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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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7 minutes ago, baansgr said:

So if the far superior educated remainers understood this, why on Earth do they keep banging on about it. It was remainers that couldn't comprehend basic English language and misunderstood what was written. So much for the assumption remainers are better educated, not that it really matters.

QUOTE: So if the far superior educated remainers understood this, why on Earth do they keep banging on about it.


Because the far less educated exiters did not understand this, and were fooled by this?

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7 minutes ago, baansgr said:

So if the far superior educated remainers understood this, why on Earth do they keep banging on about it. It was remainers that couldn't comprehend basic English language and misunderstood what was written. So much for the assumption remainers are better educated, not that it really matters.

You are starting to lose me here...


The far superior educated remainers (your words, not mine) understood that the bus statement was a con - but they couldn't comprehend basic English and therefore didn't actually understand it after all? Surely that is a contradiction?

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

You are starting to lose me here...


The far superior educated remainers (your words, not mine) understood that the bus statement was a con - but they couldn't comprehend basic English and therefore didn't actually understand it after all? Surely that is a contradiction?

Really.....they actually read as 350 million a week would be spent on the NHS.....that's what an ology in facebook or line app gets you

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4 minutes ago, baansgr said:

The peasants are too busy working extra hours due to wage suppression, unlike those that can swan off to the Alpine resorts while the Romanian nanny takes care of the kids, so your comment really shows who is better staying in the EU

Thankfully the Working Time Directive is to be scrapped; the cost of bringing an unfair dismissal case has skyrocketed and workers' rights are being decimated by the day - thank-you Brexiters for ushering in this new Workers' Paradise. Soon the UK will be the envy of North Korea.

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5 minutes ago, baansgr said:

The peasants are too busy working extra hours due to wage suppression, unlike those that can swan off to the Alpine resorts while the Romanian nanny takes care of the kids, so your comment really shows who is better staying in the EU

Perhaps the peasants should take on a well paid job as a nanny?

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813 pages and probably half of posts stating anyone that voted for Brexit is uneducated. Im gonna do something far more interesting and stimulating like watching Thomas the Tank. Brexit is going to happen and no 2nd referendum will take place. May isn't particulary hard on talks. Squabble between yourselfs its become tiresome.

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

Tell us how. Please?

EU failed diplomacy (loose use of the word I know) helped send the former Yugoslavia even faster on the way to war in the 1990's. The French NATO officer in charge of military operations had to be replaced by an American general before the peace was finally agreed due to the influence of the U.S-dominated NATO, not the EU.  

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18 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I read it at the time as it was intended to be read - the NHS would benefit to the tune of 350 million a week. The cynicism of the people who dreamt this up is beneath contempt.

Read my lubberly lipsah!


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813 pages and probably half of posts stating anyone that voted for Brexit is uneducated. Im gonna do something far more interesting and stimulating like watching Thomas the Tank. Brexit is going to happen and no 2nd referendum will take place. May isn't particulary hard on talks. Squabble between yourselfs its become tiresome.

And therein lies the problem.

Around half the posts in this thread are from brexiteers who I am sure are not claiming they are uneducated which suggest everything that you see from a remainer is some accusation of being stupid rather than paying any attention to the valid arguments being made which, incidentally, apply to both sides of the debate. Clearly a case of seeing what you want to see rather than what is actually being stated which is why ambiguously worded statements written on the side of busses are so effective with some people.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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2 minutes ago, Orac said:


And therein lies the problem.

Around half the posts in this thread are from brexiteers who I am sure are not claiming they are uneducated which suggest everything that you see from a remainer is some accusation of being stupid rather than paying any attention to the valid arguments being made which, incidentally, apply to both sides of the debate. Clearly a case of seeing what you want to see rather than what is actually being stated which is why ambiguously worded statements written on the side of busses are so effective with some people.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Post Brexit this damn bus has been like a straw that remainers have to grab and clutch at; it was actually far more inconsequential than they like to think. The core of leave votes were set as soon as the referendum was announced. 

