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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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So at FBI now a rule is a rule, written or unwritten, until it isn't....


FBI Director James Comey’s decision “is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey, who is a Republican appointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections,” the New Yorker reports.


Said one former Justice Department official: “You don’t do this. It’s aberrational. It violates decades of practice.”


James Comey



New York Times: “The reaction was swift and damning, with Mrs. Clinton’s supporters and even some Republicans blasting Mr. Comey. Indeed, Mr. Comey, who was attacked this summer by Democrats and Republicans for both his decision not to bring charges against Mrs. Clinton and for the way he handled it, found himself in an even stronger crossfire on Friday.”



Greg Sargent: James Comey needs to clean up his mess.




There is an unwritten rule at the FBI that has been in effect for decades. It states that the agency will not make public unconfirmed information regarding in-process investigations when the disclosure could have an impact on an election. This rule is typically enforced anytime within sixty days of an election. For some unexplained reason, Comey chose to violate that rule.




The worst aspect of it is that Comey is communicating only with Republicans in the House. He is ignoring the Democrats on the committee who have yet to have any direct contact from Comey about this.


So it's pretty clear who's running the FBI now in the emails nonsense.

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Fact Checking Everything Trump and Clinton Said About the FBI's Email Review


"The FBI, after discovering new emails, is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton,"

Trump said in Lisbon, Maine, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Friday."



"This is not a reopening; as a technical matter, it was never closed. The FBI said they were reviewing emails

that "appear to be pertinent" to previous investigations into Clinton's use of a private email server, but noted

"the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant." 


"The FBI would never have reopened this case at this time if it were not a most egregious criminal offense,"

Trump said in Cedar Rapids, Iowa."

There is absolutely no evidence of this.




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Pence: Election about 'bigger things' than Clinton's 'small ethics'


Indiana Gov. Mike Pence responded to news that the FBI is reviewing new information about Hillary Clinton's emails

by posting on Twitter Friday that next month’s presidential election “is about bigger things than her small ethics.”



Indeed it is Gov.

Keeping the incompetent Bloviator out of the White House is #1. :thumbsup:

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16 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


I now hope Trump wins, I really do.


If it is true that you can judge a man's greatness by his enemies, he must have a lot going for him. What a collection of lying hypocrites the MSM and DNC are.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Joe Biden. Why else do you think he is saying that he will accept a Trump victory? 

I am astonished as to what you read in to things. All Biden said is that if Trump wins he will graciously reach out his hand as ALL competing politicians have always done at the end of a campaign, with the exception of Trump who says he will not accept the result. Are you so blinded by your Trump obsession and Hillary hatred that you can no longer read objectively?

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


If it is true that you can judge a man's greatness by his enemies, he must have a lot going for him. What a collection of lying hypocrites they are.

As usual you quoted one line out of a whole post. you omitted to quote me saying why?? You are disingenuous beyond belief.

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1 minute ago, elephant45 said:

What on earth does the avg person have to gain by voting in Hillary? Same old stuff will keep repeating itself.

I agree. If you're in favor of things like making abortion illegal again and  ZERO gun control, vote for trump.


Next ... 

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7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I am astonished as to what you read in to things. 


The day after the campaign is totally shaken up by new game changing information, Biden suddenly decides to say that he will accept it if Trump wins. Seems pretty obvious why he came out and said it. 

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45 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The day after the campaign is totally shaken up by new game changing information, Biden suddenly decides to say that he will accept it if Trump wins. Seems pretty obvious why he came out and said it. 


why wouldnt he accept it

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14 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Wrong. The dumbocrats should never have nominated Hillary to begin with. She has a multi decade history of dubious moral judgements, they only have themselves to blame

This is a bit of the Kettle calling the pot black

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57 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I think Hillary Clinton is handling this bombshell very, very well and although there will be some limited damage to he winning presidential campaign, it won't be fatal. 




It's already identifiable during the past 36 hours since Comey launched his Comey Coup with Republicans in the House that two things are beginning to occur among certain voters of each party.


The two new developments will impact the election decisively in certain states but they are a couple of the red states that had come in to play. Maybe a couple of swing states that are in the balance will now be settled to the benefit of Trump. Maybe.


First, a certain number of dispirited and otherwise depressed Republicans who'd given up on voting will now vote. The noise about HRC has aroused their hatred of her, plus they want to believe the new emails stuff gives Trump something of an opening to improve his chances. Specifically, ABC News/Washington Post Tracking Poll reported a couple of hours ago that presently 81% of registered Republicans said they will vote, compared to 75% who'd said that earlier in the week. (Trump needs 90% of 'em to even have a shot at winning.) So that's the basic what and why about this bunch of bananas.


