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Takeaways: Trump aggressive, Clinton steady in tense debate


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1 minute ago, stander said:

The US president does not have to be "likeable", he needs to be effective and lead the free world.  Obama, has been has been very ineffective, as a leader, just as Clinton would be.

Will just have to wait and see then, because she's our next president. Cheers. It could be much worse. (trump)

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

More untrue burble. Trump never said he WOULD lock her up, he doesn't have that power. He did say he would ask the AG to appoint a special prosecutor. It would be up to the court to lock her up or not. If she is as innocent as you say she has nothing to fear.

She should be locked up for deleting e mails after congress asked for them, but the Clintons seem to be Teflon coated.


He said if he was president, she'd be in jail. 

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Watching the BBC again. They only bring on women to tell us how bad Trump is. I guess they can't find any British men that think there is anything wrong with what he said, which doesn't surprise me.


Here's one. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

There is nothing to argue about here. You're just a hard core partisan that clearly hates the Clintons on a deeply emotional level.




How many presidential candidates have been investigated by the FBI, DOJ Congress and local law enforcement as many time as the Clintons? How many candidates have had their (dozens) closest friends and business associates convicted and thrown in jail? How many candidates have had so many of their closest friends, cabinet members, personnel employees  and business associates (150 or so)  commit suicide, murdered or die under mysterious circumstances?



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1 minute ago, dcutman said:


How many presidential candidates have been investigated by the FBI, DOJ Congress and local law enforcement as many time as the Clintons? How many candidates have had their (dozens) closest friends and business associates convicted and thrown in jail? How many candidates have had so many of their closest friends, cabinet members, personnel employees  and business associates (150 or so)  commit suicide, murdered or die under mysterious circumstances?



Oh, I see. Another brainwashing success of the Clinton demonization machine. Alternate universe.


 No time for such silliness.  Ignore list. 

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Just now, stander said:

The mainstream media misses what ordinary people want. They missed Brexit and they will miss the Trump win.

You're missing that the trumpist movement is largely a white (often racist) movement. 

The demographics of the U.S. and the U.K. are very different. 

The U.S. is a lot LESS white and of course a large segment of U.S. whites are educated and would never vote for demagogue like trump.

So the comparison is garbage. 

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Opinion polls in US are heavily biased in favour of the left, but the actual voters will demonstrate just how biased they were, when voters go to the polls. Then the fun part will be listening to them explain how they got it wrong.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

For an unseasoned politician, unschooled in Crooked Hillarys dirty tactics, Mr Trump gave better than he got.


Hillary's double-speak is now out there for all to see…..she says one thing to wall street thugs and a completely different thing to voters….what a dangerous cook.


That was the biggest takeout of the evening.


Who cares what CNN reports….they donate money to this ugly woman….of course they'll diss whoever is against her.



Trump the Philistine, Donald the Denier vs Hillary the champion of double speak. One speech for the poor and another for Wall Street friends. A pox on both of them. 

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I would say that Trump appeared to win debate if viewers met two conditions:

1. Don't fact check on Trump's charges

2. Don't mind little to no laying out of his policies when asked, but rather avoided question by attacking Hillary

 Hillary let too much slide in my opinion, but then she hoped perhaps they could talk about something meaningful, like plans on how to run the country.

 Her reference to film Lincoln was over the heads of many: it was a great film about how to influence members of Congress to pass a bill they have misgivings about. It involves knowing the needs and wants, addressing those to each member, a degree of sophistication I doubt Mr Trump would possess. This was process was lost on many I imagine. They want more action super hero flicks, forget such mundane things as how government actually gets things done.

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30 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Watching the BBC again. They only bring on women to tell us how bad Trump is. I guess they can't find any British men that think there is anything wrong with what he said, which doesn't surprise me.


I don't know of any British men who don't think Trump should be put down like the rabid dog he is.

