the BLM issue he would be shunned by almost all blacks and 1/2 of the whites. Just politics.  Go Trump!


I wish the black folks would listen to more of Martin Luther Kings speeches than just the " I had a dream " speech. Many of his other speeches professed that the black man should get off his lazy ass and join society and also take responsibility for their children. They choose not to listen to those speeches. That guy that shot him really screwed up an opportunity to get it right.

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23 minutes ago, Grubster said:

The only problem I have with the Latinos is they work for a lot less money and that is bringing the working class standard of living down, I don't fault them for that , they are only trying to improve their lives, I did the HVAC in a large Chicago elementary school. It was an old school in a 90% latino neighborhood, you would not believe how clean and kept all the homes were there. The Plumber on the job left $20,000 worth of copper pipe just outside the school for months and never had any stolen, I was stunned that it wasn't. These Latinos policed there own neighborhoods and would tolerate any crime. I had to work for a few months after the kids came back and they were so respectful it just made me smile every day. This is about five miles from the deadliest war zone in Chicago, the near west side. So yes Clutch I can verify that you are way right about this issue and Yeah Siam is sadly mistaken and has probably never been anywhere near these areas. And yes Yeah Siam I am very active about this issue and will be until people like you stop enabling blacks to rape, plunder and steal from what could be a great society.


I fully agree with your opening observation. Its the downside of capitalism to always bring in a new workforce that wants to get a foothold in a society and so will work for lower wages, no benefits, no collective bargaining protections, etc..


Chicago is also full of "First Generstion" Polish Carpenters and Serb truck drivers who have managed to carve out a niche in a new country while the inner-city black community remains clinging to the past history of 100-200 years ago. Success is dependent on being dynamic and adaptable. Innercity black youth desperately need a new paradigm but they are entrenched in the gangsta culture.


And the liberal response continues to be to just throw more money at it and only whisper about the problem since pointing it out will get any white person labeled a racist faster than a Tech-9 can spit out brass.

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3 hours ago, impulse said:


I think you're confusing young with open minded.  I haven't been called young since my 40th birthday, about 20 years ago.


But unlike some of my contemporaries, my steel trap mind hasn't slammed shut.  Probably because I don't have daily exposure to Fox News.  I get my news from CNN, AlJazeera, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others, getting more than one atrophied point of view.


60 years old? 


Now I am really curious what environment you are a product of? You are very Bernie Sanders. 


Its funny but zi watched my first 5 minutes of Fox News this morning in about 6 weeks and it was another 7 weeks before that. I don't watch Fox. I don't care for Geraldo Rivera and that silly mustache. I am always reminded of his 80's episode of opening Al Capones secret vault and it being empty except for a few bottles. 


I watch/read BBC. I am interested by a news platform called RT. I catch a bit of Al-J. Most of my time is spent in the WSJ and Bloomberg. But mostly I gain insight into behaviors by paying attention to human behaviors. I am wondering if you might have the similar luxury of money as the naive manchild Bernie Sanders since that is how he has managed to remain so insulated from life into his senior years. 


Bernie could  have used more street smarts cause without them he never stood a chance against hillary. 

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30 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


60 years old? 


Now I am really curious what environment you are a product of? You are very Bernie Sanders. 


Redneck oilfield engineer out of Texas, but alas, a Yankee transplant from 40 years ago.  Graduate of Texas A&M.  Owner of 4 handguns and 6 long guns including 2 assault rifles.  Investor in my niece's 160 acre hobby cattle ranch in East Texas and my nephew's 2000(?) square foot (legal) weed ranch in Colorado.  Friend of Bill Wilson since 1988, which means thousands of people I've known, and a lot of my best friends are people who have recovered from addiction.  A lot of my attitudes have been shaped by listening to their stories of their treatment at the hands of the law and the legal system, including the corrupt bail bonds industry.  Which can be devastating to someone with limited financial means, even if they're found not guilty and did nothing wrong except being poor.


Edit:  And if Bernie were on the ticket, I'd register to vote this year.  Between HRC and Trump, it's not worth the time and effort.

