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Any 40-50 baht meals with air con on 2nd Rd


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I see this from a different perspective.


You can be as cheap as you like OP, but if you don't put good food in your body, sooner or later, and probably both, you're going to be unwell.


Would you fuel your car with substandard fuel, <90 octane instead of 97, knowing that as a consequence you will have engine problems down the track?


Cheap food, cheap ingredients, insufficient protein, too much fat, salt and sugar, is a recipe for sickness.



Edited by F4UCorsair
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Your question reminded me of a time in a past life when I used to drive a Taxi. I come from a not too hot country so cars only had heaters,  no A/Cs. A young lady got in with a boyfriend,  she had just come back from  a Continental holiday (overheard her boasting to him) "Driver".. she shouted to me...  "Will you put on the A/C"....."sure"...  I said.... and duly opened all the windows. 

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4 hours ago, BruceMangosteen said:

The take away food offered upstairs at Bic C Extra on Central/Klang is your best option. A salad bar as well. You buy your food up there, then go down to the food court and grab a plate(don't ask, just take it) and some silverware. There is free filtered water as well, not sure about cups. You could buy a bottle of chilled water up there as well. Overall a great experience and a diverse set of options upstairs, much less expensive than the counters in the food court itself. No more free tissues so bring your own. They found out the hard way, when you give/offer something like tissues for free you end up wiping ever hand, nose, and *&^% in Pattaya so stopped the service. There are several, both farang and Thai's, who cruise around looking for leftovers so don't be put off by them, it's just food for goodness sakes...

One point about the food court.    They still offer free tissues.    It's true they removed them from the tables but they moved them to the cashier desk, where you buy the card.   They are in a dispenser next to the toothpicks.      Also,cups are availabel at the water dispenser.

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On 23/10/2559 at 10:02 PM, OMGImInPattaya said:

If you don't mind the trek to Harbor Mall next to Foodland, the pre-cooked Thai and farang foods at the Max Value market are in your price range (and even cheaper...the thai "pork" omelette over rice is 20 baht I believe and tasty it is as I've scarffed down a few ). There is also an air-con seating area provided,  which may even have a free water dispenser (not 100% sure on that last point). Enjoy your stay in Pattaya.

Hot water and microwave is provided... and after they become stale/close to the expiry things get discounted first to 30% and then 50%

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2 hours ago, onemorechang said:

That's funny thought he said Fans or Ac in the Op.

but i could be wrong :whistling:


BTW The malls are mostly Ac.


Think its funny how some people are getting so bent out of shape over the Op question.

Amazing  Ex-pats of Pattaya.


I don't know about the bent out of shape part but he sure made my day. Must go get a tissue the tears are rolling down my cheeks from laughing. It would be nice if the poster kept in touch when his next crisis arises it should be a doozie. The gift that just keeps on giving. 

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On 10/23/2016 at 11:41 PM, siam2007 said:

I can't believe some reputable members making such miserable and arrogant comments here.

What's wrong with eating at 40-50 Baht places? I love food courts, as they are inexpensive and mostly clean, they offer a large variety of food, plus you clearly see what you get beforehand. That does not mean I don't enjoy some more expensive Farang food or even a buffet once in a while too, but that is my own decision. If people prefer or have to eat at such 40-50 Baht places permanently - it is their life, after all, and every life situation is different



I have to agree completely with siam2007  i eat at Brunos 2800++ wine dinners when i feel like it and i eat at central food mart kow mon gai at 40 baht when i feel like it. and i feel very fortunate that life has treated so well and ive been so lucky that i have choices like this,,, and a year back i along with freinds we set out to eat for less than 60 baht a meal for a month and we did it enjoyed it and tasted new foods.. its better t eat 40-50 baht meals but enjoy life everyday rather than have everything and be as miserable as some who post here


i think we should start rating these angry rants as follow

1, just having a bad day

2, angry from birth

3, A-hole

4, super A-hole sc*mbang farang

5, just kill yourself no reason to keep on living if your this angry


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Kiss food restaurant is your best bet, no aircon but just sit under the fan, certainly not going to kill you...
Aircon restaurants for 40-50 baht will only exist if your eating in BIG C or a food court im afraid, Electricity has gone up a lot over the last 12 years here, so you will have to improvise...

