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Michelle Obama attacks Trump over sexual assault comments


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4 minutes ago, davecmarino said:



Too funny. You want to throw out all of Hillary's history and blame it on Bill. You don't care about her actions against these women that ruined their lives. You don't care about her considering the likes of Robert Byrd as a mentor or her black males being "Super Predators" comment. You don't care about all the people who have ended up dead around her and her husband over the life of their career. You don't care about her deleting emails after being under investigation. You don't care that the FBI told you that she did it and lied to you about it but because she is Hillary Clinton and not anyone else that she will not be prosecuted.

So in reality, you just don't care about anything that she has said or done. You don't care about all the flip-flopping of positions through the years or the fact that she readily admits to telling you what you want to hear to get elected with her public and private positions comment.

She gets a pass because she's a Democrat.

Sorry but I've seen her in politics since I was a kid and she sucks. She's the most corrupt piece of shit in politics today and that is really saying something with all the shit heads we have in DC.

You can keep your pay for play corrupt scumbag.

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So let me get this straight, you don't like her? Donald Trump will be a good choice for President. Is that about it? 


Okay thanks, for the valuable input. 


Let's all sing together:



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Just now, davecmarino said:



Still waiting for you to prove that Clinton didn't pay Paula Jones to go away during the second trial. Maybe you think that it was just an $850,000 apology.




Ya got nothin'

Your frantic assertions mean nothing.


Hey, by the way, how do you feel about the topic of this thread?


The Bloviator that is Trump?

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So let me get this straight, you don't like her? Donald Trump will be a good choice for President. Is that about it? 
Okay thanks, for the valuable input. 
Let's all sing together:

So short sighted. I don't like corruption. Trump will do more to expose the Washington DC bullshit just from not playing the game in the same manner. This valuable service is a true once in a lifetime opportunity for America to bring back accountability to the Federal government.

Meanwhile, Clinton will ramp corruption up to new heights.

They both suck but he just sucks a whole lot less.

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First you say he's a rapist and then when confronted about it, your proof is that he was impeached over lying about consensual sex between two adults. 
Your facts don't support you claim.  He's never been prosecuted for rape. 
Trump on the other hand is currently named in a lawsuit and accused of raping a 12 year old girl. I don't think Trump bragging about getting away with molesting women will help him much in court. 
There's a big difference between having an affair, and forcing yourself on women. 

The rape case was filed in California and thrown out because it was bullshit. Now they filed it in New York but the accuser cannot be accurately identified and the case isn't going to be heard until after the election.

Another Clinton ploy. You leftist will go in and support all of her nasty games.

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3 hours ago, davecmarino said:

The left is so full of shit. All they want is a smear campaign because they are losing.
I'll take them serious when they ridicule Bill for raping women and Hillary for covering it up.

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she obviously dosent know what extent hillary went to to hide bills crimes.


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2 hours ago, wonder6281 said:

Says the woman who stated she lives in a house built by black slaves without contrition.


The Republican Attack Machine is already putting together a dossier to throw at Michelle, if she (or her daughters) ever decides to run for public office.  Imagine if Michelle were running now, and that ('black slaves') statement was the worst the Reps could find on her. ......Republicans would be blowing it up as if she personally swam out and sunk the Maine.  Republicans are so bereft of good policy ideas, that all they have for a political campaign are lies and spurious attacks.

A sad excuse for a political party.   If this was 1775, the Republicans would be siding with King George.


Incidentally, who posting here watched Michelle's most recent speech? It's the topic of this thread.  I did.  She was magnificent.  America's children are learning how not to be - from looking at Trump's example. ....unless they're the children of right wingers, then the kids are learning how to lie, cheat, and abuse women.


