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Walking my dog past a 'pack' of other aggressive dogs

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On 10/1/2016 at 10:19 AM, Deepinthailand said:

Pepper spray/bleach/big stick dog lovers then 555555.

Why not just go shoot them job done oh and whilst your at it grow some balls.

Why don't you grow some common sense instead of giving idiotic advice? What do you imagine the repercussions to be if you just go around shooting people's dogs?

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On 10/1/2016 at 9:52 AM, ghworker2010 said:

One thing I know about this country is that dogs are a major and annoying problem...


It is not the dogs that are the problem it is the irresponsible owners who allow them to run around in the street. Dogs should be on private land except when properly leashed.


You can tell the dogs they should not be there but I doubt they'll listen. Complain to the dogs owners.



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I carry a hand taser. Whenever I walk my dog and we are charged,which used to be quite frequent I would just push the taser button and it stops the dogs immediately. They do not like the sound of it. At night it is even more effective as the bright flash adds to it. ...I have never had to use it other then just the sound......After a month of this none of the dogs on my walk ever get near us anymore.

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15 minutes ago, jaaaason said:

I carry a hand taser. Whenever I walk my dog and we are charged,which used to be quite frequent I would just push the taser button and it stops the dogs immediately. They do not like the sound of it. At night it is even more effective as the bright flash adds to it. ...I have never had to use it other then just the sound......After a month of this none of the dogs on my walk ever get near us anymore.

You'll have some explaining to do if an owner takes umbridge ; assuming this isn't BS.


The remainder have no such concern re  controls mentioned earlier.

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Talk to the owner of the dogs.


If he introduces you to his dogs gradually perhaps by tossing a ball and letting them retrieve it, petting them, talking to them will resolve the problem. Then gradually, introduce your dog to the other dogs, and have a play time with a ball and rewarding treats and the problem may be resolved.


If they are still aggressive they need training individually to be social with a training lease. They need to be introduced to strangers and when they get aggressive a firm pull and a command. They can be trained in a day.


If you are ever surprised by a vicious dog coming at you, look them in the eyes and raise both arms and hold your ground. Keep your arms up and they will generally stop and bark.  Keep the arms up until they turn in circles and then sit.


If they keep coming and if you are right handed, just before they reach you step to your right before they leap, and then kick them as hard as you can with your right foot in the neck.  Sometimes, it will take another side step and another kick to the neck to shock them and disrupt blood flow to the brain.  Then retreat.


If the dog grabs onto clothing, reach down quickly and grab their front leg and break it over your knee.  If you can, kick the side of the neck hard. Then retreat.



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13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

...do you live in Thailand?

Yes, going on 10 years

13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

...do you live in Thailand?


13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

...do you live in Thailand?


13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

...do you live in Thailand?


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On 1/10/2016 at 10:09 AM, Phuket Man said:

I gave up walking my dog because of this.

A shame as she loves a good walk.

I am not going to take her out to be attacked every day.

Too many morons buy puppies and then just abandon them to run wild.

agreed - a major problem.

we have been adopting such (abandoned, sick, injured dogs) for the past 20 years.

Always carry a stick, even when on your own..

dogs are genetically descended from the wolf and have extremely strong attachment to their territory (and their master, if they have bonded to a human; probably from being fed regularly). I have had hell to pay, due to an uninformed dog owner walking her dogs past my property, without any form of defensive means (as  I say, a stick). What a pity, to be enemies now,  as we are both stray dog lovers.

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On 10/1/2016 at 10:16 AM, Scotwight said:

I walk my dog every day.  


Good idea.. I walk my dog most days and usually come across other dogs.. a wave of the stick in the air usually stops them in their tracks.. a couple of small rocks in my pocket for back-up... even bending down to pick up a rock usually stops them.. don't give up keep walking.. and don't be afraid to use the stick if they get close enough..


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26 minutes ago, Kabula said:

If they keep coming and if you are right handed, just before they reach you step to your right before they leap, and then kick them as hard as you can with your right foot in the neck.  


You sure you don't mean, "step to your left"? If you step to your right, then your right foot is going to be preoccupied on the ground for a second or two helping you to maintain balance, by which time the doggie's got a grip on your precious gonads.

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6 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:


You sure you don't mean, "step to your left"? If you step to your right, then your right foot is going to be preoccupied on the ground for a second or two helping you to maintain balance, by which time the doggie's got a grip on your precious gonads.

Sounds like the Hokey Pokey, or maybe the Time Warp?

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16 hours ago, Asiantravel said:


every day " it has saved me numerous times when I ride my bicycle past aggressive dogs. "

The problem is we are talking about walking a dog - not avoiding all dogs.  Your own dog is not going to be happy with such an alarm sounding next to them.



