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Lost my passport with NonB visa & Workpermit

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Hi I lost my Passport with valid NonB visa and Valid work permit few days a go, My work permit needs to be renewed on 26th November 2016 and NON B visa within 16th December 2016... I am not sure if my visa can be transferred to my new passport when I get it replaced. Secondly am not sure if I am allowed to stay in the country until I get my passport replaced because my embassy don't issue passport here so I will have to wait more than couple of weeks?  I plan to report to Immigration on Tuesday as its National Holiday tomorrow... Please kindly help me if anyone got some info on this...


Many thanks in advance 




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Assuming you have an extension of stay (not a visa) based on work that expires on December 16th ....

  • You need to report the lost passport to the police.
  • Your current permission to stay remains valid until Dec 16th so you don't need to leave the country.
  • Once you have the new passport/police report Immigration will stamp the new passport with permission to stay until Dec 16th.
  • Visas are never transferred, only the permit to stay from the original entry or subsequent extension of stay are.
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29 minutes ago, elviajero said:

Assuming you have an extension of stay (not a visa) based on work that expires on December 16th ....

  • You need to report the lost passport to the police.
  • Your current permission to stay remains valid until Dec 16th so you don't need to leave the country.
  • Once you have the new passport/police report Immigration will stamp the new passport with permission to stay until Dec 16th.
  • Visas are never transferred, only the permit to stay from the original entry or subsequent extension of stay are.

first of all thank you so much for your answer, really helped.Thank you. Yes I got my NonB 2 years a go and have been on extension and the same expires on December 16th. Good to know that I didn't have to leave the country.


Thank you so much..



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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

If your country doesnt issue passports here  , wont you have to go back home to get a new PP ?

Good question but no I don't have to, I got it replaced once without having to do back only thing is it takes quite a time and thats my concern if I don't get it before my visa expires.. 

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1 minute ago, Tim1980 said:

Good question but no I don't have to, I got it replaced once without having to do back only thing is it takes quite a time and thats my concern if I don't get it before my visa expires.. 


   What Country are you from, UK PP takes about 3 weeks to arrive after application

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If your replacement passport does not arrive before November 26, extending the work permit might be a problem (not sure of this). If the work permit lapses, then your extension of stay is canceled, and you would then be on overstay.

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"couple of weeks" is a vague term. I believe you need a valid passport to apply for the renewal of your work permit even though the Department of Employment (DOE) makes no entry in your passport.


If your country's embassy or consulate cannot assure you delivery of your new passport not later than 24 November for the transfer of stamps at immigration and the submission of your application for the work permit on 25 November you have to get an emergency passport for this purpose.


You do not have to travel abroad to get all this settled. Just report the loss of the two documents to your local police station, which will give you a copy of the report. Make your own copies of it for your consulate, immigration and the DOE. Even if you or your employer do not have copies of your old passport and work permit, immigration will be able to note details of your original visa in your new passport and and enter copies of your latest arrival stamp and extension of stay in it, and subsequently the DOE will accept your new application for the work permit.

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12 hours ago, elviajero said:

Assuming you have an extension of stay (not a visa) based on work that expires on December 16th ....

  • You need to report the lost passport to the police.
  • Your current permission to stay remains valid until Dec 16th so you don't need to leave the country.
  • Once you have the new passport/police report Immigration will stamp the new passport with permission to stay until Dec 16th.
  • Visas are never transferred, only the permit to stay from the original entry or subsequent extension of stay are.


12 hours ago, elviajero said:

Assuming you have an extension of stay (not a visa) based on work that expires on December 16th ....

  • You need to report the lost passport to the police.
  • Your current permission to stay remains valid until Dec 16th so you don't need to leave the country.
  • Once you have the new passport/police report Immigration will stamp the new passport with permission to stay until Dec 16th.
  • Visas are never transferred, only the permit to stay from the original entry or subsequent extension of stay are.



Just a question please. So your saying in any passport even a replacement passport. That was not lost. VISA can not be transferred ? 

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10 minutes ago, performance said:




Just a question please. So your saying in any passport even a replacement passport. That was not lost. VISA can not be transferred ? 

A visa from an embassy or consulate cannot be transferred. If you have a valid multiple entry visa you have to use both passports on entry to the country to use the visa for entry.

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Thanks to all of you for helping me get the answer, me and my wife and our friends have been searching for my passport and work permit for last 3 days and finally we got it now :) It was in my in office van in which I travelled week a go, crazy I have forgotten them along with my jacket and funny thing is no one has used the Van ever since I travelled. 


Since my renewal time is very close I was very scared if I don't get the replacement on time but now am relived.. Once again thanks to all of you, though I am not in here often I have always got helped several times when I had questions..






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15 hours ago, sanemax said:

If your country doesnt issue passports here  , wont you have to go back home to get a new PP ?


14 hours ago, Tim1980 said:

Good question but no I don't have to, I got it replaced once without having to do back only thing is it takes quite a time and thats my concern if I don't get it before my visa expires.. 


Tim, I hope your previous replacement was because the passport was expiring. If not, you need to take stock of yourself. It is extremely irresponsible to lose a passport and your Country's Department of State take a pretty grim view of it. I guarantee you that. Keep it in a safe place and take photos of all the legal pages including your TM 8. (I actually recommend having a photo of every page and kept in a safe place). Keep copies of the legal pages on your phone and back-ups in a safe place at work or home. The same goes for your work permit.


Good luck and I'm glad to read you found them.

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20 hours ago, Tim1980 said:

Good question but no I don't have to, I got it replaced once without having to do back only thing is it takes quite a time and thats my concern if I don't get it before my visa expires.. 

How do you go anywhere, without a passport. This does not make sense to me.

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31 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

But the OP wasn't talking about going abroad even if he needed to replace the 'lost' passport that he has already found.


31 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

But the OP wasn't talking about going abroad even if he needed to replace the 'lost' passport that he has already found.


   I posted in post number 4 about him going abroad and it followed on from that

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13 hours ago, NanLaew said:

I went shopping at Central with the wife today and left my passport at home. Am I missing something?


12 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Yes, and the OP explained why this was not an option in post #5.


I guess bark was speed reading again.


If I am within Bangkok I usually carry only the copy of my passport and work permit and though I have been here for last 9 years nobody asked me to show my passport. But my recent duty was outside BKK so I carried them with me and thats when I forgot them with my jacket in the Van. I thank God it was company Van :) otherwise like I mentioned above my renewal of work permit and visa extension are fast approaching. 


Now I am going to be super careful as I learned the hard way, I had to spend 2 sleepless nights worried.  I have taken #AgMech Cowboy advice in to account.


Rest might also want to take AgMech Cowboy advice :


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