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SURVEY: Is Immigration becoming too intrusive?

SURVEY: Is Immigration becoming too intrusive?  

430 members have voted

  1. 1. SURVEY: Is Immigration becoming too intrusive?

    • Yes, they are becoming too intrusive and the 'bad' guys will find a way around it.
    • No, they are not and it will help to weed out the 'bad' guys.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There isn't anything on it you HAVE to answer that isn't already stated on your visa extension, other than  ( if I remember correctly ) parents names. It just takes a few minutes.

For places frequently visited I put Big C.

I put Immigration Office.

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25 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Why are people working so far from home and not registed locally.

We are getting off-topic.   We have people who live in one province, but work in another.   Some of these locations are not all that far away, but it is time consuming for the 90 day report and that is the point.  


Some are married and own their own home if they are married to a Thai national,  and have children.  Relocating would be a major problem.  

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2 hours ago, impulse said:

How do you really feel about dodgy marriages?

How about parity with female ferangs who have a free pass re proof of funds per annum simply because their Thai spouse is a bloke?

Edited by evadgib
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3 hours ago, CharlieK said:


Would go one stage further, and suggest this document isn't actually an official immigration form! there is no TM number on it?


At my latest extension of stay - retirement -, i handed over my completed T-M 7, taken from this websites templates, and it was thrown back at me, "not need" the officer said, and he handed me 3 other forms, 2 without a tm number, the other, a photocopy of a photocopy had a hand written tm number. 

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No, immigration does not become more invasive.


On the forums in general and TV in particular we receive regularly information of new requirements but at following passage, anyone can see that these informations was false.


However we are now exempt to 90 days visit. This formality is done online in  some minutes, quietly sitting in an armchair near a steaming espresso.


In conclusion, we know rather an easing and everyone should rejoice.

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3 hours ago, impulse said:


Silly me.  When you used the word "harassment", I figured you meant something noteworthy.  I didn't think you were referring to a trivial inconvenience like filling out 2 forms with some overlapping info.


Sorry I thought you spoke English.  Here is the definition to help you

"Harassment" means. unwelcome and inappropriate verbal or physical conduct, or coercive behavior, where the behavior is known or reasonably ought to be known to be unwanted or unwelcome.
You'll notice there iis no mention of noteworthy or trivial inconvenience.  
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7 hours ago, Scotwight said:

The phone number is on the form.  Why didn't you fill it in?  Or didn't you use a form and they somehow knew you?  


or maybe he was being tested to see if he just made one up. They're sneaky like that.

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8 minutes ago, silent said:


or maybe he was being tested to see if he just made one up. They're sneaky like that.

I was wondering if he went to one of those offices that don't require a form for the 90 day address report.  Seems I have heard of one or two who only require you to show your last report.

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4 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

I was wondering if he went to one of those offices that don't require a form for the 90 day address report.  Seems I have heard of one or two who only require you to show your last report.

I think my point got missed about the phone number on the form so I splain. Investigator trick question - look at phone number person light on form - ask person what phone number is - if say different be suspicious.

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It's not just Immigration with their ever changing interpretations of what should be a process that is handled the same in every Immigration Office or border crossing but it isn't. Then add in Sim tracking ideas and single servers and we get the feel that  it is a type of harrassment. I certainly can and will comply but it appears to most of us that  with all the documents submitted for extension of stay plus 90 day reporting that much of this is busy work to serve no purpose,

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40 minutes ago, silent said:

I think my point got missed about the phone number on the form so I splain. Investigator trick question - look at phone number person light on form - ask person what phone number is - if say different be suspicious.

This is Thailand.  Have you ever had Immigration try a trick question?  In English?  

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2 hours ago, Scott said:

We are getting off-topic.   We have people who live in one province, but work in another.   Some of these locations are not all that far away, but it is time consuming for the 90 day report and that is the point.  


Some are married and own their own home if they are married to a Thai national,  and have children.  Relocating would be a major problem.  

