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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Comey is OB's problem, not HRC's problem. Comey's Coup changed radically the trajectory of the election in which both OB and HRC have the most profound interest.


OB has taken action to reverse Comey's intent to make more of the emails presently and going forward into a HRC presidency. However, the severe harm has been done to the Democratic Party in the voting nationally, both at the top of the ticket and down-ballot.


Comey and his Republican Party rightwingers in FBI have taken a likely 6 point or a possibly a 7 point HRC win to reduce it to a 3 or 4 point win. HRC and many of us had wanted the biggest possible thump of Trump while he got the Bum's Rush on election day, so that his howling about not accepting the result would have less impact on fewer people. 


While Republicans can be pleased about Comey's Coup in this election, each party does in fact see the longer term danger to both in Comey's Coup against the election and its normal and natural processes.  


Can't imagine HRC would or could brook even the thought of Comey in her administration. Rightwingers controlling FBI in league with rightwing media will not be left to continue either. Sooner or later next year.


As to OB, he saw his personal legacy being put at risk by Comey. OB also saw what can happen when a member of the opposition party gets appointed to a sensitive position of law enforcement, to include criminal law especially. And OB has seen how, Constitutionally, an agency head of the Executive Branch can throw himself in with his own Party in the Congress against the separation and balance of powers.


OB enabled this disaster in so many respects. He, HRC and just about everyone else know he's got to close it out forthwith.


Yes, Comey attempted his own coup, his own J Edgar Hoover II legacy; attempted to intervene for the GOP, and apparently largely succeeded, but after discovering his errant attempt would crucify him due to no new evidence being uncovered, in spite of what his enthusiastic underlings may have told him, he was forced to issue the statement today exonerating Clinton.


Comey is so dead.  Deader than disco.

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28 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Lol. the number of posts is just to your left, under your avatar, you didn't notice?

Not at all you do that very well on your own, especially scathing remarks to get a response. Kind of Trump like

As you prove

She ignored advice regarding security. She lied about what she received and sent on it. She deleted emails after they had been subpoenaed so it is obvious she was hiding stuff that would incriminate her. Her aids pleaded the 5th so as to not incriminate themselves. She didn't know what "C" meant. She had one device but actually had many. We do not know if she violated any national security yet.

But it won't make any difference to you because you will ignore it


Hillary's use of a private email server was not illegal. It went against Departmental policy but as Secretary of State, she has authority to set Departmental Policy. Your references to 'advice' is meaningless. Colin Powell advised her to use a private server.


Colin Powell’s advice to Hillary Clinton makes her private email server look like less of a scandal

Powell told Clinton in 2009, “I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without going through the State Department servers.”



As for the deleted emails, Politifact has ruled that she did not knowingly delete these emails to avoid the subpoena. It was done by a staff member acting on instructions issued before the subpoena was issued.


"Our ruling

Trump said, "You (Hillary Clinton) get a subpoena, and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 emails."

Clinton’s staff received a subpoena for Benghazi-related emails March 4. An employee managing her server deleted 33,000 of Clinton’s emails three weeks later.

The FBI found no evidence that the emails were deleted deliberately to avoid the subpoena or other requests. Clinton’s team requested for the emails to be deleted months before the subpoena came. They also argued that all the emails that would be relevant to the subpoena had already been turned over to the State Department."



As for pleading the fifth, since New Zealand doesn't have a Bill of Rights, it is not surprising that you fall for the innuendo and falsehoods spread by the alt right websites.


Pleading the Fifth Doesn’t Make You Guilty



The US legal system is complex and people have the right to not put themselves in legal jeopardy. Except of course if you are associated with Hillary Clinton. Then anything you do is suspect.


And for the 'c' classification, you have long experience in receiving classified US intelligence by email do you? If not, then your comments on what Hillary Clinton knew and didn't know can only be derived from other sources. Sources with an agenda. This is what happens when an outsider tries to be a participant in something about which they are ignorant and ill-informed.


"We don't know if she violated national security yet." Whose national security? New Zealands? Who are you to be talking about US National Security as if you know something about it. You don't.


