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Why so much criticism of Thailand?

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2 hours ago, Belzybob said:

To the OP's question:


Don't confuse TV BMs as a cross section of balanced normal people. That is probably very very far from the truth.

Thank you.

1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

As an American, I probably criticise my own country more than anyone and realize it is not the same country I was born in and loved. However, the OP is not accurate in his description. There is still much freedom in the US. One can say what is on one's mind without fear of anything. The problem is that much of what is said in the media is based upon how well it will sell products or program time and there are very few real journalists who check facts and provide real insight.America is what I call a materialist democracy,  now ruled by the wealthy for the wealthy.

There are so many things wrong in America that it will take another American revolution to fix it 


I came to Thailand many decades ago and have watched the country advance to a newly industrialised nation . This didn't happen because Thai people are lazy or without leadership. I try and avoid discussing with Thais things in the country that could and should be improved. After all, no one wants to hear criticism from a non Thai about their own country or how we do it in America. Thais love their country and it is really up to them how they want it to develop and what direction they move the country. One thing, I do hope is that they do not adapt failed systems from the West and try to make Thailand look like the West. America, the UK, Europe and Australia are all developed countries but this development has come at a price that many of its citizens believe is too great a price and seek real change.


Thailand is indeed a country that is incredibly difficult to understand unless you live here a long time. Most of us first came here with 'rose colored glasses'-everything is wonderful and the peple are always smiling. My wife told me decades ago that when I learned to speak Thai- I might not like what I heard. Actually, she was right. I found that Thai people are just like people everywhere most are good- others not so. The feeling that everything was always wonderful has been tempered a bit but my dealings with the Thai people which mostly have always been cordial, polite and without major incident.Sometimes, I hear comments that are offensive and irritating but not  as often as I have heard  them in my own country.If I heard these same comments in my own country I would most likely speak up- in Thailand I ignore them and walk on.Once one adapts to the local culture and mores life remains good in Thailand. I prefer my life here and do not miss the Western 'rat race'. Foreigners in Thailand will always complain about this and that but the reality is we just have to live with it.







Another educated gent summed it up brilliantly 555

4 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Again my point is Thailand's "social injustice" and crimes against humanity are nothing compared to those committed my country, the USA.  "Big Brother"  Sophomoric at best.


That's not a point.  That's your opinion.  Silly at best.

2 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

as an American,  i find i have much more freedom living here than back in my own country

But its also true Thailand is still 3rd world and personal safety is not high in the list.


no matter where u live u will find something to complain about, ( and many here on tv, thats all they do) :smile:

Agreed.  Personal safety is not the issue I present.  The issue is, using the USA comparison, Thailand is a "small timer" for dishing out death and destruction.

1 hour ago, upside said:

Funny how Thais wanna get out and farang wanna get in .


It's all about the money, money, money, Thai's have had the life but not the money, as my wife has always said to me before moving here, "falang have money, but no life", "Thai's have no money, but have life", hence the reason I am here living the life, but with the money 555, she also used to say to me before moving here, "your money is my money, and my money is my money", still haven't worked that one out yet ?

2 hours ago, Strange said:


Still is the greatest country in the world. We pay less tax per person than UK & AU, we can legally protect ourselves up to and including deadly force free of prosecution, our homes are out castles, our property is ours, we can shit talk the government publicly, criticize whatever we want, be whoever we want, just because you are a different race or ethnicity you are still american and protected by all the amendments and not "Farang" substandard people, roads are safer, 911 actually works.... 


Healthcare kinda sucks but jeez its not a deal breaker. 


Thailand is not better than the USA, but it has its benefits and coolness. Thailand is still third world, the USA is not. 


The newness will wear off and Thais will reveal themselves. Some are great, but a lot are not. 

The newness wore off a long time ago.  Been coming here since 1971.  If you think your rights are protected in America you must be just listening to Main Steam Media or living under a rock.

1 hour ago, joeyg said:

I thought it still was a super power?

 What is a super power though? I'm not sure.

 Are we talking about nuclear subs deployed everywhere with massive fire power. Or what?  

At this point I forget who said it but "WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones."


Yes USA still is a super power going in the wrong direction IMO.

A super power is what America is.

The USA is not just about nuc subs but nuc armed everything.

A majority American people again IMO are oblivious to what there government is doing and after WW3 what's left if any,  there won't be any WW4. 

2 minutes ago, joeyg said:

The newness wore off a long time ago.  Been coming here since 1971.  If you think your rights are protected in America you must be just listening to Main Steam Media or living under a rock.


And Thailand will allow you to protect yourself, allow you to own property and protect it? Protect your wealth? Sweet jesus man I get it you are over it, but be careful cause you are exposing yourself to some problems. 

