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Five die in horror smash on their way to a funeral


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49 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I've been fined a couple of times for speeding having supposedly gone through a radar beam although I was never always sure about that and paid at the roadside stall set up next to the roadblock where offenders were stopped.

However I have to say in all my time here I've never see a police MOBILE patrol of any description pull a vehicle over and on the highway it's common to see vehicles overtake patrol cars.


if you live in the outskirt of Bangkok, you will see mobile patrol pulling over large trucks. But yes they never pull cars over even though cars are speeding past them

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32 minutes ago, Borzandy said:

" The driver of the van, Ong-Art Sattham, 45, and the driver of the pick-up Den Duang Nilaphan, 35, both survived " it's a shame.



It's a shame that the pickup driver couldn't make place for a speeding van?



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13 minutes ago, cumgranosalum said:

..and there you haveit1 Road safety in Thailand is very, very poor, but it is not just down to Thai driving - there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than in any other country, it's just that here they get away with it.

Judging by the comments on TV on road safety I'd classify most farang drivers here in the very lowest category of skill development.



Oh come on ...I know from previous posts of yours, that you are smarter than this!  Not trying to insult all Thai intelligence, but clearly they are stupid drivers for many reasons, but their lack of critical thinking skills and being able to logically reason through a problem is to blame for things like when they ALL decide that going through blind curves, hills, etc is the better choice, rather than NOT going through them, etc.  Their belief that life and safety doesn't really matter because it is all fated and what will be, will be, is another truly stupid issue which  causes many problems all around Thailand and the roads each minute of the day and night. Are you going to tell me that you think that is intelligent and the same in every other country?



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Had an utter MORON inches behind me last night flashing me up on a pitch black road, nothing that unusual of course, but in the lane where he wanted me to move into there was a car parallel to him so he would have known that I woud have had to cut infront of that car to let him by. I felt like beating him to death.

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33 minutes ago, cumgranosalum said:

..and there you haveit1 Road safety in Thailand is very, very poor, but it is not just down to Thai driving - there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than in any other country, it's just that here they get away with it.

Judging by the comments on TV on road safety I'd classify most farang drivers here in the very lowest category of skill development.




Agree. Always have thought that, Thai's can drive alright, it's just that they are lazy and don't care, not all of them though of course.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

In all of the years I have spent ininThailand I have never once witnessed a policeman issuing a speeding ticket. Where is the deterrent, other than your desire to protect those you have been entrusted to protect? Or your desire to see that your family members make it to their next birthday? Or just basic decency and respect for others?


That's Interesging SM.  I've never seen a cop handing out a speeding tic ket In Australia, but I'm sure It happens.

Different technology/techniques here, e.g., speed cameras and radar guns, remove a lot of cops from the roads.

Thailand really needs to get on topof speeding and traffic violations.


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i popped down to my 7/11 the other night turned the corner and nearly got knocked down by a cop on a scooter on the pavement, who then proceeded to drive up the busy RAMA 4 dual carriageway against oncoming traffic, there is just no hope here, if this <deleted> can ride like that

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1 hour ago, Gerard052 said:

Do you drive a car?  Many times when I drove to the wife's village they have road blocks and being a farang get stopped, they give me a lecture, telling me that I was speeding even though they don't have a radar.  I always have 200 bahts at the ready, they put it in their pocket and let me go.  There is no sense arguing.  Amazing Thailand.


Actually you can argue as I have done once, (nicely), sorry officer, the other guy behind me too close, I have child in car, if I brake for red light, he would hit me, I drove through red light with caution, there was no other cars at lights, otherwise I would have to stop and get hit from behind, I am a very careful driver because have children, oh, ok then, you pay half fine them, but be careful next time, so 400 baht for going through red light in the middle of no where on a main drag (freeway) if you like, reduced to 200 baht was worth the nice argument, as it paid for lunch, but have had others who don't give a rats. You speeding, no I wasn't, cruise control set at 79 in an 80k zone, oh ok then, you in wrong lane then, pay 400 baht in tent, dipstick, what goes around, comes around, I then screwed the TV salesman 400 baht on the new TV I was heading too to buy, F-that 555 

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We can make all of the comments we want, cite all of personal experiences but none of them really  matter other than to clear our own heads for awhile. I have no solutions because the road habits start from the very young when 9 year olds, with friends ride the roads on bikes. Perhaps they "snuck" the bikes out but perhaps the parents/guardians say "mai pen .......". Police see it, authorities know about it, do nothing. IMO, even when someone in the immediate family is involved things don't change for long. Drivers have a very selfish perspective(for the majority) of road etiquette, read that as safety. My transportation is motorbike 99 percent of the time. Survival has mainly been due to being taught properly whether through parents, school or occupation as to what it means to operate a motor vehicle properly. Not new here so I'm not thinking that anything will change before my use bye date rolls around.

Condolences to the deceased no matter who says what in the "inquiry".

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RIP to the unfortunate souls, as for checkpoints yes they do have them and they make up offences as they go.


I was with a mate, travelling to Korat from BKK, he got pulled over, the reason ? The officer said the film on the windscreen was to dark and he couldn't see properly who was driving, at the time the said officer was wearing a helmet, mirrored sunglasses & a white face mask, my mate told him he must be joking as we couldn't see him either and drove off.  