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17 minutes ago, dcutman said:


How many presidential candidates have been investigated by the FBI, DOJ Congress and local law enforcement as many time as the Clintons? How many candidates have had their (dozens) closest friends and business associates convicted and thrown in jail? How many candidates have had so many of their closest friends, cabinet members, personnel employees  and business associates (150 or so)  commit suicide, murdered or die under mysterious circumstances?




Largely untrue or massively exaggerated.  But even if all this were true, such a candidate would still be much, much better than Trump.  And by a lot. 

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The OP-

Spinning, spinning, spinning.

Bad luck guys, Trump owned that debate.

Trump saying he would jail Clinton is tantamount to what many dictators do once they gain control--they jail and/or execute their opponents.  If he owned the debate, he has filed for bankruptcy.

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Just now, smotherb said:

Trump saying he would jail Clinton is tantamount to what many dictators do once they gain control--they jail and/or execute their opponents.  If he owned the debate, he has filed for bankruptcy.


Yes, of course, and he clearly showed, yet again, as always, that he has not even the most basic grasp of the legal and judicial process. He is just plan embarrassing in his ignorance. But, this same bull in a china shop mentality is what endears him to Trump supporters. Such an idiot facing a Yale law graduate is really tragic.  How did the GOP allow this to happen?  They will be asking themselves this for many years.

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Clearly the Trumpsters were watching a different debate to the rest of us?


Apart from the comments about the video of Trump saying his stuff it was all the same old crap.  Both sides lost because they showed themselves as bickering dislikable human beings.  I would strongly advise both parties to abandon a third debate unless they have something ground breaking to reveal.  The whole charade was profoundly embarrassing.

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Trump in no way won the debate--that would require stronger arguments, which he doesn't have--but he did have the better outcome. He needed to stop the death-spiral of his campaign, and I think he did that. But perhaps largely because the sexual assault confession was dealt with at the outset and left behind for other issues to be discussed. Clinton needed to land a knock-out punch, but while she held her ground, she didn't do that. So I see the debate as more of a draw, but with Trump now having a bit of a reprieve. 


Ironically, this may be a good thing for Clinton. If Trump had tanked, as some expected, it would open the door to a new GOP nominee. Now it will be difficult for anti-Trump Republicans to go down that road, and she still has her familiar and flawed opponent. I fully expect more Trump tapes to come out before the election, perhaps even more damaging than the last (apparently lots of unaired material exists from the Apprentice). By comparison, the email hacks have not proved of much value so far (public vs private positions on issues is not a big deal, and even Trump talks about public and 'private' strategies with respect to ISIS). The next four weeks will be interesting indeed.... 

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45 minutes ago, dcutman said:


How many presidential candidates have been investigated by the FBI, DOJ Congress and local law enforcement as many time as the Clintons? How many candidates have had their (dozens) closest friends and business associates convicted and thrown in jail? How many candidates have had so many of their closest friends, cabinet members, personnel employees  and business associates (150 or so)  commit suicide, murdered or die under mysterious circumstances?




You're right! There's a first. She has been relentlessly investigated and...and...nothing. No ones is in jail. There is never anything, it's just relentless investigations because of the hatred. 


They've all have been politically investigations. All the rest of the bullshit you're throwing out there has never been proven. It's just Fox News right wing echo chamber bullshit. 


All the wingnuts should take a little break from Fox News/Breitbart/Stormfront/Infowars. You've got nothing. Try getting out and getting some exercise. Take a deep breath. Try to clear your rightwing conspiracy, brain cache. 


BENGHAZI!!! Remember that endless investigation that cost 100 million and got NOTHING!!!


I wonder what will happen when the Republican party dissolves following the beatdown that's coming in this election? So sad. :violin: 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

You're missing that the trumpist movement is largely a white (often racist) movement. 





The only movement right now is hillary staffers shitting their pants after their boss was revealed to be an inept, double faced career politician full of lies, deception, corruption and ducking & weaving.

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9 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:

I wonder if Bill will turn up to support Hillary in the third "debate".


He looked so pale when Trump laid into him that I thought he would pass out.


Of course he will. He knew in advance this was going to happen.

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