"The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server found no evidence that her communications were hacked while she was secretary of state, but it made clear that “hostile actors” here and abroad could have done so."



Could have. Should have. Would have. No evidence of breaching US national security. In Comey's own words. In July 2016 and reiterated in November 2016.


Ignore your fabrications? Ignore your regurgitation of conspiracy theories and crazy allegations plagiarized from alt right websites created by people with an agenda. Perhaps people don't talk about these allegations in the way you want because they are made up, false, a bunch of lies and people recognize this. So they talk about things that they know are confirmed, such as Trump's own admission that he sexually assaults women; such as Trump's insulting Latinos, African Americans, LGBT people, war heroes and on and on and on. Even someone with fewer posts than you on a forum seemingly populated by sad old pensioners regretting their choice to stew in the flesh pots of Asia. You place some meaning in the small number of posts and by inference we are to attribute more credibility to you because you have more posts? It is quite clear that you have to have more than 45,000 posts to entitle you to the special treatment of rule bending in your favor. You have a long way to go.


Keep up the most counting. Keep talking about me on this thread. I do not mind at all.


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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I don't think HRC will fire Comey.  The damage to her campaign has already been done.  It lowered her numbers by about 4% for a few days, and then she regained half that, when reasonable people realized the news was only partisan speculation.   Plus, firing Comey would be fuel for the bonfire Republicans will be building to roast HRC's butt.  She won't give Reps that fuel.


Comey and the Russians/Wikileaks probably have much more dirt on Trump (than on HRC), but they're playing favorites.  Imagine if Comey released non-praising data on Trump.  Within a millisecond, Trump would be shouting from the rafters how horrible Comey is.  Trump's world is neatly divided into three groups:  Horrible people, wonderful people, and the masses who, because they aren't rich and famous, don't matter.


Clinton would be deliciously evil to not fire him, but to slowly and painfully emasculate him and his FBI Directorate position.  She will do so starting on inauguration day.

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4 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You have some authority to comment on moderation of TVF that the rest of us do not? Tell us, how do you get such privileges?


Rudy Giuliani Confirms FBI Insiders Leaked Information To The Trump Campaign



You don't believe what comes out of Giuliani's big mouth? I know you're a Brit and so probably don't have much understanding of America institutions and law but when Trump's most vocal surrogate confirms a cabal of right wing anti Hillary toads that are leaking information, you should pay attention.


The right wing fringe continues to try and convince us that words coming out of the mouths of these morons like Trump and Giuliani mean something other than what is clearly obvious.



Guiliani has been rightfully and completely discredited today by Comey's admission that Clinton has not committed any crime as disclosed by this Weiner email dump. Whatever FBI insiders Giuliani still knows are old school NYC hard corps J Edgar worshipers who were plotting this against Clinton. They are the ones who likely convinced Comey to write the letter to Congress that almost resulted in Trump being elected. 


Comey, after seeing that there is nothing there, had to issue the exonerating letter today to save his own frail skin. He will be soon summarily crucified anyway, by both Democrats and Republicans. Clinton will likely be remembered as Hilary the Impaler when referring to Comey.

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38 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Clinton would be deliciously evil to not fire him, but to slowly and painfully emasculate him and his FBI Directorate position.  She will do so starting on inauguration day.


Maybe Clinton will "promote" Comey to a US Ambassador position at some place real nice. Hmm, let's say make him the US Ambassador for Kyrgyzstan or Djibouti. That should do nicely.

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


Maybe Clinton will "promote" Comey to a US Ambassador position at some place real nice. Hmm, let's say make him the US Ambassador for Kyrgyzstan or Djibouti. That should do nicely.


I'm sure that she and Bill will spend considerable leisure time sipping wine and cognac mulling over all the possible ways they can torture, embarrass and skin alive this J Edgar wannabe.

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10 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


I'm sure that she and Bill will spend considerable leisure time sipping wine and cognac mulling over all the possible ways they can torture, embarrass and skin alive this J Edgar wannabe.


I can see why Coomey was in a difficult position if his staff were leaking information to Giuliani et al.