1 minute ago, Kwasaki said:

Yes USA still is a super power going in the wrong direction IMO.

A super power is what America is.

The USA is not just about nuc subs but nuc armed everything.

A majority American people again IMO are oblivious to what there government is doing and after WW3 what's left if any,  there won't be any WW4. 


We are aware of Foreign Policy and how we look. Most of us don't like it either. Still don't make americans or america a bad place though

1 hour ago, Strange said:


Um, no. Not its not. Corruption is EXPECTED here. From cops, to teachers, government employees, everyone. Its literally expected on just about every level. People take jobs with fixed low incomes because they know that there is plenty of money to scam and pocket. I mean the school system here is a money grabbing joke. 

Sorry I disagree. And I believe you are seriously ill informed about the mega/global corruption in the USA and it's influence on the entire world.  If Thailand "disappeared" I wonder if it would be noticed?

1 hour ago, moonseeker said:


:clap2::clap2::clap2:  Could not agree more and hope I can make the big step and move to different shores soon, too. "Always smarter in hindsight". Let' see what this discussion provides & has coming...  & Good night! MS>


Sorry guys, I am an Aussie who couldn't wait to get out, in my opinion Thailand is much better suited for me with regard to the cost of living and holidaying around.


Never been one for politics, its all the same wherever you look, corruption is ripe everywhere as well, the tax payers are being shafted in every possible way.


If you had a million $ in an account back in Australia, you would earn $540 per week, could you live off that, I doubt it very much, but here, piss easy.


We drive on the same side of the road, infringement notices are cheap, no demerit system, drivers licence for 2 years $10, shopping centres, beaches, housing affordability, I could go on and on and on, Thailand ticks all the boxes for me, and if I want to go for a short overseas break, I can go to Australia for a week and see some mates, but they flock here every 3 months because its cheaper to holiday here than in Australia.


Each to their own 555  


I don't see people criticizing Thailand...I agree America (my country) is very <deleted!> up and getting worse exponentially...more freedom here for sure...why I choose to live here...Thailand is not a third-world country...definitely second- world...what the hell is a whinger, anyway???...ignorant people on here!...Jack

12 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Agreed.  Personal safety is not the issue I present.  The issue is, using the USA comparison, Thailand is a "small timer" for dishing out death and destruction.


This thread has little to do about Thailand.  It’s just a sophomoric attempt to ingratiate yourself with other USA haters, that can’t hack it there.  Death to America!

On 10/28/2016 at 7:42 PM, DSJPC said:

I don't see people criticizing Thailand...I agree America (my country) is very <deleted!> up and getting worse exponentially...more freedom here for sure...why I choose to live here...Thailand is not a third-world country...definitely second- world...what the hell is a whinger, anyway???...ignorant people on here!...Jack


Its a Pommy term, someone who is constantly complaining, like a Pommy, English man, opps 555

1 hour ago, impulse said:

Same reason guys bitch about their wives and women bitch about their husbands just before the divorce.


It takes a lot of soul searching to look at the mistakes I've made leading up to being miserable in any situation.  It's much more satisfying to blame external factors rather than just admit I've put myself in whatever situation.


And after the divorce, or the repatriation, the jagged edges mellow out.  Stay in that crappy marriage or bad situation and they stay jagged and raw.  Some of the long stay guys I've met here seem to be operating on that last frayed nerve in their body.

I never though of it in those terms.  I think an excellent observation.  I agree. Little scary but it adds a lot of clarity for me actually.

4 minutes ago, joeyg said:
1 hour ago, Strange said:

Um, no. Not its not. Corruption is EXPECTED here. From cops, to teachers, government employees, everyone. Its literally expected on just about every level. People take jobs with fixed low incomes because they know that there is plenty of money to scam and pocket. I mean the school system here is a money grabbing joke. 

Sorry I disagree. And I believe you are seriously ill informed about the mega/global corruption in the USA and it's influence on the entire world.  If Thailand "disappeared" I wonder if it would be noticed?


If WW3 happened right now, how safe is Thailand going to be for you with a US passport? 


If the US pissed off the world, how safe will you be in Thailand with your US passport? You think Thailand will harbor you? Keep you safe?


Most likely if the shit hit the fan like you believe, visa rules will change for us here in Thailand. They will not want us here. 


Im not ill informed, you don't even make any points. 

1 hour ago, Jane Dough said:

Here is someone who might benefit from taking a look at Mike Moore's Where to invade next? Mr Moore is a patriot who sees through the nonsense that you purvey. See how he counters your point about now taxes. Then you will see why the reality is that US citizens are amongst the poorest people in the "developed" world. 


