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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Salivating over more ongoing fantasies and other political wet dreams.


Impeachment has anyway become a weapon of mass destruction of the Republicans who have become the entire radical American right, so both have lost their credibility and viability. It's become just a political tool to freeze the government and to distract the society, impede the economy, distort the Constitutional system and order.   


The present concern is Trump's election day "poll watchers" currently being organised in various states. Sounds here like gunmen and other sorts of 2nd Amendment thugs and rednecks. They might even get the thrill to wear self-identifying armbands of a sort. Maybe actual uniforms.


Regardless, Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security must needs inquire or investigate into this very sleazy sounding development from Trump-Putin HimSelVes.


A government has the inherent right to protect itself and the society against anarchy or nihilism, and against both simultaneously. 

Any attempt to interfere with or otherwise intimidate voters is going to get people jail terms.  Poll worker volunteers are vetted and the only ones allowed inside where voting takes place.  Therefore anyone outside who gets near or speaks to voters about their vote is in violation of the law. The can protest from across the street or stand at a distance away  from the line but local law enforcement (I have some police friends) are acutely aware this year and will be having none of it.  After some arrests Trump will distance himself from them and leave them to face the music alone.. That's who he is.. Only out for Donald. 

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Obama Lectures Trump on “Rigged” Elections — Forgets That Democrats Just Rigged Primary Against Bernie


Obama lectured the media on the “integrity of the elections” today during a press conference with the Italian prime minister at the White House. Obama must have forgotten about how Democrats rigged the primary election this year against Bernie Sanders."



Hypocrisy much? :saai:



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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yup. He folded like a rag doll. He'll never regain the support of his base.


He did not. He lost an election and accepted the results.

The expectation that losing should lead to throwing the toys out of the pram is telling.


As for the crystal ball part, as far as I understand it the people supporting him are still there, and he'll be in for another term, at least. Funny how some posters idolize candidates, only to discard them once they do not live up to their fantasies.


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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


He did not. He lost an election and accepted the results.

The expectation that losing should lead to throwing the toys out of the pram is telling.


As for the crystal ball part, as far as I understand it the people supporting him are still there, and he'll be in for another term, at least. Funny how some posters idolize candidates, only to discard them once they do not live up to their fantasies.


I don't think people like thaibeachlover ever idolized Sanders.  They reallly wanted him to win because they knew that once he was nominated, the fact that he described himself as a socialist would be sure to lead to his defeat.  They feel chagrin that the weaker candidate lost and try in some loopy way to assert that Sanders and Trump are basically on the same side of the issues.

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Voter Fraud doesn't exist you say? :sleep:




"...in 59 different voting divisions in Philadelphia that Mitt Romney didn’t get a single vote, not one! Obama won 19,605 to 0 in 59 different Philly wards. So i was curious, how did McCain do in 2008? Did McCain get zero votes in any of the Philadelphia wards during ObamaMania? Nope, this didn’t even happen to weak RINO John McCain in 2008. Some wards had Obama beating McCain with between 95% to 99% of the vote, but McCain always got some votes."



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On 10/19/2016 at 1:39 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity.


I'm amazed that anyone thinks HRC will make a difference for ALL people when Obama hasn't been able to after 7 1/2 years. How many homeless people on the streets? You do know that poverty has INCREASED while he has been POTUS, don't you?


 I don’t want to pigeon-hole you too much, but by posting this reply you seem to have put yourself into the category of Americans who I was describing in my post, ie those who know very little (and care less) of the outside world; otherwise you would have understood that when I said “raising the standard of living for all peoples” I meant ALL peoples, not just Americans.

I know that if you really are a “Thai beach lover” you would not fit comfortably into this pigeon hole, but your unfortunate post makes it seem that way.

I don’t pretend to know if HRC will make a great president, but I do understand that President Obama, who has made some of the most important and “presidential like” speeches of this century, would have achieved so much more for the poorer people of the US if his policies had not been blocked by “gun toting” type Republican politicians.

However, this will soon be put right, because fortunately for Americans as well as the rest of the world; DT will destroy the Republican Party in the elections. Hopefully this will enable HRC to improve on Obama’s policies and also enable her to embrace more of Bernie’s policies to further bolster the standard of living of Americans as well as others.


