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where to watch election result nov 9th?

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3 hours ago, Suradit69 said:


Even more alarming, this ongoing debacle (that is unlikely to end with the election) seems to have put paid to the notion that the American political process is a minutely flawed thing of beauty to behold when viewed through layers of gauze. Of course we all knew that was nonsense, but we struggled to maintain a blissful state of denial. 


I've watched US elections through many cycles and have always been amazed at what a circus they are and how long it goes. Thank god in the UK it only lasts a month or 2 and on election day the winner is the PM and moves into number 10 almost immediately the result is know.


In the US  it's a circus for almost 2 years, but this year's presidential election has been a spectacular extravaganza, and it won't even finish on November 9th, then we will have to endure the Hillary alleged criminal charges.  Whether she wins or loses the circus will continue for months, maybe even years given the slow speed of US legal system.




4 hours ago, likeke said:

CNN anywhere. If you don't have access to CNN or a TV, then visit the only American bar in Bangkok, The Tavern on Soi 4. I am sure they will have live coverage of some kind. I voted for Hiliary. Trump is a complete phony, and we will go backwards to the time when women couldn't vote, and racism was rampant. Mark my word, it will be the worst possible thing for America. You think Brexit was bad!


Who says Brexit was bad. Much to many foks surprise the UK economy is not as bad as had been predicted --->  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/11/03/brexit-has-not-crushed-the-economy-but-the-uk-is-not-out-of-the/


Apologies Mods for going so off topic.

21 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Nah, give the USA back to it's rightful owners...........................the British.


But how would the British pay the 20 Trillion dollar debt ...... 

53 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


Who says Brexit was bad. Much to many foks surprise the UK economy is not as bad as had been predicted --->  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/11/03/brexit-has-not-crushed-the-economy-but-the-uk-is-not-out-of-the/


Apologies Mods for going so off topic.

"  Much to many foks surprise the UK economy is not as bad as had been predicted - "

The "foks" may be surprised, but they haven't actually exited yet.

On October 26, 2016 at 5:42 PM, Jingthing said:

It's too early in the morning for a gathering. 

Also, soon after the polls close, they'll have the east coast results, especially FLORIDA, and the winner will be declared BIGLY quick. 


Not If Trump wins a few early swing states,  It will drag on then.

22 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Fox News also

Me too.  Will be fun to watch the FNC water carriers for Trump.  Spin, spin, spin.   Maybe Carl Rove will declare 'Victory!'  right out of the box...again.

18 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Nah, give the USA back to it's rightful owners...........................the British.

found this, you cant beat british humor


LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—In an unexpected televised address on Saturday, Queen Elizabeth II offered to restore British rule over the United States of America.

Addressing the American people from her office in Buckingham Palace, the Queen said that she was making the offer “in recognition of the desperate situation you now find yourselves in.”

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with the best of intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t end well,” she said.

The Queen urged Americans to write in her name on Election Day, after which the transition to British rule could begin “with a minimum of bother.”

Elizabeth acknowledged that, in the wake of Brexit, Americans might justifiably be alarmed about being governed by the British parliamentary system, but she reassured them, “Parliament would play no role in this deal. This would be an old-school monarchy. Just me, and then, assuming you’d rather not have Charles, we could go straight to William and those children of his who have mesmerized you so.”

Using the closing moments of her speech to tout her credentials, the Queen made it clear that she has never used e-mail and has only had sex with one person “very occasionally.”

1 hour ago, huuwi said:

found this, you cant beat british humor


LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—In an unexpected televised address on Saturday, Queen Elizabeth II offered to restore British rule over the United States of America.

Addressing the American people from her office in Buckingham Palace, the Queen said that she was making the offer “in recognition of the desperate situation you now find yourselves in.”

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with the best of intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t end well,” she said.

The Queen urged Americans to write in her name on Election Day, after which the transition to British rule could begin “with a minimum of bother.”

Elizabeth acknowledged that, in the wake of Brexit, Americans might justifiably be alarmed about being governed by the British parliamentary system, but she reassured them, “Parliament would play no role in this deal. This would be an old-school monarchy. Just me, and then, assuming you’d rather not have Charles, we could go straight to William and those children of his who have mesmerized you so.”

Using the closing moments of her speech to tout her credentials, the Queen made it clear that she has never used e-mail and has only had sex with one person “very occasionally.”

Written by an American, but really funny.


More of a amusing sideshow every day, will it ever end

Its the pot calling the kettle black if you know what i mean


They need someone to do something about their economy

They cannot just keep printing money with nothing to cover its 

value, politicians in all their wisdom decided countries do not

need gold reserves to cover the value of the currencies in

1979/1980 and the USA now has a massive debt as some

other developed countries do as well, owed mainly to asian countries


How long will the USA be the only superpower, not long the

way they are going unless they can keep the jobs in their country

and pay a wage/salary which allows people to have a decent 

standard of living, and who promises to do this without raising

taxes, personally i do not care about the rise and fall of the American

economy, but it effects the whole world and all of us in the end


I have been following the USA election process as it gives a glimpse of what USA currently represents. What kind of ideologies people have etc.


Now I have reached supersaturation point. I feel physically ill, when ever I hear the whiney voice complaining, complaining and never offering real life solutions. Fortunately the mess is soon over. 


USA and the world will miss Obama dearly once he is gone.


24 minutes ago, watcharacters said:

This is a sad election year.


I fully agree.


When Obama was elected I was full of hope for the USA. I thought that race relations would improve. But look at what happened. So much for hope and change.


Hillary offers no hope or change and Trump declares 'take a chance'. As we say in the UK - Hobson's choice.


For our US cousins ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobson's_choice

On 11/5/2016 at 1:58 PM, LivinginKata said:

Trump declares 'take a chance'.


Hitler said pretty much the same things as Trump in the 1930s and that didn't work out too well.


The aussie pub in rawai will have the tv's on the election starting at noon


Canadian immigration website has crashed. 


The new national anthem of the United States of Stupidity: Another Brick in the Wall


On 11/4/2016 at 1:49 PM, LivinginKata said:


But how would the British pay the 20 Trillion dollar debt ...... 

Add it to their own debt and give the UK to the Chinese to settle the total debt

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