Agreed but that's their desicion to work away from there registered address I presume if they work that far away they are staying in the province they are working!!! Which opens up a question if there away from home 5 nights a week working and staying in another province should they be telling immigration of a change of address??? I wonder as they in effect are staying at a diffrent address from where they are registered and didn't someone get fined for that recently

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this will be my last post on this issue.   They live in their home.   They commute to work.  My point is, it is intrusive, it is a hassle and it cost a fair amount of money in lost time and replacement workers for them.   



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39 minutes ago, Scott said:

this will be my last post on this issue.   They live in their home.   They commute to work.  My point is, it is intrusive, it is a hassle and it cost a fair amount of money in lost time and replacement workers for them.   



Why would a 90 fay report be intrusive. We cannot have everything we want. We choose to live in Thailand part and parcel of that is we are alien immigrants if you like we have to conform with the laws of the land regardless of Wether you like it or not. We cannot expect nore should we to be given any special privalages. We all have to fill in forms we have to give details on said forms. Why do you let it bother you so much. Back to 90 day. When I did them 5 mins on computer all done. When I had to do it by walking into immigration  it took maybe 1 hr I used to do it to fit in with a shopping trip so not going out of my way. Now there is some who will say online does not work for them or they live 2 hrs drive away from immigration easy you can do it by post. Hassle non. Percived hassle 100%

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Stick to their rules, it's not our country, everyone is free to leave the kingdom if you don't like it, so many complains for nothing. Many of these responses want me to say get a life dude. Try to get in to a Schengen country and live there  and you will see that Thailand is like a breeze. 

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10 hours ago, Tatsujin said:


be careful with the creative writing, by signing you are verifying ALL the contents of the form are accurate and true and if they prove otherwise you have now lied to them.

Good thing lying in Thailand is normal and not consider something bad guys do.

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23 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Why would a 90 fay report be intrusive. We cannot have everything we want. We choose to live in Thailand part and parcel of that is we are alien immigrants if you like we have to conform with the laws of the land regardless of Wether you like it or not. We cannot expect nore should we to be given any special privalages. We all have to fill in forms we have to give details on said forms. Why do you let it bother you so much. Back to 90 day. When I did them 5 mins on computer all done. When I had to do it by walking into immigration  it took maybe 1 hr I used to do it to fit in with a shopping trip so not going out of my way. Now there is some who will say online does not work for them or they live 2 hrs drive away from immigration easy you can do it by post. Hassle non. Percived hassle 100%

A lot of people can't do the 90 day report by computer for instance, me.  I have not been outside of Thailand for 10 years and the computer won't accept my report. Unless it's been fixed.  

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2 minutes ago, Jools said:

Immigration is harassment, plain and simple. They need to collect their fees, issue the visas and extensions and LEAVE US ALONE!!!

Why don't you leave Thailand alone instead, I'm sure you would feel much better.

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40 minutes ago, Jools said:

Immigration is harassment, plain and simple. They need to collect their fees, issue the visas and extensions and LEAVE US ALONE!!!

After I pay my fee's (none) they do leave me alone. How do they not leave you alone please explain. No don't bother just read your last post lower class Thais comment says it all

Edited by Deepinthailand
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Thailand is trying to get rid of the bad guys, but they are not making it easier for the good guys - that is the problem. They didnt give a rats rear for years and years and now they are trying to get rid of the trash. But what about also making it easier for us 'desirables'?


My Thai wife has got a partner visa for Aust - when we go there next year she will report on arrival, be given documents and ID that is valid for 2 years, and will never have to report where she is unless she changes address. After 2 years she applies and gets an 'extension' for 5 more years, no more reporting at all, and gets all new IDs etc. for the full 5 years. 


OK - I am not saying should be the same here. But it should be easier for guys who come here to retire (buy things and spend money) and have lived here for more than 3 years. I have to do the same as someone that is on a 90 day Visa - and am treated the same - there is no incentive to be a good guy. They are making it harder for everyone - that is the complaint from me.