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4 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Voter Fraud doesn't exist you say? :sleep:




"...in 59 different voting divisions in Philadelphia that Mitt Romney didn’t get a single vote, not one! Obama won 19,605 to 0 in 59 different Philly wards. So i was curious, how did McCain do in 2008? Did McCain get zero votes in any of the Philadelphia wards during ObamaMania? Nope, this didn’t even happen to weak RINO John McCain in 2008. Some wards had Obama beating McCain with between 95% to 99% of the vote, but McCain always got some votes."



False, as usual:

In 2008, Obama received 100 percent of the vote in 57 districts in Philadelphia. So it was not that unusual that something similar happened this time around. In fact, Inquirer reporters had a tough time tracking down any registered Republicans in these areas.



 There are nearly 1,700 divisions in Philadelphia. Each of the city’s 66 wards claims between 10 and 50 of them. Some of the 59 divisions had fewer than 10 registered Republicans, according to records from April 2012



When the Inquirer went looking for Republican voters in some of those divisions, they couldn't find any:


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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Any attempt to interfere with or otherwise intimidate voters is going to get people jail terms.  Poll worker volunteers are vetted and the only ones allowed inside where voting takes place.  Therefore anyone outside who gets near or speaks to voters about their vote is in violation of the law. The can protest from across the street or stand at a distance away  from the line but local law enforcement (I have some police friends) are acutely aware this year and will be having none of it.  After some arrests Trump will distance himself from them and leave them to face the music alone.. That's who he is.. Only out for Donald. 


Some of us have been poll workers or campaign workers -- also a voting precinct station "observer" rather than a prospective Trump poll "watcher".


Beyond the accuracy of the post, however, and beyond the literal surroundings of the polling stations proper, are the access routes, roads, sidewalks where the polling station approaches begin a couple of blocks away. There are also parking lots. There are buses that travel the scheduled route to the location or building the other 365 days also.


It's also the case that in a Republican dominated community most if not all poll workers will be Republicans. Same and opposite in a Democratic dominated community. Foreigners may not know that in the USA, polling station workers are volunteers who get trained, they are not returning civil servants (as in UK for instance).


Almost all of 'em are women and many of them are older, not much capable of defending themselves if a need might impose itself. Can't put a cop at every polling station even if the local government might be paying O-T to an off duty officer -- or, as does happen, a retired police officer is doing volunteer precinct security service.


Key poll worker words in USA elections are: volunteers, women. elderly, retired.


Many states open their polling stations 14 consecutive hours, other states for 12 consecutive hours, the rest for 10 consecutive hours. Voters in line at the closing time of a polling station get admitted to vote.


Votes are tallied immediately after closing time when the building is shuttered with one controlled access point. In almost all states polls close at 8 pm local time (7 pm in some states, not 9 pm anywhere however).


Let's hope next year we won't be watching an HBO Special Movie, "Voting Precinct 8 Under Seige." I don't put it past the Trump Troopers.

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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Snopes again?

Far Left discredited.  Please! anybody but Snopes!

First of all, I also cited politifact and factcheck.  

And the fact is, that when you tried to discredit snopes before with fake evidence, you were roundly and decisively refuted. Not a peep was heard out of you on that topic afterwards.  So stop trying to deflect

Your post claimed that specifically that " Did McCain get zero votes in any of the Philadelphia wards during ObamaMania? Nope, this didn’t even happen to weak RINO John McCain in 2008. Some wards had Obama beating McCain with between 95% to 99% of the vote, but McCain always got some votes."

That is an outright falsehood.  Do you know what falsehood means?

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16 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Voter Fraud doesn't exist you say? :sleep:




"...in 59 different voting divisions in Philadelphia that Mitt Romney didn’t get a single vote, not one! Obama won 19,605 to 0 in 59 different Philly wards. So i was curious, how did McCain do in 2008? Did McCain get zero votes in any of the Philadelphia wards during ObamaMania? Nope, this didn’t even happen to weak RINO John McCain in 2008. Some wards had Obama beating McCain with between 95% to 99% of the vote, but McCain always got some votes."




And the crime is....

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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

False, as usual:

In 2008, Obama received 100 percent of the vote in 57 districts in Philadelphia. So it was not that unusual that something similar happened this time around. In fact, Inquirer reporters had a tough time tracking down any registered Republicans in these areas.



 There are nearly 1,700 divisions in Philadelphia. Each of the city’s 66 wards claims between 10 and 50 of them. Some of the 59 divisions had fewer than 10 registered Republicans, according to records from April 2012



When the Inquirer went looking for Republican voters in some of those divisions, they couldn't find any:



Sort of like trying to find a Democrat in Mitch McConnell's office. 

