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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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3 hours ago, Silurian said:

And Trump rejection from the Land Down Under...


Australian state MPs pass unanimous motion: Donald Trump is a 'revolting slug'



A Aussie Green Party MP. Says it all.:cheesy:

Says more about the current sad state of Aussie politics than it says about Trump.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

A Aussie Green Party MP. Says it all.:cheesy:

Says more about the current sad state of Aussie politics than it says about Trump.


Err...not exactly:



Had any lawmaker objected to the motion, it would have been struck off the list of parliamentary business. Because there was no objection, the motion was recorded as having been unanimously agreed to by the Sydney-based house.

"It's a great that all sides of Australian politics, from conservatives to liberals to Greens, agree that Donald Trump is a 'revolting slug' and completely unfit for public office," Mr Buckingham said in a statement.


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's a classic authoritarian dictator thing to have harems of young girls (and/or boys). Anyone that doesn't clearly see that trump demonstrates many classic personality traits of the most odious dictators in world history simply isn't paying attention or is in deep denial. Not saying he's running for president to get more tail. He doesn't need to ... had more than plenty without it. 

What are you going to do if he wins, as is possible with all the really bad stuff about her coming out in the e mail drops by WikiLeaks?

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4 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Err...not exactly:



Referring to a potential POTUS as a revolting slug only says that Aussie politics is even more in the gutter than usual. Not that anyone expects maturity from politicians, or even good manners. No wonder most people despise politicians.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What are you going to do if he wins, as is possible with all the really bad stuff about her coming out in the e mail drops by WikiLeaks?

Buy Gold, order another 1000 rounds of ammo and restock the underground ISO container with lots and lots of food, water and essentials.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Referring to a potential POTUS as a revolting slug only says that Aussie politics is even more in the gutter than usual. Not that anyone expects maturity from politicians, or even good manners. No wonder most people despise politicians.


That motion was obviously just a quick political punch through and nobody would dare to object to something so self evident. :tongue:

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15 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


That motion was obviously just a quick political punch through and nobody would dare to object to something so self evident. :tongue:

As we all know Trump, I guess if he wins, then in the first hour after ordering the 'build the wall', he will impose a 100% trade embargo with Australia  :whistling:

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Au contraire, if the very ordinary Smith got to have a bit of hanky panky with groupies most red blooded men would be jealous. However, groupies don't "go" for ordinary men, as only celebs, no matter how ugly, get women throwing themselves at them to be used any which way.

We're not talking about a celeb nailing some groupies.  We're talking about a guy knowingly perving on chicks in their dressing room.  I don't ding Trump for being a "red blooded American" who likes hot chicks.  But come on, drop the BS for one second, the shit he was talking about doing, how and why....... is pretty low brow, and kinda creepy.

Edited by 55Jay
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5 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Big Gains in Republican Voter Registrations and Democrats Switching to Republican in Pennsylvania ...  




Good job, Trump.  Now do that in New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Florida and Arizona and then it'll be somewhat close.


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33 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Since all you Lefties believe in Polls - believe in this one ... 



Actually, left or right is irrelevant here. What rational people believe in is an overall average of the polls.  In 2008 Nate Silver used this method and predicted only 49 out of 50 states correctly. In 2012 he performed even more shamefully and predicted 50 out of 50 states correctly. You could visit fivethirtyeight.com and learn something.

What you are doing is cherry picking.  I'm sure it's very soothing for you. Oh, and by the way, Rasmussen currently has Obama with a net positive approval.  What do you think of that?

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Suburban Republicans across the country are lined up to vote for HRC, the suburbs of the USA being where elections of Potus are decided (by Democrats, Republicans, Independents). White married educated suburban Republican women especially.


For instance, while OB won the Philadelphia burbs by 7% over Romney in 2012, HRC in this election is up 28 points on Trump in the identical voting districts and precincts.


Released Thursday morning USA time....



Pennsylvania: Clinton 51%, Trump 42% (Bloomberg)   20 Electoral College Votes


New Hampshire: Clinton 48%, Trump 37% (PPP)   4 ECVs


Florida: Clinton 49%, Trump 43%, Johnson 1% (Florida Atlantic University)  29 ECVs


North Carolina: Clinton 45%, Trump 43%, Johnson 5% (Suffolk)  15 ECVs in this red state currently transitioning to blue.


