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Slightly controversial but antibiotics. Yes they have saved lives, but long term they could result in the death of the human race. They have basically made us all into weedy wimps who have little immune or no system left.

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17 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


yers mate,East ender born and bred,i used to sell fruit and veg for an old yiddish lady who had a stall down the Roman road.'Apples a pound pears' sorry to do yer 'ead in but i gotta do a runna,a bit Livo 'cos i'm 'avin a game of arrers down the Needle gun boozer.But i'm feelin' brand new cos i had a donald wiv the sort upstairs from me last night and i could be on a winner there.Thanx for the chinwag,but i cant be late,else she'll ave me out on  me arris.

'ere ,'ere , no shut up a minute , me dad was from Tot/num , me ma was from Streatham , me granddad was from Germany , not my fault is it. But what was really funny , about '65 ,me grandad was coming dahn ter Dorking and next door to him lived a Jamaican , me grandad said to him " oi  , sambo why aren't you indoors watching the cricket , larf , I nearly wet me pants.   Eel Pie Island , the 59 club . oh yes my son I was there.


The Internet. Loved the "good old days", then you could go somewhere without everybody know about it and being able to contact you.


Smart phones - any cell phone beyond a Nokia 210 - where you can only talk on it.......no text.......no email.......nothing but voice.


Youtube , 


Without Youtube there would be no Justin Bieber,  And we would still be listening to real pop music. 





13 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

That's why it's in italics surrounded by question marks.....

C'mon - keep up with the beat....:post-4641-1156694572:


11 hours ago, tifino said:


a big single thumper, that doesn't have British oil leaks...


what's so wrong with it? (genuine question)

they  didnt direct the  leaks to the chain

11 hours ago, dbrenn said:

The transistor - made computers and cheap amplifiers possible

valves  look pwetty

11 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Can an ex-wife count?

if shes Thai maybe not, did the divorce include a calculator

8 hours ago, pgrahmm said:


Does 44DD count?

i once went out with a slim but 36h....................unforgettable fun!!


condom packets which take a sharp-as-razor fingernail to open.

Heat of the moment, both of you panting and sweating, ......and then you reach for the packet, and fumble around for several minutes while cursing the manufacturer.  


The Republican Party wants to ban pornography.  Perhaps it's not an invention, but......

Indeed, there's a large breasted woman carved onto a walrus tooth from about 27,000 years ago.  World's first porno?









Dad from Bethnal Green,mum out of Bellingham.Dad was a conductor on the 124 buses.They moved to Bow in 1955.I was born in St Andrews hospital,Bow.I know Streatham,well.Or as it is now called,St Reatham!.Used to go to the Ice rink there.was it called the Bali Hi.My mate Colin had a ford consul 375,soft top.What a crumpet catcher.If i remember,tha Cats Whiskers was there too.We used to go to Tulse hill where there was another club,I think it was called 'Andrea's or some sort of tart's name.

Used to go to hackney town hall for the boxing.But for a good night out,it was always the West End.Clubs like,The Experience,Upstairs at Ronnies(Scotts,i met Robert Palmer and Elkie Brooks there),La Deuce club,and the Bag of Nails.

The marquee was great,Alex Harvey band etc.

Good days my friend,good days.


36 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Dad from Bethnal Green,mum out of Bellingham.Dad was a conductor on the 124 buses.They moved to Bow in 1955.I was born in St Andrews hospital,Bow.I know Streatham,well.Or as it is now called,St Reatham!.Used to go to the Ice rink there.was it called the Bali Hi.My mate Colin had a ford consul 375,soft top.What a crumpet catcher.If i remember,tha Cats Whiskers was there too.We used to go to Tulse hill where there was another club,I think it was called 'Andrea's or some sort of tart's name.

Used to go to hackney town hall for the boxing.But for a good night out,it was always the West End.Clubs like,The Experience,Upstairs at Ronnies(Scotts,i met Robert Palmer and Elkie Brooks there),La Deuce club,and the Bag of Nails.