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Moving on we see more cases of Democrat Fraud:


Democratic Operative In Veritas Videos About Voter Fraud, Inciting Violence Visited The White House 342 Times

Between 11/21/2009 and 6/24/2016, Robert Creamer appears to have visited the White House 342 times, 340 times as ‘Robert Creamer’ and twice as ‘Bob Creamer’

47 of those visits were direct visits with Obama. Several of those visits included Michelle Obama.

In the video where Democratic operatives talk about how to conduct mass voter fraud, Scott Foval describes Creamer in the videos as the ‘black hat’ guy who has taught him so much. Creamer also shows up on another video which covers inciting violence at Trump rallies. Creamer states on video that Clinton is aware of his work, and that his firm, Democracy Partners, has a daily telephone call with the Clinton campaign to coordinate.

Creamer is a convicted felon:



Shameful...just positively shameful...:shock1:


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59 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Snopes again?

Far Left discredited.  Please! anybody but Snopes!

And as for your snopes.com comment. 

Anybody who actually uses snopes knows that it regularly and forcefully disproves slurs against Republicans as well as Democrats.

Factcheck supports my contention:


"This widely circulated e-mail contains a number of false claims about the urban legend-busting Snopes.com and its proprietors, Barbara and David Mikkelson, who started the site in 1995 and still run it. They’re accused of hiding their identities, doing shoddy research, producing articles with a liberal bent and discrediting an anti-Obama State Farm agent out of partisanship. "



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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Snopes again?

Far Left discredited.  Please! anybody but Snopes!


Don't shoot the messenger. It's fairly obvious that you're posting fairy stories.


If you bothered checking, you would realise Snopes uses references to validate its opinions.

In this case, the story came from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

No doubt you'll now feverishly google to find some nutjob right wing website that discredits their story, but it will still be pointless.

Your fairy story, as is usually the case, is busted. Get over it.





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You can bet Trump and his high powered legal team (led by Mr. "Says Who?") will be waiting, salivating, with hair triggers for multiple chances to contest votes.  Right after election day, I can picture them instigating legal proceedures in any states where HRC's win was 3% or less.   


None of that has been done in prior presidential elections, but Trump will relishes the chance to stay in the headlines.  He loves to game the legal system.  As a defendant, he's the king of continuances (delaying court proceedings).  As a litigant, he's been known to take judges out to dinner, the night before a judge makes a ruling on a Trump case.  You get one guess which way the judge rules.


He loves to be the naughty boy who thrusts a pole in the spokes of a moving two-wheeler.  Anything for publicity.  And anything to prove what a sore loser he is.

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3 hours ago, Chicog said:


Don't shoot the messenger. It's fairly obvious that you're posting fairy stories.


If you bothered checking, you would realise Snopes uses references to validate its opinions.

In this case, the story came from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

No doubt you'll now feverishly google to find some nutjob right wing website that discredits their story, but it will still be pointless.

Your fairy story, as is usually the case, is busted. Get over it.






He does have that problem.


The mass of highly financed right wing media.


Game over.

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52 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

You can bet Trump and his high powered legal team (led by Mr. "Says Who?") will be waiting, salivating, with hair triggers for multiple chances to contest votes.  Right after election day, I can picture them instigating legal proceedures in any states where HRC's win was 3% or less.   


None of that has been done in prior presidential elections, but Trump will relishes the chance to stay in the headlines.  He loves to game the legal system.  As a defendant, he's the king of continuances (delaying court proceedings).  As a litigant, he's been known to take judges out to dinner, the night before a judge makes a ruling on a Trump case.  You get one guess which way the judge rules.


He loves to be the naughty boy who thrusts a pole in the spokes of a moving two-wheeler.  Anything for publicity.  And anything to prove what a sore loser he is.

ladda ned.jpg

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Even lots of Donald Trump's supporters are starting to think he'll lose the election


"Add another item to Donald Trump’s list of problems: More and more, his own supporters no longer think he can win, the USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times Daybreak poll has found."


"As the two presidential nominees prepare for their final debate Wednesday in Las Vegas, the share of Americans who expect a Hillary Clinton victory is at the highest level since the poll began in July."

