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Bitten by What?


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Hello, while out riding my bike on the 1st August this year I felt what I thought was someone or something trying to stick a knife or large needle into the top of my left leg, opposite the hip ball joint. When I stopped I found a large insect, about the size of a small sparrow, with bird like feet and claws, a long curved sting which it was pushing into my leg. I eventually brushed it off and found a wound in my leg that looked like it had been made by a double edged knife. About 30 minutes later my leg started to swell, felt like I had a large mango under my skin near to the bite mark and my leg had big red blotches all over so time to see a Doctor I think. He assured me I'd been bitten by large black hornet and gave me a five day supply of anti-biotics, you'll be ok after you have taken them, wrong, five more courses and a visit to hospital and now after eight weeks the shakes and fever have finally stopped and I'm beginning to feel better.


Now I'm curious as to what stung me, I've looked on all the websites that list dangerous insects, wasps, bees and the like but I can't find it, defiantly not a large black hornet though. I've described it to the Wife and I remembered that we found a dead one in our house some years ago and she was frightened of that. She said she knows them as "TOA YAI" well that's the nearest translation I can make, so I would be grateful of any suggestions as to what it was, pointers to any websites or a photo would be great.


Thanks in advance for any help,



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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

IF it had been a hornet then I believe the proper course of treatment would have been anti-histamines. 


NOT anti-biotics. 


Hope you continue improving.


How long have you been here ?? 


Antibiotics for everything, if they don't work we might have to investigate further :shock1:

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Just now, cornishcarlos said:


How long have you been here ?? 


Antibiotics for everything, if they don't work we might have to investigate further :shock1:


Long enough that I know anti-biotics are given out like candy and assumed by Thai to be a magic pill...thus the reason for my post.


Farang need to be their own doctors in Thailand. Doing so would have saved the OP alot of discomfort and follow-up.


Why is it important for you to know how long I have been here?

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9 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Long enough that I know anti-biotics are given out like candy and assumed by Thai to be a magic pill...thus the reason for my post.


Farang need to be their own doctors in Thailand. Doing so would have saved the OP alot of discomfort and follow-up.


Why is it important for you to know how long I have been here?


My reply was tongue in cheek...


Lighten up, it's nearly Friday :) 

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Hello and thanks for all the replies, all I can add is: No I'm not sure if it was an insect but it wasn't a Chinese Hornet, size wise well about two of those Chinese Hornets and sting about 20cm. Anti Histamines did work during the last couple of weeks probably better than the anti biotics although hard to tell and I've lived here 9 years.


Please keep thinking and I hope all enjoy their weekend.



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1 hour ago, Shot said:




That's what I was wondering, pretty sure the OP would know one on sight though. I'd think it'd be a bit  hard to not recognize one.


I'd like to know where he ran into this thing so I can avoid that area.

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1 hour ago, Rob13 said:



That's what I was wondering, pretty sure the OP would know one on sight though. I'd think it'd be a bit  hard to not recognize one.


I'd like to know where he ran into this thing so I can avoid that area.


I also think he would know if it was a scorpion under normal circumstances. However,  getting stung while riding an mbike, panic sets in and things can look quite different. Just a thought.

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28 minutes ago, Shot said:


I also think he would know if it was a scorpion under normal circumstances. However,  getting stung while riding an mbike, panic sets in and things can look quite different. Just a thought.


Yeah that might do it. It could have been hiding in his bike shorts when he put them on in the morning.

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15 minutes ago, nikmar said:

Tarantula hawk wasp.






“There are some vivid descriptions of people getting stung by these things,” says invertebrate biologist Ben Hutchins of Texas Parks and Wildlife, “and their recommendation—and this was actually in a peer-reviewed journal—was to just lie down and start screaming, because few if any people could maintain verbal and physical coordination after getting stung by one of these things. You’re likely to just run off and hurt yourself. So just lie down and start yelling.”




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1 hour ago, 2fishin2 said:

Its from US not here....


Texas; everything's bigger down there. It could have flown over due to global warming; kinda like those Aussie man of wars in Rayong.

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Thanks again for the posts but nothing yet, not a Scorpion I've seen those and they would be too big, the Wife's Niece got bitten by one the area of the bite looked like she'd had contact with a high voltage electrical  socket. The Mae Chan area of Chiang Rai is where I got stung, went straight through my cycling jersey and lycra shorts.


Keep trying, someone must know.



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