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So Davecmarino let me get this straight, (I am assuming you are not a troll) all the stuff about Trump molesting women is a smear campaign from the left......that is a wonderful theory, but it doesn't hold up when the words are from the Trumps own BIG mouth. Of course you can support whomever you wish.....but I find you a little scary when I hear your fellow Trumpettes saying that "Obama has Aids and he got it from having sex with Magic Johnson" Did you and the other Trumpettes check your brains at the door? Because the rankings and ramblings of you Trumpettes is 1) hard to follow. 2) the irrational ravings of the kind of people in mental institutions. 3) you all seem to get your information from right wing nut bags, or right wing websites, or Fox NoNews. Get a grip feller. This Trump of yours is sinking beneath the waves because every time he speaks he is espousing HATRED. He stood on the stage and accused Hillary of being full of hate, when all his speeches are full of HATRED to whatever group he picks on that week. So you want HATRED in the White House and leading the United States......I think this says more about you than it does about Trump as he is already a lost cause. Sad.

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I think it's funny that all Trump supporters defend accusations against Trump by starting out with " Well Hillary Clinton..." or "Well Bill Clinton..."

I guess that just shows they have no defense and nothing good to say about. That's pretty telling.

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Still waiting for you to prove that Clinton didn't pay Paula Jones to go away during the second trial. Maybe you think that it was just an $850,000 apology.

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The Paula Jones lawsuit was thrown out of court because it lacked legal merit.

She kept filing new lawsuits against him to keep it in the news and damage his career. He settled out of court so she'd stop harassing him. She got money and shut up because that all she wanted in the first place.

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Well now that our resident libs are up and at it, they can have this thread. 
Quick note before my departure:
Liberalism - Tolerance - Hypocrisy 
Its not possible for you guys to stay objective whatsoever. Michelle is a nobody up there sensationalizing. Bill and "Hill" are equally horrible but hey, lets dismiss that because hurts our agenda. 

No, hypocrisy is all the fake outrage you conservatives had this summer worrying that your daughters would be molested in Target stores restrooms by kathoeys , and then voting for a guy who brags that he can molest any woman he wants because he's a "star"

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20 minutes ago, Guitar God said:

No, hypocrisy is all the fake outrage you conservatives had this summer worrying that your daughters would be molested in Target stores restrooms by kathoeys , and then voting for a guy who brags that he can molest any woman he wants because he's a "star"



Hey now looks like I'm back in the game. 


Please provide a source for your post. 


"You conservatives" lol news flash, both far extreme left AND right are retarded and I'm in the middle, furthermore between 2 choices for president, they are both shit so one calling the other an extremist for choosing one side is flat out retarded lib nonsense. Funny, I rarely see childish name calling and insults coming from anywhere in the middle, or right of center. 

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


The Republican Attack Machine is already putting together a dossier to throw at Michelle, if she (or her daughters) ever decides to run for public office.  Imagine if Michelle were running now, and that ('black slaves') statement was the worst the Reps could find on her. ......Republicans would be blowing it up as if she personally swam out and sunk the Maine.  Republicans are so bereft of good policy ideas, that all they have for a political campaign are lies and spurious attacks.

A sad excuse for a political party.   If this was 1775, the Republicans would be siding with King George.


Incidentally, who posting here watched Michelle's most recent speech? It's the topic of this thread.  I did.  She was magnificent.  America's children are learning how not to be - from looking at Trump's example. ....unless they're the children of right wingers, then the kids are learning how to lie, cheat, and abuse women.



absolutely, it was the best speech by anyone this presidential campaign. she really is hugely impressive.

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4 hours ago, iReason said:


Please feel free to provide any documentation of President Clinton's "admission of guilt"  :whistling:




Verifiable? :blink:


Like a true rabid Trumpeteer, you're just making things up.


It doesn't hold water in the real world...

So how about the rapist of a 12 year-old girl,who Hilary defended in court in 1975? She makes Trump look clean by comparison.

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9 minutes ago, teacherpaul said:

So how about the rapist of a 12 year-old girl,who Hilary defended in court in 1975? She makes Trump look clean by comparison.

