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US election result will be like ''Brexit Times Five'', Trump says.


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US election result will be like ''Brexit Times Five'', Trump says.




He may be down in the polls but Donald Trump has told supporters that the US election will be like ‘Brexit times five’‘


Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, the Republican nominee said November’s result, as with Britain’s vote to leave the EU, would defy predictions.


He also repeated his claim the vote was rigged.


“This is the last time we are going to have a chance to win. This is it, folks. This is it.Such a great job, we have to get everybody together. We have to get out and vote. We’re going to have…believe me, this is Brexit times five. You watch what’s going to happen,” Trump said.


Clinton has accused Trump of threatening democracy for his refusal to say whether he would accept the outcome of the election if he loses.


On Friday, she was back on the campaign trail in Cleveland, in the key battleground state of Ohio.


“So, I want to say something to people who maybe reconsidering their support for my opponent. I know you may still have questions for me. I respect that. I want to answer them. I want to earn your vote. I am reaching out to all Americans, Democrats, Republicans, Independents. I think America needs every single one of us to bring our energy, our talents, our ambition to build that better country.


But Trump’s argument that the system is rigged against him appears to be resonating with some voters.


According to Reuters/Ipsos poll the Republican gained ground on Clinton this week, cutting her lead nearly in half.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-23
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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The system IS rigged against him. I just wish he was a better candidate. As much as I despise Hillary, he is not a lot better.

There's a difference between saying that the system is rigged - whatever the truth of that may be and that the elections are rigged.  And you conveniently ignore, as usual, the fact that a huge independent study found that during the primary system the press was massively tilted not against Trump but against Clinton.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

That is because they were pulling for Bernie, but Hillary and the democratic party robbed him of the nomination. Trump is correct. She is the most corrupt candidate ever.

Show me exactly what they did to rob Sanders of the nomination. Most of his delegates were selected by the caucus process. which is the least democratic form of primary.  He lost massively in the popular vote.


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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

Bernie lost the popular vote while the DMV was working against him. Who knows how it would have gone otherwise. Debbie Wasserman Shultz had to resign and then Hillary hired her right away. Corruption at the top.



And as the article I linked to pointed out, their efforts went nowhere. As Weissman points out they were incompetent.  Sanders lost because Clinton was massively more popular with African Americans and Hispanic voters.  He won the caucuses because of his popularity with university students and people wealthy enough to take time off from work.

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The DNC violated the rules concerning remaining neutral. They falsely condemned Bernie's followers for violence that they did not commit. 


Who knows what else they got away with and who knows what underhanded tactics they will use against Trump?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

The system IS rigged against him. I just wish he was a better candidate. As much as I despise Hillary, he is not a lot better.


Quit your whining. Take the advice of the extremely popular first African American President.


The system is not rigged. Trump was just too lazy and too stupid to learn the rules of the game. Hillary's long experience and deep political connections allowed her to wipe the floor with this idiot. As a result of his inability to understand the system and to build the necessary skills and tools to work it, he is now having a hissy fit, like his fanboys and screaming 'not fair' 'not fair'. He is in a mess of his own making.


Quit your whining.

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Trump loves the system when it puts him front and center.  He loathes the same system when it reports his mis-steps, using his own words.  Love/hate, love/hate,  the sort of emotional roller coaster one would expect from a hyper 7 year old girl, not from a 70 year old man.

Live by the media, die by the media.  BTW, the media has, in my view, been very fair in its coverage.  

P.S. an in-depth study showed that, out of a billion US votes cast in the past decade, only 16 were found to be fraudulent and/or double voting attempt, and/or voting with someone else's name.  Additionally, of the fraudulent votes found, most were for Republican candidates.


The bigger picture:  The US has, for many decades, tried to instill a respect in democracy in other countries ww.  Africa in particular, and SE Asia/China secondarily, have long histories of undemocratic systems where bloodthirsty demagogues can take and hold power.  When a prominent a-hole like Trump says the US system is rigged (which it's not), he is unwittingly hamstringing efforts by the US to try and spread democracy to places in the world where it's needed.


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

The DNC violated the rules concerning remaining neutral. They falsely condemned Bernie's followers for violence that they did not commit. Who knows what else they got away with and who knows what underhanded tactics they will use against Trump?

If what you allege is true, it's lamentable. However, it's but a tiny speck of dirt compared to the piles of mean-spirited garbage is dumping daily.

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30 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If what you allege is true, it's lamentable. However, it's but a tiny speck of dirt compared to the piles of mean-spirited garbage is dumping daily.


Correct. Hillary has done far worse than rigging the primaries.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

The DNC violated the rules concerning remaining neutral. They falsely condemned Bernie's followers for violence that they did not commit. 