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First, you need to always carry a stick. ( Just in Case ).

Second, is to try to make friends with them.

I had the same problem. What I did was carry a bunch of dog treats with me on my walk.

I would just start throwing the treats to each dog.

The first few times go without your dog.  Once they are used to you then bring your own dog.

One treat for the other dogs and one for your dog. It will work. Even chicken bones, hot dogs etc.

It will work, 100 %.

The treats also worked on dogs which were at houses that I passed during my walks. The barking dogs.

I would just throw a treat over the fence. The dogs will get used to your walk and stop barking.

After they stop barking maybe once a week feed them a treat. Small cost.

And if you love dogs, it is always good to feed a fury friend.

No more barking dogs.

In my neighbor hood , there are 18-20 houses with dogs. All quiet, after about 2 weeks and 200 bahts in treats.

" Dogs will almost never bite the hand that feeds them "

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It is ILLEGAL to let your dogs roam around without being watched.

My suggestion is do nothing if you dont want childish thai games to start. Rational thinking isnt a trait of those that let dogs wander.

If you have balls ask politely to keep the dogs inside. It just wont work but theres a chance. Coax them on to your property then throw the biggest firecrackers you can cheese balls full of iboprufen and icecream containers full of coolant will get rid of them. I cant condone such being a dog lover and owner but its always an option because no one will take you seriously becauae your a farang. Complain about one dog end up with a hundred. Its the chilsish selfish thai way.

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3 hours ago, giddyup said:

Why don't you grow some common sense instead of giving idiotic advice? What do you imagine the repercussions to be if you just go around shooting people's dogs?

Why don't you stop trying to look good and read the context is was said in, imagine the repercussions if every one posted without fully unsteratanding what was said.

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On 10/1/2016 at 3:46 PM, chrisinth said:

OP, what sort of dog do you have?


And probably more important, what is your reaction to the dog pack? Confident, Angry, Scared, Worried? As other posters have said, you need to have your dog on a lead and the reason i asked about your reaction is because what you are feeling will be transferred to your dog/dogs and that will be a big part of the story that happens next.


Best way i have found addressing packs while walking my dogs is to wait for the initial charge (if it indeed ever happens) and just stop or walk towards them. Never back away and make sure you get between the pack and your own dog (very very few dogs are completely feral here and will think twice when faced by a human). This stops anything developing nine times out of ten. On the one out of ten times it doesn't work, plan B comes in.


Walking stick.jpg


After 8 years of walking dogs daily here (when i am at home) i have developed my 'walking stick'. It is made from SS316 tubing, weld sealed at one end and filled with a mixture of sand and oil to give it additional weight. The golf ball handle screws in to seal the tubing. The device taped halfway down is an Ultrafire, very high lum torch. It is something that isn't talked about much with reference to dog deterrents, but i have found it to be great especially if the torch has a strobe mode. This freaks most of them out, even in daylight! 


During my dog walking treks, i have walked through packs of 20 or more dogs with no problems, that said though, no real aggressive ones about. Plus the fact that i was walking two siberians which, while not showing aggression would never back down to any other dog. Unfortunately we have recently lost one of the sibes, so i have upped the game a bit and now have one 32kg sibe and an 11 week old 'Czech' German Shepherd pup (who is already at 14kg!).


Will be interesting to see what happens in about six months when the GSD grows up a bit..............................;)


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He's right! I learned to carry a stick, I mostly used bamboo which was very effective, his custom one looks amazing. Usually just pointing the stick at a dog did the trick(they've usually never had anyone do that before, shocks the Thais watching too...I was in the city) and then if you have to hit one usually one wack was enough. The one exception I had was a dog that just came straight in and started biting my dog and my first tip then is to drop your dogs leash and go to town on the attacker. If you keep holding the leash you can get tangled up and end up in a mess. Plus it gives your dog more freedom to maneuver. 

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I have heard you can buy a combination flashlight/ taser at markets here. Dogs will run from that zap from a distance. Its sad you can't take you friend for a walk. Do you know how to tell if your dog or wife loves you most? Put them both in the trunk of your car and close the lid, open it up in a half hour and see which one is happiest to see you.

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On 01/10/2016 at 4:44 AM, ClutchClark said:



You provide al of this advice and then you finish by saying your advice did not work for you and your dog so now you drive him for his walk  ?


Did I misunderstand something here ? 

The advice is put him in your car/truck and take him beyond this pack of dogs.

The problem is if you are seen attacking any of the pack, likley you turn a neighbour into an enemy.

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