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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage



WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump keeps peddling the notion the vote may be rigged. It's unclear whether he understands the potential damage of his words, or simply doesn't care.


Trump's claim, made without evidence, undercuts the essence of American democracy, the idea that U.S. elections are free and fair, with the vanquished peacefully stepping aside for the victor. His repeated assertions are sowing suspicion among his most ardent supporters, raising the possibility that millions of people may not accept the results on Nov. 8 if Trump loses.


The responsibilities for the New York billionaire in such a scenario are minimal. Trump holds no public office and has said he'll simply go back to his "very good way of life" if Democrat Hillary Clinton wins.


Instead, Clinton and congressional Republicans, should they retain control, would be left trying to govern in a country divided not just by ideology, but also the legitimacy of the presidency.


As Trump's campaign careens from crisis to crisis, he's broadened his unfounded allegations that Clinton, her backers and the media are conspiring to steal the election. He's accused Clinton of meeting with global financial powers to "plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty" and argued his opponent shouldn't have even been allowed to seek the White House.


"Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail," Trump tweeted on Saturday. "Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election."


Trump is referring to Clinton's use of a private email system while serving as secretary of state. Republicans, and some Democrats, have harshly criticized her decision to do so, but the FBI did not recommend anyone face criminal charges for her use of a private email address run on a personal server.


Trump has offered only broad assertions about the potential for voter fraud and the complaints that the several women who have recently alleged he sexually accosted them are part of an effort to smear his campaign.


"It's one big ugly lie, it's one big fix," Trump told a rally in North Carolina on Friday, adding later: "And the only thing I say is hopefully, hopefully, our patriotic movement will overcome this terrible deception."


Trump's supporters appear to be taking his grievances seriously. Only about one-third of Republicans said they have a great deal or quite a bit of confidence that votes on Election Day will be counted fairly, according to poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.


During a campaign event Tuesday with Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, a voter said she was deeply concerned about voter fraud and pledged to be "ready for a revolution" if Clinton wins.


Pence waved away the woman's rallying cry, saying, "Don't say that." And on Sunday, in an interview with NBC's "Meet The Press," he said the campaign will "accept the will of the American people, you bet."


There is no evidence voter fraud is a widespread problem in the United States. A study by a Loyola Law School professor found that out of 1 billion votes cast in all American elections between 2000 and 2014, there were only 31 known cases of impersonation fraud.


Trump's motivations for stoking these sentiments seem clear.


One of his last hopes of winning the election is to suppress turnout by making these final weeks so repulsive to voters that some just stay home. Trump advisers privately say they hope to turn off young people in particular. This group leans Democratic but doesn't have a long history of voting and is already skeptical of Clinton.


Trump is also likely considering how he would spin a loss to Clinton, given that he's spent decades cultivating a brand based on success and winning. His years in public life offer few examples where he's owned up to his own failings and plenty where he's tried to pass the blame on to others, as he's now suggesting he would do if he's defeated.


Clinton appears increasingly aware that if she wins, she'd arrive at the White House facing more than the usual political divides. "Damage is being done that we're going to have to repair," she said during a recent campaign stop.


But that task wouldn't be Clinton's alone.


The majority of Trump's supporters are Republicans. If he loses, party leaders will have to reckon with how much credence they give to claims the election was rigged and how closely they can work with a president whom at least some GOP backers will likely view as illegitimate.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office wouldn't say Saturday whether he agreed with Trump's assertions the election is being rigged. A spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said Ryan is "fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity."


Republicans have already experienced the paralyzing effect of Trump stirring up questions about a president's legitimacy. He spent years challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship, deepening some GOP voters' insistence that the party block the Democrat at every turn.


Jim Manley, a former adviser to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., recalled the skepticism some Republicans had about Obama. "I'm afraid a President Clinton is going to start off with far too many people raising similar questions," he said.


EDITOR'S NOTE — White House Correspondent Julie Pace has covered politics and the White House for The Associated Press since 2007.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-17
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32 minutes ago, webfact said:

One of his last hopes of winning the election is to suppress turnout by making these final weeks so repulsive to voters that some just stay home. Trump advisers privately say they hope to turn off young people in particular. This group leans Democratic but doesn't have a long history of voting and is already skeptical of Clinton.