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

In all of the years I have spent in Thailand I have never once witnessed a policeman issuing a speeding ticket. Where is the deterrent, other than your desire to protect those you have been entrusted to protect? Or your desire to see that your family members make it to their next birthday? Or just basic decency and respect for others?

I certainly have, numerous times.

The problems seem to stem from a combination of factors. Attitudes, poor driving skills, impatience and little desire or enforcement to follow road and driving regulations. Now we have more funerals that have to be attended.

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2 hours ago, Kabula said:

The BTS and MRT look more appealing after reading about all the horrific, highway accidents.

I'd say that comment was a bit Bangkokcentric, wouldn't you?.

This accident happened many miles from the nice shiny, safe, trains in Bangkok.

For those of us that live outside Bangkok, if you don't have your own vehicle, sometimes these vans and / or pickups are the only available transportation. In the report I read on another site,  a pickup truck that was loaded to capacity with a family, heading for a funeral in Sa Kaeo, from Buriram, collided head on with a passenger van that was trying to overtake another vehicle.

Out in the country, miles from anywhere, these things can and do happen all too frequently. It is always driver error in one way or another, although many blame the weather. Just another day on Thai roads.



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2 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

..and there you haveit1 Road safety in Thailand is very, very poor, but it is not just down to Thai driving - there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than in any other country, it's just that here they get away with it.

Judging by the comments on TV on road safety I'd classify most farang drivers here in the very lowest category of skill development.



Do you say these things because they make you feel good? You are wrong on both counts. Westerners have to take strict driving tests which thoroughly test them. Have you ever taken a Thai driving test? I have and it's an absolute disgrace.

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5 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

The BP reported the van was overtaking another vehicle when the head on crash occurred. Evidently the flashing of the headlights didn't work. RIP the deceased.

Yep.   Not surprised.  Have seen it many times.  Pass illegally, or pass with no attention paid to if there is enough room or time.   Relative head on velocity collision of > 100 MPH.

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Hey Cum,


i guess you you have never driven in a western country? You have no idea what you are talking about....


driving is is a learned behavior and westerners understand if you do unsafe behaviors on the road you will lose your license pay heft fines etc


thai gov does not take driving seriously - results prove this so...drivers here are uneducated on the rules, go thru no rigors of training learning instinct and how to drive and understanding road conditions...


what Thais see on the road they think is normal driving - far from it


tailgating turning from center lanes not using signals passing on solid yellow lines going the wrong way constant speeding driving in the emergency lane turning from a side road into the fast lane no understanding of right of way for pedestrians bicycles dogs excessive slow drivers illegal vehicles driving with parking lights how to merge into traffic flashing ones lights means go ahead not I am an arrogant as...ho....coming through and on and on...


you and 95% of drivers here probably couldn't answer the simple question of what is the purpose of a speed limit?


and no, it's not to exceed a posted speed....


answer the question....

Edited by cardinalblue
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32 minutes ago, teacherpaul said:

Do you say these things because they make you feel good? You are wrong on both counts. Westerners have to take strict driving tests which thoroughly test them. Have you ever taken a Thai driving test? I have and it's an absolute disgrace.



Yes, in the West the driving test is very comprehensive; however if the Western Drivers,I have seen driving in Thailand, ever drove the way they do here, back

in their Western Countries, they would be in jail!!  


Than you you have the segment of Western Drivers who have no respect for

any laws, . A bunch of drunks  whose family are glad they ran off to Thailand 

and were never worth a cent to their families, these are the worse drivers,

because they are half drunk on the roads.   So don't put everything on the

Thais, all the time!!!

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5 hours ago, kannot said:

97!!!  way to go.......

Had an idiot  right  up my  arse yesterday in single  file traffic, roadworks speed 80kmh,  looking for everyway to pass despite signs saying no overtaking and  bollards down the centre  line, could see the bogies up  his  nose he was that close.

Tug  of the handbrake had an effect for all of 5  minutes as the squealing of his  tyres echoed round me................they dont care and they dont learn.

Yesterday was pretty heavy rain here so I guess it  will be the rains fault anyones but the peanut brain behind the wheel

  hey you cant talk about peanuts that way!

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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

I'd say that comment was a bit Bangkokcentric, wouldn't you?.

This accident happened many miles from the nice shiny, safe, trains in Bangkok.

For those of us that live outside Bangkok, if you don't have your own vehicle, sometimes these vans and / or pickups are the only available transportation. In the report I read on another site,  a pickup truck that was loaded to capacity with a family, heading for a funeral in Sa Kaeo, from Buriram, collided head on with a passenger van that was trying to overtake another vehicle.

Out in the country, miles from anywhere, these things can and do happen all too frequently. It is always driver error in one way or another, although many blame the weather. Just another day on Thai roads.





 They just finished a new MRT and BTS in Sisaket and it's a real pleasure to travel with it. 

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

In all of the years I have spent in Thailand I have never once witnessed a policeman issuing a speeding ticket. Where is the deterrent, other than your desire to protect those you have been entrusted to protect? Or your desire to see that your family members make it to their next birthday? Or just basic decency and respect for others?


I quite  see cars every day on the Klong Rd that must be travelling well over 100k on a 60 k rd  and flashjing there lights at any in their path.

Impunity to speeding fines, wearing helmits also never enforced until an officer needs to go to Mc Donalds.

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