Are you a U.S. citizen? Do you have any knowledge whatsoever of the job role of a PUBLIC DEFENDER? If not, learn before making such moronic and false accusations. You're basically attacking all public defenders in all of U.S. history for that. They defend ALL, guilty and innocent. That's the system. Sometimes the IGNORANCE expressed here is AMAZING. The real scandal is the most people that need public defenders are poor and/or minorities and sadly get very SUBSTANDARD defenses compared to people that have  money. 

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Hey now looks like I'm back in the game. 
Please provide a source for your post. 
"You conservatives" lol news flash, both far extreme left AND right are retarded and I'm in the middle, furthermore between 2 choices for president, they are both shit so one calling the other an extremist for choosing one side is flat out retarded lib nonsense. Funny, I rarely see childish name calling and insults coming from anywhere in the middle, or right of center. 

Post a source for what? The source for Trump's comment about how he could kiss women and grab them in the pussy was his own mouth.
Were you living in cave when that happened?

Here's a link to a right wing group urging a boycott on Target because they were worried transgender women would molest their daughters in the restrooms.


Just because I criticize one side, doesn't mean I like the other side. I just see a lot of posts giving reasons why Trump would make a poor president and the defense is always. "Well Bill did this..."

If you're in the middle, why were you upset I pointed out that conservatives can't defend Trump?

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13 minutes ago, Guitar God said:

Post a source for what? The source for Trump's comment about how he could kiss women and grab them in the pussy was his own mouth.
Were you living in cave when that happened?

Here's a link to a right wing group urging a boycott on Target because they were worried transgender women would molest their daughters in the restrooms.


Just because I criticize one side, doesn't mean I like the other side. I just see a lot of posts giving reasons why Trump would make a poor president and the defense is always. "Well Bill did this..."

If you're in the middle, why were you upset I pointed out that conservatives can't defend Trump?



Post a source for this gem:


2 hours ago, Guitar God said:

No, hypocrisy is all the fake outrage you conservatives had this summer worrying that your daughters would be molested in Target stores restrooms by kathoeys , and then voting for a guy who brags that he can molest any woman he wants because he's a "star"



And then you go on to post an article from "Christian Times" like everyone on earth that is not an extremist left hypocrite fits into this nonsense. 


Gimme a break. 

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And then you go on to post an article from "Christian Times" like everyone on earth that is not an extremist left hypocrite fits into this nonsense. 
Gimme a break. 

Here, does this jog your memory? Time.com, nydailynews, conservative tribune.

It wasn't just Fred Phelps's family, it was broad, in the news for a long time and it was all conservatives complaining. Not just evangelical Christians.

Then you have the fear-mongering and the lies from the "see, I told you" crowd.


These same people who were worried about molesters are voting for one in 3 weeks. That's hypocrisy.





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7 hours ago, davecmarino said:



What planet are you from? Bill Clinton was not only impeached because of his lies related to his womanizing, it is public record.

Now with Trump, these women held their tongues for 30 years and now come out against him because they are Hillary supporters.

If you can't see the truth, you must be a liberal.

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There was no rape, and there is no proof at all of any coverup by HRC. You may not like that and keep on sprouting the same nonsense, but that does not change the facts.

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We are talking about it because it is proof that liberals apply different standards to political figures based on their party affiliation.

Welcome back to the topic. I know it is difficult for you being a brain washed lib but please try.

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I thought we were talking about it because conservatives apply different standards depending on party affiliation?

What my concern is is what Trump has done and said, not if someone in the DFL has done it to.

Like I said it's like a little kid getting caught doing something wrong and his defense is that other people did it.

Defending Trump, you're the little kid.

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I thought we were talking about it because conservatives apply different standards depending on party affiliation?

What my concern is is what Trump has done and said, not if someone in the DFL has done it to.

Like I said it's like a little kid getting caught doing something wrong and his defense is that other people did it.