But both America and Thailand have noble ideals. In some areas, however, they have come off the tracks. In differing ways law and its enorcement, is in both countries well messed up. 

Exactly.  Again Thailand's corruption and global influence is microscopic compared to other developed "1st world countries."  That's the point.

1 hour ago, Strange said:


You think I would say something like I said, and haven't done any reading about the subject? We got stuff to improve but I'm not about to watch a comedy-documentary like its oath.


"Poorest people in the developed world"? 


You think what I said was nonsense? Untrue? Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself. 


Mike Moore says we are the "Poorest people in the world" 


Seems Legit, Ill watch a documentary and be enlightened. 

Chew on this then and it's worse since this study was done.  http://www.marketwatch.com/story/most-americans-have-less-than-1000-in-savings-2015-10-06


Because they are scared, full of fear and unwilling to admit their country is a has been empire.


Scared people like to point the finger at something else to make themselves feel better. 

2 hours ago, impulse said:

Same reason guys bitch about their wives and women bitch about their husbands just before the divorce.


It takes a lot of soul searching to look at the mistakes I've made leading up to being miserable in any situation.  It's much more satisfying to blame external factors rather than just admit I've put myself in whatever situation.


And after the divorce, or the repatriation, the jagged edges mellow out.  Stay in that crappy marriage or bad situation and they stay jagged and raw.  Some of the long stay guys I've met here seem to be operating on that last frayed nerve in their body.


....and then there are the guys who came to Thailand dragging their own personal snail-trail of unhappiness and never quite forgiving Thailand for preventing them mutate into butterflies.

1 hour ago, Strange said:


You should be thanking the gods you were privileged enough to have a good career and life in the USA, and that it has provided you with the opportunity to retire/live in a foreign country, whilst shit talking it. 


If you think the middle class are crushed, there are other first world countries out there that pay more than we do and get less (aside from the healthcare issue) than we do, and hilariously, they don't even realize it. 


I agree with you, middle class gets screwed and illegals rewarded, but we have it better than a lot and you shouldn't take that for granted, my friend. 

Not shit talking the USA.  No one handed me anything.  Put myself through college and did it the old fashioned way with hard work #1, good bankers, accountant and attorneys.  Just using "my country" the USA as a comparison.  If you've got half a brain and willing to work hard, outside of bad luck, it's hard not to score.

 The question/point is the constant ragging on the "little guy" Thailand just seems like bullying and foolish. IMHO

56 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


You might as well throw Australia in as well, because it has gone to the dogs, and if you haven't been there, zip it 555

Yeah I know.  Was there in transit for a few days in 1972.  My buddies told me I had a great time... :smile:


23 minutes ago, DSJPC said:

I don't see people criticizing Thailand...I agree America (my country) is very fuxed up and getting worse exponentially...more freedom here for sure...why I choose to live here...Thailand is not a third-world country...definitely second- world...what the hell is a whinger, anyway???...ignorant people on here!...Jack

LOL!!! Yep good one man :smile:

16 minutes ago, Strange said:


We are aware of Foreign Policy and how we look. Most of us don't like it either. Still don't make americans or america a bad place though


I know no bad meeting some Americans that ride through my town :biggrin: I never said it's bad place IMO it's some of the Gov people in charge that are calling bad decisions like no fly zone in Syria, do they really think about what they are saying that could lead to war.

My son and daughter loved US holiday there arnd are going again, cause it's a big place. :biggrin:

32 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


Yes USA still is a super power going in the wrong direction IMO.

A super power is what America is.

The USA is not just about nuc subs but nuc armed everything.

A majority American people again IMO are oblivious to what there government is doing and after WW3 what's left if any,  there won't be any WW4. 

Now yer tawkin'!

5 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

The Thais are a lovely & benign people/culture - easy to accept & get along with.....The country holds a lot of beauty....This makes both an easy target for the whiney bitchers......


Would you include tuk-tuk drivers in the "lovely & benign" group? What do you think of the concept of the "Thai price" when buying any local produce for which farangs are charged double what the locals pay? Or how about entrance fees to national parks? In the images the 20 baht ticket was for my Thai girlfriend and 200 baht one was for me. So I had to pay 10x the price for the same amenities. And then there's the proposed tourist arrival tax to consider: http://www.ttrweekly.com/site/2016/01/proposed-tourist-tax-under-fire/


That said there are indeed many Thais who are amiable and easy to get along with but I wouldn't say they were all like that.





24 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Its a Pommy term, someone who is constantly complaining, like a Pommy, English man, opps 555


Which, sorry, reminds me of that Aussie joke 'How do you know it is a British plane that has just landed?' Answer: 'Because on landing, even after the engines are switched off, there is still a loud whining noise coming from inside the plane'.

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