Second, the right being stirred up and supercharged by this Comey Coup with Republicans in the House, are making Democrats who were complacent and lackadaisical about voting suddenly recognise they really have to be sure to vote to give HRC and the rest of us the win. Being smug about the Clinton name on the November ballot being an automatic winner is now too big a risk and many Democrats now know it. The Comey Coup with Republicans in the House is cold water in the face of many Democrats. So a certain number of Democrats too will go vote, same as a bunch of the Republicans who had given up on voting will vote.


One group may cancel the other but no one knows yet.


All the same, the few red states that had come in to play for HRC, namely Arizona, Georgia, Missouri -- each of which had been an Electoral College bonus for her, are likely to stay red, even if by a small margin. Texas too. More likely to do so, but it's no guarantee.


Ohio where Trump has had a consistent small lead will probably be his, which had been likely anyway. Florida with more votes by each side than existed yesterday will make Florida even more rousing and competitive.


Trump will probably close the deal in Iowa and Nevada too. North Carolina will be a focus for each campaign as the very red state has been consistently for HRC by 2 points to as many as 4 points recently. Red or blue, NC is a follower state, and tilting blue as it is fiercely doing, it is already following the national vote going to HRC. 


The only consequence which is of no consequence is that there likely will be some small downward adjustment in the anticipated bonus to the HRC Electoral College Vote that HRC never had from the start. The bottom line here is that the ECV will not change substantially or significantly because of this, nor will these presently occurring developments alter the outcome of the general election almost everyone anticipates and indeed expects.  


So we might look for the national polls to get a bit tighter by a couple of points round mid-week as Halloween transitions October into November. HRC might get her lead trimmed to 4 points or 5 points instead of her present 6 or 7 points over Trump. The dynamic to expect is that the national polls will show this little tightening first, while the state polls will show best any changes that may occur in individual states, and which states will not drift. State polls are very likely to continue to show that HRC's Electoral College base remains at or greater than 300-330.


And if none of this comes to pass, we would continue to be at 330 to 350 ECV's.  

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7 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:
9 hours ago, Publicus said:


FBI has lost it too in this crazy election campaign. Comey has taken FBI back to the dayze of J. Edgar Hoover....



Former DOJ spokesman for Eric Holder Matthew Miller, a self described “recovering flack from DOJ, DSCC”, schooled Republican FBI Director James Comey for violating his power and lambasted him for commenting on a case within 60 days of an election.


“The department and the FBI have very strict rules about when they can comment on ongoing cases and Director Comey has violated those rules going back to his original press conference when he closed the case,” Miller said on CNN.


James Comey's abuse of power

Photo published for James Comey’s abuse of power

James Comey violated time-honored Justice Department's practices with his remarks about Clinton's emails.  


“But this latest example violates a long standing practice which is that the department goes out of its way not to do anything that can be seen as trying to influence an election in the closing days of an election, and usually they interpret the closing days to be seen as the last 60 days let alone the last 11 days.”






Whatever happened to the FBI -- and DOJ -- policy to not comment on ongoing investigations. And political ones in particular with an election of the Potus a handful of days away. Looks definitely like the bureaucrat lawyer Comey does in fact want to become the most powerful figure in America.


FBI Dictator James Comey, the bigger they are the harder they fall. 



This aint about comey...its about crooked hillarys involvement in a criminal investigation that has not been completed...unfinished business y'know. 


Exactly. Comey the darling of the Left suddenly is the dictator devil incarnate. And to be fair, he who was scorned by the Right is now the courageous hero.


But Pub this is your biggest pivot so far on TVF.  Comey didn't have a rogue email set up, Hillary did. The blame falls fairly and squarely in her lap alone. Comey is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't before/after  the election in being seen to uphold the law in the face of the politicized DoJ Loretta Lynch

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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


Bernstein is his own best publicist. Always has been.


Said last year Trump is "fascism"


Google it: Bernstein says Trump is fascism." Bernstein just met himself on his way back again.


Perhaps he is being less partisan than you would like.

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7 minutes ago, Linzz said:


And to be fair, he who was scorned by the Right is now the courageous hero.



Not to me. He is just someone who realized he made a big mistake and is not going to make it again. He should have recommended a Grand Jury the first time.

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


Easy on the hysterics plse thx.


Just checked the odds in Vegas, London, Dublin....


