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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

368 members have voted

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On 10/11/2016 at 5:05 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh dear, groupies consent to being used. Trump has admitted to nothing illegal. Try and spin it all you like you are wrong.

How do you even know he did anything? 99% of locker room bragging is BS, though we might all know some BS artist that claimed to have done the dirty when he probably never did. You anti Trumpers claim Trump lies all the time, so how is it you choose to believe this alone?

I'd hate to over-hear Anderson Cooper's locker room talk.

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Hillary should have left Bernie Sanders take his rightful place as the nominee. This race would not even be close.
Independents and most of the young voters are so angry with Hillary that they don't care if Trump wins. I follow Bernie on Facebook and he posts daily about why we all should support Hillary. I read the tens of thousands of comments that his supporter post and I would say maybe at best 5% say they will vote for Hillary. Everyone knows she will say and do anything to win.... I don't call that a fighter, I call that a liar.
Hard core Hillary supporters don't get it. Hillary is going to loose because she is part of everything that is wrong with America. Trump is terrible but he is a change as was Bernie. Most Independents and the young will vote 3rd party, not vote at all or vote for trump this election. If they turn out in numbers Hillary will be loosing her get out of jail card given to her by Obama.

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1 hour ago, ttthailand said:

You should say what Obama said about her" she will say anything to win". Obama was correct, she lies like crazy and will do what every she wants once she is in the White House no matter what she is telling people now. She can not be trusted, not 1% !
God help America if she gets in office.


And what Obama's wife said about Hillary (in 2008):   If she cant keep her own house is order, there is no way she can keep the White House either.


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8 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

Hillary should have left Bernie Sanders take his rightful place as the nominee. This race would not even be close.
Independents and most of the young voters are so angry with Hillary that they don't care if Trump wins. I follow Bernie on Facebook and he posts daily about why we all should support Hillary. I read the tens of thousands of comments that his supporter post and I would say maybe at best 5% say they will vote for Hillary. Everyone knows she will say and do anything to win.... I don't call that a fighter, I call that a liar.
Hard core Hillary supporters don't get it. Hillary is going to loose because she is part of everything that is wrong with America. Trump is terrible but he is a change as was Bernie. Most Independents and the young will vote 3rd party, not vote at all or vote for trump this election. If they turn out in numbers Hillary will be loosing her get out of jail card given to her by Obama.

Dream on. Polls show a vast majority of Bernie supporters WILL vote for Hillary. Comment sections on the net are basically hostile trolls. Sound familiar?

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9 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

Hillary should have left Bernie Sanders take his rightful place as the nominee. This race would not even be close.
Independents and most of the young voters are so angry with Hillary that they don't care if Trump wins. I follow Bernie on Facebook and he posts daily about why we all should support Hillary. I read the tens of thousands of comments that his supporter post and I would say maybe at best 5% say they will vote for Hillary. Everyone knows she will say and do anything to win.... I don't call that a fighter, I call that a liar.
Hard core Hillary supporters don't get it. Hillary is going to loose because she is part of everything that is wrong with America. Trump is terrible but he is a change as was Bernie. Most Independents and the young will vote 3rd party, not vote at all or vote for trump this election. If they turn out in numbers Hillary will be loosing her get out of jail card given to her by Obama.

Hate to agree - but you are right - Bernie should be the one fighting Trump.  But the deal was done years ago - in return for backing down and supporting Obama, she would be the next Dems candidate. That is why she was given the job of Sec State - one she completely stuffed up and they had to get her out of it in 2013. But they stuck with her for only one reason - she is a woman and therefore she will get more of the female vote (allegedly) and when that is added to the Hispanic and Black vote, the DNC figured she was a 'shoe in'.  That was until all her corruption and incompetence became too public, despite their media allies treating her so well.


No - Trump should not withdraw. Crooked Hillary should be forced to withdraw - but I hope she isn't. Her poisonous electoral 'smell' gets worse daily, and will ensure a Trump victory. 

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Dream on. Polls show a vast majority of Bernie supporters WILL vote for Hillary. Comment sections on the net are basically hostile trolls. Sound familiar?

And you trust any of the polls... Hahaha. Where have you been ?
The entire system including CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc etc can't be trusted. They are still trying to slant everything towards Hillary. Lies and more lies ....
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4 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

And you trust any of the polls... Hahaha. Where have you been ?
The entire system including CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc etc can't be trusted. They are still trying to slant everything towards Hillary. Lies and more lies ....

For the few days that trumpists were doing quite well in actual scientific polls, the trumpists went crazy with GLEE about the polls. Now the polls are meaningless. Sure thing, dude.

Yes, I trust the realclearpolitics AVERAGE of actual scientific polls quite a lot. 

Clinton is MASSIVELY ahead.