"Among Trump supporters, the share who think he will lose has grown significantly over the last month. That’s contributing to an election that increasingly seems headed to a lopsided finish."  :laugh:



Nice to see that they are facing reality. :thumbsup:



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17 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't think people like thaibeachlover ever idolized Sanders.  They reallly wanted him to win because they knew that once he was nominated, the fact that he described himself as a socialist would be sure to lead to his defeat.  They feel chagrin that the weaker candidate lost and try in some loopy way to assert that Sanders and Trump are basically on the same side of the issues.


Same same but different. Both are different expressions of the same discontent but with different remedies. With the email chickens coming home to roost in the Dem barnyard and with Bernie being humiliated plus humiliating himself by supporting Hillary despite revelations of him being plotted against, Bernie supporters will either hold their noses and vote for Trump or stay at home.

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17 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Same same but different. Both are different expressions of the same discontent but with different remedies. With the email chickens coming home to roost in the Dem barnyard and with Bernie being humiliated plus humiliating himself by supporting Hillary despite revelations of him being plotted against, Bernie supporters will either hold their noses and vote for Trump or stay at home.

And another evidence-free assertion from the department of wishful thinking.

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20 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Voter Fraud doesn't exist you say? :sleep:




"...in 59 different voting divisions in Philadelphia that Mitt Romney didn’t get a single vote, not one! Obama won 19,605 to 0 in 59 different Philly wards. So i was curious, how did McCain do in 2008? Did McCain get zero votes in any of the Philadelphia wards during ObamaMania? Nope, this didn’t even happen to weak RINO John McCain in 2008. Some wards had Obama beating McCain with between 95% to 99% of the vote, but McCain always got some votes."




The last Republican for Potus to win the city of Philadelphia was Herbert Hoover.


Philly has only become an increasingly Democratic Party city during the post WW2 Era. 


So Philadelphia voting overwhelmingly Democratic Party for Potus is not new, nor is it news. Nor is it grounds for suspicion by normal people.


Barack Obama won Philly overall 8-1 against Romney. HRC currently leads in Philly 9-1 against Trump. Given the awful history of Republicans in Washington against Philadelphia, beginning with President Gerald Ford, it is perhaps surprising the D for Potus doesn't win Philly 10-0 overall.


Then there is tiny Dixville Notch in New Hampshire which is always the first to vote at one instant past midnight of each election day. In 1960 Richard Nixon won the town's vote over Sen John F. Kennedy 9-0. Fraud wasn't a factor then or there either. These realities occur in communities big or small because people make their conscious choices, apart from right or wrong as it were. 


We are of course in the present time of the mass of highly financed right wing media and its appendages. Such as Breitbart and Faux which sitteth on each shoulder of Donald Trump. 

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On ‎19‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 9:51 AM, Srikcir said:

Isn't a reason for not doing so was in part that it/they cannot confirm the authenticity of the emails that were admittedly stolen by an unidentified party whose credibility cannot be confirmed? That might be viewed as responsible journalism.


They had no problem publishing the unconfirmed claims by women saying he had molested them, without proof. Is that an example of responsible journalism?

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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


Don't confuse the Trolls with details... 



Simply providing relevant info few were aware of to any extent to include perhaps any given poster.


The Publicus Information Service.  :welcomeani:


Available only at TVF but it's up to you (plural you).  :signthaivisa:


Free of charge. So take it or leave it, it's up to U. 

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


They had no problem publishing the unconfirmed claims by women saying he had molested them, without proof. Is that an example of responsible journalism?


MSM does not publish every claim of every person all of the time concerning anything.


There is always editorial judgement in every news article published by responsible and respected journals. The process includes allegations or charges of sexual harassment.


The mass of highly financed rightwing media make their own rules however. So do the rightwhingers themselves.


The thread and topic are however about the 2016 Republican Party and its agents trying to destroy American democracy, the Constitution, the Republic in this historic general election, by discrediting the entire 240-year legitimate electoral process of the United States. Nothing like it has occurred in US history except in 1860. 


Trump the Birther.

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latest poll:  Trump losing ground in Texas, though apparently still 4 points ahead.


Similar in New Mexico which, along with Texas and Utah were considered shoe-ins for any Republican candidate.


Speaking of Utah, it looks as though a 3rd party right winger will be winning there.   

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:


They had no problem publishing the unconfirmed claims by women saying he had molested them, without proof. Is that an example of responsible journalism?



Are you on the wrong thread?



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