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49 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I fully agree with your opening observation. Its the downside of capitalism to always bring in a new workforce that wants to get a foothold in a society and so will work for lower wages, no benefits, no collective bargaining protections, etc..


Chicago is also full of "First Generstion" Polish Carpenters and Serb truck drivers who have managed to carve out a niche in a new country while the inner-city black community remains clinging to the past history of 100-200 years ago. Success is dependent on being dynamic and adaptable. Innercity black youth desperately need a new paradigm but they are entrenched in the gangsta culture.


And the liberal response continues to be to just throw more money at it and only whisper about the problem since pointing it out will get any white person labeled a racist faster than a Tech-9 can spit out brass.

Yes and we could go on and on about the success stories of immigrants to the US, how about the starving Irish that came here to work in the late 19th century that were persecuted for years. Now they are highly regarded as very hard working citizens. I worked hand in hand with many of the Polish roofers as I was doing my HVAC work in Chicago, they worked there ass off and never caused any trouble. Always had a big smile in the morning too, it helps the day go when you work with nice people, I have also worked with some very good Blacks who feel the same way as you and I do about the race issue, they just want to get on with life and leave the past behind. Sorry to say they are the vast minority of them and they know it. I must admit I tend to put them on a little higher pedestal than a white guy with the same qualities, and thats not right, but it comes as such a pleasant surprise when you work with a Black guy who loves his family and works hard to get ahead. How about the Chinese we abused building the railroads through the US, They don't run around crying about the past. They may not have completely melted in but they take care of there communities and prosper.

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On 10/1/2016 at 10:48 AM, ClutchClark said:


The "Ruling Classes" ? 


Not sure what you are talking about but 1960 called and said they want their talking points back.


Well let's see. Many times I read that the second amendment is necessary so citizens can protect themselves if necessary from a government (the ruling elite) exceeding their authority to dictatorial proportions and ignore the constitutional rights of its citizens.


Well one man's rioter or insurgent is another man's freedom fighter or constitutional protector. As a non American looking in, it seems there are some horrendous divisions in American society, and that the second amendment rights only seem to be wanted to apply to certain sections of the community.

Some American police seem pare military and have completely lost the concept of policing by consent. Without that the descent to a police state, with a lot of law and little order can be quick. 



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Interesting. My daughter, a final year criminology and forensics student in London will be going to Texas on an exchange visit with several colleagues. She will spend sometime on campus, sometime visiting prisons and a couple of days out on patrol with the police.


Interesting to hear her feedback when she gets back. She was schooled in Asia up to A level so she's already experienced other cultures and her step-brother is a professional soldier in the British Army. She's certainly not PC liberal socialist orientated nor his she right wing. Certainly not a racist but certainly someone who support the upholding of the law. 


Hope she's safe.

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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Well let's see. Many times I read that the second amendment is necessary so citizens can protect themselves if necessary from a government (the ruling elite) exceeding their authority to dictatorial proportions and ignore the constitutional rights of its citizens.


Well one man's rioter or insurgent is another man's freedom fighter or constitutional protector. As a non American looking in, it seems there are some horrendous divisions in American society, and that the second amendment rights only seem to be wanted to apply to certain sections of the community.

Some American police seem pare military and have completely lost the concept of policing by consent. Without that the descent to a police state, with a lot of law and little order can be quick. 




"Second Amendment Rights only seem to be wanted to apply to certain sections of the community"?


I am not sure what this means. The US Bill of Rights applies equally to all Americans. Supporters of the 2nd Amendment support all Americans to have the choice to own a firearm...unless you are referring to criminals. Its true that we don't want criminals to own firearms.


"Policing by consent"?


How many gangbangers and rioters consent to any policing? Law-abiding citizens consent and desire policing as much today as they always have. 




Workplace safety has come a long way in America over the past 30 years. All professions have seen a real and marked improvement available to them in the form of Personal Protective Equipment. This is equally true in nursing, construction, even office workers who now have ergonomic-friendly chairs and keyboards. 


