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Army launches cyber unit tackling distorted information


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Army launches cyber unit tackling distorted information




BANGKOK, 1 November 2016 (NNT) – The Royal Thai Army has launched the Army Cyber Center to address issues of misinformation and raise awareness on exercising discretion with technology. 

Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army General Chalermchai Sitthisart has presided over the opening ceremony of the Army Cyber Center, previously known as the Military Technology Center. The new center was established to maintain cyber security and prevent cyber threats. 

He has said the Army is focusing on the development of human resources and equipment to comprehensively and speedily tackle cyber security threats. Its main concern is the dissemination of misinformation by enemies of the state for the purpose sowing social unrest and damaging national security. 

The cyber unit will follow the distribution of misinformation with both domestic and foreign origins and communicate with the general public to raise awareness on technology usage and sharing information responsibly.

-- nnt 2016-11-01
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Seems like they are allocating time and resources to what they perceive to be pressing issues once again. Never mind about silly matters like improving the economy or the standard of living for the people living in the kingdom!

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Its main concern is the dissemination of misinformation by enemies of the state for the purpose sowing social unrest and damaging national security. 

Does anyone have a manual on what the government considers misinformation? Are they in bookstores where I can buy one or is it just another case of selective policing. We won't bite you and we won't bite you but we will bite you. When someone spouts disinformation to me its an attack on freedom of speech. 

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3 minutes ago, waldroj said:

"...The cyber unit will follow the distribution of misinformation with both domestic and foreign origins..."


Oh no !!! 


Does this mean they'll be chasing their own shadows ???   


images (1).jpg

Should serve as a good distraction. Fighting the evil invisible enemy. 

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Unfortunately, the "distorted information" often has a closer correlation with actual reality than the official line. Truth is not just avoided. It is not just suppressed and pooh poohed. It is now illegal. The truth is illegal.

Edited by debate101
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Distorted information or more simply anything the junta doesn't like or agree with.

I suppose distorted information of foreign origin will include the BBC. Jonathan Head better have an emergency bag packed as he may have to do a runner again !


The paranoia has really set in and is spreading so in the words of that beautiful old expression, ' we ain't seen nuttin' yet '.

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Sounds like some general has purchased an I phone 7 and is now going to show how an international hacker operates and also show the world how much the Thai people love a good junta.  and takes a good picture to boot.

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34 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Does anyone have a manual on what the government considers misinformation? Are they in bookstores where I can buy one or is it just another case of selective policing. We won't bite you and we won't bite you but we will bite you. When someone spouts disinformation to me its an attack on freedom of speech. 


Thats easy, it's anything they don't like.  It's admittedly a very long list of things but one could simplify things by just saying misinformation are words from anyone with an opinion that wishes to express that point of view.

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12 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Distorted information or more simply anything the junta doesn't like or agree with.

I suppose distorted information of foreign origin will include the BBC. Jonathan Head better have an emergency bag packed as he may have to do a runner again !


The paranoia has really set in and is spreading so in the words of that beautiful old expression, ' we ain't seen nuttin' yet '.


Head does include certain distortions when it suits, and certain economics with the truth. All in the phrases used and how things are emphasized, minimized or left out to point the reader in the direction he wants. But isn't that what most if not all journalists do? And now via social media we have all sorts of "personalities" as well as Joe Public doing it. I remember when at grammar school teachers constantly telling us not to believe everything we read in papers or heard on the telly.


Blatant lies, very big ones were told during the Brexit campaign, and now we have all sorts coming out of Sturgeons lips. Donald and Hilary (sound like 60's swingers) wouldn't know the truth if it bit them! And Putin and Xoa wouldn't even know the concept.


So yes, the world could do with a clean up, especially of politicians, journalists with agendas, and mega media owners pushing their own propaganda.


But who is going to do it and decide what is distorted and what isn't?  Don't think that's really possible.



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I think all of us that live here understand the reality of what truth, reality look like here.


The problem that the junta and ultra royalists are confronted with is a new age. Whereas before is was easy to censor and control what the populous could see in TV and newspapers, the digital age and the masses of Thai's who go abroad to work has unleashed vast amounts of information rather unpalatable to the fake facade everyone is supposed to believe.


The suppression and intimidation is more than likely to increase at least in the short term. The problem is, all they are doing is building a pressure cooker, which eventually will explode. The problem is their myopic view of the world will ultimately result in their own destruction

Edited by GinBoy2
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9 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

What  a load of bullcrap. They don't have the brains to solve simple balcony deaths and now they want to match it with the worlds smartest. Dream on Khun Baa

some farlang dropping on pavement is lowest priority here. insulting the uninsultable is a totally different story!

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I don´t understand why everybody is so unhappy with this, and that there are so many negative comment about all things that are happening in Thailand. This is nothing new in the rest of the world, and most of the people complaining here comes from a country that already have a since long developed system for cyber crimes and treats to the nation. Just don´t understand. When things not happen there is complains from everone here on TV, and when something happens htere are the same complaints. Be happy that they are trying to develop a country that since long has been after in every aspect of security and enforcement of laws. Maby there is only afraid people with something to hide or an evil agenda that have negative comments. What do I know? However, Inetnet is a wide network and it must be controlled in some way because there are many people that doesn´t understand what they really can say or not can say. If everyone used common sense and realized that if you are here and live by the rules, you just have nothing to hide. As simple as that instead of just complaining over everything. Negative remarks never solved anything. That´s just for people that think of Thailand as a country that should by like for 20 years ago today. Simple fact! It´s just not going to happen.

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1 minute ago, Get Real said:

I don´t understand why everybody is so unhappy with this, and that there are so many negative comment about all things that are happening in Thailand. This is nothing new in the rest of the world, and most of the people complaining here comes from a country that already have a since long developed system for cyber crimes and treats to the nation. Just don´t understand. When things not happen there is complains from everone here on TV, and when something happens htere are the same complaints. Be happy that they are trying to develop a country that since long has been after in every aspect of security and enforcement of laws. Maby there is only afraid people with something to hide or an evil agenda that have negative comments. What do I know? However, Inetnet is a wide network and it must be controlled in some way because there are many people that doesn´t understand what they really can say or not can say. If everyone used common sense and realized that if you are here and live by the rules, you just have nothing to hide. As simple as that instead of just complaining over everything. Negative remarks never solved anything. That´s just for people that think of Thailand as a country that should by like for 20 years ago today. Simple fact! It´s just not going to happen.

because it has nothing to do with actual cyber security, its about restricting freedom of speech, which does not exist here

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