Jimmy Vaccaro the 71 year old master of definitive odds in Vegas gives HRC 1-6 odds to win, or 85.7% probability. Jimmy gave his up-to-the-moment odds while on his way to his early voting in Nevada for Trump. Jimmy said: "It's possible for Trump to win -- 20% ain't great, but it's possible."




Apart from the excellent Bloomberg article on the USA election odds...


Wm. Hill in London continues to rate Clinton to win  -- at odds of 1-3 or 75%.


Paddy Power in Dublin has HRC at odds of 2-7 or 77.7% to win.


(Keep in mind Jimmy had Obama in 2012 at odds of 1-5 to win, or 83.6%.)



Winning Party:


Democratic Party has odds of 1-4 to win, or 80%

Republican Party has odds of 11-4 to win, or 26.6%




Winning gender, President of the United States, a first time ever category of odds making:


Female, 2-7 odds to win, or 88.8%


Male, 14-5 odds to win, or 26.3%



Super Important Note: It is seriously illegal in federal law to wager money on any kind of election in the United States. Do not attempt to wager money on this election, inside the United States -- or on any election of any kind ever inside the USA. It is a serious violation of very serious federal law to bet within the borders of the United States on any election in the United States, ever. Odds making in Las Vegas, Nevada, and in Atlantic City, New Jersey on the election of Potus are for purposes of general interest only.


Hope you're putting money in this then? I'm sure you still wouldn't. The out come of all this is still a great unknown

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Not to me. He is just someone who realized he made a big mistake and is not going to make it again. He should have recommended a Grand Jury the first time.


None of us have ever been in a position, nor we would we ever be, to determine whether there was enough evidence was ever present to constitute Probable Cause, which would have triggered Comey referral to the DOJ to convene a Grand Jury. However, knowing that Comey has a history of being a straight G-man, in spite of all the hollering on both sides, is strong indication that he never felt there was enough evidence of criminal wrongdoing to pursue the Grand Jury. Further, that Grand Jury is JUST THE START of whether there would be any indictment or not, and of course, even in the event they do indict, there would still have to be trial and conviction in order to call anyone criminal. Comey, to preserve his reputation, would not want to recommend an errant grand jury convention, that failed to return an indictment. He would have had egg on his face. So, let's be real and reasonable about Comey's actions to date.


Trumpsters and the the far right are so desperate, so rapid in their Hilary hate, they just do not and cannot understand the rational, well developed legal process of innocent until proven guilty.  It is a long road to prove someone criminally guilty.  


Having said the above, I still find it highly shocking that Comey would act in such an unorthodox, J. Edgar Hoover, King-maker role. It is out of character for him, and there has to be a back story about why he has done this highly irrational act (for him).  Either there is something glaringly criminal that would clearly constitute probable cause in those new emails, that would clearly result in a Grand Jury justification; or somebody in the GOP got to him with the guarantee of indemnity or threat of ruin; or he became drunk on his own power and has become J. Edgar II.


Very big drama, and it has made this election for sure, the most interesting one in modern history, in all respects.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


The day after the campaign is totally shaken up by new game changing information, Biden suddenly decides to say that he will accept it if Trump wins. Seems pretty obvious why he came out and said it. 

They are all throwing Crooked Hillary under the bus.. You notice that the Lamestream Media have all of a sudden backed off their fake polls and reporting the Clinton scandals?

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Another national poll? I'm not impressed. Get back to me when he starts climbing in all of these state polls - almost all of which he needs to have any hope of winning.
Source: electoral-vote.com

Save your breath, the mainstream polls are so rigged that HRC would no doubt receive a boost if she was filmed taking a flamethrower to a kindergarten class.

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Let's forget  allegations on both sides none of which have been proven. I would like someone to tell me 5 things President Trump will actually do that will make America great again. Any takers?

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Let's forget  allegations on both sides none of which have been proven. I would like someone to tell me 5 things President Trump will actually do that will make America greate again. Any takers?

I was particularly taken with the report of some Governor or other who was being interviewed about becoming Trump's running mate by Trump's son. The son told the prospect that he would be in charge of all domestic and foreign policy. He asked the son "So what will Donald be doing?" Answer: "He'll be making America great again"

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I think Hillary Clinton is handling this bombshell very, very well and although there will be some limited damage to he winning presidential campaign, it won't be fatal. 


I hope you're right, but I fear a Brexit-style "deplorable" vote :sad:

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48 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Gambling is illegal in Thailand, but if I were forced to speculate on a future event it would be Anonymous releasing the 33K missing emails, now that the FBI have reopened the investigation.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


not if we bet on how many months the loser has to stay off TV! what odds ya givin?


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