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Post Brexit this damn bus has been like a straw that remainers have to grab and clutch at; it was actually far more inconsequential than they like to think. The core of leave votes were set as soon as the referendum was announced. 

Incorrect. The digital marketing manager of Vote Leave, Dominic Cummings, is on record as stating that the NHS trope was the single most effective message of the whole campaign as it cut through all social classes. Issues such as immigration simply weren't high on the radar for almany middle class.


So it was very possibly the difference between the IN or OUT vote!









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1 minute ago, taipeir said:


The digital marketing manager of Vote Leave is on record as stating that the NHS tripe was the single most effective message of the whole campaign as it cut through all social classes.

So it was very possibly the difference between the IN or OUT vote!

"As it cut through all social classes" implies a complete guess to me. I will trust my own opinion on the core leave vote tyvm,.  

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I trust Dominic Cummings vote leave manager, not you random Joe Blogs with your 'know nothing' statement.





'The strategists at the heart of the campaign to leave the European Union were in no doubt about what won it for them. “Would we have won without £350m [for] NHS?” said Vote Leave campaign director Dominic Cummings. “All our research and the close result strongly suggests no.” Insiders knew that, without that big red bus promising £350m more a week for health services, the British voters would not have given them their narrow victory.'


Can read more here





'His campaign strategy was summarised as: "Don’t talk about immigration"; "Do talk about business"; "Don’t make the referendum final"; "Do keep mentioning the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the over-reach of the European Union’s Court of Justice".'

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18 minutes ago, taipeir said:

I trust Dominic Cummings vote leave manager, not you random Joe Blogs with your 'know nothing' statement.





'The strategists at the heart of the campaign to leave the European Union were in no doubt about what won it for them. “Would we have won without £350m [for] NHS?” said Vote Leave campaign director Dominic Cummings. “All our research and the close result strongly suggests no.” Insiders knew that, without that big red bus promising £350m more a week for health services, the British voters would not have given them their narrow victory.'


If you wish to have trust with someone who obviously now has a new paymaster, that's your choice. 

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13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Utterly irrelevant - less than half the country was mobilised to vote to leave. The rest were, by default, remainers.

Your brilliant, you actually know, what those who din’t vote, would have actually voted for, if they had voted.

Can you therefor tell me the wining lottery number this week.


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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

I read it at the time as it was intended to be read - the NHS would benefit to the tune of 350 million a week. The cynicism of the people who dreamt this up is beneath contempt.

So May has decided we will pay 40 billion ( some say 60 Billion)

would not the NHS benifit from this charity contribution?


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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

I read it at the time as it was intended to be read - the NHS would benefit to the tune of 350 million a week. The cynicism of the people who dreamt this up is beneath contempt.

So May has decided we will pay 40 billion ( some say 60 Billion)

would not the NHS benifit from this charity contribution?


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2 hours ago, baansgr said:

The peasants are too busy working extra hours due to wage suppression, unlike those that can swan off to the Alpine resorts while the Romanian nanny takes care of the kids, so your comment really shows who is better staying in the EU

Well they'll be delighted with the abolition of the EU's anti-slavery, pro family worktime directive. 


BTW, I dont know anyone with a Romanian nanny. A few with Scandinavians (their English is so much better)


But seriously, I am aghast that our reputation is being damaged by Brexiters. The UK population as a whole is being made to look stupid AND unpleasant. (Frequently speak another language on the continent already to avoid negative connotations with loutishness.)

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18 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, when there's nothing substantive to discuss, it's likely that only inane comments like this will be posted. My money is on you.

The whole thing is pointless and boring, like flogging a dead horse, most of is sourced from newspaper cuttings, and 'experts' that all have different perspectives.  Think of ways of dealing with it..that might be interesting.

If your money is on me, then you've already lost your password and 50 satang.

Only Bitcoin accepted please.



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