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Thai Cabinet approves drafts to clarify rules for employing longtime resident foreigners


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Cabinet approves drafts to clarify rules for employing longtime resident foreigners
By Pimnara Pradapwit

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- THE CABINET has approved in principle a ministerial regulation draft and two draft Prime Minister’s Office announcements that will be issued to clarify the Working of Alien Act BE 2551 (2008), a source said.


The ministerial regulation draft would waive a working permit fee, not including the application fee, for foreigners who had lived in Thailand for a long time and were granted special leniency to stay.

It would also include their children who were born in Thailand but did not receive Thai nationality, as well as foreigners awaiting the completion of a Thai nationality identification process. 


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30297988

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-10-20


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" granted special leniency to stay " would be various ethnic groups who do not have Thai nationality, or are still in long process of obtaining it, but are allowed to remain in Thailand indefinitely.


Triabl groups etc


long-term multi-generational Chinese


in Issan area there are people of Lao and Khmer ancestery whop have lived in Thailand for mul;tiple generationsd




Nothing to do with resident expats

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9 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

" granted special leniency to stay " would be various ethnic groups who do not have Thai nationality, or are still in long process of obtaining it, but are allowed to remain in Thailand indefinitely.


Triabl groups etc


long-term multi-generational Chinese


in Issan area there are people of Lao and Khmer ancestery whop have lived in Thailand for mul;tiple generationsd




Nothing to do with resident expats


and there was me thinking "good guys in" were finally going to catch a break..

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" the companies could hire foreigners at the ratio of one to every 100 Thai employees working at the company "

Four thais for every foreigners was obviously not enough,  for the time it will be officially approved will probably be changed into 1 foreigner allowed to work for every 70 millions thais residing into the country, providing that he has already got thai citizenship from at least 100 years before the time of applying for a job, well done Thailand, you never really cease to amazes me !   :cheesy: :WPFflags::clap2:

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As with most announcements from the land of  Thai bureaucracy: The outcome is about as clear as mud.


  the companies could hire foreigners at the ratio of one to every 100 Thai employees working at the company

So it's offical:     1 foreigner is worth 100 Thais

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Well, under the WTO regulations it is already stipulated, that holders of permanent residence permits must be granted the possibility of making their living in the country which granted the permanent resident permit. 
In other countries PR-holders do not need a work permit; in Thailand the work permit is granted automatically with much less paperwork. 
Let the future approach Thailand and they will be asking for foreign expertise; just let the present political dust and ASEAN-noise settle first - i.e. in five to ten years this thread will be obsolete by the fact, that Thailand is facing the 21st century ;-) 

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Sheryl is correct.  The phrase "with special leniency to stay" specifically refers to people who are mainly regarded as having entered the Kingdom illegally, or the children of those regarded as having entered the Kingdom illegally but have been granted special permission to stay.  Most of these people are stateless and many came as refugees, or their parents or grandparents did.  'Today most were born in Thailand without the automatic right to Thai citizenship.  Most are hill tribe people, Burmese, Khmer, Lao, Vietnamese, Chinese Haws or dsplaced Thais.  Some have permanent residence but most not.

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" granted special leniency to stay " would be various ethnic groups who do not have Thai nationality, or are still in long process of obtaining it, but are allowed to remain in Thailand indefinitely.
Triabl groups etc
long-term multi-generational Chinese
in Issan area there are people of Lao and Khmer ancestery whop have lived in Thailand for mul;tiple generationsd
Nothing to do with resident expats

Hooray! 8 posts later someone reads the op article in the Nation.
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