It's up to him to sort that out if he wants to keep his job and stay out of prison.

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4 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I can see why Coomey was in a difficult position if his staff were leaking information to Giuliani et al.

It's up to him to sort that out if he wants to keep his job and stay out of prison.


I referenced Vlad the Impaler in another post, and how Hilary will and should do this type of slow death to Comey now. Vlad used to experiment on ways to prolong death through impalement so that the agony lasted as long as possible and the impaled victim died the most unimaginable slow death.


I'm sure Hilary and Bill will devise something suitably fitting for Comey as well. :wink:


*of course I'm speaking metaphorically, and discussing political death, not literal death - just to be clear to the Trumpsters.

Edited by keemapoot
simplify for Trump supporters
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Comey using the FBI as the KGB -- essentially for the USA -- means he has to be strung up high in the public square. Drum roll and the works. No director, ever again.


FBI has a shadowy history due to J. Edgar Hoover. Under Comey especially, he's got the great majority of Americans upset or alarmed by his Comey Coup or his July song and dance tophat press conference. 


This time was an attempt at a coup using the color of law.


The guy is convinced he's so clean he can do anything and leave himself supremely certain he's a good guy. Fact is, if Comey had half the sense of a horse, he'd realize -- and Newt Gingrich used the same 'political pretzel' word (and term) that had come to my mind -- he's out of his political league of power players. 


Comey hits the fastball out of the park but when the curveball comes in he falls over swinging at it. When he doesn't swing at the curve he gets called out looking. Politically, Comey is pushing air.  


OB continues to get immense pressure to shitcan Comey Wednesday for lunch. Don't know what OB will do, or when. But OB knows he himself made this monster and that he himself has to pull the plug. Or juice it up to the max.


Resignation is too good for him, as would be the bureaucratic water torture cause it's not the public caning Comey's got coming to him. 

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The recent declaration that there is nothing to see is too late to actually influence the election. The best thing that happened when Comey reopened the case against HRC was that it completely revitalised Trump's campaign, thus reversing his, and his supporters loss of morale after the Billy tape was released.

If Trump does win, it will be down to Comey and his surprise.

I don't know why Comey has closed the case again- perhaps to try and curry favour on the Dem's side. It's not going to change anything now- far too late.


BTW, I'm with Trump when he points out that it shouldn't be possible to review all the flagged documents from 650 THOUSAND new e mails. We only have Comey's word that it is on the up and up, and that's not looking good.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

The recent declaration that there is nothing to see is too late to actually influence the election. The best thing that happened when Comey reopened the case against HRC was that it completely revitalised Trump's campaign, thus reversing his, and his supporters loss of morale after the Billy tape was released.

If Trump does win, it will be down to Comey and his surprise.

I don't know why Comey has closed the case again- perhaps to try and curry favour on the Dem's side. It's not going to change anything now- far too late.


BTW, I'm with Trump when he points out that it shouldn't be possible to review all the flagged documents from 650 THOUSAND new e mails. We only have Comey's word that it is on the up and up, and that's not looking good.

Just one little fact you seem to ignore. These emails were on Weiner's computer.   Most of the emails had nothing to do with clinton. The only ones that did were on the ones that Abedin received and sent.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Just one little fact you seem to ignore. These emails were on Weiner's computer.   Most of the emails had nothing to do with clinton. The only ones that did were on the ones that Abedin received and sent.


This has been all over the tech news the last day for anyone who can search for it. Trump and the Trumpsters are just blowing hot air, and anyone with any tech sense can see it's another false argument:



Trump is wrong: the FBI can review hundreds of thousands of emails in a week, using automated search and filtering tools rather than Lynn’s absurd notion of Comey reading the documents manually. “This is not rocket science,” says Jonathan Zdziarski, a forensics expert who’s consulted for law enforcement and worked as a systems administrator. “Eight days is more than enough time to pull this off in a responsible way.”



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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Just one little fact you seem to ignore. These emails were on Weiner's computer.   Most of the emails had nothing to do with clinton. The only ones that did were on the ones that Abedin received and sent.

