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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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12 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Karen Pence, wife. Audrey Pence, daughter. Charlotte Pence, daughter. Nancy Pence, mother.


Can't wait to hear Mike P. try to downplay this tape.



Doing his best to appear deaf to reporters' questions by all accounts.



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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

So you think that most men normally become pure as driven snow at a certain age?

LOL. I think they just get boring.


Most men mature, at least a bit, as they grow older.  Trump has been stuck in arrested development from age 9. I wouldn't be surprised if he twists towels and goes into the women's locker room to whip their butts.  


11 minutes ago, impulse said:

Not a fan of Trump, but when it comes to negotiating with the Russkies or the Chinese, I want someone that's not deathly afraid of cultural sensitivities.  The guys on the other side of the table aren't.  We don't need angels.  As if they existed. 


That's your opinion.  For me, I'd rather have a mature person deal with foreign leaders while representing my country.  I'll pass on a name-calling, quick-to-being-offended, quick-to-anger, lying scum bag as the US's top diplomatic representative.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


from Wikipedia

Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.

I really wish youz guys would stop calling him a misogynist. He likes women, a LOT.


So that's why he treats them like shit then.

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Dear OMGinPattaya

 You just don't seem to get it in some ways. Trump knew (or should have known) he was on a "reality" show... cameras, recorders, etc. If he had half a brain and could control himself (evidently he couldn't) he would have kept thoughts to himself. This campaign shows he can't do that. Always trying to impress whomever he is around, classic narcissist behavior.

 And yes, many men do talk like him. But they are not as stupid as he has proven to be regarding "locker room banter". To me, more disconnect from using proper organ for thinking, lack of impulse control.

 Even if Bill raped Mother Teresa in oval office, that is not compelling reason to put another of similar standards into White House. Like saying "Not as bad as Hitler, more like Mussolini"

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14 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


This really will be the last straw for American women with him. This confirms and constitutes overwhelming evidence that he is misogynist and sexist. Don't see how any woman can justify voting for him after this.

Too bad for you all Trump's women supporters aren't girly-men.

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12 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Too bad for you all Trump's women supporters aren't girly-men.


If he's got any left, I fear for their self-respect.


Added: I can't wait to hear Kellyann try and spin this one. Maybe she should read the desperate blathering coming from our own resident Trump fans.



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5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Most men mature, at least a bit, as they grow older.  Trump has been stuck in arrested development from age 9. I wouldn't be surprised if he twists towels and goes into the women's locker room to whip their butts.  



That's your opinion.  For me, I'd rather have a mature person deal with foreign leaders while representing my country.  I'll pass on a name-calling, quick-to-being-offended, quick-to-anger, lying scum bag as the US's top diplomatic representative.


Having spent 10 years on the other side of a table negotiating with the Chinese, I do have a different opinion than most.  They use cultural sensitivities as a weapon against the "mature person".


Want them to like you?  Be "mature".  Want the results you're after?  Get abrasive.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree with most of your reply.


Unfortunately, it's their faux outrage over normal male behaviour that will doom the world to at least 4 more years of Obama government policies.


BTW, did you see Bill Clinton rubbishing Obama care? Right on Bill!



it's not normal male behaviour in the USA anymore. Honest.

Yes some people still think like this. They live in  Compton and like their  booty etc. Or, they are creepy old  men with their comb overs and guts who think they are sexy. or they are the slimey douches and lounge lizards with their cheap-ass tattoos etc. hat people laugh at behind their backs or  often right to their faces. They are what goes to Pattaya and Patong. 


People age 35 and under just do not behave like this anymore. Younger people today have more in common with the   folks born pre 1950 than any other generation. They are  kind, thoughtful,  and considerate of others. They don't treat  women, or men like this.  The world changed while you were listening to deep purple and  getting in touch with your groove thing.

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I'm glad I clicked on this thread and saw the entire "Access Hollywood" story.  Remember, The Donald was a seasoned reality TV star at the time this was taped.  Part of the segment was filmed before the "incident".  Apparently he and Billy were left with live mics while the rest of the crew got off the bus to film their exit.  They should have know that they would have been left with live mics and (probably) with the tape still recording.


Yet another example of Donald's bad judgement.


And to think he's the representative of the party of Lincoln and Reagan.  Is it too late for the Republican establishment that is working so hard to distance themselves from him to do anything about the fact that he's now their standard-bearer?  


Edit:  Those who are comparing him to Bill Clinton should remember that Bill isn't running for President now and he (and the country) paid a high price for his inappropriate behavior.  We don't want a repeat of that type of behavior, do we?  The American people deserve better choices.  (or maybe not -- we're so enthralled with reality TV, that this is what it's come to)

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8 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

Dear OMGinPattaya

 You just don't seem to get it in some ways. Trump knew (or should have known) he was on a "reality" show... cameras, recorders, etc. If he had half a brain and could control himself (evidently he couldn't) he would have kept thoughts to himself. This campaign shows he can't do that. Always trying to impress whomever he is around, classic narcissist behavior.

 And yes, many men do talk like him. But they are not as stupid as he has proven to be regarding "locker room banter". To me, more disconnect from using proper organ for thinking, lack of impulse control.