Why should police departments not be granted the same provisions to protect themselves in the workplace? As the incidence of gun violence increases on the streets should officers no longer be allowed bullet proof vests? As BLM riots become a daily occurence should officers not be allowed riot gear? 


I do not understand your generalization. 


Community policing initiatives are very common today except at times of unrest that are dangerous to officer safety and at those times officers rely on PPE just like every other worker who faces dangers in the workplace. 

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6 hours ago, impulse said:


Redneck oilfield engineer out of Texas, but alas, a Yankee transplant from 40 years ago.  Graduate of Texas A&M.  Owner of 4 handguns and 6 long guns including 2 assault rifles.  Investor in my niece's 160 acre hobby cattle ranch in East Texas and my nephew's 2000(?) square foot (legal) weed ranch in Colorado.  Friend of Bill Wilson since 1988, which means thousands of people I've known, and a lot of my best friends are people who have recovered from addiction.  A lot of my attitudes have been shaped by listening to their stories of their treatment at the hands of the law and the legal system, including the corrupt bail bonds industry.  Which can be devastating to someone with limited financial means, even if they're found not guilty and did nothing wrong except being poor.


Edit:  And if Bernie were on the ticket, I'd register to vote this year.  Between HRC and Trump, it's not worth the time and effort.


Fully agree with the bail bonds industry being corrupt.


Ofcourse that is in no way connected to the Law Enforcement community in the US...as you well know. 


Its not uncommon for addicts to fail to take personal responsibility for their own decisions and actions so I can well imagine they blame much of their problem on the law enforcement community since these are the people who are responsible for getting their drunk butts off the street and stopping the addict from scoring his illegal drugs. Its typical that an addict will continue to spiral downward until a significant event(s) forces them to change--often a divorce, a health issue and commonly a police arrest and court proceedings. Hopefully the police can intercede before these addicts kill someone while selfishly operating their motor vehicles while under the influence. But I agree there is no greater buzz-killer than the police lights in your rear view mirror. 


Would enjoy hearing more about your investment in the budding CO marijuana industry. I have considered it myself. 


Although I would not vote for him, Bernie has more integrity than any other candidate on the stage this election. He was a liberal Ron Paul.



Thanks for your honest response and Bio.

Serious appreciation.

Hats off to you.

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El Cajon is where I was raised.
A small town.
A quiet town.
62 quit school.
Military 7 years.
Nam 3 times.
Wasn't the same when I got out.
Hippies and dopers and peace sucks.
Now downtown is an immigrant and minority ghetto.
I'm not talking a about the Mexicans.
They've always been a part of the population, legal or not.
And welcome.
People avoid it.
They keep pumping money into it.
Lipstick on a Pig.
Dam Shame.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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8 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Fully agree with the bail bonds industry being corrupt.


Ofcourse that is in no way connected to the Law Enforcement community in the US...as you well know. 


Its not uncommon for addicts to fail to take personal responsibility for their own decisions and actions so I can well imagine they blame much of their problem on the law enforcement community since these are the people who are responsible for getting their drunk butts off the street and stopping the addict from scoring his illegal drugs. Its typical that an addict will continue to spiral downward until a significant event(s) forces them to change--often a divorce, a health issue and commonly a police arrest and court proceedings. Hopefully the police can intercede before these addicts kill someone while selfishly operating their motor vehicles while under the influence. But I agree there is no greater buzz-killer than the police lights in your rear view mirror. 


Would enjoy hearing more about your investment in the budding CO marijuana industry. I have considered it myself. 


Although I would not vote for him, Bernie has more integrity than any other candidate on the stage this election. He was a liberal Ron Paul.



Thanks for your honest response and Bio.

Serious appreciation.

Hats off to you.

Must be one of the worst posts I have read from you. Pretending the police is often the solution to addiction problems.

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13 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Its not uncommon for addicts to fail to take personal responsibility for their own decisions and actions so I can well imagine they blame much of their problem on the law enforcement community since these are the people who are responsible for getting their drunk butts off the street and stopping the addict from scoring his illegal drugs.