I ignore nothing. As all the mails were on his computer they all had to be reviewed. I know they used a filter, but as even the word Hillary would be flagged, there must have been a lot needing visual review.

How else would they know if he had read and reposted mails he found on it?

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3 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


This has been all over the tech news the last day for anyone who can search for it. Trump and the Trumpsters are just blowing hot air, and anyone with any tech sense can see it's another false argument:




True, but it comes down to the person that programmed the search engine.

Always remember garbage in, garbage out.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

True, but it comes down to the person that programmed the search engine.

Always remember garbage in, garbage out.


Don't worry.  I'm sure the same blood thirsty underlings who convinced Comey to write the letter to Congress guaranteed any programming was done to find absolutely any scrap of incriminating evidence. :wink:

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58 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

True, but it comes down to the person that programmed the search engine.

Always remember garbage in, garbage out.


Here we go again.

""It's rigged!".


And he was your hero a few days ago.


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The recent declaration that there is nothing to see is too late to actually influence the election. The best thing that happened when Comey reopened the case against HRC was that it completely revitalised Trump's campaign, thus reversing his, and his supporters loss of morale after the Billy tape was released.

If Trump does win, it will be down to Comey and his surprise.

I don't know why Comey has closed the case again- perhaps to try and curry favour on the Dem's side. It's not going to change anything now- far too late.


BTW, I'm with Trump when he points out that it shouldn't be possible to review all the flagged documents from 650 THOUSAND new e mails. We only have Comey's word that it is on the up and up, and that's not looking good.


RE your last point. I agree IF there is only one person but if there are 100 people that is only 6,500 emails each. With the sophisticated high speed computers that the FBI has and good search parameters it shouldn't take more than a couple of days to find ANY emails from her office. After that you search those emails for their content and if you find nothing, then perhaps there is nothing to find.


At that point Comey has no choice BUT to backtrack and apologise.


Trump of course will claim everything is rigged but he is a poor loser anyway.

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Donald Trump lost the election in the first hour after he'd descended the escalator in Trump Tower mid-last year.


By the time Trump finished his announcement statement he'd killed his campaign. Even James Comey couldn't turn the trick for Trump.


Going after Mexican immigrants, Mexico itself and the Mexican people was bad enough. Yet the wild lies only indicated what surely followed, i.e., Muslims, persons with disabilities, women with blood coming from down there, bomb the shit out of 'em...and so much more as we've seen.


As Trump went further along and as the national convention approached in July Trump discovered Paul Ryan in Ryan's capacity as convention chairman. Trump endorsed Ryan's Republican primary election opponent who Ryan crushed. 


So here is what the emails and crooked Hillary etc etc has come down to...


New York Times: “Aides to Mr. Trump have finally wrested away the Twitter account that he used to colorfully — and often counterproductively — savage his rivals. But offline, Mr. Trump still privately muses about all of the ways he will punish his enemies after Election Day, including a threat to fund a ‘super PAC’ with vengeance as its core mission. "

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16 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Donald Trump lost the election in the first hour after he'd descended the escalator in Trump Tower mid-last year.


By the time Trump finished his announcement statement he'd killed his campaign. Even James Comey couldn't turn the trick for Trump.


Going after Mexican immigrants, Mexico itself and the Mexican people was bad enough. Yet the wild lies only indicated what surely followed, i.e., Muslims, persons with disabilities, women with blood coming from down there, bomb the shit out of 'em...and so much more as we've seen.


As Trump went further along and as the national convention approached in July Trump discovered Paul Ryan in Ryan's capacity as convention chairman. Trump endorsed Ryan's Republican primary election opponent who Ryan crushed. 


So here is what the emails and crooked Hillary etc etc has come down to...


New York Times: “Aides to Mr. Trump have finally wrested away the Twitter account that he used to colorfully — and often counterproductively — savage his rivals. But offline, Mr. Trump still privately muses about all of the ways he will punish his enemies after Election Day, including a threat to fund a ‘super PAC’ with vengeance as its core mission. "

Luckovich - Trump Pivot_zpsqvjlsive.jpg

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26 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

New York Times: “Aides to Mr. Trump have finally wrested away the Twitter account that he used to colorfully — and often counterproductively — savage his rivals. But offline, Mr. Trump still privately muses about all of the ways he will punish his enemies after Election Day, including a threat to fund a ‘super PAC’ with vengeance as its core mission. "


So let's hope  they'll apply similar safety measures with the nuclear codes for the week end.