So,  they do not care for young Americans .

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The Democratic Party primary was certainly rigged against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), both openly and secretly so there's no doubt in anyone's mind that the vote in November will be 'rigged' with dead voters and sundry Clinton operatives "Shenanigans"...:sleep:

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I suppose what it means by rigged. Does that mean that the powers that be will get the outcome they desire and ruthlessly use the media to ensure that result? Does it mean the use of super-delegates to tip election results one way? Or does it mean the use of electronic voting where doubts have been raised about the ability to manufacture outcomes?


Or is the reality that in two party systems that the establishment funds and in reality owns both parties, as such who wins is actually irrelevant?


The media seems bothered by the public being skeptical and asking questions, but isn't that supposed to happen in an actual democracy?

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Sports stadiums and tax hikes shoved down people's oblivious throats, while privacy and personal freedoms stripped away to a police/nanny state where lawsuits and entitlement is rife while personal accountability is non-existing? 


Democracy indeed.

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Trump's claim, made without evidence, undercuts the essence of American democracy, the idea that U.S. elections are free and fair, with the vanquished peacefully stepping aside for the victor. His repeated assertions are sowing suspicion among his most ardent supporters, raising the possibility that millions of people may not accept the results on Nov. 8 if Trump loses.




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38 minutes ago, Opl said:
1 hour ago, webfact said:

One of his last hopes of winning the election is to suppress turnout by making these final weeks so repulsive to voters that some just stay home. Trump advisers privately say they hope to turn off young people in particular. This group leans Democratic but doesn't have a long history of voting and is already skeptical of Clinton.


So,  they do not care for young Americans .


Trump's plan is that if you won't vote for him, then don't vote at all otherwise you are part of the rigged system. Because Trump says the system is rigged, then it is the truth, the absolute truth regardless of the fact there is no proof of voter fraud. Trump wants you to believe that these damn illegal immigrants come in, walk through a local graveyard, find a fresh grave, take the name and then use it to vote! Believe me!

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8 minutes ago, dcutman said:





555555555555555555555! I love it when the trumpets quote these shitty little right wing Looney Tunes websites. Project Vertias...:sick:






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On 10/17/2016 at 9:19 AM, Boon Mee said:

The Democratic Party primary was certainly rigged against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), both openly and secretly so there's no doubt in anyone's mind that the vote in November will be 'rigged' with dead voters and sundry Clinton operatives "Shenanigans"...:sleep:


you dont speak for "anyone"

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1 hour ago, MZurf said:


555555555555555555555! I love it when the trumpets quote these shitty little right wing Looney Tunes websites. Project Vertias...:sick:






So you think these videos are faked then?

Can we get your explanation of why the DNC rigged the primaries in favor of HRC?  Or dont you believe that either?


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The media slams Trump's complaint about rigged elections as "dangerous rhetoric" while Republican headquarters are  being firebombed.


Republican party headquarters is firebombed and a local business is daubed with Nazi graffiti in North Carolina


A Republican party headquarters in North Carolina was firebombed and an adjacent building was vandalized with the words: 'Nazi Republicans leave town or else.'

One state GOP official called the attack in Hillsborough, Orange County an act of 'political terrorism', the Charlotte Observer reported.

A bottle, filled with flammable substance, was thrown into a window during the night, setting off a fire that scorched the interior of the building before the blaze burned itself out, police said.


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White House Correspondent Julie Pace

So, like we should believe anything she says 555555555555555555555555

It is obvious that the W H is in the tank for HRC, and can't be trusted to say anything impartial.


Should they worry about the post election chaos that awaits madam president? Absolutely! They sowed the wind etc.

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Beats me why anybody still considers anything Trump says worth listening to nowadays.


He is a disgrace with his opponent not that much better,both an embarrassment to their country, a sad state of affairs indeed.


As for the drug testing, if Hillary tests positive she could claim it is the only way she could appear on stage with her opponent.




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55 minutes ago, Rancid said:

I suppose what it means by rigged. Does that mean that the powers that be will get the outcome they desire and ruthlessly use the media to ensure that result? Does it mean the use of super-delegates to tip election results one way? Or does it mean the use of electronic voting where doubts have been raised about the ability to manufacture outcomes?


Or is the reality that in two party systems that the establishment funds and in reality owns both parties, as such who wins is actually irrelevant?