That's the beauty, and one of the most misunderstood aspects of AA.  It's ALL about taking personal responsibility.  I get to hear people of all ages (myself included) taking full responsibility of what we've done in the past.  


It's inspiring to see a kid who's lost everything- job, family, marriage, even kids to demon rum get his/her life back on track.  They may walk in the door shirking their part, but the vast majority own it and own up to it within the first year, and most within their first 90 meetings.  


But I digress. Shameless plug for anyone who thinks they may have a drinking problem.  I walked in thinking I had a "wife" problem.  Got that thought straightened out in a hurry.


Cops and the judicial system can help the recovery process along, or they can make it virtually impossible.  But that's another topic for a long discussion over a coffee.

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14 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Must be one of the worst posts I have read from you. Pretending the police is often the solution to addiction problems.




Always such a pleasure to read your posts. They are a great reminder in how enjoyable my life is compared to someone with your constant vitriol. 


Ofcourse police are part of the solution to addiction. You can think of your arrest as an "intervention".


Its quite difficult to remain in denial about your drug/alcohol abuse when you are locked up in the back of a squad in handcuffs. Then, ofcourse, the arrest results in a court hearing where mandatory counseling is so often part of the plea deal your attorney will make on your behalf. 


As I stated earlier, talk to a recovering addict and ask what the bottom was that initiated change and they will tell you it was when the wife left with the kids, when the boss fired them, when the doctor told them they have cirrhosis,  and/or when they got busted for DUI or posession charges. 


You should do some ride-alongs with your local PD. It would be great to get some educated and informed  posts from you about your experience. You could get some real insights into the sordid side of humanity that police are exposed to daily and which I am not sure you know exists. 





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23 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


I agree on almost all counts - but the converse is also true. When dialogue achieves nothing, sometimes all the disenfranchised have left is the ability to disrupt society.  


Yes - and society - major parts thereof have a right to shun the rioters and cops have a right to arrest them and prosecutors have a right to prosecute them ...  What I know of tax paying - job working American society - they are in no mood to tolerate the likes of BLM and other violent rioters.  One thing you will notice from city to city that has had riots in the past 6 months or more.. .Riots caused largely by false information --a la Baltimore ... the riots were in black Ghetto neighborhoods ... not white suburban neighborhoods... The same in St. Louis, Milwaukee, Charlotte, etc.  Why not white neighborhoods - residences and businesses ... ?  Because they have guns - lots of guns and will shoot people who break into their business, try to burn it or wreck it  -  the same for a residential home... Rioters are no different than regular robbers and thieves - the violent type - just more of them all at once ... Business owners and home owners have a RIGHT to defend themselves and their property.   Rioters may be a bit crazy during the riots - but mostly not totally stupid...  

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6 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:


Yes - and society - major parts thereof have a right to shun the rioters and cops have a right to arrest them and prosecutors have a right to prosecute them ...  What I know of tax paying - job working American society - they are in no mood to tolerate the likes of BLM and other violent rioters.  One thing you will notice from city to city that has had riots in the past 6 months or more.. .Riots caused largely by false information --a la Baltimore ... the riots were in black Ghetto neighborhoods ... not white suburban neighborhoods... The same in St. Louis, Milwaukee, Charlotte, etc.  Why not white neighborhoods - residences and businesses ... ?  Because they have guns - lots of guns and will shoot people who break into their business, try to burn it or wreck it  -  the same for a residential home... Rioters are no different than regular robbers and thieves - the violent type - just more of them all at once ... Business owners and home owners have a RIGHT to defend themselves and their property.   Rioters may be a bit crazy during the riots - but mostly not totally stupid...  


I think that you have missed my original point by a long shot. I was in no way condoning the senseless violence or breaking into stores and stealing the livlihoods of others that you are referring to. I was responding to the following statement: "At what point will a news report actually call violent protesters what they really are--RIOTERS." by pointing out that calling them rioters was not a slur. Riots have, in the past, happened for very just reason and have resulted in very positive outcomes.


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