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Tourists express their understanding of Thailand's loss by preparing food for mourners


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Tourists express their understanding of Thailand's loss by preparing food for mourners

By Coconuts Bangkok



Photo: Nathalie Davies/ Instagram


While some travelers are clearly open about their disappointment that Thailand has suspended all festivities for at least a month, this tourist couple don't seem to mind and expressed their understanding by volunteering.


Their photo was captured by Thai-English actress Natalie Davies, who also volunteered at the kitchen of Ruam Katanyu Foundation.


"These two foreigners saw that we were preparing food for the soldiers, police officers, staff members, and the general public, so they stepped in to help," Davies wrote on Instagram.


Full Story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/10/21/tourists-express-their-understanding-thailands-loss-preparing-food-mourners

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2016-10-21
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6 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

Preparing food you don't have a work permit You will be bared from Thailand in the future


There's always one with that hackneyed, unamusing, misspelled comment.

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Guess they have never heard about the German rescueteams who came to rescue Thai victims after the tsunami....??


They were kicked out because no workpermit....They arrived here within 24 hrs after the disaster, the were the first foreigners to help...all for free...how rude can they be?

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Just now, elliss said:



7 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Oh to be young and idealistic, rather than a cynical old B like me. :shock1:


                Experience ,  comes with  Age .    

               I was young and foolish , once  upon a time ,    long ago . 555

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11 hours ago, joeyg said:

Smiling people attempting to understand and respect a foreign culture.  Too bad there's not more of it.  Too much negativity, ignorance and hatred in this world...


With respect , I don't see any attempt to try and understand a foreign culture here. That can only come by a little bit of serious study and effort.

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2 hours ago, Denim said:


With respect , I don't see any attempt to try and understand a foreign culture here. That can only come by a little bit of serious study and effort.

Oh but I do.  Ya gotta start somewhere.  Preparing local foods with Thai natives is a nice step in the right direction. IMHO.

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10 hours ago, akirasan said:

The backpacks indicate that they are committed to staying and helping for a while huh?

No I think they're just passing through as young backpackers do.  Sitting down and preparing food with locals.  How can you go wrong?  Even if they were there briefly, it's a nice gesture.  Isn't it?  Why criticize incessantly?


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