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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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21 hours ago, Khun Han said:
On 26/11/2017 at 12:56 AM, vogie said:

You don't believe in democracy and you would like a coup, strong beliefs, gladly not the beliefs of most rational thinking people. 

Take a look at one of the best speeches ever given on whether to remain in the 'common market' in 1975.



A prophet. And I note Barbara Castle next to him, when he sat down: a pillar of morality and traditional values who tried in vain to expose the perverts who sold us out to the EU.


Peter Shore's complete presentation at that Oxford Union debate is a 'must watch'. My god, this guy had a handle on the situation. Note Ted Heath's nervous, shifty expressions: the pervert who sold our country.



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10 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Peter Shore's complete presentation at that Oxford Union debate is a 'must watch'. My god, this guy had a handle on the situation. Note Ted Heath's nervous, shifty expressions: the pervert who sold our country.



Yep, everything he said couldnt be more true. Inspirational. 

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13 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

My god, this guy had a handle on the situation

.... that should have, by what I heard, been a word of caution for the UK voters:

  • UK doesn't need the EU Single Market
  • UK doesn't need the economic global trade power represented by the EU's more than 200 million people in its own international trade deals



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34 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Peter Shore's complete presentation at that Oxford Union debate is a 'must watch'. My god, this guy had a handle on the situation. Note Ted Heath's nervous, shifty expressions: the pervert who sold our country.



Yes a man of great foresight, I wonder what spin the wrexateers and "numpties" will have on it. ?

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14 hours ago, Grouse said:

Brave New World "the society in Brave New World is split into five castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, with a few minor distinctions in between. Because of the technology wielded by the World State's leaders, caste is pre-determined and humans are grown in a manner appropriate to their status; the lower the caste, the dumber and uglier the individual is created to be."


Ring any bells?

Yes Alexander Graham Bell




Ring any bells?

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24 minutes ago, aright said:

Yes Alexander Graham Bell




Ring any bells?

The open door is on the other side of the closed door. Which explains why he invented the telephone. (Would have been better if he had just re-opened the door)

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

Yes a man of great foresight, I wonder what spin the wrexateers and "numpties" will have on it. ?

I thought we agreed that "numpties" was too harsh and hurt people's feelings? I have decided to use the term Epsilons 

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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I thought we agreed that "numpties" was too harsh and hurt people's feelings? I have decided to use the term Epsilons 

We did agree that, and that is the reason I used quotation marks, it wasn't me that said it. ?

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15 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I thought we agreed that "numpties" was too harsh and hurt people's feelings? I have decided to use the term Epsilons 

Excellent idea. You have to embrace a cult which says old men must sleep with eight partners per week, trees speak and the world is only 157 years old. You have obviously been involved.

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16 hours ago, Grouse said:

The open door is on the other side of the closed door. Which explains why he invented the telephone. (Would have been better if he had just re-opened the door)

Is the door on the other door closed or the door closed on the open side which is opposite to the other side?  Grouse's quantum door theory,

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4 hours ago, vogie said:

Yes a man of great foresight, I wonder what spin the wrexateers and "numpties" will have on it. ?

Peter Shore? Progressed from being labelled as Harold Wilson's lapdog to Wilson saying of him 'I over-promoted him. He's no good'. Just another second-rate politician in a long list of second-raters promoted to heroes by the Hard Brexiteer brigade.

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4 hours ago, aright said:

Excellent idea. You have to embrace a cult which says old men must sleep with eight partners per week, trees speak and the world is only 157 years old. You have obviously been involved.

Have you been at the soma again?

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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Peter Shore? Progressed from being labelled as Harold Wilson's lapdog to Wilson saying of him 'I over-promoted him. He's no good'. Just another second-rate politician in a long list of second-raters promoted to heroes by the Hard Brexiteer brigade.


Didn't you go out canvassing for that lying, traitorous war criminal Blair?

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19 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Peter Shore? Progressed from being labelled as Harold Wilson's lapdog to Wilson saying of him 'I over-promoted him. He's no good'. Just another second-rate politician in a long list of second-raters promoted to heroes by the Hard Brexiteer brigade.

Wilson's opinions..produced another tax raising period of austerity.

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Im going to leave this thread until we can get back to real discussions about this best way forward

Its difficult to keep the discussion moving forward when you repeatedly question the integrity and intelligence of people who see the world differently from you. People react to insults; sometimes in a non constructive way unfortunately.

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Im going to leave this thread until we can get back to real discussions about this best way forward


15 minutes ago, i claudius said:

We already have the best way foreward , we are leaving so as you wont be back on this thread we will cross swords on others.emoji4.png

Is this an 'After You Claude' moment?

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