The marquee was great,Alex Harvey band etc.

Good days my friend,good days.


That brought back a few memories, my mum was from Bethnal Green and I knew every road and house number location in Bellingham....My mini-cab days....:stoner:



Belling ham,home of the Cooper Boys.Bellingham Boys Boxing Club.

The Fellowship inn.Had a few in there .The Hard man of the Aria was a guy call Clive Garthwaite,a real monster(deceased)

My mums family were out of Moremead Rd.And my grandads Boozer was the Railway Tavern,just under the bridge.He used to run a loan club out of there.The beer was 'Beezleys' And my old grandad drank Brown and Mild.

During the war(he was too young for the first,and too old for the second) he was the black market geezer to see.Roles of carpet.Boxes of Scotch,anything you wanted.My nan(who could manage a few choice words) used to get very,,,angry you might say when drunken mates would knock him up at 3 am asking for a bottle of gold watch for the road.

Back to Henry.

When i was a kid,i used to go to the London Transport sports days(the LT had a very big sports side) And if i won a race or a field event,it was usually 'Our Enry' who gave out the prizes.I met him on several occasions.Years later ,when i was working on the Insurance company refurb in Holburn,i went to WH Smiths at the top of leather Lane to get Muhammed Ali's book.'The Greatest' I met him and shook his hand and was very happy to know that id'e met the two men who fought back in the day,And how Henry Cooper nearly got a knock out,But for Angelo Dundee cutting the Glove,i think Cooper could have won it.




I do not move out of the way when Thai people are using their phones and not watching where they are going, they get a good head bump from me, and their fault. Heads up.

On 10/10/2016 at 7:28 PM, boomerangutang said:

Electric chairs, which happened to have been invented by Thomas Alva Edison.


Fentanyl would be a much better way to die.  Just take a few hits orally, go to sleep, and then it's game over.


There's a mega-form of the stuff hitting N. America: carfentanyl. It's elephant tranquilizer, 100 times stronger than Fentanyl which itself is about 100 times stronger than morphine. read more


Note: just in the first 6 days after the drug arrived in Cincinnati Ohio, there were 174 deaths from overdoses!


1 kg can produce 50 million fatal doses.  It's made in China and usually shipped through Mexico to places north.  Canadians (and Ohio people) are among the biggest users.

Sorry, no cigar !

Alfred P. Southwick. Alfred P. Southwick (1826–1898), was a steam-boat engineer, dentist and inventor from Buffalo, New York. He is credited with inventing the first electric chair as a method of legal execution.

On 10/10/2016 at 7:38 PM, dbrenn said:

I mean. ... video calling will replace voice calling and everyone will be expected to use it. ..

Hint!!!!  I was being sarcastic.   Just slightly.  I mean we all use and love Duos all the time don't we?

On 10/11/2016 at 11:20 AM, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Dad from Bethnal Green,mum out of Bellingham.Dad was a conductor on the 124 buses.They moved to Bow in 1955.I was born in St Andrews hospital,Bow.I know Streatham,well.Or as it is now called,St Reatham!.Used to go to the Ice rink there.was it called the Bali Hi.My mate Colin had a ford consul 375,soft top.What a crumpet catcher.If i remember,tha Cats Whiskers was there too.We used to go to Tulse hill where there was another club,I think it was called 'Andrea's or some sort of tart's name.

Used to go to hackney town hall for the boxing.But for a good night out,it was always the West End.Clubs like,The Experience,Upstairs at Ronnies(Scotts,i met Robert Palmer and Elkie Brooks there),La Deuce club,and the Bag of Nails.

The marquee was great,Alex Harvey band etc.

Good days my friend,good days.


Consul 315, not 375, puhlease!!!!!   Nostalgia has to be correct or some people younger than 60 will never understand how cool a 4-door budget version of the original Capri really was.   My dad had a 315 as a work car in a local council job.  In the darkest corner of the Commonwealth, no less.  How cool was that?  I dined out at an expensive private school for months on that.

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