Who knows what else they got away with and who knows what underhanded tactics they will use against Trump?


"Who knows what else they got away with and who knows what underhanded tactics they will use against Trump?"


No. That doesn't float. Either they did something or they did not.


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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

The system IS rigged against him. I just wish he was a better candidate. As much as I despise Hillary, he is not a lot better.


Trump did not have to go to war against his own party. Or maybe he couldn't help himself, I dunno.

The point is he actually made his bed with regard to the Republican side of the supposedly "rigged" system.

And again - somehow, non of that was of substance while he was doing good at the polls (and similarly, less complaints about the media).

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Just now, Morch said:


"Who knows what else they got away with and who knows what underhanded tactics they will use against Trump?"


No. That doesn't float. Either they did something or they did not.



Do you think that every criminal gets caught at every crime that they commit?? If not for Wikileaks, we would not know about theDNC conspiring against Bernie. :sad:

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Do you think that every criminal gets caught at every crime that they commit?? If not for Wikileaks, we would not know about theDNC conspiring against Bernie. :sad:


I think that we can discuss what we know. When it gets to "who knows" territory, one can pretty much say whatever he likes.

That's rather similar to many of Trump's statements, by the way.


And you have yet to demonstrate that the so called "conspiring" was a major cause of Sanders losing. Not about to dig in older topics, but interesting how posters stood on these issues with regard to the GOP moves to block Trump.


And now...the Bacon, Eggs, Coffee, Pancakes conspiracy. Later.


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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Bernie lost the popular vote while the DMV was working against him. Who knows how it would have gone otherwise. Debbie Wasserman Shultz had to resign and then Hillary hired her right away. Corruption at the top.



I realize they're an unpopular and often disparaged government office but what did the Department of Motor Vehicles do against Sanders? Make him wait in line extra long to renew his drivers license?

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Brexit times five? What the...??? 


Trump tweets: "The results are in on the final debate and it is almost unanimous, I WON! Thank you, these are very exciting times." Note the incorrect usage of the word "almost". 


What if he unilaterally declares himself the winner? He could give addresses from a facsimile of the Oval Office on his new Trump TV. Would 35-45% of the American people consider him the actual president?


I missed this one: Clinton poked Trump for his praise of Russian President Vladi­mir Putin: “Maybe you saw Donald dismantle his prompter the other day, and I get that. They’re hard to keep up with, and I’m sure it’s even harder when you’re translating from the original Russian.” :cheesy: That's funny! Good one Hillary.


The closer to the election finish, the crazier this gets. It's like my beloved Patriots are up three touchdowns in the Superbowl and the Bears are trying field goals from their own 5 yard line. 


Whatever.    :whistling:





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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

That is because they were pulling for Bernie, but Hillary and the democratic party robbed him of the nomination. Trump is correct. She is the most corrupt candidate ever.



Politics is a dirty game look at Al Gore. He went to bed thinking he was a winner and woke up a loser. I have hear rumors of the hanky panky that went on in Florida especially methods taken to shut down the black vote which mostly votes Democrat. Then the Supreme Court came along loaded with Republican sympathizers and whack-a-moled him over the head. Retired justice David Souter has made some interesting comments since retiring. 

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donald Trump is a narcissistic meglomaniac who really believes all he has to do it stand there and people will love him.  He is losing because he is abusive both verbally and figuratively. He has articulated no real plan to move America forward yet alone to make it great again. He is divisive, talks against women; people of color; the disabled and everyone else who he sees as not having any right to life and liberty. The man is incompetent- he can't even run his own business without leaning on the bankruptcy laws to bail him out time and time again. 


While Hillary Clinton is no saint- she at least has a competent record of achievement and can harness experts who will advise her realistically on choices. She won't make America great again but unlike Donald Trump she won't destroy it either.


Trump is playing a very dangerous game trying to use the illusion that since the election is 'fixed' he can't win. All 50 States have various election rules and ways of running and tallying elections as well as oversight by both political parties. It would be virtually impossible for any one group to be able to 'fix' an election.  The rules on getting nominated and becoming a candidate are much different and are definitely controlled by big money and these need to be changed but the actual election itself is not fixed and Trump knows it. Donald needs to get over it- he is losing because he is a poor candidate- with no plan- and the people do not want him.


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As an English bystander , to me Trumps lack of control over his mouth has buried him..If he cannot control his mouth to obtain the BIG job then what will happen if he has the BIG job....

His party put forward a guy with mega cash and a bad mouth....It wasn't a wise move...It seems..

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Here is an article from Richard Branson meeting DT. Branson stated that DT is planning to spend the rest of his life trying to destroy five individuals that refused to help DT after one of his bankruptcies. Yeah, that is the kind of vindictive person that should be in the White House.




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