The media seems bothered by the public being skeptical and asking questions, but isn't that supposed to happen in an actual democracy?

Who was the moron that thought an electronic voting system was a good idea? Expect endless legal disputes over any result within the margin of error.

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The first George W Bush (Junior) presidential election and against Al Gore and the win of Florida state clearly showed that the USA is not democratic. For those that don't know look it up. The elite will do anything to ensure there person gets in power or mostly back two 'horses' in a race. This is why Hilary will win and has always been since the start of the campaign has been coaxed to win IMHO.I guess we will see next month.

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Trump, the Russian spoke person, is really there to destroy the USA. He already knows that he can't win so now his agenda is to make the whole nation to pay for it. 


It's really sad to see that he has managed to fool so many Americans on his side. This whole episode Trump's neo-communism is going to have quite long lasting effects to the USA. 

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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

Beats me why anybody still considers anything Trump says worth listening to nowadays.


He is a disgrace with his opponent not that much better,both an embarrassment to their country, a sad state of affairs indeed.


As for the drug testing, if Hillary tests positive she could claim it is the only way she could appear on stage with her opponent.





I thought D. Trump words toxicity could damage brain and cause people to repeat and repeat and repeat his narratives ( simple short evasive phrases easy to understand - easy to remember- so they get out of your mind)  

But  in addition, it looks like people who hear and listen to D. Trump turn addicted, and he becomes the guru ( everything he says is truth , he shows the path , he knows how, he can do - he only- believe him ).

You are right, HRC needs and antidote to share the stage with him and stay unscathed.     

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(Real) billionaire businessman and investor Peter Thiel has just put money into the Trump campaign. Now why would a savvy investor like that put money into what clearly is a losing proposition?


Investors understand leverage: use a small input to get a large influence. My guess is Trump already knows the election is lost, but is powering on and concentrating on building resentment and grievance. This is a business play by Trump and Thiel and no longer a real election run. They will build a media empire with a potential 50 million viewership (in America alone) that feeds resentment and hate. That's why Media guys like Roger Ailes and Branon are on board.


Branon gets to join the big leagues. Aliles gets back influence and gets his revenge on Fox for abandoning him by stealing their viewers.


This is classic Trump biz scam strategy: let others pay and do the work while he just slaps his name on it. He appears by video link to babble something every day for half an hour. He gets the money, he gets the limelight, he doesn't have to do the work. Also a great venue to find pussies to grab.


The big losers are the rubes that are still taking seriously that Trump is running for president.


Trump isn't smart enough to be president, but he's smart enough to fool the rubes.



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4 hours ago, Thailand said:

Beats me why anybody still considers anything Trump says worth listening to nowadays.


He is a disgrace with his opponent not that much better,both an embarrassment to their country, a sad state of affairs indeed.


As for the drug testing, if Hillary tests positive she could claim it is the only way she could appear on stage with her opponent.




The world is full of Pied Pipers that people keep following over cliffs at every turn. Trump is no different just another ranting nutter and yes we have plenty of these in circulation as well just like bad pennies. Going back to the Bush, Gore square off its funny how Gore went to bed thinking he had it in the bag and in the morning everything changed and the Republican backed Supreme court rushed in to rubber stamp Bush you know the guy that leveled Baghdad.  Hey Trump are you listening fraud in elections impossible? Americans where does your vote really count the so called "Swing States" are in the drivers seat and whom ever can run the table with these wins. The idea that the 50 states have a say in things is really a misnomer. As Bill Maher stated this whole process is to long I am getting a headache. 

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first of al this is AN ASSOCIATED PRESS 'news' story, not an editorial, you wouldn't know it by the tone of the article, secondly there are alot of 'electronic' voteing systems in places like ohio, and PA, that offer NO papertrail, the entire system is electronic, any of those can be rigged with an electronic virus or bug.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

It's unclear whether he understands the potential damage of his words, or simply doesn't care.


Personally, I don't think he understands much of anything, really. He strikes me as a guy who at age 70 has not learned a whole lot about life.

The only positive thing I see is that his candidacy and campaign drag a deeply flawed political system from its hiding place into the spotlight.

My sorrow is that we are now stuck with Hillary Clinton as President, thank you Donald, you buffoon.

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