Defending Trump, you're the little kid.

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Too funny. You want to attack Trump based on some dumb comments from 20 years ago. We all know he is a braggart ego. But the video comes up and right behind it comes all the women saying that he not only said it but did it also.

How convenient for Hillary that several of these women are known supporters of hers.

Sure, that doesn't stink of a manufactured smear campaign.

Hillary told you during the debate that she will lie to you and you still believe her.

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Too funny. You want to attack Trump based on some dumb comments from 20 years ago. We all know he is a braggart ego. But the video comes up and right behind it comes all the women saying that he not only said it but did it also.

How convenient for Hillary that several of these women are known supporters of hers.

Sure, that doesn't stink of a manufactured smear campaign.

Hillary told you during the debate that she will lie to you and you still believe her.

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That post was looking good for a while, until you couldn't control yourself and stay on topic and you bring up Hillary again.

<deleted> does she have to do with Trump's behavior? Did she make him do it? Was she a bad influence and he caved?

It's not just his pussy grabbing tape, there's a laundry list of things he's said and done that make him look bad. He even brought up Rosie O'Donnell during the damn debate.
Calling women pigs, suggesting 2nd amendment supporters assassinate his opponent, suggesting a moderator is " on the rag", saying it's fine to call his daughter a "piece of ass". Walking in on naked 15 yo girls at his pageant, because he could, lusting over a ten year old girl and saying "can you believe I'll be dating her in 10 years?", tripping over his tongue when he sees a 12 year old Paris Hilton and exclaiming "Who the hell is that", saying the only thing keeping him from dating his teenage daughter is that he's her father.

And you support this POS and think he'd make a wise president?

Go on, I have a feeling you have something to say about one of the Clintons in response to this.

If you want to slag off Bill, why don't you start another thread?

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A woman on Bill Maher's show said it perfectly:  He tries to smear others of what he is guilty of.


It's so true:   look at the things Trump get worked up about at his rally speeches.  They're all the things he himself is guilty of, 100 times more than the person he's trying to besmirch.  He's like a Sunday Preacher railing most loudly against the sins that he privately indulges in.

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The postmortem analysis on Trump is already being rapidly written, and the social, societal, and other effects of this Trump Catastrophe that Michelle Obama is helping to expedite will have on the country.



So far the analysis seems confined to what all this means for the election, best summarized by Jonathan Last in the Weekly Standard: “The Election is Over.” But I think the unraveling of Donald Trump is much bigger than a political event. It is seismic and for some parts of culture, it may well be an Extinction Level Event.



In the best possible world, the Trump crackup will be one of those moments where the entire country says, My God, what were we thinking? The Republican Party will rededicate itself to voting rights and political compromise, and let go of its slavish attachment to supply-side economics. Parents who wore “Hillary is a c---“ when they brought their children to Trump rallies will repent. College campuses will allow all kinds of speakers and communication



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Maybe it is time for another party in the USA catering for the Trump fans.  A party to really test the water and see just how many would show their real colours and not hide behind the pretext that they only vote for Trump to stop Clinton.  My guess would be that that number would overwhelmingly top the actual Trump supporters.  I wonder who here really thinks that Trump would make a good President and if so, why?

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15 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Yes with all the current sleaze about the morons sexual exploits it is easy to forget all the other rubbish that Trump came out with earlier on starting with his "wall".  I guess that shows that people only focus on the latest soundbite.

Very true.

trump is the moron that created his political brand with the RACIST birther movement.

He claimed climate change was a Chinese conspiracy theory. 

He wants to destroy Obamacare and replace it with ineffective B.S. that will not cover people with preexisting conditions.

He favors supreme court judges that will make abortion illegal, abolish gay marriage, make the NRA even stronger, keep Citizens United, etc.

He intends to massively cut taxes for the top 1 percent.

He sucks up to Putin and trashes Nato.

He encourages other nations to be nuclear.


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