Edited by Opl
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1 minute ago, Opl said:


So let's hope  they'lltake the same safety measures with the nuclear codes for the week end.

Yes, then as I said before, they don´t trust him with a twitter account but they are ready to trust him with the codes to the "nukes" Strange people.

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There have been many mentions of the Clinton Foundation on this thread.  For a bit of clarity, there's an organization whose purpose is to grade various charities and foundations:


Clinton Foundation scored the following:    FOUR OUT OF FOUR STARS  

(as a comparison, the American Red Cross scores three out of four stars)

out of 100;     Overall Score & Rating    94.74    
  Financial    97.50      |||||     Accountability & Transparency    93.00  

Program Expenses (Percent of the charity’s total expenses spent on the programs and services it delivers) is 86.9% which is borderline phenomenal.    SOURCE

- - - - - - - - -

In contrast, here's how Trump Foundation scored:    On September 13, 2016, it came to the attention of Charity Navigator that Donald J. Trump Foundation, is the subject of an investigation by The New York Attorney General's Office. For this reason, we have issued a Moderate Concern CN Advisory.  The nature of these allegations of illegal activity, improper conduct, or organizational mismanagement are such that Charity Navigator has issued this CN Advisory to provide donors with content that they may find useful when making their giving decisions.   SOURCE

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

There have been many mentions of the Clinton Foundation on this thread.  For a bit of clarity, there's an organization whose purpose is to grade various charities and foundations:


Clinton Foundation scored the following:    FOUR OUT OF FOUR STARS  

(as a comparison, the American Red Cross scores three out of four stars)

out of 100;     Overall Score & Rating    94.74    
  Financial    97.50      |||||     Accountability & Transparency    93.00  

Program Expenses (Percent of the charity’s total expenses spent on the programs and services it delivers) is 86.9% which is borderline phenomenal.    SOURCE

- - - - - - - - -

In contrast, here's how Trump Foundation scored:    On September 13, 2016, it came to the attention of Charity Navigator that Donald J. Trump Foundation, is the subject of an investigation by The New York Attorney General's Office. For this reason, we have issued a Moderate Concern CN Advisory.  The nature of these allegations of illegal activity, improper conduct, or organizational mismanagement are such that Charity Navigator has issued this CN Advisory to provide donors with content that they may find useful when making their giving decisions.   SOURCE


As long as the FBI doesn't investigate and find malfeasance, then I doubt anyone cares. I am pretty sure the genie has been securely put back in the bottle for now. On the other hand, since Wiki, the FBI, the Russians and god knows who else seems to have access to Clinton's info, I guess the future could be considered "uncertain" on that front. Needless to say, if anyone truly does have the "smoking gun", they are saving it until she is in the White House and can do them some good.

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32 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Thanks to Comey, Wall Street feels much more confident that their multi-million $$$ investment will yield many happy returns

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Welcome to November 8th....



“Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know. … And now it’s up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on Nov. 8.


— Donald Trump, quoted by the Associated Press.




New York Times: “In the immediate term, the letter removes a cloud that has hung over the Clinton campaign since Mr. Comey announced his agents were reviewing new emails that might be related to an investigation into Mrs. Clinton that ended in July. But Mr. Comey’s move is sure to raise new questions from Democrats. Most important: Why did Mr. Comey raise the specter of wrongdoing before agents had even read the emails, especially since it took only days to determine they were not significant?”





“Apparently his campaign has taken his Twitter. In the last two days, they had so little confidence in his self control, they said we’re just gonna take away your Twitter. Now, if somebody can’t handle a Twitter account, they can’t handle the nuclear codes.”


— President Obama, quoted by Politico, about Donald Trump.



Donald Trump: Radical wildman crackpot ignoramus.

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