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In the Festival Mall,  there is a hard to find place where mostly staff eat at...Between the first and second floor in the parking garage, there is a door...Cheap food, 30-50 baht...Has air cond. ... Sorry I can't give better directions but ask a Thai staff and they will know ... I'm not sure they want a lot of Farangs eating there .. I went there with my Thai g/f  when she was working at the mall ...

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1 hour ago, how241 said:

In the Festival Mall,  there is a hard to find place where mostly staff eat at...Between the first and second floor in the parking garage, there is a door...Cheap food, 30-50 baht...Has air cond. ... Sorry I can't give better directions but ask a Thai staff and they will know ... I'm not sure they want a lot of Farangs eating there .. I went there with my Thai g/f  when she was working at the mall ...


That's a good find! You can see it on the left on the first couple of landings as you drive up to the carpark, you can walk out of the Hilton hotel entrance and go up the carpark, or go to the lowest level in the mall that has access to the carpark, FL3 I think and walk down the carpark's stair 

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4 hours ago, digbeth said:

If you don't mind the trek to Harbor Mall next to Foodland, the pre-cooked Thai and farang foods at the Max Value market are in your price range (and even cheaper...the thai "pork" omelette over rice is 20 baht I believe and tasty it is as I've scarffed down a few ). There is also an air-con seating area provided,  which may even have a free water dispenser (not 100% sure on that last point). Enjoy your stay in Pattaya.

Another good find...I will try this one next time I am cruising around the harbor Mall.  Thanks for sharing.

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2 hours ago, how241 said:

In the Festival Mall,  there is a hard to find place where mostly staff eat at...Between the first and second floor in the parking garage, there is a door...Cheap food, 30-50 baht...Has air cond. ... Sorry I can't give better directions but ask a Thai staff and they will know ... I'm not sure they want a lot of Farangs eating there .. I went there with my Thai g/f  when she was working at the mall ...


I went there once , just to have a look , but I got some strange stares back from the locals that put me off so I turned around. 




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8 minutes ago, balo said:


I went there once , just to have a look , but I got some strange stares back from the locals that put me off so I turned around. 




Yes,  really only Thai's eat there with the occasional Thai g/f  and her farang.

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When I was working in Bangkok most days I would go to the local food place with my Thai workmates and eat Thai food. No fan and no A.C. but plenty of free tap water. Tho if I had 2 eggs my bill went up from 40 to 50 baht.

I would also eat out in an AC restaurant  with my Canadian college from time to time paying 300 baht for 2 sandwiches, and 40 baht for a coke.

I much preferred the Thai place to the sandwich shop, price was not a problem at either.

I think some people just like to think themselves far and above the average person.

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I found the food place on the westmost side of the parking garage, floor 2.


The interesting thing is they are open a full 3 hours before Central Festival.






Knowing how the Thai brain works, they will be uncomfortable serving a foreigner while the mall is closed. We'll see what happens!

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14 minutes ago, Hal65 said:

I found the food place on the westmost side of the parking garage, floor 2.


The interesting thing is they are open a full 3 hours before Central Festival.


Knowing how the Thai brain works, they will be uncomfortable serving a foreigner while the mall is closed. We'll see what happens!


Would you even be able to get in to park your car / motocy at 8am?

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I coach kids football where I live . Last week 4 of the kids (including my son) needed to be dropped home , well the first to be dropped back lived in a slightly different part of town , I pulled up at his home it was a trailer, in a trailer park (let me also say his family are lovelyhard working people) the other 3 kids (including my son ) began to laugh at how small his home was .... let me tell you something , I have never in my life been so embarrassed ! To think my own son and his friends could be so mean ! I dressed them all down about being so lucky in life and being born into privalidged circumstances . They understood what I said and after felt equally embarrassed .... these kids are all 8 years old some of you older farangs should really know better . How do we expect the world to become a better place when all you do is look down on people ?? Grow up

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I put on my game face today preparing for a wave of stares and "&lt;deleted&gt; is HE doing here reactions," and encountered none at the secret cafeteria. It had the lowest prices I've seen anywhere.








I had a chicken rice with egg for 35 baht and then a green tea (sweetened) for 15 more. This place was a great find and I thank the earlier posters for sharing!

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