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De Niro: I’d Like to Punch Trump In the Face

Jonathan Fairfield

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9 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Who cares what De Niro would like to do?


Probably not the same people who care what Clint Eastwood would like to do or what Charlton Heston would have liked to have done.


There will always be a group of people who are influenced by celebrities. Though I daresay there are more Republicans who agree with De Niro's comments than any democrats who ever agreed with conservatives Eastwood or Heston.

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Robert De Niro Shuts Down Trump in 55-Second Video: ‘I’d Like to Punch Him in the Face’

"The actor, 73, released a video through Anonymous Content and their voteyourfuture.us campaign in which he directly addresses all U.S. voters regarding the potential election of the GOP presidential candidate."


“He’s so blatantly stupid,” he said in the video, which was exclusively obtained by Megyn Kelly‘s Kelly File. “He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con — a bulls–t artist. A mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t care, thinks he’s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes. He’s an idiot.”


“Colin Powell said it best –he’s a national disaster,” he said, referring to a June email the former Secretary of State sent that described Trump as a “national disgrace.” “He’s an embarrassment to this country. It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to the point that this fool, this bozo, has wound up where he has."




A Mutt. A Fool. A Bozo.:clap2:




Cue the Deplorable Trumpeteers crying foul...



And their armchair quarterback takes on Mr. De Niro's cinematic classics.

Not that it means anything.

But that's what the Bloviator and his Lemmings will resort to.


Edited by metisdead
Oversize font reset to normal, please discontinue posting using large fonts for emphasis.
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10 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

With all due respect Bob, you're going to have to wait in the queue.


Yep, a gentleman would always let the ladies go first.


I reckon bitch-slappin' might be a bit more appropriate just now, hmmm?

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re: Post #6
"Edited 2 minutes ago by metisdead 
Oversize font reset to normal, please discontinue posting using large fonts for emphasis."
The oversize font shown in TV's system has nothing to do with me.
I did not post it the way it is displayed.
In fact, I posted the title in size 18 as bold.
Not as the 28 size that is pictured.

Robert De Niro Shuts Down Trump in 55-Second Video: ‘I’d Like to Punch Him in the Face’

Edited by iReason
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Thing is about so-called "progressives", they used to be anti-war. Anti-war being that you don't go and attack other countries and you certainly don't want to see young men's (and women's these days) bodies coming home in black bags or physically and mentally scarred for life, that a self defense posture only is taken.


Modern Progressives however are a different animal, they scream for sexual equality and gay/transgender rights, however it is now perfectly OK to start a war anywhere, any time, bomb who you want and they just pretend no one is dying.


So here we have DeNiro, he who started to take a stand against vaccines but gutlessly backed down, and now he is all agitated about Trump's lack of political correctness. His candidate Hillary is a rabid war monger and establishment tool, however she is a great choice for president. Trump has a loose mouth and has stated he doesn't want to engage the US in wars with Russia etc, as such he is evil personified. So now we have anti-war conservatives and pro-war progressives?

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Hmmm. Given the utter garbage films that he makes now, the only thing De Niro should do is hide in shame.

Here is a guy that used to make real man films, but somewhere along the line he turned into a pussy.

I'm sure that when he was a young man he said things just like Trump, and as a star, I'd like to know if he turned down every groupie that threw themselves at him.

Unless he can prove he didn't avail himself of a single groupie, the words stones and glasshouses come to mind.

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39 minutes ago, iReason said:
re: Post #6
"Edited 2 minutes ago by metisdead 
Oversize font reset to normal, please discontinue posting using large fonts for emphasis."
The oversize font shown in TV's system has nothing to do with me.
I did not post it the way it is displayed.
In fact, I posted the title in size 18 as bold.
Not as the 28 size that is pictured.

Robert De Niro Shuts Down Trump in 55-Second Video: ‘I’d Like to Punch Him in the Face’


When I post a reply with formatting, a box comes up asking me to remove formatting. Do you get that remove formatting box? If formatting remains, the text will post as original size.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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8 minutes ago, Rancid said:



Modern Progressives however are a different animal, they scream for sexual equality and gay/transgender rights, however it is now perfectly OK to start a war anywhere, any time, bomb who you want and they just pretend no one is dying.



Quote edited for brevity.


they scream for sexual equality

Actually they don't. When treated like men they scream that they are being demeaned, as we see right now. IMO, what they want is for everyone to be like women.


De Niro must be their hero. The sight of him in one of those Focker films with a false boob to breast feed his child must have given women a warm and fussy feeling. I thought he was a pathetic sight, when compared to the men he portrayed in his earlier films.



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DeNiro - mr flip-flop:



Hee flips and decides to support trump, now flips again.


He also said, how can a rich guy relate to a poor guy .... erm Bob, what are you then?


Seems like he "blows" in the wind.

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4 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Who cares what De Niro would like to do?

Many people care what the hugely successful actor has to say about the world's second biggest clown (Fuhrage bigger). Many spectators welcome the humour and passion that Robert directs towards this racist, sexist serial bankrupt. Oops,  almost forgot the people cheated out of their money and education at Trump University. They'll have to wait behind Me De Niro

Way to go RobertMiro. 

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4 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

With all due respect Bob, you're going to have to wait in the queue.

Gives me the idea for a new product a punching bag made to look like Donald Trump. It will be spring loaded and bounce back after being hit hard. Great stress reliever.

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4 hours ago, BlindMagician said:

DeNiro - mr flip-flop:



Hee flips and decides to support trump, now flips again.


He also said, how can a rich guy relate to a poor guy .... erm Bob, what are you then?


Seems like he "blows" in the wind.


Where did it say he supports Trump?

He said Trump's everything a lot of Americans love (rich, powerful), but that he cannot relate to most Americans.

“Do I think he’s gonna do anything to help poor people or people that’s struggling? No, because he’s a rich white guy.”


Maybe you should try reading things before you post them.

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He a good actor. But a whakadoo. There was an Italian Restaurant in Malibu I used to eat at. Ran into him twice. Once he was there with his family. Sitting there in his pajamas and slippers.

The next time just himself. Yaking it up. I thought he had a cell phone, maybe a device in his ear. Nope..all alone. Well with him and himself I guess.

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Just now, stander said:

De Niro is a hypocrite

I'm guessing he didn't feel like punching serial abuser/groper/rapist Clinton in the face when he had the chance.


Desperate Attempt at Deflection Strander ..... The scandal is Trump  not Bill -  Bill is not running for President. Sorry

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23 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Where did it say he supports Trump?

He said Trump's everything a lot of Americans love (rich, powerful), but that he cannot relate to most Americans.

“Do I think he’s gonna do anything to help poor people or people that’s struggling? No, because he’s a rich white guy.”


Maybe you should try reading things before you post them.

Lol...have another read yourself.

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