 Even if Bill raped Mother Teresa in oval office, that is not compelling reason to put another of similar standards into White House. Like saying "Not as bad as Hitler, more like Mussolini"

The whole shitik with reality TV is to make outrageous statements for attention.  He was playing a role...get it?

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15 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Too bad for you all Trump's women supporters aren't girly-men.


Am not sure if I can decipher OMG's post, above.  Trump's women supporters, the few that remain, are mostly overweight, ill-informed, own a gun, eat trans-fats, lots of sugar, drink alcohol, and worst of all; believe what Trump says.  If he says one day, "Obama is not an American" and on the next, "Obama is an American", his fans will believe him both days.   If Trump says women who seek abortions should be punished one day, and he goes on to say they shouldn't be punished the following day, his fans will be shoulder to shoulder with him both days.   There are dozens of other blatant contradictions, too many to list here.   It gives a good picture of the mental-challenges associated with Trump supporters.

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12 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Nope. Just a plain old left-wing athiest. 


Like me?!  Thanks.  Welcome to the club, Barack.  Roughly 1/3 of Americans don't believe in cults, and instead believe in science and nature.  Religions are like lead boots trailing thick chains.  

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

I just came here to see if anyone would try and defend the indefensible. Thaivisa rarely disappoints. 


Trump is done. All that's left to see is how long he drags it out for. 


There are a few holdouts hanging on to shreds here, but most of the Trumpsters have gone silent. It's pretty much shooting fish in a barrel around here right now.

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7 minutes ago, NancyL said:

I'm glad I clicked on this thread and saw the entire "Access Hollywood" story.  Remember, The Donald was a seasoned reality TV star at the time this was taped.  Part of the segment was filmed before the "incident".  Apparently he and Billy were left with live mics while the rest of the crew got off the bus to film their exit.  They should have know that they would have been left with live mics and (probably) with the tape still recording.


Yet another example of Donald's bad judgement.


And to think he's the representative of the party of Lincoln and Reagan.  Is it too late for the Republican establishment that is working so hard to distance themselves from him to do anything about the fact that he's now their standard-bearer?  


Edit:  Those who are comparing him to Bill Clinton should remember that Bill isn't running for President now and he (and the country) paid a high price for his inappropriate behavior.  We don't want a repeat of that type of behavior, do we?  The American people deserve better choices.  (or maybe not -- we're so enthralled with reality TV, that this is what it's come to)

But his female doppelganger is.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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41 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

He was a private citizen and reality TV personality at the time and his opinion on the war was of no consequence.  He also didn't have access to the wealth of secret intelligence information and assessments on the WMD issue that a member of the Senate would have to form an opinion. Therefore, Trump's support or not of the war didn't kill and maim tens of thousands of Americans and untold numbers of Iraqis,  cause the destruction of a society, spawn the formation of ISIS, and cost the US over 2 trillion dollars.

Weak argument!!!   I get it.  You like aspects of the guy and are willing to hold your nose for the unsavory side of him.  Private citizen or not, he used this to boast endlessly about his superior judgement and now he lies and lies and lies about it.  


You're also trying to confound being a hot-blooded male with being a serial molester.  Yes, most of us engage in locker room talk like this, but most of us can keep our hands to ourselves.

Edited by ChidlomDweller
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16 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Added: I can't wait to hear Kellyann try and spin this one. Maybe she should read the desperate blathering coming from our own resident Trump fans.


Poor Kellyann.  She should get triple salary for combat pay.  She should also get each week's paycheck in advance.  Trump is already cutting back drastically on his promised 100 million $$'s of campaign ads.  Even he, in his idiotic stupor, can now plainly see he's lost.


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It's true that many men make similar comments, especially after a few beers. Fortunately though members on this forum never partake in the wild night life for which Thailand is famous, as such we are all politically correct feminists who abhor such comments.


Would expect this will do him a lot a damage, the media is having a field day. Of course if the anointed Hillary had made a similar type of comment you wouldn't even find a media source that would even report it.

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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Am not sure if I can decipher OMG's post, above.  Trump's women supporters, the few that remain, are mostly overweight, ill-informed, own a gun, eat trans-fats, lots of sugar, drink alcohol, and worst of all; believe what Trump says.  If he says one day, "Obama is not an American" and on the next, "Obama is an American", his fans will believe him both days.   If Trump says women who seek abortions should be punished one day, and he goes on to say they shouldn't be punished the following day, his fans will be shoulder to shoulder with him both days.   There are dozens of other blatant contradictions, too many to list here.   It gives a good picture of the mental-challenges associated with Trump supporters.

Well let's see...how much hate from this social justie here...we have fat-shaming, Bill of Rights shaming, food-choice nazism, and general hatred for people with different political beliefs. Nice.

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Nobody with an ounce of sense pays any attention to all these "he said she said"waffle created by the media, people are voting for Trump because of his business sense, they are not voting for crooked Hillary because she is bent as a ten bob note, simple!!

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Yup, Trump supporters are encouraged and impressed by this latest revelation showcasing Trump at his finest hour. Congratulations.

Makes you wonder why he hasn't been campaigning on the strength of it all along, doesn't it? He really ought to get his tackle out at the next debate - that would really leave his opponent in the dust...

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