When the polls close at 8 pm in the Eastern Time Zone former SecState Hillary Clinton will have 182 Electoral College votes. Trump will have 30 ECVs. (This is getting embarrassing.)


At this point, Hillary Clinton is the presumptive President-Elect.

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On 10/11/2016 at 8:52 PM, Publicus said:


It's appeared for some months and increasingly so that the Republican Party will dissolve and divide after the election -- perhaps sometime next year if not immediately. It remains to be seen, but the ongoing developments of the past 18 months or so do indicate a major schism. (Think pope and Martin Luther kind of stuff.)


If so, the majority -- upwards of two-thirds -- will vegetate to one political organisation. The more moderate minority balance of suburban types may retain the name Republican Party. This is however a projection more than a prediction.


Which prominent Republicans would go where is more crystal ball stuff. For instance, would Ted Cruz go with the Trumpette vegetables or would he go with the moderate suburban Republicans who voted for HRC. Chris Christie is out of office in January but where which way would he go -- probably to the vegetable garden with people like Mike Huckabee, Rudy Guiliani, Jeff Sessions. Governator Arnie would probably go with the suburban Republicans as would John Kasich and a bunch of others such as Scott Walker, Jeb, Ron Paul et al. 


A Republican Party civil war is more than percolating, it's taking its early shape. We may have on the 2020 ballot for Potus three candidates from three major parties succeeding the present two candidates of the two major parties.


Something's coming down the road I can't yet see but it sure sounds like Bigfoot. 

Exactly as I see it.


The 2nd and 3rd generations of Dixiecrats can no longer stay moored to the Country Club GOP moderates, and monied interests, because of their obtuse insistence on supporting, despite all evidence, Reagan era Trickle Down Economics.


That trickle down never went down to their southern Dixiecrat brethren base, and it never seemed to register with the Neo-Dixiecrats who was causing this defeat of their dreams.  The GOP did kow tow to the religious right, but never the increasingly economically destitute right, and those two groups merged into the perfect storm of stupid racists and broke wage earners in a low economy.

Mix in some 'conservative for life or bust' types who are incapable of retaining new information.


The GOP  then doubled down on blindly hobbling the economy, and their base, to spite Obama....


Figuring that ignoring their base's needs because they had for so long blamed the Democrats for

their own fiscal actions and inactions,  and convinced the purse poor Dixiecrat base  to back them.  Plus they taught them to hate any GOP people  who compromised with the Dems.  They then imagined that chimera of chunky B.S.  would hold under scrutiny.  


Well guess what.


The moves they needed to make 'to please their base', actually enraged that base.  They turned out to be so brain washed against compromise, and the needed functions of Representatives in Congress, that they refused to let them do anything because they believed it was all a liberal plot to take more of their money. Forget reality after decades of spin.


This hardened when there was a 'dark skinned man' as national leader. An image they couldn't abide.  Particularly because he was extremely smart, articulate and unfazed by their abuse.

So shooting themselves in the economic foot suddenly became patrioticly saving of the nation from liberal and ethnic change at all costs. 


So yes, there will be a GOP schism, the nutters will likely not get the name, but will get the nutters, and zealots, and become a true 3rd party.  Far right, alt-right, religious right, etc, then a return to a Centrist GOP and Centrist Democrats moving more left,  with a growing  leftist fringe of millenials.


The millenials will grow up and Dems will move with them, but remain functional.  The Tea putzes will  flock together and lose their collective minds quickly.  And the silent majority will hang in the middle where they have always been.  Removing the Alt-right from the GOP will make for a far smaller GOP, but because of the Alt-Right refusal to compromise, the power to block against the Dems, 

will be greatly reduced, even Hillary won't be able to enrage them enough to be effective.  Because the infighting around the schism will be too profound.


So we watch and wait, and see if Trumpery brings the entire  GOP down to a 'Chirac Beats LaPen 80% rout,' or not.  and then full split.  Or will it go so pear-shaped before the election and the split starts NOW.


 "May you live in interesting times."



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I'm sure this has already been said on the thread, but without reading every post of 35 pages, let me make sure it's been posted:

By Trump's cavalier attitude shown in his anemic "apologies,"  I would not characterize that as "reeling."  Maybe his campaign in starting to reel, but certainly not his self-image.   