How that dog of a candidate trump will ever catch up ... yes, it will take an awful lot. 

Dream on. trump is a LOSER. 

Honestly, IF Clinton was showing the numbers trump is now, I would correctly feel it is basically HOPELESS. RATIONAL trumpists should do the same ... but that's asking a lot of trumpists, to be rational. 

It is technically possible, of course, for trump to still win, but those odds, those pesky odds, so incredibly LONG. 

Edited by Jingthing
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12 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

If the vote goes "None of the above" how about inviting the Brits back to get the country back in line.


after all there were not so many nonsensical discussions when they were there 


(Heads down now for the blasting I am about to receive)


One state, Nevada, has the None of the Above option on its ballot for all elections to include Potus.


Each state runs its own election and decides on its ballot, to include the election of president and vice president. There isn't any federal ballot as the feds have nothing to do with any election (only in matters such as the Voting Rights Act).


Forty-nine states have no None of the Above slot on their respective ballot. It's up to each state. A recent referendum in California voted down NOTA 64% to 36%. Almost everyone does not want NOTA on their ballot. 


For one thing, on Inauguration Day the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would look awkward telling None of the Above to raise the right hand and repeat after him (the oath of office). NOTA is nonsense when voters can leave a ballot line blank or simply stay home. Why go out to stand in line a long time to vote NOTA.


It would be like giving UK voters the option of voting neither. Yes, No, Neither = Absurd.

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13 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

So what to the trump haters have to say about the US president who was the closest ever to plunging the world ( for which he is not the elected leader) into nuclear oblivion and his picadillos?


(For those who are lost here try JFK)


The lost post needs to note it takes two to tango and JFK had Nikita Khruschev as general secretary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which had its own red button. And had secretly placed a swarm of missiles and warheads in Cuba.


Russia still does have the big red button. These dayze it's controlled by Trump's supervisor Vladimir Putin. Speak of the devil, Putin is at least monogamous -- he has one wife and one very young mistress. So don't be surprised if Trump sends a daughter to Putin as tribute. 

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I am amazed by American that they are more concern about what Trump said about having fun with woman 11 years ago in a friendly conversation with friends than all the fraud, email scandles, deleting 32 000 emails, braking 13 blackberry phone by hammer, all the deals she made with wall street and other financial institute, getting money from countries like Saudi Arabia, and more and more which is coming up everyday.


As Hillary herself said 13 years ago she and husband not only were backcrupt but also the owed huge sum of money. Today they own millions of dollars. I just read in a news that in few speach she made 22 million dollar. If she is not corrupt what is she then?


Anyway hope the American choose the best candidate and their own sake.

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45 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

And you trust any of the polls... Hahaha. Where have you been ?
The entire system including CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc etc can't be trusted. They are still trying to slant everything towards Hillary. Lies and more lies ....


...sex and the Trump videotape.


If you played baseball in school or wherever I'm sure you blamed the pitcher whenever you would strike out. And claimed all the credit whenever you may have, if ever, hit a home run.


Blaming the ground rules is always a favorite of losers who also blame the microphone, the media/press, the sun in your eyes, the umpires conspiring to hide their seeing eye dogs. And your team played a great game except for the ten runs youse guyz gave up in one inning in your 10-1 wipeout loss. Not to mention all those errors -- the throwing ones especially.


Trump this playoff election season isn't batting his weight. All he's done is to trip over the chalk lines in the batter's box.


Loudmouth in the bullpen.

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1 hour ago, ttthailand said:

And you trust any of the polls... Hahaha. Where have you been ?
The entire system including CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc etc can't be trusted. They are still trying to slant everything towards Hillary. Lies and more lies ....



While I agree with much of what you say about the media, IMO, that does not include the top polling companies. They have too much to lose by publishing incorrect figures. I think that Trump is in real trouble right now due to all the things that you complain about, but the polls are mostly accurate. :sad:

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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Hate to agree - but you are right - Bernie should be the one fighting Trump.  But the deal was done years ago - in return for backing down and supporting Obama, she would be the next Dems candidate. That is why she was given the job of Sec State - one she completely stuffed up and they had to get her out of it in 2013. But they stuck with her for only one reason - she is a woman and therefore she will get more of the female vote (allegedly) and when that is added to the Hispanic and Black vote, the DNC figured she was a 'shoe in'.  That was until all her corruption and incompetence became too public, despite their media allies treating her so well.


No - Trump should not withdraw. Crooked Hillary should be forced to withdraw - but I hope she isn't. Her poisonous electoral 'smell' gets worse daily, and will ensure a Trump victory. 


wanna bet?


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US election: Trump presidency 'dangerous', says UN rights chief


"Donald Trump's "deeply unsettling and disturbing" views make him a danger internationally, the UN's human rights chief has said."

"UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein cited Mr Trump's comments on the use of torture and his attitude to "vulnerable communities".

"Mr Hussein said at a news briefing in Geneva: "If Donald Trump is elected on the basis of what he has said already - and unless that changes - I think it is without any doubt that he would be dangerous from an international point of view."

  • From the sect
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Russia still does have the big red button. These dayze it's controlled by Trump's supervisor Vladimir Putin.

I wonder if you really believe in that BS.

I think Putin's influence on the USA politics is grossly overrated.

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Just now, Gene1960 said:

I wonder if you really believe in that BS.

I think Putin's influence on the USA politics is grossly overrated.

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You'd have to define and discuss your terms in respect of influence, grossly, overrated.


You likely would rather not present your opinions to the Director of National Intelligence lest they get shredded by him...


U.S. Says Russia Directed Hacks to Influence Elections


In a statement from the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., and the Department of Homeland Security, the government said the leaked emails that have appeared on a variety of websites “are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.”

The emails were posted on the well-known WikiLeaks site and two newer sites, DCLeaks.com and Guccifer 2.0, identified as being associated with Russian intelligence.

“We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities,” the statement said.

It did not name President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but that appeared to be the intention.

Continue reading the main story


Trump Told Russia To Blame for Hacks Long Before Debate





I wonder if you really believe in that BS.


I'd been thinking 'mentor' which is definitely better thx. Accomplished dictator to wannabe dictator.

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18 minutes ago, Gene1960 said:

I wonder if you really believe in that BS.

I think Putin's influence on the USA politics is grossly overrated.

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He does, he really does, believe me.

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10 hours ago, iReason said:

US election: Trump presidency 'dangerous', says UN rights chief


"Donald Trump's "deeply unsettling and disturbing" views make him a danger internationally, the UN's human rights chief has said."

"UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein cited Mr Trump's comments on the use of torture and his attitude to "vulnerable communities".

"Mr Hussein said at a news briefing in Geneva: "If Donald Trump is elected on the basis of what he has said already - and unless that changes - I think it is without any doubt that he would be dangerous from an international point of view."

  • From the sect


A danger internationally, a danger to what?  It's a shame these people don't do the job they're actually paid for instead of tossing in their meaningless two bob's worth.  But hey, they can't even do their own job, just look some of the things happening in the States.  Given the failures of the various Human Rights Commissioners, world wide, I wouldn't place to much emphasis on what this failure has to say. 

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13 hours ago, mrfaroukh said:

I am amazed by American that they are more concern about what Trump said about having fun with woman 11 years ago in a friendly conversation with friends than all the fraud, email scandles, deleting 32 000 emails, braking 13 blackberry phone by hammer, all the deals she made with wall street and other financial institute, getting money from countries like Saudi Arabia, and more and more which is coming up everyday.


As Hillary herself said 13 years ago she and husband not only were backcrupt but also the owed huge sum of money. Today they own millions of dollars. I just read in a news that in few speach she made 22 million dollar. If she is not corrupt what is she then?


Anyway hope the American choose the best candidate and their own sake.


I'd say the American Media are the ones more concerned, and they're the ones leading the charge, closely followed by the Washington insiders and their cronies whilst the Clinton camp are now saying Russia is involved.  The newly released emails are damaging to Clinton but the CNN panel, "Oh we don't think they are game changing, just embarrassing."  Bloody hypocrites.

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



While I agree with much of what you say about the media, IMO, that does not include the top polling companies. They have too much to lose by publishing incorrect figures. I think that Trump is in real trouble right now due to all the things that you complain about, but the polls are mostly accurate. :sad:


I have good news - the evidence of Brexit is that the Polls are wrong.  They all predicted a No vote and that is including on the day of the voting. 


Yes, the companies running them have a lot to lose (the professional ones - not CNN etc.), but their methodologies are old fashioned (1980s).  Their methodologies are based on when people read newspapers, and listened to the news on TV once a day, and had telephones in their homes (land lines).  Times have changed and people's views are formed by much more modern technologies - these days the provision of 'news and opinion' is mainly internet based and it is much more frequent.  These days calling 1000 people at 'random' does not cut it anymore.


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On ‎11‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 6:47 PM, Si Thea01 said:


A battle of the left and right, with a few in be tweens.  Now, just a couple of questions.  How is it that you can state that not a single opinion or vote has changed?  Given what those reporting for CNN and all major newspapers are stating that many opinions and votes have changed from Trump to Clinton and he is down and out.  Have you the same gift,   Precognition or are you just a plain old clairvoyant.


I was referring to TV posters. I do not recall any regular posters on this subject saying they had changed their minds about whom they were supporting.

All us regulars know who the regular posters on these threads are, and which side they support.

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