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10 hours ago, impulse said:


Any time I feel put out by my visa situation, I get into a nice air conditioned taxi with a cold drink and have him drive by the Embassy on Wireless Road to see the poor schleppes waiting in the sun for their appointment to see if they can even get into the USA.  Not to gloat at their misery, but to pound some perspective into my little pinhead.


Worked even better in China where the line wrapped around the block- often in the freezing wintertime.


Because for every whining expat (and I have been one), there's a hundred Thais griping about the hoops they have to jump through that falangs who come to Thailand don't.  And in China, it was the lao wais that got visas sooooo easy.  Not that it felt that way to us.


In your 1st example Your not really comparing apples to apples


The visa to go to a country is obtained in your home country.

Same as we had to get a Non Imm O etc in our country to go to Thailand from the Thai Consulate or embassy


The line you see on wireless road may have long lines in the sun but so do some Thai Embassies in other countries

This is not the same task!


As for Thai's jumping thru hoops that expats coming to Thailand do not it is because Thailand itself is not part of the Visa exempt program to other countries.

That is not any expat from any countries fault but Thailand's alone...Let Thailand cancel the 30 day on entry waiver visa if they

want to be tit for tat...but again not an expat cause


Now.........Lets actually compare apples to apples

A Thai who passes screening & gets a Visa to the USA will get a 6 month to visit stamp at most airport entries

They will  NOT have to check in every 90 days etc. Because a better initial check was done at the US embassy where

they obtained a tourist visa...


If they got another type of visa like for instance a  fiance visa or are already married to a US citizen then

once they get to the US they can immediately work by filling out a simple work permit & will also get a Social Security number


Their first application to stay which is filed & running while they work if they chose  is a 2 year temp residence green card

They are already in the US they will  surely get that 2 yr card unless they lied on the original visa application


Now they are good for TWO YEARS PERIOD of hassle free stay

NO checking in

NO 90 day reports

NO Re-ENTRY PERMITS needed if going home to Thailand for visits during the 2 year card...Just go enjoy your homeland & come

back as long as your still valid your allowed entry (*** on two year card if your gone more than 6 months at a time they will ask if your abandoning temp  residence)


At the end of the Two Year Temporary residence card a simple one time form is filed & they are given a  10 year Permanent Residence card

Now they are good for  TEN YEARS

Same as above no further immigration nonsense

As I mentioned they can also work if they choose to.

They can renew that 10 year card every 10 years or.....................

(*** No worries on how long you stay out of US as it is a permanent residence card )


Lastly one year into their 10 year card meaning they

have been in the US for 3 years....They can apply & get US citizenship

None of this is hard my wife did all of the above in 3 years time.


The point about Thailand is once granted a Non Imm visa extension...

what part of their system do they not trust that they need this constant reassurance?

Because it is their system alone asking again & again for redundant information

I think if you look up redundant in the dictionary  they will have a picture of Thai Immigration as an example :wink:









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18 hours ago, Credo said:

Yes, they are very intrusive and the only ones that I know who are getting targeted are those who are legal.   I know people who are the proper visa and working, but have had to be home when they made their visits and some of these have been at very odd hours.


It's also a little unsettling when everywhere you go needs to be reported.   


And THAT'S the issue.  Thailand is becoming quite adept at casting nets that put on a good "get-the-foreigner" show for the locals, but inconvenience and invade the privacy of the good guys and do little to actually catch the serious felons.  The exception to this would be the empty-minded long overstayers whose arrogance and unwillingness to play by the rules helps bring this all about in the first place.   Yes, I have to admit to some schadenfreude at THEIR being caught.

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23 hours ago, Scotwight said:

The phone number is on the form.  Why didn't you fill it in?  Or didn't you use a form and they somehow knew you?  


Sorry couldnt tell you ,perhaps it was because i have been going there so long , they know me , they always smile and say hello, by the way what form ? no one has asked me to fill one out .

Edited by i claudius
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14 hours ago, Scotwight said:

This is Thailand.  Have you ever had Immigration try a trick question?  In English?  

There's your problem right there. You keep watching the underhanded left hand and wouldn't even know when they tricked you in English

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