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16 hours ago, animatic said:

Exactly as I see it.


The 2nd and 3rd generations of Dixiecrats can no longer stay moored to the Country Club GOP moderates, and monied interests, because of their obtuse insistence on supporting, despite all evidence, Reagan era Trickle Down Economics.


That trickle down never went down to their southern Dixiecrat brethren base, and it never seemed to register with the Neo-Dixiecrats who was causing this defeat of their dreams.  The GOP did kow tow to the religious right, but never the increasingly economically destitute right, and those two groups merged into the perfect storm of stupid racists and broke wage earners in a low economy.

Mix in some 'conservative for life or bust' types who are incapable of retaining new information.


The GOP  then doubled down on blindly hobbling the economy, and their base, to spite Obama....


Figuring that ignoring their base's needs because they had for so long blamed the Democrats for

their own fiscal actions and inactions,  and convinced the purse poor Dixiecrat base  to back them.  Plus they taught them to hate any GOP people  who compromised with the Dems.  They then imagined that chimera of chunky B.S.  would hold under scrutiny.  


Well guess what.


The moves they needed to make 'to please their base', actually enraged that base.  They turned out to be so brain washed against compromise, and the needed functions of Representatives in Congress, that they refused to let them do anything because they believed it was all a liberal plot to take more of their money. Forget reality after decades of spin.


This hardened when there was a 'dark skinned man' as national leader. An image they couldn't abide.  Particularly because he was extremely smart, articulate and unfazed by their abuse.

So shooting themselves in the economic foot suddenly became patrioticly saving of the nation from liberal and ethnic change at all costs. 


So yes, there will be a GOP schism, the nutters will likely not get the name, but will get the nutters, and zealots, and become a true 3rd party.  Far right, alt-right, religious right, etc, then a return to a Centrist GOP and Centrist Democrats moving more left,  with a growing  leftist fringe of millenials.


The millenials will grow up and Dems will move with them, but remain functional.  The Tea putzes will  flock together and lose their collective minds quickly.  And the silent majority will hang in the middle where they have always been.  Removing the Alt-right from the GOP will make for a far smaller GOP, but because of the Alt-Right refusal to compromise, the power to block against the Dems, 

will be greatly reduced, even Hillary won't be able to enrage them enough to be effective.  Because the infighting around the schism will be too profound.


So we watch and wait, and see if Trumpery brings the entire  GOP down to a 'Chirac Beats LaPen 80% rout,' or not.  and then full split.  Or will it go so pear-shaped before the election and the split starts NOW.


 "May you live in interesting times."




This scenario seems unlikely.  If the GOP splits to spawn a third party, who leaves?  Not the Trump supporters since they have already taken over the Republican party.  The billionaire donor-supported leadership doesn't leave, because without the rank and file they can't win elections. 

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19 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


This scenario seems unlikely.  If the GOP splits to spawn a third party, who leaves?  Not the Trump supporters since they have already taken over the Republican party.  The billionaire donor-supported leadership doesn't leave, because without the rank and file they can't win elections. 


His scenario was an interesting read, and one of many possible scenarios post apocalypse. I'm not convinced the Trump blood suckers have taken over the party permanently from the day walkers, but possibly only temporarily, which will end on judgment day, termination day, November 8. 


It's hard to estimate now, because the GOP existing leadership will be in ruins after the election, with Ryan and company compromised. 


But, as Animatic presciently noted "May you live in Interesting Times" indeed.

Edited by keemapoot
add pithy emphasis
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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Left him reeling?

Don't think so as all the allegations have turned out to be bogus.


So what lies are you believing today? heh I would not doubt that more than a couple are lying, but that leaves dozens that are telling the truth. You can argue on, explain it away, Hilary is a Zombie, whatever you so desire. However  this has been over since the first four accusers came forward this week. The floodgates burst open and their is no way back.


Charles Krauthammer  and J Goldberg are saying, he is guilty, ditch him! When the Republican talking heads ditch you the game is up. From my stanpoint it is all good. This can only help the Democrats win more seats in the House and Senate.


Let the show go on!  :D

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19 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

A third party would be a way to try and re-democratize the States, but I am sure the establishment would plant their puppets shortly, in order to manage the threat of actual civilian rule


1000 likes be upon you.

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